Canada's Parliament applauds ex-Nazi soldier - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in the USA and Canada.

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Beren wrote:The Jews killed Kennedy too, of course...

Do you think this is why Justin Trudeau applauded the visiting Nazi?

Because, as a young, attractive liberalish guy, he identifies with JFK and has an inkling he knows what happened to him?
Here is the bitchiest podcast about this subject that I have found so far. ... ttee-more/

A one-hour interview of a former Canadian professor, talking about how Justin Trudeau and his government... may not, in fact, be made up of a lot of political wisemen and wisewomen (and wise other genders).

An interesting hypothesis of this podcase is that Justin Trudeau may in fact actually be a National Socialist, following the orders of mega-fuhrer Klaus Schwab, and his Nazi-heiress sidekick Chrystia Freeland.

It's also discussed how Justin may have missed an important UN conference because he was too stoned to attend. I like Kevin Barret's mention of the song "I got Stoned and I missed it."
In a related story, in his veteran's day speech, former USA strongman Donald Trump channels Mussolini, Hitler, Franco, Pinochet and Salazar with this:

Huffington Post wrote:...“In honor of our great Veterans on Veteran’s Day, we pledge to you that we will root out the Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our Country, lie, steal, and cheat on Elections, and will do anything possible, whether legally or illegally, to destroy America, and the American Dream,” Trump warned in his post.

“The threat from outside forces is far less sinister, dangerous, and grave, than the threat from within. Despite the hatred and anger of the Radical Left Lunatics who want to destroy our Country, we will MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”...

Amazing that his speech-writers included the lynching-friendly word "vermin." I wonder if any Canadian politicians were privately applauding in front of their screens as they watched.

And here's a defense of that speech:

the Guardian wrote:...Steven Cheung, a Trump campaign spokesman, has previously rejected the comparisons to Nazis, Hitler and Italy’s Mussolini.

“Those who try to make that ridiculous assertion are clearly snowflakes grasping for anything because they are suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome and their sad, miserable existence will be crushed when President Trump returns to the White House,” Cheung said...
On September 28, I wrote:...Canada's parliament would probably give a standing ovation to a dead Palestinian child as well... if they thought this would increase their political funding and media penetration...

And then, ten days later, it happened. Canada's "democratic" politicians were forced to applaud dead Palestinian children in order to continue to remain in office:

CBC wrote:Canada's voting record at United Nations faces scrutiny
as Israel-Hamas war intensifies

Recent positions could harm attempts to be seen as balanced player: expert

..."Canada has positioned itself very unambiguously pro-Israel in these contexts," said Michael Manulak, an assistant professor at the Norman Paterson School of International Affairs at Carleton University in Ottawa. He co-authored a 2023 report examining Canada's role at the United Nations.

He said Canada's recent votes could be detrimental to being seen as a balanced player in the Middle East conflict...

Notice that CBC always uses the term "Israel-Hamas" to describe what's happening.

The most important thing to realize about "Canada's Parliament applaudes ex-Nazi" is that it reveals that our political class are hopelessly ill-informed. Their "strong opinions" are often based on funding sources and NOT what is actually happening in the world.

Just in case you think this might be limited to Canada's frozen-brained and pot-marinated political class, here is a video that demonstrates that USA politicians are also hopelessly under-read and ill-informed, and operate based on "one dollar, one vote":

So much ignorance that is so well armed...
Now that the applause has stopped, we have Trudeau doing some fund-raising:

Global wrote:Canada weighs ‘responsibly’ listing Iran’s IRGC as terror group, Trudeau says

The Canadian government is looking at ways to “responsibly” designate Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist group, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said.

He made the comments on Monday at a ceremony in Richmond Hill, Ont., marking four years since the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) shot down passenger flight Ukraine International PS 752, killing all 176 people, including many Canadians, on board...

So after giving a huge hand of applause at a Ukrainian fighter (fund-raising behavior that went wrong...), Trudeau the visionary statesman is threatening Iran... for dollars. This might actually bring in cash to his political party, while clapping for a Nazi may have cost him a few shekels.

Though Trudeau's clapping for a Nazi may have actually been a plus for his sponsors... by demonstrating how easy it is to manipulate this empty vassal of privilege and moneyed corruption. He demonstrated to the people behind the curtain that he is perfectly manipulable.

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