'Detransitioners' warn others against gender change - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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'Detransitioners' warn others against gender change

There are tons of stories emerging about this. Here are just three.

Here a complex issue was boiled down to fast-tracked transition, before Prisha fully had the time to grasp her subconscious and conscious identity. Life changing alterations were made at the hands of reckless doctors and vulnerable patients.

"By the time I was 17, I was being medicalized by a pediatrician with a high dose of testosterone. One year later, my healthy breasts were removed.
The appointment with my gender therapist was only 15 minutes long. When I walked in, my letter of recommendation was already typed up on her computer, and she was filling in my name in minutes. I had been seeing a regular therapist for several years for my mental disorders.
Even she said that all of my other conditions were caused by being born in the wrong body.
My parents were lied to and manipulated by the same therapists and by my doctors.
They were told to choose between a dead daughter and a living son."​

TikTok video link #1

Detransitioners keep telling us that they could not consent. They were too young to understand what the impact of their decision would have. When will the medical community and lawmakers listen? Luka Hein

"At 16, the very first medical intervention I ever had was a double mastectomy.
A few months later I was then put on cross sex hormones.
I am now 21. I live with constant joint pain. To the point that is so bad that I have not been able to get out of class, out of bed, to go to class. Some days my vocal cords ache, my breasts are gone, and I will never know if I will be able to carry a child because there's a good possibility I'm sterile.
You call this care?
I could not consent to this due to both my age and my mental health conditions.
My parents were baited with the idea that I would commit suicide if this was not given to me. They were told, would you rather have a dead daughter or a living son?
These are not the words of a doctor. They are the words of a politically motivated activist.
Kids deserve a chance to grow up whole. They deserve a chance at life."​

TikTok video link #2

'Mutilating children for profit.' California teen sues doctors over breast-removal surgery at 13 in Kaiser Permanente's 2nd blockbuster trans lawsuit

Layla Jane says her puberty blockers and hormones were a medical 'torment'
Kaiser Permanente doctors offered trans care after minutes-long consultations
Another California teen Chloe Cole last month sued the same hospital​

A California teenager has started to sue the doctors who at age 13 cut off her breasts in a medical gender change she now bitterly regrets. The 18-year-old, who is referred to as Layla Jane, says she should never have been put through the 'torment' of testosterone hormones at age 12 and puberty blockers and surgery the next year.

She is one of a growing number of detransitioners, as they are known, who come to regret their procedures and sue the doctors they accuse of pushing them into irreversible treatments instead of counselling.
"I don't think I should have been allowed to change my sex before I could legally consent to have sex. I don't think I'm better off for the experience, and I think transition just completely added fuel to the fire that was my pre-existing conditions."
According to legal papers, Layla experienced moodiness, anxiety, gender confusion and anger issues as a child. At age 11 learned about radical transgender ideology and went online to learn more about the new trend.
According to the suit, doctors at the Permanente Medical Group and Kaiser Foundation Hospitals rushed her on to cross-sex hormones and a double mastectomy without properly assessing her mental health problems. Her evaluations lasted only 30 minutes and 75 minutes, records show.
"These are decisions I will have to live with for the rest of my life," Layla said.
Layla speaks with a voice deeper than is usual for a young woman, which is understood to be the result of taking the male hormone testosterone for several years. She started to detransition at age 17.

'Mutilating children for profit.' California teen sues doctors over breast-removal surgery at 13 in Kaiser Permanente's 2nd blockbuster trans lawsuit | Sam's Alfresco Coffee (sammyboy.com)

parts of articles copied in case links stop working, and for convenience since it may take too long to load links for some users

These are children, and horrible mistakes were made. These children were not truly ready to make the decision that they made, and they're going to have to live with lifelong consequences as a result.

Mainstream media is of course not giving these types of stories much attention.
Puffer Fish wrote:'Detransitioners' warn others against gender change

There are tons of stories emerging about this. Here are just three.

Here a complex issue was boiled down to fast-tracked transition, before Prisha fully had the time to grasp her subconscious and conscious identity. Life changing alterations were made at the hands of reckless doctors and vulnerable patients.

"By the time I was 17, I was being medicalized by a pediatrician with a high dose of testosterone. One year later, my healthy breasts were removed.
The appointment with my gender therapist was only 15 minutes long. When I walked in, my letter of recommendation was already typed up on her computer, and she was filling in my name in minutes. I had been seeing a regular therapist for several years for my mental disorders.
Even she said that all of my other conditions were caused by being born in the wrong body.
My parents were lied to and manipulated by the same therapists and by my doctors.
They were told to choose between a dead daughter and a living son."​

TikTok video link #1

Detransitioners keep telling us that they could not consent. They were too young to understand what the impact of their decision would have. When will the medical community and lawmakers listen? Luka Hein

"At 16, the very first medical intervention I ever had was a double mastectomy.
A few months later I was then put on cross sex hormones.
I am now 21. I live with constant joint pain. To the point that is so bad that I have not been able to get out of class, out of bed, to go to class. Some days my vocal cords ache, my breasts are gone, and I will never know if I will be able to carry a child because there's a good possibility I'm sterile.
You call this care?
I could not consent to this due to both my age and my mental health conditions.
My parents were baited with the idea that I would commit suicide if this was not given to me. They were told, would you rather have a dead daughter or a living son?
These are not the words of a doctor. They are the words of a politically motivated activist.
Kids deserve a chance to grow up whole. They deserve a chance at life."​

TikTok video link #2

'Mutilating children for profit.' California teen sues doctors over breast-removal surgery at 13 in Kaiser Permanente's 2nd blockbuster trans lawsuit

Layla Jane says her puberty blockers and hormones were a medical 'torment'
Kaiser Permanente doctors offered trans care after minutes-long consultations
Another California teen Chloe Cole last month sued the same hospital​

A California teenager has started to sue the doctors who at age 13 cut off her breasts in a medical gender change she now bitterly regrets. The 18-year-old, who is referred to as Layla Jane, says she should never have been put through the 'torment' of testosterone hormones at age 12 and puberty blockers and surgery the next year.

She is one of a growing number of detransitioners, as they are known, who come to regret their procedures and sue the doctors they accuse of pushing them into irreversible treatments instead of counselling.
"I don't think I should have been allowed to change my sex before I could legally consent to have sex. I don't think I'm better off for the experience, and I think transition just completely added fuel to the fire that was my pre-existing conditions."
According to legal papers, Layla experienced moodiness, anxiety, gender confusion and anger issues as a child. At age 11 learned about radical transgender ideology and went online to learn more about the new trend.
According to the suit, doctors at the Permanente Medical Group and Kaiser Foundation Hospitals rushed her on to cross-sex hormones and a double mastectomy without properly assessing her mental health problems. Her evaluations lasted only 30 minutes and 75 minutes, records show.
"These are decisions I will have to live with for the rest of my life," Layla said.
Layla speaks with a voice deeper than is usual for a young woman, which is understood to be the result of taking the male hormone testosterone for several years. She started to detransition at age 17.

'Mutilating children for profit.' California teen sues doctors over breast-removal surgery at 13 in Kaiser Permanente's 2nd blockbuster trans lawsuit | Sam's Alfresco Coffee (sammyboy.com)

parts of articles copied in case links stop working, and for convenience since it may take too long to load links for some users

These are children, and horrible mistakes were made. These children were not truly ready to make the decision that they made, and they're going to have to live with lifelong consequences as a result.

Mainstream media is of course not giving these types of stories much attention.

What steps have taken to check these stories?
Puffer Fish wrote:You're so brainwashed, you're in denial when confronted with reality.
"This couldn't be true. It feels so contradictory to everything I know..."

People who are in cults react the same way when attempts are made to deprogram them.

So nothing. YOU read someting that confirms your prejuscies you assume it;s ture. It;s pretty easy wayto get repeatedly suckered.

You been shown to credulous person wiling to believe anything that appeals to your preferences.

When are tyou goingto start taking solemn responsibility and at least take an interest in your own acquisition of information?
"My name is Prisha Mosley and I'm a 25-year-old woman and detransitioner. Since childhood, I have struggled with my mental health. As is the case for many girls, my teen years were particularly difficult. Tragically, at age 14, I suffered from a sexual assault. At age 15, I was hospitalized for depression. By age 16, I was diagnosed with major depressive disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and an eating disorder. I engaged in self-harm by cutting myself, which became so serious that I was taken to the emergency room.

Starting when I was 16 years old, and continuing into my teen and young adult years, doctors and counselors set me on a path of medicalized "gender transition". They told me that changing my body to look like a boy’s body would cure my mental health problems. They told me that injecting large amounts of testosterone into my female body would be good for me. They also encouraged me to undergo surgery to remove my healthy breasts.

I trusted these health care providers to take care of me. Because of that relationship of trust, and my vulnerable condition, I believed what they said and I thought they were treating me properly.

Years later, I realized that I had been lied to and misled in the worst possible way. Years of taking testosterone prevented my body from developing as it should have. It caused significant vaginal atrophy and the inability to have intercourse.

My voice was permanently changed; I was no longer able to lift my voice and sing, which I used to love doing. I experienced severe pain in my shoulders, neck, and genital area. I do not know if I will be able to conceive and give birth to a child.

As a result of breast surgery, I have to live without my breasts and I am unable to nurse a child, should I be able to conceive one. I have pain in my chest where my breasts used to be.

This "gender-affirming care" was anything but. Instead of addressing my severe mental health issues and helping me feel comfortable in my feminine body, my doctors and counselors pushed me into the belief that damaging my body was the answer. It was not the answer. Their "care" - in the form of testosterone injections and breast surgery - left me broken [...] It did not cure my mental health problems and instead made them worse.

I also want troubled teenagers, who are looking for belonging and acceptance like I was, to know that you can be accepted for who you are. Trying to change your body won't fix you. It’ll break you."

I began 'gender transition' at 16. I was lied to in a terrible way. Now I am seeking justice , Fox News, July 20, 2023, Opinion by Prisha Mosley
Another HORRIFYING detransition story of mutilated 15 year old

"Penny was just 11 years old when she decided that people online were right -- that she was 'transgender.' At 13, she was prescribed hormone blockers, and by 15, she’d had a double mastectomy. Now, at 16, she’s raising money on gofundme for a breast reconstruction."

"Very shortly after surgery, my depression got worse. I hated myself just as much as ever, leading me to a psychiatric hospitalization in October 2019."

"From the very start, people online told me that if I was uncomfortable with my body, I was probably trans."

Double Mastectomy at 15, Detrans 16-Year-Old Now Seeks Reversal, The Velvet Chronicle, Julia Diana Robertson
ingliz wrote:@Godstud

I defend their right to be stupid. That doesn't mean I must care what happens to them after they exercise that right.


I generally agree with this outlook. However, I think the counter argument is that there could be people that are basically pressured to transition. These day's, if I say "I think I feel like a woman". Rather than being advised to take it slow and figure out my shit. I would be congratulated and immediately affirmed that I am a woman, then possibly pressured by my peers to jump into transition without further thought.

Many of us, especially those already dealing with trauma and issues can be pressured into things we aren't sure of. Leading to deep regret further down.

Just a thought on this. In the end, I'm still with you on this though. These are the people that are going to have to be sacrificed if it turns out this is all a bad idea.

Similar to pushing kids to transition. While I'm against it, I say let other foolish parents sacrifice their kids so we can learn.
I highly doubt there is pressure to transition.

For the vast majority of trans people, it takes tears to get through the hoops needed for treatment, and then it requires years of planning and lots of money to actually get the operations.

It seems more logical to assume that many of these detransitioners were pressured into detransitioning by people around them.
Pants-of-dog wrote:I highly doubt there is pressure to transition.

Children ages 9 to 16 are very impressionable and can make all sorts of bad and irresponsible decisions. Especially the ones who are not well-adjusted and may be mentally unbalanced. The teen years can be a difficult and stressful time for many. This is when they are figuring out their sexuality.
Puffer Fish wrote:Children ages 9 to 16 are very impressionable and can make all sorts of bad and irresponsible decisions. Especially the ones who are not well-adjusted and may be mentally unbalanced. The teen years can be a difficult and stressful time for many. This is when they are figuring out their sexuality.

Yes, in order for you to believe that trans people are not really trans, you have to assume teenagers are stupid and easily tricked by the elite conspiracy.

But somehow smart and motivated enough to defeat the conspiracy a few months later when they detransition.

I am well aware of the illogical, contradictory, and insulting assumptions that your argument needs in order to make sense in your head.
Imagine thinking the word 'impressionable' = teenagers are stupid. :lol:

Puffer Fish wrote:Children ages 9 to 16 are very impressionable and can make all sorts of bad and irresponsible decisions. Especially the ones who are not well-adjusted and may be mentally unbalanced.

And then there's the whole personality disorders part.

Results: The frequency of personality disorders was 81.4%. The most frequent personality disorder was narcissistic personality disorder (57.1%) and the least was borderline personality disorder. The average number of diagnoses was 3.00 per patient.

Conclusion: The findings of this study revealed that the prevalence of personality disorders was higher among the participants, and the most frequent personality disorder was narcissistic personality disorder (57.1%), and borderline personality disorder was less common among the studied patients.
Again, if the idea is that being transgender is a hoax, then it must be assumed that every person who has ever done is stupid enough to be tricked into it.

Or mentally unstable enough.

Or drug addicts.

Or some other reason that makes them incapable of rational thought.
@Pants-of-dog Mental illness is a big part of it, as the science that @skinster already presented(which you ignored), showed.

Actual gender dysphoria is exceptionally rare. The DSM-5 estimates that about 0.005% to 0.014% of people assigned male at birth (5-14 per 100k) and 0.002% to 0.003% of people assigned female at birth (2-3 per 100k) are diagnosable with gender dysphoria.

Of course, ideologues will ignore this because it doesn't fit their narrative
So you are doubling down on the “neurodiverse people are inherently stupid and easily tricked by doctors”.

Assuming that anyone with a mental health issue is easily manipulated is illogical and ableist.

The extents to which trans critics are willing to go to not believe trans people….
Manipulation of impressionable youths is nothing new to ideologies like yours, @Pants-of-dog.

Mentally ill people are more likely to make mistakes, especially if they are getting a lot of affirmation from people in that ideology. That's how you often get people to join cults. They go after people who are having problems figuring out who, or what, they are. Teenagers are particularly prone to this, as they go thru puberty.

Pants-of-dog wrote:The extents to which trans critics are willing to go to not believe trans people….
Of course any criticism of you gender/identify politics ideology is transphobic. I am familiar with your stupid fucking rhetoric.

We are talking about CHILDREN, though. I don't give a fig what adults do when they give full consent and are well informed about the permanent consequences of what they are doing to themselves.

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