Hunter Biden Indicted. What does this say about the Bidens? - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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late wrote:Republicans project constantly, and he's just parroting projection.

Republicans are in a power struggle, have been for years. It could break out into open fighting, which would be nice.

Dems are also in a fight, but the Left is a lot more flexible than the extreme Right. But because the Left is a lot less extreme than the Right, and they are part of a generational shift, they have time on their side. The cult, or the extreme Right (if you want to call it that) knows this election is their last chance, time is definitely not on their side.

The problem Late is that you have a lot of these people mixing church with state and politics. They want a theocracy.

As far as I can tell? The USA has a lot of these white Protestant Evangelical conservative Trump followers.

Their values? They want to make sure they have power over their view of the world. It is a world where they retain the power in the government. Not black people. Not Catholics. Not liberals. Not fill in the blank crap. They are really weird in my opinion. But they are born and raised in the USA.

Diversity is not for them. Jettison Christian

Christian nationalism. That is them.

Fighting for America is fighting for God. God=America. They are theocratic nationalists and their white backgrounds and Christian Protestantism mean they are the real Americans and the rest are not.

Fear is the problem.
@late This isn't some conspiracy theory. He's actually up on charges. I suppose for you Biden can do no wrong.

No, @Rancid, if Trump's guilty of something, I'd like to see him face justice as well. Americans are too partisan. You're either 100% Biden or 100% Trump. :knife:
So what are we on nowadays? Did Biden sick the DOJ on Hunter for what MAGA reason or to undermine MAGA or whatever? I assume the system is also corrupt in some strange way that suits the MAGA crowd narrative even after this?
JohnRawls wrote:
So what are we on nowadays? Did Biden sick the DOJ on Hunter for what MAGA reason or to undermine MAGA or whatever? I assume the system is also corrupt in some strange way that suits the MAGA crowd narrative even after this?

They don't care if it doesn't make sense.
JohnRawls wrote:So what are we on nowadays? Did Biden sick the DOJ on Hunter for what MAGA reason or to undermine MAGA or whatever? I assume the system is also corrupt in some strange way that suits the MAGA crowd narrative even after this?

It's a distraction from far bigger crimes involving Joe!

Godstud wrote:if Trump's guilty of something, I'd like to see him face justice as well. Americans are too partisan. You're either 100% Biden or 100% Trump. :knife:

False equivalence. Trump is already guilty of instigating a rebellion and pardoning his convicted campaign buddies. Trump is a danger to American democracy while Biden is not.
Godstud wrote:Why? I wasn't. I meant to say Bidens...

That said, Hunter's father has been covering for him. That is unquestionable.

Thats a lie. He had 0 interactions with the DOJ regarding this. Biden ain't Trump that is fore sure.
I deal in reality, not "your truths", @Rancid. Did I say, "Joe Biden" or "President Biden", or "Joe", at any time?

I am sure the drugs found in the Whitehouse were really just Joe's right? :lol: His senile dementia medication, right?
Godstud wrote:I deal in reality, not "your truths", @Rancid. Did I say, "Joe Biden" or "President Biden", or "Joe", at any time?

I am sure the drugs found in the Whitehouse were really just Joe's right? :lol: His senile dementia medication, right?

Read what you just wrote. How does this make any sense? You first speak of "truth" then you are implying something about Bidens name or whatever and then ask about Drugs in the white house as if its somehow related to Hunter or Biden while making fun of Biden for taking medication I guess. :knife:
Godstud wrote:@JohnRawls I'm sorry, am I supposed to worship Joe Biden as if he was the Second Coming of Jesus, simply because you do so? :lol:

Trump and Biden are different sides of the same coin.

Nobody is asking you to worship anything. Just be more logical and coherent. It is not logical to claim that Biden interfered or Dems are corrupt when Hunter gets you know charged and guilty etc. That makes no sense from that standpoint. Also somebody finding drugs in the White House toilet has nothing to do with Biden or Hunter. Most what you said is clear propaganda just to discredit Biden/Dems. Once again, nobody is asking you to like Dems or Biden, but you also don't have to act like a wild beast with no coherent ideas and logic on the subject.
Your propaganda is OK. I get it, @JohnRawls. :lol: I guess I am not behind your narrative, and think that Biden's done nothing good for the USA since he came into office. He's probably worse than Trump, if you want to get right down to it.

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