Israel To Ethnically Cleanse Northern Gaza - Page 11 - Politics | PoFo

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Unthinking Majority wrote:Anyone have footage of the hospital that was hit? So far I've only been finding a burnt outdoor parking lot and no crater, no building structural damage. Not saying it wasn't hit but I haven't seen pictures yet.

I got this piece from Democracy Now.

Unthinking Majority wrote:Anyone have footage of the hospital that was hit? So far I've only been finding a burnt outdoor parking lot and no crater, no building structural damage. Not saying it wasn't hit but I haven't seen pictures yet.

I’m sure the IDF has footage and they’re high fiving now.

How much more can the Palestinians be deprived of basic services?

Fuck yeah, slap my hands bro.

Before you get all uppity, show me the before pictures of this supposed Palestine hospital.
I bet it was a great hospital until Hamas used it as a forward operations base and Israel had no choice but to cover it in white phosphorus, which is in no way worse than Vietnam era napalm. I love the IDF.

I’m so fucking happy my tax dollars benefit the benevolent state of Israel, which desperately wants to reign in the wild Palestine populace.
When you’re gunning for children or medics you want to aim for the torso. Don’t hit the face.

It makes your apartheid ethnostate look worse if you shoot their face. Let the family have a nice funeral, and then call in the coordinates for a bombing while they’re gathered together.

It’s much more effective.
I can post the same video in regards to the bombing of the hospital in Gaza that I did in response of the one in Yemen. Both were funded by the United States as well. The United States is the number one arms dealer , when it comes to such client states as Israel. I shall also post a video of commentary my fellow Jew , Jon Stewart , made in response to a prior bombardment of the Gaza Strip . But even though Stewart and I , among others , are Jewish in some way or another , I expect that some might still try to discredit me as being a self hating anti-Semite. To them I will only say that for one , as Shulamit Aloni stated , weaponizing anti-Semitism is a trick that the Zionist regime in Israel uses to try to shut down critical voices. And also , I am not sure whether I myself would be considered to be a Zionist or not. My position on Israel could be deemed to be socialist Zionist , but I might also be seen as being a post-Zionist . For example , if I were to have voted in every election in Israel , since even before its independence as a Jewish state , my tradectory in terms of parties I would have supported would go like this ; Ihud , Mapam , Moked , and then finally Hadash . Lastly , some Palestinians do currently have the right to vote . It's just that many do not take advantage of it , as they feel that it could be taken to be lending legitimacy to the established political system.
SpecialOlympian wrote:I’m sure the IDF has footage and they’re high fiving now.

Gazans should have footage of the aftermath, pictures and video have already been posted. But only of a somewhat small outdoor parking lot of burnt out cars and no buildings shown hit yet. 500 people did not die from that, there must be more.
SpecialOlympian wrote:I'm just armcharing this as an American, but I'm going to say: Yes.

Ireland was occupied by England for hundreds of years.....

What always seem to get lost is that the Provisional IRA was actually formed at the behest of the Irish government, or at least elements of. The Irish government were deeply concerned that both the IRA and the Civil Rights movement were controlled by Marxists. The Provisional IRA were actually a right wing break away. The irony is that most British Marxist groups ended up supporting the Provisionals, some obsessively so. Amongst the far left groups there was much denouncing of each other for not being pro Provo enough, for making concessions to British racist chauvinism.

There is so much romantacising of National resistance insurgencies. Local militias / partisans can be a huge help to regular military forces. We saw this with the Allies after they landed in France in June 1944 and we saw it recently with the Ukrainian army's defense of Kiev in early 2022. However on their own insurgencies generally achieve little for huge sacrifice and loss. The Yugoslav partisans of WW2 were more of the exception than the rule. They operated in Hilly terrain which gave them advantage and did receive limited supplies from the Allies so they weren't completely on their own.

I get irritated with all these people giving moral lectures to insurgencies. Insurgencies generally face an endless battle against informers. This requires a brutal even "dehumanising" response. So many cards lie in the occupiers hand. The insurgent must wield more fear than the occupier. The more terror applied by the occupier, even greater must be the terror of the insurgent. Its almost impossible to avoid the use of torture both on your own members and the local population.

For these reasons and others I think insurgency is generally not the wise choice. However I will not sit in my safe comfortable environment making moralistic judgements about insurgencies. The pressures in these conflicts are immense. Before the Provos some people said "IRA I ran away". In some of these conflicts insurgency is pretty much inevitable. It only takes one man and a gun (Or even a knife) to start an insurgency and then the brutality of the response of the authority may bring in enough recruits to make it self sustaining.

@SpecialOlympian I'll perhaps go into this in more depth at another point. I do use the term "Liberal" in contradictory ways. Sometimes I use it as a pejorative similar to how a Trump supporter would use it. And sometimes I use it as a pejorative similar to how a Marxist would use it. And very occasionally I use it a self description.
Israeli police boss publically announces he wants to murder people protesting for the rights of palestinians: ... a-on-buses

Shabtai said. “Anyone who wants to identify with Gaza is welcome. I will put him on the buses heading there now.”

So apparently this socalled "police officer" thinks the only people that the law should apply to are those one personally identifies with.

And the purpose of sending someone to Gaza at this point is clearly so they can be murdered by the bombing, starved by the lack of food, etc.

I'm frankly out of words how completely evil this person is.
Negotiator wrote:Israeli police boss publically announces he wants to murder people protesting for the rights of palestinians: ... a-on-buses

So apparently this socalled "police officer" thinks the only people that the law should apply to are those one personally identifies with.

And the purpose of sending someone to Gaza at this point is clearly so they can be murdered by the bombing, starved by the lack of food, etc.

I'm frankly out of words how completely evil this person is.

They don't care about human rights and civil rights being preserved. If they think bombing out a bunch of kids and sick patients in a war zone seeking safety is a good thing to do? It is not even marginally acceptable at all. It is completely against international law and human rights.

He could face war crimes in the future.
Tainari88, Negotiator, Deutschmania, SpecialOlympian, and many others wrote:...war crimes...

Yes, the idea that false-flag-initiated wars by wealthy tyrants... are some kind of crime... is worthwhile to examine here.

Eric Striker wrote:...America and Europe being in a state of permanent war with the resource rich and potentially vast markets of the Arab world in order to enable the genocidal project of the tiny and pointless Jewish state is simply irrational from a non-Jewish Western geopolitical perspective.

Countries that are not handcuffed to Israel, such as China, are finding immense prosperity and good will simply by trading with the Islamic world and staying out of their internal affairs.

This is a solution that, if taken up by the West, would yield benefits for all parties, yet it will never be possible as long as we are forced to be the guarantor of Israel’s existence...
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By QatzelOk

Sometimes pop music accidentally dives into much deeper subjects that the artists themselves can explain or do justice to.

I think this song by Adam and the Ants is one of them, and it also does a nice job responding to the IDF leader who uttered the words "human animals" regarding other humans.
Two articles that list some of the use of genocidal language by Israel's leaders (and their proxies) through its short but extremely violent history: ... e-in-gaza/ ... -genocidal

Sample quotes from both articles:

“Palestinians do not exist”
- Golda Meir, 1969

Palestinians are “beasts walking on two legs”
- Menachem Begin, 1982

Arabs are like “drugged cockroaches in a bottle.”
- Israeli army Chief-of-Staff, Gen. Rafael Eitan in 1983

“Palestinians are like animals, they aren’t human”
- Eli Ben Dahan, 2013


“We are fighting human animals and we will act accordingly,”
- Yoav Gallant, Israeli Defense Minister, 2023

“Right now, one goal: Nakba! A Nakba that will overshadow the Nakba of 1948,”
- Ariel Kallner, Likud party, 2023

“We are in a religious war here. I’m with Israel. Do whatever the hell you have to do to defend yourself. Level the place,”
- Lindsey Graham, 2023

“Netanyahu, finish them, finish them (..) finish them!”
- Nikki Haley, 2023


Chris McGreal wrote:Opinion polls show that significant numbers of Israelis view Arabs as “dirty”, “primitive”, and as not valuing human life. Generations of Israeli school children have been imbued with the idea that Arabs are interlopers and merely tolerated through the beneficence of Israel.

A 2003 study of Israeli textbooks by the Hebrew University in Jerusalem showed Arabs are principally depicted “with a camel, in an Ali Baba dress”.

“They describe Arabs as vile and deviant and criminal, people who don’t pay taxes, people who live off the state, people who don’t want to develop. The only representation is as refugees, primitive farmers and terrorists. You never see a Palestinian child or doctor or teacher or engineer or modern farmer,” the study said.

In 2002 during the second intifada, the Tel Aviv newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth published a letter by Israeli children titled: “Dear soldiers, please kill a lot of Arabs”. The paper said dozens of such letters were sent by schoolchildren.


Other Israeli political, military and religious leaders have at different times described Palestinians as “a cancer”, “vermin”, and called for them to be “annihilated”. They are frequently portrayed as backward and a burden on the country...

“There is (..) a risk of genocide against the Palestinian People,”
- UN experts, October 19, 2023
Here is a lecture by Ilan Pappé from just a few days ago, regarding the long-term consequences of the colonization of Palestine by European Jews.

He brings up the current situation but provides a lot of the missing context. Very useful for anyone who thinks this conflict started a few weeks ago.

CN wrote:
Ilan Pappé is the author of many books, including The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, in which he documents that ethnic cleansing was a long-standing Zionist goal that was planned in detail by David Ben-Gurion in the Red House headquarters outside Tel Aviv. It included a much greater number of atrocities against Palestinians in the establishment of Israel in the late 1940s than Western establishments acknowledge.

Pappé says it was the start of a process of ethnic cleansing that continues until today, especially in what what is happening today in Gaza. (Israel expelled 36 villages between 1948 and 1967 inside Israel, Pappé says.) He says that some of the kibbutzim that Hamas occupied on Oct. 7 were built over the ruins of former Palestinian villages, many of whose inhabitants were expelled to Gaza. ...
Sandzak wrote:The US is ready to sacrifice Ukraine for the Jewish Apartheid State. The US will also sacrifice Taiwan.

The center of an empire is always willing to sacrifice the lives of people on its periphery. This keeps the war "over there" instead of right on top of our leaders' heads.

When the empire gets out of control and starts destroying everything to remain on top of a quickly-deteriorating world order.... the periphery will destroy it.

This time, it will be important to kill this empire and all its satellites. Human survival is at stake this time, and the latest crop of empires has "world-destroying" capacity, as well as a total lack of human empathy.

"Other human lives have a negative value to us,
and we have world-destroying tech at our fingertips."
Why if history teaches us anything than that empires dont get defeated; they collapse by themselves.

And thats already very obviously going on with the USA.

- The US elites are extremely corrupt and clearly dont care for their people.

- The US military is spread thin all over the world, and is in a sorry state, despite excessive military spending, thanks to an extremely corrupt military-industrial complex.

- The USA cannot keep up with other countries in respect to pure production. Russia alone outproduces both the USA and the EU in regards to military goods, despite having only a quarter of the population. China can do the same, but with any product.

- The US elites fight furiously among themselves, elements that profit from the status quo fight elements that want to reform the country (like Donald Trump or Bobby Kennedy jr), and they fight very dirty indeed.

Now that empires are nuclear superpowers, attacking them is not an option anymore anyway.

P.s.: And I hope that the USA will be the last empire. The model of a democracy running an empire is stupid anyway.
Negotiator wrote:Why if history teaches us anything than that empires dont get defeated; they collapse by themselves.

Of course.

In my last post, I just wrote:When the empire gets out of control and starts destroying everything to remain on top of a quickly-deteriorating world order.... the periphery will destroy it.

I meant that "its own periphery" will destroy the empire. Which counts as suicide because so many non-central peoples have been absorbed into "the empire" at this ultimate point in the empire's existence. It is impossible to control this many human societies with their disparate concerns and local conditions. An inability to control thousands of pawns, leads to internal enemies that ultimately destroy the empire.

Negotiator wrote:And thats already very obviously going on with the USA.

- The US elites are extremely corrupt and clearly dont care for their people.
P.s.: And I hope that the USA will be the last empire. The model of a democracy running an empire is stupid anyway.

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