"My Man-Made Vagina is Closing Up, Now I need to get it replaced" - Page 12 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Provision of the two UN HDI indicators other than GNP.
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You described babies born with ambiguous genitalia as “mutilated”.

Were you arguing that these kids had a violent and disfiguring injury inflicted on them?

The fact that you combine tuis with a personal attack further corroborates the use of emotionalism as an illogical rhetorical device.
@Pants-of-dog No, I did not. You can stop the lies, already. You can't quote me because I never said it.

Pants-of-dog wrote:Were you arguing that these kids had a violent and disfiguring injury inflicted on them?
Yes, the surgeons of your cult do it when they transition them.

Pants-of-dog wrote:The fact that you combine tuis with a personal attack further corroborates the use of emotionalism as an illogical rhetorical device.
Given your complete lack of morality and ethics on this, it is completely understandable. Any logical and reasonable person, would make the same conclusions. Your stance on this is beyond the pale. It is not rhetoric. It is fact.

You are a bigot who sells for a cult of gender ideology that is based entirely on emotion(feelings). I will call a spade a spade. You want the youth groomed, and victimized, into your ideology. You want them to suffer hormone replacement therapies for the rest of their life, delusion, and sterility.

You want them to mutilate their genitals to gain acceptance into your cult. If they change their minds later(as more and more are doing), they are lambasted, ostracized and demonized. I hope, beyond reason, that you don't inflict this on your own children.
skinster wrote:You can't define a woman by her body parts.

Weird, have I been reading a different thread? I could have sworn you and @Godstud have been doing just that for 12 pages.

Godstud wrote:mutilation

What are your thoughts on labiaplasty?

An example of women aspiring to copy the social construction that is a vagina or just a much-needed tidying up.


All I am trying to do is get you to admit that social construction exists and that lives as lived within any society are ruled by it.

I am not asking you to support gender ideology.

Honestly, I am just asking you - a titty bar owner from Fuckit - to think.

Godstud wrote:I own a sports bar/restaurant you stupid twat.

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

BTW. It's not my society it's ours.

Or it would be if you hadn't buggered off to Thailand, a paradise for pedophiles and a child sex trafficking hub.

Figures from the Ministry of Public Health reveal that nearly 9,000 children were treated in hospitals due to abuse in 2017, mostly having suffered from sexual abuse.

@ingliz I am only correcting your lies and slander.

The Thailand that idiots like you think of, hasn't been around for decades. It's how you want to think of a place you are ignorant of. Thailand's not some third world country. What people think of in the 1980s doesn't exist anymore. It's not a poor country, any longer.

The place you claim to live in, Malta(population 500,000), has 180 child abuse cases per month(2,160 per year), in a population that is considerably smaller(336 times) than Thailand(168 million). Remove the plank from your own eye before complaining about the splinter in mine. :moron:

Source: Newsbook Malta
Steve Libreri, the Director of the Child Protection Directorate said that Child Services employees do their utmost but “honestly the problem is so vast and we have such a small team that we are flooded with cases.”

It's the Catholic priesthood and the Religieuse that are the problem here - We are a very Catholic country and there's a lot of them about.

Priestly pedophile rings and nuns sexually abusing children in their care.

That's changing too now as more come forward to report their abuse.
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