The political irony as US workers go on strike against vaccine - Politics | PoFo

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Not so long ago, the (US) Democrat Party used to be the party of working class people and worker's unions, supporting worker's standing up for the individual rights against employers by staging strikes to disrupt the business.

But now there is a situation were that is totally flipped around.

Working-Class Americans Are Standing Up for Themselves—and the Left Is Denouncing Them | Opinion ... d=msedgntp

Could this be yet another sign of the beginning of a reorientation in politics? (A so-called "Barry Goldwater moment") With Trump's first presidential campaign, large swaths of the working class (especially in the Rust Belt region) threw their support to him.
Is this a sign that the Democrat Party position is becoming too elitist and decadent? (decadent on numerous social issues, while ignoring the core of what they previously held as core values)

Numerous workers in the transportation sector are going on strike because their employers are demanding all their workers have to get vaccinated.
Twenty of thirty years ago this would have been clearly seen as a case of worker exploitation, worker's rights being trampled on by big employers who have most of the power in the relationship.

So one might expect it would be the Democrats who would be the ones to stand up for these workers? No, the total opposite.
Puffer Fish wrote:Not so long ago, the (US) Democrat Party used to be the party of working class people and worker's unions, supporting worker's standing up for the individual rights against employers by staging strikes to disrupt the business.

Not so long ago, the (US) Democrat Party used to be the party of slave owners and racial segregation, supporting the South standing up for the right to own slaves and secede from the Union.

Things change, @Puffer Fish. What's your point? :eh:
If the Democrats were ever the "party of working class people", they haven't been that for at least 30 years, when Clinton came onto the scene. Sure, the AFL-CIO may still be affiliated to the Democrats, but they have hardly any real say. The Democrats' real demographics are the pharmaceutical industry, Silicon Valley and the "sensible" wing of Wall Street. Meanwhile, the Republicans look out for the fossil fuel industry, the firearms industry and the utterly insane wing of Wall Street. As George Galloway would say: two cheeks of the same arse. :|
There's often a nieve idea that the left oppose or even hate slavery. They don't. They only hate slavery when it benefits Eurassen men. So for example the left have never had a problem with the enslavement of German men after World War II. The left has never supported reparations for Germans held as slave worker despite it being far more recent than the enslavement of people of deep African descent in the United States. Another example is the way the left in Britain have sought to cover up gangs of Muslim and men from Muslim communities, making sex slaves out of our underage girls.

This is another case of the left supporting enslavement. The worker no longer has a right to even own his own body. His / her body is in effect the property of the pharmaceutical-sickness industrial complex.

The Lockdown Liberals have been lying through their teeth since this crisis. First they told us that we just needed a short sharp lock-down to defeat the China virus. In Britain they even confessed that masked wearing was ineffective and often counter productive and asked people not to wear masks. Then they changed their tune and said we need lockdowns and masks to defeat the virus. Then they changed to just hang on till we have a vaccine and then we will allow you to return to normal. Initially it was we just need to vaccinate the old and then that became we need to vaccinate the middle aged as well. And then it was we need to vaccinate all adults, even though young people suffer little from the Xi virus. Then it was we need to make vaccines compulsory for adults. They tried to blame their failures on a small minority of principled people who have the temerity to want to control their own health rather than completely surrender ever jot of power and dignity over to the Pharmaceutical-Sickness industrial complex. And then it was we need to vaccinate pre adult teenagers. Now they are talking about vaccinating children.

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