Is Biden the luckiest US president ever? - Politics | PoFo

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Is Biden the luckiest US president ever?

Other(Who else was luckier?)
First of all, he got to be president after Trump who got Covid pandemic and mishandled it badly leading to easy Bidens victory and followed by severe recovery by actually doing what was needed to be done in the first place.

Secondly, he will probably get re-elected for the 2nd term because Russian war just can't last 2 more years and Russia will capitulate with a strong Ukrainian victory while strengthening NATO and raising American stature in the world to the highest it has been in the last 30 years. While at the same time, the economy will probably boom due to decreasing interest rates(We are combating inflation with it right now but once the war is over, they will go down drastically leading to a boom) and unblocked world wide logistics and resource shipments that will restart again.
JohnRawls wrote:
Is Biden the luckiest US president ever?

Biden started with things all f**ked up. It's been one crisis after another, and they keep coming faster than they leave.

I'd say his luck is terrible, but he's done a good job rising to the challenges.
JohnRawls wrote:First of all, he got to be president after Trump who got Covid pandemic and mishandled it badly leading to easy Bidens victory and followed by severe recovery by actually doing what was needed to be done in the first place.

False. Biden did nothing. There is no effective way way to combat covid worldwide.

Secondly, he will probably get re-elected for the 2nd term because Russian war just can't last 2 more years and Russia will capitulate with a strong Ukrainian victory while strengthening NATO and raising American stature in the world to the highest it has been in the last 30 years.

False. US Congress cannot fund Ukraine for ever. There is a limit to that. There are already criticisms about his handling of Ukraine war. Biden doesn't have an actual plan.
While at the same time, the economy will probably boom due to decreasing interest rates(We are combating inflation with it right now but once the war is over, they will go down drastically leading to a boom) and unblocked world wide logistics and resource shipments that will restart again.

False. Interest rate hikes slow spending. Cost of capital increases. Companies borrow with higher interest rates. Thus, companies make less profits. That results in recession which mean decreases in the gross national income.

The US economy will never be what it used to be. It will be outnumbered by China in a few years. American economy will never recover back to its mightiest times.
wat0n wrote:Luckiest POTUS ever was Bill Clinton, hands down...

Indeed he was, despite his best attempts to fuck everything up. Literally.
I think a great number of US Presidents kind of got to where they are because they were lucky enough to be 'in the right place at the right time' several times in their lives. This certainly applies to Biden, however I think he certainly has not been lucky in terms of the social and economic situation he has inherited. On the other hand again though, the Roe v Wade thing was obviously very lucky for the Democrats. Idk, I think we'll have to wait a few more years to see how lucky he really is...
Local Localist wrote:I think a great number of US Presidents kind of got to where they are because they were lucky enough to be 'in the right place at the right time' several times in their lives. This certainly applies to Biden, however I think he certainly has not been lucky in terms of the social and economic situation he has inherited. On the other hand again though, the Roe v Wade thing was obviously very lucky for the Democrats. Idk, I think we'll have to wait a few more years to see how lucky he really is...

“Call no man happy until the day of his death.” - Solon
Fasces wrote:Biden is lucky only in the sense that Trump was "unlucky".

Basic competence and hard work looks like luck to idiots.

Sure there is that argument to be made. But I can't fully rule out the "luck" factor in ruling and administration. I know it is a bit unease to accept that some thing are TOO A CERTAIN DEGREE are a luck of the draw that you can't control but I think that it is a more realistic approach to view it besides just skill.
Politics_Observer wrote:I find that the more educated the person is, as well as having good common sense, emotionally and mentally stable, along with a good work ethic, the luckier they are.

There is that sure which is the foundation for success but it doesn't guarantee it. Look at Augustus as an example, he failed numerous times in many endevours but succeeded in the end through what you describe.

There was a saying in ancient Rome."Felicior Augusto, melior Traiano " (Latin: "be more fortunate than Augustus [and] better than Trajan) was the formula delivered in the Roman Senate at the inauguration of late Roman emperors.

My point being is that external factors that outside of your control can change the situation greatly even if you are educated, hard working, mentally stable and so on. And for those people, who get the benefit of it, can be considered lucky in my opinion.

Biden didn't know that there will be covid durring his election and that Trump will fuck it up severely. Biden didn't know that Putin will gift him the greatest relationship boon with the rest of the world along perhaps victory against Russia itself without loosing even 1 soldier.
JohnRawls wrote:
There is that sure which is the foundation for success but it doesn't guarantee it. Look at Augustus as an example, he failed numerous times in many endevours but succeeded in the end through what you describe.

There was a saying in ancient Rome."Felicior Augusto, melior Traiano " (Latin: "be more fortunate than Augustus [and] better than Trajan) was the formula delivered in the Roman Senate at the inauguration of late Roman emperors.

My point being is that external factors that outside of your control can change the situation greatly even if you are educated, hard working, mentally stable and so on. And for those people, who get the benefit of it, can be considered lucky in my opinion.

Biden didn't know that there will be covid durring his election and that Trump will fuck it up severely. Biden didn't know that Putin will gift him the greatest relationship boon with the rest of the world along perhaps victory against Russia itself without loosing even 1 soldier.

Kevin Philips (Republican political strategist turned analyst) liked to say that it's better to be lucky, than smart. He was talking about Carter and Reagan.

Biden walked into the Oval Office in the middle of the pandemic, a disintegrating economy, and a badly strained relationship with the world.

It took a ton of work, and a mastery of politics, but he turned it around.

He had luck, as you say, Putin got him Europe's undivided attention. That just doesn't happen these days. But without the work, and skill, it could have easily gone the other way.

He has done way better than I expected. I didn't expect much more than holding the Death Cult back for a few years. He will likely be remembered as a 2nd tier president, behind Washington, Lincoln and FDR.
late wrote:Kevin Philips (Republican political strategist turned analyst) liked to say that it's better to be lucky, than smart. He was talking about Carter and Reagan.

Biden walked into the Oval Office in the middle of the pandemic, a disintegrating economy, and a badly strained relationship with the world.

It took a ton of work, and a mastery of politics, but he turned it around.

He had luck, as you say, Putin got him Europe's undivided attention. That just doesn't happen these days. But without the work, and skill, it could have easily gone the other way.

He has done way better than I expected. I didn't expect much more than holding the Death Cult back for a few years. He will likely be remembered as a 2nd tier president, behind Washington, Lincoln and FDR.

Biden will also take credit with post-covid and post-Russia agression economic boom that will probably last a decade. It will be the outcome of logistics getting back to normal and interest rates being droped after inflation has been dealt with.
JohnRawls wrote:

Biden will also take credit with post-covid and post-Russia aggression economic boom that will probably last a decade. It will be the outcome of logistics getting back to normal and interest rates being dropped after inflation has been dealt with.

I'm still expecting a recession, at the least. I also think we've seen the end of really low interest rates for a decade or more.

But, ya never know..
late wrote:Biden started with things all f**ked up. It's been one crisis after another, and they keep coming faster than they leave.

I'd say his luck is terrible, but he's done a good job rising to the challenges.

Biden gave us the debacle of a withdrawal in Afshitistan. He gave the Taliban more weaponry than most small countries put together. Some of that weaponry will be sold for $$$, reverse engineered by major powers like China and Russia and used against us in the future to make their weaponry and systems better and the entire AOR is turning to shit.

Afghanistan turning into a DC shitstorm? Send Kamala to Vietnam out of the lime light.

Biden whined constantly about anyone with a record of 250,000 covid deaths should resign. That comment was pointed at Trump. Meanwhile, we've crossed the one million line of covid deaths under Biden. Will Biden resign under the standards he championed?

Biden repeatedly stated "One hundred days (masks) to slow the spread". Uh huh

Biden stated "if you get vaccinated, you won't get covid". Uh huh.

Biden stated he would end the pandemic repeatedly. Uh huh.

When Biden COULDN'T end the pandemic, he stated "there is no federal solution". Uh huh.

A simple rollout of home-testing kits bungled. Uh huh.

Let's redefine the term "recession" because it's inconvenient news. Staright out the book 1984.

Biden came into office, changed policy enforcement on illegal immigrants and now here we are. All his doing. Uh huh.

Biden dishes out helicopter money like crazy. Inflation ensues. Uh huh.

Biden ridiculously attacks oil and refining companies at the behest of the leftist wing of the DNC causing transportation problems and shortages of goods.

Instead of taking a thoughtful approach on baby formula, the administration bungles by oversteering and turning it into a national crisis. Bravo!

Biden rages on TV with wild fire and brimstone speeches because he's losing his mind and his favorability ratings are taking a shit. All because of his shitty PERFORMANCE. Biden was a dud as senator, vice and now president.

Wokeness on steroids!!!!!!

Gin up racism accusations when all else fails as per the democrat playbook.

Shitty economy, shitty foreign policy transmitting weakness, shortages, massive inflation, now whispers of nuclear war... welcome to the modern Democrat Party!!!

So many more FAILURES have taken place due to Biden & Company. So little time.
late wrote:I'm still expecting a recession, at the least. I also think we've seen the end of really low interest rates for a decade or more.

This is necessary. Interest rates should never have been held so low for so long after the worst of great recession past.
BlutoSays wrote:

Biden gave us the debacle of a withdrawal in Afghanistan.

He gave the Taliban more weaponry than most small countries put together.

Biden whined constantly about anyone with a record of 250,000 covid deaths should resign.

Trump cut the deal to get out of Afghanistan.

A supermajority of our country wanted to leave, so we left.

Biden was talking about *avoidable* deaths.

Hang it up, cowpoke, your horse died a long time ago..

JohnRawls wrote:Biden didn't know that there will be covid durring his election and that Trump will fuck it up severely. Biden didn't know that Putin will gift him the greatest relationship boon with the rest of the world along perhaps victory against Russia itself without loosing even 1 soldier.

Biden also seized the opportunity that was presented to him which some people don't do. Plus, I think he has a genuine desire to keep the threat to freedom and democracy at bay here in the U.S. and ensure it's continued survival. So, I think Biden is carrying out his duty as President properly. As far as not losing one soldier, I think this was smart thinking by Biden. It's better to outsmart, rather than outfight, your adversaries.

Unfortunately for the Ukrainians though, it is costing them a lot of blood, treasure, and destruction of their country which I do not wish on anybody. But I am glad that it is not our military and country paying the cost in blood and having our infrastructure decimated. Yes, we are sending money and weapons and supplies to the Ukrainians but that is a very cheap cost to us when you compare the cost that the Ukrainians are bearing right now or the cost we would end up paying in the long term if we did not send money and weapons to Ukraine. The Ukrainians are paying a much higher price. But we here in the U.S will benefit from their victory at a very low cost to ourselves.

Given that is the case, I think Ukraine should be granted EU and NATO membership and give them treaty obligation military protection because they have earned it. Plus, they deserve to live in the economic prosperity that EU membership would bring them in the long term.
Politics_Observer wrote:@JohnRawls

Biden also seized the opportunity that was presented to him which some people don't do. Plus, I think he has a genuine desire to keep the threat to freedom and democracy at bay here in the U.S. and ensure it's continued survival. So, I think Biden is carrying out his duty as President properly. As far as not losing one soldier, I think this was smart thinking by Biden. It's better to outsmart, rather than outfight, your adversaries.

Unfortunately for the Ukrainians though, it is costing them a lot of blood, treasure, and destruction of their country which I do not wish on anybody. But I am glad that it is not our military and country paying the cost in blood and having our infrastructure decimated. Yes, we are sending money and weapons and supplies to the Ukrainians but that is a very cheap cost to us when you compare the cost that the Ukrainians are bearing right now or the cost we would end up paying in the long term if we did not send money and weapons to Ukraine. The Ukrainians are paying a much higher price. But we here in the U.S will benefit from their victory at a very low cost to ourselves.

Given that is the case, I think Ukraine should be granted EU and NATO membership and give them treaty obligation military protection because they have earned it. Plus, they deserve to live in the economic prosperity that EU membership would bring them in the long term.

Seizing the opportunity is skill but having the opportunity in the first place is luck. This is the gist of my question proposed. Basically has any other president really have such easy opportunities to get elected and further his presidential standing?

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