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Never mind, the ice quite is also misunderstood by the climate deniers. It turns out the climatologist was discussing permanent floating ice, not Arctic ice in general.

So both claims about this climatologist were wrong.
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By ingliz

What does it matter when we've passed the tipping point?

Let us eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die.

And if we don't, we've had a good time.

By skinster
Pants-of-dog wrote:So both claims about this climatologist were wrong.

Anyone looking at the links I provided can see otherwise.

As for leaving a better world for your kids, I don't know how it's even possible currently with the amount of crap you spew here, which I imagine is already polluting their minds - ignore le pun - in the real world.

But I wish them luck.
By skinster
No, you think being hung up on the language of the poster of the tweet - despite him sharing the article he was referring to, and which I posted - distracts from his silly claim of five years. People like you would be sharing that same claim if it was published today. Because you're fearmongering lunatics about a lie sold to you by the capitalists that promotes malthusianism and is critical of individual behaviour when it is the system trying to make a bunch of money on what is termed 'green capitalism'.

Way to repeatedly cuck for the state, PoD.

The idea that “the state” is trying to trick us all into believing in ACC is absurd.

We know this because every western developed country still subsidizes fossil fuels, still invests in fossil fuels, and the US still runs a foreign policy based on controlling the oil supply of the global south.

To believe that the state is working actively on climate change is to ignore the actions of governments while believing their speeches.
By skinster
Pants-of-dog wrote:The idea that “the state” is trying to trick us all into believing in ACC is absurd.

That's exactly what its doing. But you cuck for the state in multiple ways so why wouldn't you here?

That's a rhetorical question..
So no, there is no example of a state actually doing anything about climate change.

Then why believe Biden and Trudeau and all of them when they say they are doing something about it?

Back on topic,

How much closer is the Sun to the Earth because of the gravitational pull of planets? Is it less than 5% of the variation we see in Milankovitch cycles?

If you've got time, have a gander at Milankovitch Cycles.

These cyclical orbital movements in eccentricity, obliquity, and precession cause variations of up to 25 percent in the amount of incoming solar radiation (insolation) at Earth’s mid-latitudes - The areas of our planet located between about 30 and 60 degrees north and south of the equator.


Pants-of-dog wrote:So no, there is no example of a state actually doing anything about climate change.

Of course not. Climate change is a natural process over which states exercise no control. They just control people.
Then why believe Biden and Trudeau and all of them when they say they are doing something about it?

I know they aren't and can't. They probably know it, too.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Can you post any example of a state imposing a climate change policy that has had any significant effect at all?

Of course no state policy has had any significant effect on climate change, which is a natural process beyond the control of state policy. But state policies directed to blocking oil and gas development have had a significant upward effect on the prices of oil and gas. You might want to think about who benefits from that.
ingliz wrote:What does it matter when we've passed the tipping point?

Claimed CO2 tipping points are nonscience.
Let us eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die.

Sounds like you are more interested in tippling points.
Pants-of-dog wrote:The last nine years have been the warmest on record.

A "record" that only begins at the end of the coldest 500-year period in the last 10,000 years....
Each decade is warmer than the last.

No, that's just false. The 50s and 60s were cooler than the 40s.
The last time it was this warm was 125 000 years ago.

No, that's also false. It was about this warm 1000 years ago, during the Medieval Warm Period, and significantly warmer during the Holocene Optimum 5-7000 years ago.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Okay, so you are openly ignoring the evidence, with a soupçon of justification added in.

No, I identify the fact that what you claim is evidence actually is not:

    Anthropogenic climate change impacts exacerbate summer forest fires in California
    Marco Turco, John T. Abatzoglou, Sixto Herrera, +4 , and Ivana Cvijanovic


    The ongoing intensification in forest fire activity in California has had a dramatic impact on human activities and ecosystems alike. While an increase in temperatures and dryness has been identified to be one of the major drivers of increased summer forest burned area (BA), the extent to which such changes are due to natural variability or anthropogenic climate change remains unresolved. Using the latest simulations for climate change attribution and detection studies and accounting for the uncertainties arising from the data-driven climate-fire model and climate models, we quantify the influence of anthropogenic climate change on recent changes in BA. We show that nearly all of the observed increase in BA over the past half-century is attributable to anthropogenic climate change.

    Record-breaking summer forest fires have become a regular occurrence in California. Observations indicate a fivefold increase in summer burned area (BA) in forests in northern and central California during 1996 to 2021 relative to 1971 to 1995. While the higher temperature and increased dryness have been suggested to be the leading causes of increased BA, the extent to which BA changes are due to natural variability or anthropogenic climate change remains unresolved. Here, we develop a climate-driven model of summer BA evolution in California and combine it with natural-only and historical climate simulations to assess the importance of anthropogenic climate change on increased BA. Our results indicate that nearly all the observed increase in BA is due to anthropogenic climate change as historical model simulations accounting for anthropogenic forcing yield 172% (range 84 to 310%) more area burned than simulations with natural forcing only. We detect the signal of combined historical forcing on the observed BA emerging in 2001 with no detectable influence of the natural forcing alone. In addition, even when considering fuel limitations from fire-fuel feedbacks, a 3 to 52% increase in BA relative to the last decades is expected in the next decades (2031 to 2050), highlighting the need for proactive adaptations.

See? That's how to get published these days.
At this point, I think I feel confident that the wildfire smoke I see outside the building is an indication of anthropogenic climate change.
Pants-of-dog wrote:At this point, I think I feel confident that the wildfire smoke I see outside the building is an indication of anthropogenic climate change.
Water levels on the river went down. The water levels are decreasing, which is an indication that anthropogenic climate change is non-existent.

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By Verv
Truth To Power wrote:No, that's also false. It was about this warm 1000 years ago, during the Medieval Warm Period, and significantly warmer during the Holocene Optimum 5-7000 years ago.

I was curious, and this checks out:

By 5000 to 3000 BC average global temperatures reached their maximum level during the Holocene and were 1 to 2 degrees Celsius warmer than they are today. Climatologists call this period either the Climatic Optimum or the Holocene Optimum.

But some are countering this:

The HCO was approximately 4.9 °C warmer than the Last Glacial Maximum.[5] A study in 2020 estimated that the average global temperature during the warmest 200 year period of the HCO, around 6,500 years ago, was around 0.7 °C warmer than the mean for nineteenth century AD, immediately before the Industrial Revolution, and 0.3 °C cooler than the average for 2011-2019.[6]

This period also doesn't appear to be quite equal to what we had - European lands were simply warmer than the present average during the summers, but much of the rest of the earth was quite the same:

Temperatures in the Northern Hemisphere are simulated to be warmer than present average during the summers, but the tropics and parts of the Southern Hemisphere were colder than average.[8] The average temperature change appears to have declined rapidly with latitude and so essentially no change in mean temperature is reported at low and middle latitudes. Tropical reefs tend to show temperature increases of less than 1 °C. The tropical ocean surface at the Great Barrier Reef about 5350 years ago was 1 °C warmer and enriched in 18O by 0.5 per mil relative to modern seawater.[9]

There is apparently a reason for this in the Milankovitch cycles:

The effect would have had the maximum heating of the Northern Hemisphere 9,000 years ago, when the axial tilt was 24° and the nearest approach to the Sun (perihelion) was during the Northern Hemisphere's summer. The calculated Milankovitch Forcing would have provided 0.2% more solar radiation (+40 W/m2) to the Northern Hemisphere in summer, which tended to cause more heating. There seems to have been the predicted southward shift in the global band of thunderstorms, the Intertropical Convergence Zone.[citation needed]


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