The Wuhan virus—how are we doing? - Page 205 - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Provision of the two UN HDI indicators other than GNP.
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Rancid wrote:Shouldn't those that got the vaccine should be dead by now?

Oh, it didn't kill you yet? Fantastic!

Is this really all you have to hope for, *not dying of your vaccine?*

Normally, after vaccine passports, extreme economic measures, lockdowns, etc.... the most you can hope for is non-fatal side effects?
Change Exchange Health wrote:
”The future will be about finding a way to reduce the population. We start with the old, because as soon as they exceed 60-65 years, people live longer than they produce and that costs society dearly. Then the weak, then the useless that do not help society because there will always be more of them, and above all, ultimately, the stupid.

Euthanasia will have to be an essential tool in our future societies, in all cases. Of course we will not be able to execute people or build camps.

We get rid of them by making them believe that it is for their own good. Overpopulation, and mostly useless, is something that is too costly economically.

Socially, too, it is much better when the human machine comes to an abrupt standstill than when it gradually deteriorates.

Neither will we be able to test millions upon millions of people for their intelligence, you bet that! We will find or cause something a pandemic targeting certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus affecting the old or the fat, it doesn’t matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and stupid will believe in it and seek treatment. We will have made sure that treatment is in place, treatment that will be the solution. The selection of idiots then takes care of itself: You go to the slaughter by yourself." Jacques Attali (1981)


Many websites attribute these words to Jacques Attali, one of French president's Mitterand's advisors.

Other websites - fact-check sites - claim that Attali never wrote these words in any of his writings, or said this in his interviews.

However, I am unable to find any pdf versions of "A Brief History of the Future" or "The Future of Life" online. Though other books by this author are available.

Should we assume that his books have been suppressed, but that we can trust Reuters when they say there's nothing to see here? No need to read the books ourselves because we're well represented by book-banning organizations and fact-checkers?
In a visit to my doctor on Thursday, he said that Kaiser Permanente did not have a date set for the next round of booster shots. He expects future COVID vaccinations to be an annual event, like the flu vaccine.

He said my remaining at-home COVID test, dated for July 2022, might still be effective. Free at-home tests are no longer available but can still be bought at pharmacies. If you suspect you have COVID, Kaiser Permanente members can still get a COVID test that is sent to a lab.

On my way to his office, I heard staff arguing with an old woman who refused to wear a mask because, she said, that should not be expected of women from her generation.

A newswoman on the Sacramento CBS affiliate said that COVID deaths in California had reached 100,000, about the same number of people who reside in Vacaville. That’s where I live.
Robert Urbanek wrote:On my way to his office, I heard staff arguing with an old woman who refused to wear a mask because, she said, that should not be expected of women from her generation.

She probably grew up back in the days that "critical thinking" was popular. Those "critical thinkers" are responsible for virtually all the human rights we *used to* enjoy.

Poor her. She might not like find it easy to fit in with this new zombie-reality of screen-washed spectator drones who gladly give up all their human rights to the oligarchs.
QatzelOk wrote:She probably grew up back in the days that "critical thinking" was popular. Those "critical thinkers" are responsible for virtually all the human rights we *used to* enjoy.

Poor her. She might not like find it easy to fit in with this new zombie-reality of screen-washed spectator drones who gladly give up all their human rights to the oligarchs.

"It's all about me" is the culture of the West.

even before the coronavirus outbreak, masks were a common sight across East Asia—worn for a variety of reasons. It’s common for people who are ill and want to protect the people around them to wear masks. Others wear masks during cold and flu season to protect themselves.
Robert Urbanek wrote:"It's all about me" is the culture of the West.

The West is also *all about trends.*

When jumping off cliffs becomes one of them, remember, buffalo have been doing this for centuries.

Sold on cliff-jumping yet?
Lol, “how is this thread still active?” . It really should be kicking off about now with the consensus trending towards a probable lab leak. I remember the early days in PoFo where people who dared talk about that were ‘conspiracy theorists’.

I wanted to start a poll the other day on Ivermectin but decided against it, because , well you know…^^^

I don’t like ivermectin. I think it gave my pooch seizures and I find it totally weird that doctors prescribe it to children as medication for head lice. So I have my personal prejudices, none of which are scientific of course because word on the street is Ivermectin is a highly safe and effective anti parasitic with other uses also.

But there’s a cohort of intelligent and qualified people out there who think Ivermectin was suppressed as a treatment because governments wouldn’t be able to release the vaccine under emergency powers if there was a viable therapeutic. They also assert that medical trials were carried out in such a half arsed manner that the results were predictably inconclusive.

So I suspect this thread has a way to run.
Ivermectin and Hydrochloroquine WERE used to treat Covid-19, but ONLY under specific circumstances and those were a very tiny percentage. The hazards of dosing yourself outweighed the benefits by a country mile. That's why they told people NOT to treat yourselves with the drugs. The claims of these drugs being miracle cures were as valid as the claim that demon semen was causing Covid-19.
Ivermectin is the main component in the anti-tick medication for dogs. Your last post made it seem as if you knew this. I am pretty sure it can be bought over-the-counter, too.
Ah, the whole horse de-wormer thing. I forgot about all those people taking up hospital beds because of ivermectin overdoses.
ness31 wrote:Ah, the whole horse de-wormer thing. I forgot about all those people taking up hospital beds because of ivermectin overdoses.

The last thing that the drug cartels want is for cheap, over-the-counter cures to be readily available.

We lived through a vaccine informercial for three years. Fear got the best of most of us.
No, @QatzelOk. The last thing doctors wanted, since they were making the recommendations(to help people), was for people to self-medicate and end up dead from foolishness promoted by Google MDs, like yourself. Facebook is not a source of medical information, no matter how much you want to believe it. The medications were used but only in specific circumstances, as how most are used, and by doctors who had the education and intelligence to know when.

The vaccine saved lives. That's a fact that a great many fools cannot accept. They'll accept every other kind of medical assistance in the world, but when it comes to ONE vaccine, they lose their fool heads over it.

Being afraid of real things is not foolishness. Dismissing those fears as unwarranted, given the millions who died from Covid-19, is. The vaccine was a way to allay those fears, as well as prevent deaths. Is that why you don't like it? You want to live in fear and death?

Your florid prose obfuscates your true ignorance and lack of critical thinking ability.
ness31 wrote:Lol, “how is this thread still active?” . It really should be kicking off about now with the consensus trending towards a probable lab leak. I remember the early days in PoFo where people who dared talk about that were ‘conspiracy theorists’.

What trend? :eh:
Reichstraten wrote:I didn’t discern any trend.

During a trend, it becomes absolutely emotionally important to consume a new product or service. The hysterics around the new product or service... are surreal in their exaggeration and narrow optics. "Playing with a yo-yo has changed my life!" type of hysterics.

While in the past, flashy magazines would initiate trends, today Search Engine Optimization can accomplish this without drawing any notice from media illiterates

People are made to feel *left out* if they don't jump on the bandwagon.

They feel like they might *lose out* on something important and crititical for *their time.*

And it seems like *everyone who is anyone* is partaking in this new product or service.

People who don't *follow the trend* are depicted - by commercial media voices - as losers, slackers, and possibly suspicious and sneaky.

That most of what we do and say today in Western society is based on *trends* shows how morbidly superficial our suburban nothingness has made us.
Swiss Policy Research wrote:The Lockdown Lunacy in Retrospect


...As is well established by now, lockdowns were an almost complete failure as a strategy to suppress or contain the flu-like novel coronavirus: in most cases, lockdowns failed both to “flatten the curve” in the short term and to reduce cumulative excess mortality in the long term (see chart below).

Indeed, no-lockdown states achieved a perfectly average or even a below-average pandemic excess mortality compared to their regional peers, as shown by Sweden in Western Europe, Belarus in Eastern Europe, Florida in the United States, Brazil and Nicaragua in Latin America, Japan in East Asia, or Tanzania in Black Africa...


The Ebola lockdowns (2014-2016)

The covid pandemic was not the first time lockdowns were imposed in response to a virus outbreak. In fact, already during the West African Ebola outbreak in 2014 to 2016, which killed about 10,000 people, Liberia and Sierra Leone imposed multiple brief lockdowns to “curb the spread”.

At the time, the lockdowns were depicted as a success, but later studies found they were not effective, even though Ebola is thought to spread mainly via sweat, blood and saliva, not via aerosols. Nevertheless, the Ebola lockdowns set a precedent for the management of such outbreaks.

The response to the West African Ebola outbreak was largely managed and funded by the WHO and US institutions, most notably the US CDC, the Gates Foundation, and shadowy Pentagon contractor Metabiota, which is led by one Nathan Wolfe, a WEF Young Global Leader...


Bogus scientific studies and computer models were another important factor that contributed to lockdowns. There were two types of such studies: first, predictive studies that modeled an unlimited exponential rise in infections and deaths without lockdowns, and second, retro­spective studies that attributed any decline in infections to lockdowns and other measures...


In Western countries, many people are old and fragile, while many young people are neurotic and easily scared and manipulated. Taken together, these demographic and psychological factors likely contributed to the panicked response and the repeated and prolonged imposition of lockdowns...



In conclusion, the imposition of covid lockdowns was driven by several factors, including:

1) the biosecurity strategy of “maximum suppression until mass vaccination”; 2) the West African Ebola outbreak and the false belief that the covid outbreak was similar to an Ebola outbreak, not a flu pandemic; 3) the seemingly successful Wuhan lockdown; 4) the misleading WHO report; 5) bogus modeling studies; 6) pressure by international institutions such as the IMF; 7) partisan politics in some cases; 8) demographic and psychological factors; 9) the possibility of digital and remote work; and 10) large-scale propaganda campaigns and psychological operations...

A look back at the recent "trend" that most people would prefer to forget, though the vaccine will live on in their bodies possibly for the rest of their lives.

I write this as someone who is glad he never got a tatoo when they were trendy....
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