US Presidential election 2024 thread. - Page 12 - Politics | PoFo

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JohnRawls wrote:
Yeah sure in another context and not so bluntly with wording so?

I can welcome your Black Latina Minority ass here in Estonia lol :lol: Well I guess you won't come here since we don't do your work here, you will need to go to Germany I suppose. Time to learn German Rancid and praise the Re.... DEUTCHLAND.

I should visit Estonia one day.
As for the OP... No way Biden runs. The Democrat leaders have totally lost confidence in him. His old age, stupidity, and the dementia issue is just too much of a problem. They will throw him under the bus. They are deviously planning him out. And they are calculating who can win instead of Biden.
Watch it be Newsome.
Godstud wrote:No. That is objectively false. They are committing a crime and using excessive force. it has nothing to do with race.

America doesn't have ANY problems with systemic racism. There are no racist policies that people like you can actually point to, and all the claims about racism tend to go away once actual facts are presented. USA has a class problem.

People who have more money are going to get better lawyers and suffer less from the effects of the justice system, accordingly. Your foolish statement is just that, and you probably supported BLM, who turned out to be a bunch of criminals preying on your naivete.

Leave your racist rhetoric and try to critically think. The only ones displaying racism are the ones claiming that the system is racist so you can create a narrative of victimhood that most black people don't actually want.

Facts are now racist, are they? Conservatives telling people facts are racist? Everyone knows Blacks are not violent criminals, any more than anyone else is, but statistically they do commit more crimes in proportion to their population.

Race and Ethnicity of Violent Crime
Offenders and Arrestees, 2018

You are caught in a narrative that won't allow you to critically think.

--- USA has a problem no matter who it elects: Trump or Biden. Neither is really a good leader(in the traditional sense).

Inflation is at it's highest and criticism of Biden is warranted.

Whether Republicans or Democrats get in power, nothing will change. The claims of fascism from the Democrat side are stupid. It's simply the polarizaton of American politics. You're with us, or against us mentality. :knife:

Is there an argument here?
Of course, there is @Pants-of-dog but you refuse to acknowledge it because you are too busy virtue signaling and pushing your own idiotic narrative that racism is everywhere. The worst racists are the people like you who push racism where it doesn't exist and push segregation.
I refuted your dipshit argument about institutional racism, and your dumb statement, but you won't acknowledge it. You're simply avoiding any sort of argument because you have nothing to argue with. Pretty typical of your ilk. Avoid the discussion or change the subject.
@Pants-of-dog Trump's correct. Do you have an actual argument in there somewhere? How you feel about something isn't an argument.
The argument is that Trump thinks it is a good strategy to cater to the hurt feelings of white people who feels discomfited by discussing systemic racism.

There is already at least one example of this discomfort in this thread.
Rancid wrote:I should visit Estonia one day.

I can send you back with a bunch of Penises that your family and friends might like at home if they like strong mustards as I said.
Pants-of-dog wrote:The argument is that Trump thinks it is a good strategy to cater to the hurt feelings of white people who feels discomfited by discussing systemic racism.
You make a claim and not an argument. Facts are systemic racism to people like you. You seek victimhood everywhere, even when the statistics do not support the claims of systemic racism.

You are one of these people who says that getting ID to vote is systemic racism, when there is nothing preventing black people from getting ID. The fact is, even in Canada you need to present ID to vote. Systemic racism!!!!!! :roll:

Facts and statistics do not support the claims of systemic racism and there are no racist policies left. That there is classism can be argued, but that's not racist.

Disliking lies is not discomfort, but keep lying to yourself, if that makes you feel better. Virtue signal some more, why don't you?
Pants-of-dog wrote:The argument is that Trump thinks it is a good strategy to cater to the hurt feelings of white people who feels discomfited by discussing systemic racism.

There is already at least one example of this discomfort in this thread.

Oh shut it, fight racism is one thing but what happens in America is definately overboard with the self-flagilation. The problem is that fight against discrimination went in to self-flagilation territory in the US and has become more anti-white to a great degree. I would call it reverse discrimination or whatever and in here Trumpists/Republicans have a point. You are not going to win Racism by being Racist yourself. Two wrongs don't make a right. And as DrLee said, it is very counterproductive in the general because if you go anti-white then what reason do whites have to actually be not racist when you are clearly discriminating against them with some of the rhetoric and policies.
JohnRawls wrote:I can send you back with a bunch of Penises that your family and friends might like at home if they like strong mustards as I said.

One of my hobbies is to collect the penis of exotic animals. What is Estonia's more elusive and exotic wild animal?

Preferably endangered too.
Trump basically admitted that he didn't want the border deal to pass (which gave Republicans what they wanted), because it would help Biden too much.....

What a piece of shit. Putting himself over Americans. Why do people support this asshat?
JohnRawls wrote:Oh shut it,


Racism plays a role in US elections. ... m=fulltext

fight racism is one thing but what happens in America is definately overboard with the self-flagilation. The problem is that fight against discrimination went in to self-flagilation territory in the US and has become more anti-white to a great degree. I would call it reverse discrimination or whatever and in here Trumpists/Republicans have a point. You are not going to win Racism by being Racist yourself. Two wrongs don't make a right. And as DrLee said, it is very counterproductive in the general because if you go anti-white then what reason do whites have to actually be not racist when you are clearly discriminating against them with some of the rhetoric and policies.

The myth of white victimhood is a mobilizing tactic for conservative voters.

It is not even clear what is meant by this term.
Pants-of-dog wrote:
The myth of white victimhood is a mobilizing tactic for conservative voters.

It is not even clear what is meant by this term.

Denial is not just a river in Egypt..

I had a history prof that did her PHD thesis on racism. It's weird, while I knew there was some racism, it wasn't until she went over the research that I became aware of how much was there.

The real reason we hear so much whining by White Karens is to drown the cognitive dissonance.
Hey folks debating in here. Do you really think Trump is going to win the White House?

I think the man is going to be crying over having to put millions in an account while the appeals happen for his Trump properties. He is going to ask for money in order to keep going. So far the RNC is going to have to create an account to bail his ass out of legal fees.

I say all you Trump backers are you willing to put your money where your mouth is and buy these gaudy Gold Sneakers to help the cause of Trump getting to the White House?

@Rancid put on the gold sneakers my main man.

Now you can identify future insurrectionists by the sneakers they are walking around in. :lol: :lol:

Spend that money on that gaudy crap. Help the cause of white is right!! :lol:
Rancid wrote:One of my hobbies is to collect the penis of exotic animals. What is Estonia's more elusive and exotic wild animal?

Preferably endangered too.

No clue honestly, we are small so nothing special. Probably a Lynx or Boar or Wolf of some sort. You can try wrestling a bear for his Penis.
JohnRawls wrote:No clue honestly, we are small so nothing special. Probably a Lynx or Boar or Wolf of some sort. You can try wrestling a bear for his Penis.

I looked up exotic animals in Estonia. The Gray Wolf is probably the only predatory animal that might be scary there.

Over here the Jaguar is an exotic animal that scares people. But they are endangered. If @Rancid kills one off, he is looking at Mexican prison time. Hmmm?
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