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By late
Actually, I meant wake the F up.

The Right is constantly changing slang. They do that most of the time because people figure out what they mean: the lies, the racism, the hatred, the lust for power.

Before woke was CRT and cancel culture before that.

How about we try a language called English?

There is illiberalism on the Left, and the Right. But the Right is trying to use the power of the government to achieve it's illiberal goals...

It's still a problem on the Left. But the centuries old tradition of freedom of expression should eventually win the day in academia, and most of the rest of the educated world.

It looks entirely different on the Right, where corrupt Supreme Court judges help corrupt governors try to push the country back to the 1800s (or maybe even earlier, which is a topic for another day).

What they are doing is what dictators do when they are working at becoming a dictator. I've actually visited countries with authoritarian governments, trust me, you want no part of that. Left or Right, the more the power gets concentrated into a few hands, the worse off it gets for everyone else.

But, in the meantime, have a cup of coffee, and wake up.
By wat0n
It seems to me this is simply a reaction. Maybe the left could stop feeding people in the right who want to respond in kind?
By late
wat0n wrote:
It seems to me this is simply a reaction. Maybe the left could stop feeding people in the right who want to respond in kind?

Social media has a lot to do with this, on both sides.

And the Right is constantly hunting for excuses, maybe the Right could get down from the kitchen table, lower their skirts, and act like adults for a change?
By wat0n
late wrote:Social media has a lot to do with this, on both sides.

And the Right is constantly hunting for excuses, maybe the Right could get down from the kitchen table, lower their skirts, and act like adults for a change?


Can't both do just that?
By late
wat0n wrote:

Can't both do just that?

It would be nice, but not something you expect from fascists.
By late
wat0n wrote:
fanatic progressive...

Is a contradiction in terms, one can be one, or the other, but not both...


happening or developing gradually or in stages; proceeding step by step.
"a progressive decline in popularity"
By wat0n
late wrote:Is a contradiction in terms, one can be one, or the other, but not both...


happening or developing gradually or in stages; proceeding step by step.
"a progressive decline in popularity"

I know, right? But then again, that's exactly why "progressive" is a misnomer for those on the left who adopt hardline positions - but whatever, finders keepers I guess.
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By Godstud
Left= Progressives
Right = Conservatives.

That's what they essentially mean, and neither are "fascists". They both have differing views and most of the time they aren't significantly different, until we hit the radical sections. Most people fall somewhere in between the two.

Wake up? :roll: Please. The irony is immense.

CRT is just history being repackaged.
Cancel culture is practiced by all.
By late
Godstud wrote:
CRT is just history being repackaged.

Hard to tell what you mean by that, but either way, it's wrong.
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By Unthinking Majority
late wrote:There is illiberalism on the Left, and the Right. But the Right is trying to use the power of the government to achieve it's illiberal goals...

It's still a problem on the Left. But the centuries old tradition of freedom of expression should eventually win the day in academia, and most of the rest of the educated world.

It looks entirely different on the Right, where corrupt Supreme Court judges help corrupt governors try to push the country back to the 1800s (or maybe even earlier, which is a topic for another day).

What they are doing is what dictators do when they are working at becoming a dictator. I've actually visited countries with authoritarian governments, trust me, you want no part of that. Left or Right, the more the power gets concentrated into a few hands, the worse off it gets for everyone else.

I think this is true in the USA, the GOP is behaving nutters. But if you want to see what the left can do in the West go to Canada. Justin Trudeau is the leftwing version of Trump. Corrupt power-hungry rich-kid narcissists that want to control everything.
By late
Unthinking Majority wrote:
I think this is true in the USA, the GOP is behaving nutters. But if you want to see what the left can do in the West go to Canada. Justin Trudeau is the leftwing version of Trump. Corrupt power-hungry rich-kid narcissists that want to control everything.

There is literally nothing less conservative than trying to overthrow the government. Yet that's what the Right is doing, and it's radical, not conservative...

There is a lot of self serving among people that call themselves Progressive, but again, that's the opposite of Progressive.

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By Godstud
late wrote:There is a lot of self serving among people that call themselves Progressive, but again, that's the opposite of Progressive.
Yet this is what they are doing, to push a progressive agenda.

Progressives are as guilty of cancel culture as the conservatives, but do it differently. See the rewrites of classic books, race-swapping, black-facing, and changing of history because it doesn't align with modern values.

Roald Dahl books rewritten to remove language deemed offensive
https://www.theguardian.com/books/2023/ ... -offensive

Why the ideologies behind 'Woke' and Cancel Culture are putting our democracy in jeopardy | View
Based on the awareness of the unresolved, very real, social and racial injustices, discrimination and violence suffered by minorities in the Western world, this new self-righteous culture, referred to as Woke or Cancel Culture, promotes a moral imperative to fight against them, by all means. Diversity is reduced to skin colour, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

For example, in a paper published in the January 2021 issue of the School Library Journal, Amanda MacGregor, a Minnesota-based librarian, bookseller and freelance journalist, affirms that “Shakespeare’s works are full of problematic, outdated ideas, with plenty of misogyny, racism, homophobia, classism, anti-Semitism and misogynoir” and should be banned in schools. As the Journal reports, many other teachers in the US refuse to teach Shakespeare questioning the 'whiteness' of his plays.

Language, history, art, music, literature and education should be cleansed of all offences, real or not, present or past, against members of these racial or gender 'minority communities'. New words, euphemisms, periphrases, appear to replace those now deemed offensive. As in George Orwell's “1984”, the idea is to prevent the expression of critical ideas by changing the vocabulary. The word "woman" should be replaced by "menstruating person", "mother" by "parent who gives birth", etc. Periphrases that could be laughed at, if criticising, challenging or mocking them did not lead to a media lynching of the "culprit", or even to the dismissal from his job, because considered an unacceptable transphobic attitude.

https://www.euronews.com/culture/2021/0 ... ll%20means.
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By Fasces
Political correctness didn't destroy America. Woke won't either. The hysterics about it are cringe. It's just a rehash of the late 80s/early 90s thing.
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By Wellsy
Fasces wrote:Political correctness didn't destroy America. Woke won't either. The hysterics about it are cringe. It's just a rehash of the late 80s/early 90s thing.

A quote about political correctness that could apply equally who react as if they’re destroying America to create a call to action.
Žižek: But, you know what always bothered me? Look at this politically correct people who claim not LGBT, LGBT+…

Tavis: They’re all politically correct. I get it, yeah.

Žižek: Yeah, yeah. The point is that what makes me so suspicious is this extra urgency, how they insist in all these — at least they secretly know that they are not touching the real problems. That’s why they have to exaggerate this [inaudible].

Ellul agreed with Jules Monnerot who stated that "All individual passion leads to the suppression of all critical judgment with regard to the object of that passion".[67]

The individual who burns with desire for action but does not know what to do is a common type in our society. He wants to act for the sake of justice, peace, progress, but does not know how. If propaganda can show him this 'how' then it has won the game; action will surely follow".[68]
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By Tainari88
Godstud wrote:Yet this is what they are doing, to push a progressive agenda.

Progressives are as guilty of cancel culture as the conservatives, but do it differently. See the rewrites of classic books, race-swapping, black-facing, and changing of history because it doesn't align with modern values.

Roald Dahl books rewritten to remove language deemed offensive
https://www.theguardian.com/books/2023/ ... -offensive

Why the ideologies behind 'Woke' and Cancel Culture are putting our democracy in jeopardy | View
Based on the awareness of the unresolved, very real, social and racial injustices, discrimination and violence suffered by minorities in the Western world, this new self-righteous culture, referred to as Woke or Cancel Culture, promotes a moral imperative to fight against them, by all means. Diversity is reduced to skin colour, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

For example, in a paper published in the January 2021 issue of the School Library Journal, Amanda MacGregor, a Minnesota-based librarian, bookseller and freelance journalist, affirms that “Shakespeare’s works are full of problematic, outdated ideas, with plenty of misogyny, racism, homophobia, classism, anti-Semitism and misogynoir” and should be banned in schools. As the Journal reports, many other teachers in the US refuse to teach Shakespeare questioning the 'whiteness' of his plays.

Language, history, art, music, literature and education should be cleansed of all offences, real or not, present or past, against members of these racial or gender 'minority communities'. New words, euphemisms, periphrases, appear to replace those now deemed offensive. As in George Orwell's “1984”, the idea is to prevent the expression of critical ideas by changing the vocabulary. The word "woman" should be replaced by "menstruating person", "mother" by "parent who gives birth", etc. Periphrases that could be laughed at, if criticising, challenging or mocking them did not lead to a media lynching of the "culprit", or even to the dismissal from his job, because considered an unacceptable transphobic attitude.

https://www.euronews.com/culture/2021/0 ... ll%20means.

I think there is a real danger to get into the moral righteousness stuff.

The reality is human societies evolve over time. Historically, economically and culturally.

The goal for modern governments should be about a solutions based approach and an acceptance of all groups in the present who have to live and share the same land together. Without vitriol, hatred or resentments.

For me all of us are human beings first, second and last. All of us.

Also, the context of the USA type of progressive political platform may not be a good fit for a Latin American society that never had a strong middle class and a strong social service or welfare state.

What has to happen is have the people that live in that country have the ability to shape and control policy as they elect democratically elected leadership and not manipulate the results from afar to please some greedy corporations or arms industry or corrupt banking institutions.

That is not being woke. It is being realistic.

This piece is interesting.

https://www.persuasion.community/p/woke ... in-america
By late
Godstud wrote:

Yet this is what they are doing, to push a progressive agenda.

It's not Progressive.

Trump could call himself a Nun, doesn't make him one..
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By Godstud
No, @late, it's a Left wing progressive agenda based in totalitarianism. It's the ideology of victimhood, where children are targets, men are demonized, and women are demeaned.

It's where they no longer consider people as pedophiles, but as MAPS. Where speaking out against Trans women in female sports, or males identifying as women to get in female prisons, makes you a TERF(trans-exclusionary radical feminist). It's where criticism about people using terms like "Patriarchy", and "toxic masculinity", is considered misogyny. It's where fat women are now "plus sized" and "healthy at any size" where any criticism is fatphobic, and racist. It's where misandry is socially acceptable, under the guise of being "Woke". It's an ideology of delusion and perversion, where the very things it used to represent("ideas such as freedom, equality, fraternity, rights, progress, reform and internationalism") have been discarded, as radicalism has taken over.

Now the tactics that the Left has always considered Right-wing are being used by the Left, with goals of equity, speech control, and societal control.

I have always considered myself Left-Wing(not hardcore, however). I support freedom, equality, fraternity, rights, progress, reform and internationalism. I do not, however, support the recent wave of radicalism, which now makes me Right-wing, apparently.

There is no more nuance left. It's the situation where if you do not support a single Left-wing ideal, it makes you the enemy. I find this particularly common in Americans because of their politics splitting them until they are either one, or the other. most humans are not absolute Left or Right, but something in the middle. When you simply go straight to labelling, you stop the conversation.

So... Wake up? It's ironic you should say that.

Yes, @Tainari88 being Woke is not being Left-wing. It's now something different. Pointing out the differences and highlighting them, however, doesn't help people to come together.
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By Unthinking Majority
late wrote:There is literally nothing less conservative than trying to overthrow the government. Yet that's what the Right is doing, and it's radical, not conservative...

There is a lot of self serving among people that call themselves Progressive, but again, that's the opposite of Progressive.

It's really about power and control, and corrupt tyrannical people who want all the power in order to make people do what they want isn't a right or left thing, it's just an asshole thing LOL.

The true left in the US isn't large enough for the fringe elements to take control of political parties, not yet anyways. Maybe in places like California the potential is there. Seems like there's more fascists in the US than Stalinists lol.
By late
Godstud wrote:
No, @late, it's a Left wing progressive agenda based in totalitarianism.

They aren't trying to take over the country, your rhetoric is overblown.

It's interesting that the Right is giving it everything they have to overthrow the government and make an authoritarian state, or even install a dictator... And you throw the accusation in the wrong direction...

The people you are complaining about are not Progressive..

It's a commonplace for a person to drift to the Right as they age. You are using their language, and seem unaware of the depth of that mistake.
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