Itamar Ben-Gvi to Join government - Politics | PoFo

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With all these reports of Russian atrocities in Ukraine and even suggestions that Ukrainian troops might have committed war crimes, its great to have some good news. At last someone who really respects human rights is being given a position of authority. BBC :)
wiki wrote: In 1995, after Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin signed the Oslo Accords peace agreements with Palestine, Ben-Gvir threatened Prime Minister Rabin, stealing the hood ornament from Rabin's Cadillac and saying, "we got to his car, and we'll get to him too." Rabin was assassinated by another right-wing extremist two weeks later.

Yeah, he's definitely a keeper.


Rich wrote:With all these reports of Russian atrocities in Ukraine and even suggestions that Ukrainian troops might have committed war crimes, its great to have some good news. At last someone who really respects human rights is being given a position of authority. BBC :)

I am a bit surprised that Netanyahu did not approach him sooner.
Rich wrote:With all these reports of Russian atrocities in Ukraine...

That's the wonderful thing about having an effective media that covers all the stories that help us understand our world.

Because we know about all the atrocities that Iran, North Korea, and Russia are involved in, we are willing to steal their resources or drop chemicals on their farmers.

Itamar Ben-Gvi really deserves his own talk show on Fox News so that more people can "discover" his philosophy.

I'd like to see him interview Ye, as a season-opener.
QatzelOk wrote:I'd like to see him interview Ye, as a season-opener.

I suspect most Israeils car more about what someone actually does to secure the long term strategic position of Israel than who they have dinner with. Donald Trump I believe is to have a settlement named after him on the Golan Heights. We'll see if Joe Biden does anything in his Presidency to merit such an honour.
QatzelOk wrote:That's the wonderful thing about having an effective media that covers all the stories that help us understand our world.

Because we know about all the atrocities that Iran, North Korea, and Russia are involved in, we are willing to steal their resources or drop chemicals on their farmers.

Itamar Ben-Gvir really deserves his own talk show on Fox News so that more people can "discover" his philosophy.

I'd like to see him interview Ye, as a season-opener.

For those who don't know who Ben-Gvir is, and what some people are concerned about, here is a news report from "Democracy Now" . Criticism of Ben-Gvir is being levied, just mostly from both alternative media, and the Jewish left, both in Israel, and the United States.

Of course the great irony of this scene is that neither of them speak English. They both speak American. American is a stupid language, where the word liberal has contradictory meanings. Don't blame me for this I would prefer it if we could have stuck to English. But we are where we are.

Anyway the key thing to understand about Weimar Germany and Israel is that they were both extremely unfavourable environments in which to establish Liberal Democratic governance. Carping at Weimar Germany and Israel is a bit like assigning a person an allotment in the middle of the Sahara and then complaining that his marrows are a bit on the small side. Its difficult to find words to describe the harshness of the environment for Liberal Democracy in Weimar Germany and Israel when compared to say Britain or Sweden. Regardless of whether you think the idea of a German or an Israeli nation state was a wonderful idea, pure evil or somewhere in between, these environments and their historical cultural context were almost designed to produce anti Liberal extremist forces.

Anti liberal forces that sought to undermine such liberal principles as

Free Speech
The rule of Law
Freedom of Religion
Racial and Religious equality before the law.

Hence the fact that Itamar Ben-Gvir may end up as Security minister is a great credit to the Israeli system. Under the American system Itamar may well have ended up as President. If the Americans on the other hand had the Israeli system its possible that Trump might have led a parliamentary faction, maybe he could have been a minister, but its extremely unlikely that he would ever have got to be Prime Minister.
Rich wrote:Hence the fact that Itamar Ben-Gvir may end up as Security minister is a great credit to the Israeli system. Under the American system Itamar may well have ended up as President.

Yes, Israel is careful to place all its Andrew Jacksons in positions where they can only harm Palestinians.

I'm sure the Palestinians are scared, like they are supposed to be. Another monster puts on his new tie.

bestest quote wrote:
Fear As Control: Top 15 Quotes From “Animal Farm”

...using fear to achieve domination and control over other animals in the farm, which ends up in dictatorship...

Interesting interview with Jordan Peterson. I've been criticised for denying that the Jews had a historical right to take over Palestine at the time of the Balfour declaration. The first problem with this claim is that the Jews are genetically closer to Europeans than people of the Middle East.
Rich wrote:The first problem with this claim is that the Jews are genetically closer to Europeans than people of the Middle East.

Yes, and the expression "antisemitism" referred to the animosity that Europeans often had towards the peoples of the Middle East and North Africa - Semites. And since just after WW2, Europeans have had a base from which to torture actual, real Semites. Hobble their development. Keep them poor and disorganized. And they got this base by ethnic-cleansing Semites.

The "hate of Arabs and Muslims" that has been produced by commercial media... is the best modern example of anti-semitism in action. Along with the slow ethnic-cleansing of Palestine. And the non-stop wars against Arab countries.

And much of this hate-speech against Arabs and Muslims (and now, Russians) comes from people who claim to be victims of antisemitism themselves. Isn't this must "mudding the waters" of truth?

Let's all welcome this eager ethnic-cleanser to Europe's Arab-containment!
"Israelis" protesting their arses off lately because they don't like to be associated with the likes of Ben-Gvir is some funny shit :lol: considering they're okay with stuff like the occupation and apartheid, a concentration camp etc.

Combined with the uprisings in the West Bank, things are looking good in Palestine..
skinster wrote:"Israelis" protesting their arses off lately because they don't like to be associated with the likes of Ben-Gvir is some funny shit :lol: considering they're okay with stuff like the occupation and apartheid, a concentration camp etc. ...

This *double-speak, lying-to-yourself* fig-leaf media... is not exclusive to this particular politician in this particular country.

In much of the Western countries, we want everything for ourselves, but we ALSO want our media to tell us that we're not greedy.

We require both of these (insatiable acquisition, memes that tell us that we're nice) to continue mindlessly plundering the rest of the world.

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