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Rancid wrote:Yes, however, I was getting at something more simpler than that. No (or just a little) history required.

This unearned entitlement manifests itself a few different ways. This is one example:

"My grandad fought in WWII". It is stated as though that entitles them to more than other Americans. It's rather odd, because it is their grandfather that fought in the war, not them. Grandad might be entitled to something, but not grandson. They didn't fight for shit. It reminds me of Shaq the basketball player talking about his kids. One of his kids was bragging about how much money he has to others at school, etc. etc. IIRC Shaq put out a tiktok (or similar) basically saying "I'm the one that is rich, not you". :lol:.. This is what entitlement looks like on a more day to day level. It fosters a culture of separateness between different people. Built on a foundation of bullshit basically.

All the while, I pay 5x the taxes that Mr. "My grandad fought in WWII" pays into the system. Perhaps I've contributed more to America than that guy.

No one who is a MAGA wants to hear about the contributions of Americans who are not like them Rancid. For them? They are the true Patriots and the other ones are enemies of the state.

That is how fascists think anyway. There is a very defined way of being an American and the ones who do not agree with their list of pre-requisites to being an American are crossed off.

1) You are not a white extraction American with generations of being here and living here. Say at least 150 years or generational European rooted American life. You are not that. One cross off.

2) Shithole nation roots. The Dominican Republic is next to Haiti. Haiti and Dominican Republic are the definition of Banana Republics and shithole nation definitions. You are not from the cultures that are civilized. Untrustworthy. Your wife as well. Chinese are UnAmerican unless they are like Elaine Chao that Mitch McConnell married. Got to be a rabid Right winger there. Not vote for Obama. Which your wife did. The traitor!

3) You went to engineering school due to some minority favoring status. Liberal policies. That means you did not do it on your own merits. You rode the coattails of liberalism to become an engineer not due to studying and working on it. But because some liberal allowed it. You got there due to some liberal program that they implemented in which their dummy son that is white did not get your slot in engineering school because you were taking advantage of reverse racism. You probably plagiarized your writing too.

4) They built the greatness and all these third world losers are tying to rewrite history and take their power and their money. Fuck those people they think. We made this country great. The Indians, Blacks, and those vermin Latin Americans are all FAKE Americans who want to steal what is OURS. OURS. MINE. ME. MINE.

They are like that Rancid. I ran into them in meetings discussing bilingual education. They do not care that kids fail if they do not have a way of doing schoolwork in their native language while being taught English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). They should sink to the bottom. I had one lady scream at my mother about 'You can't think unless it is in English. You are making these kids fail. They can't think in that gibberish that no one understands at home.' An actual person. Do you think she is a MAGA now? I would bet a lot of my money that she is one. :lol:
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By Rancid
Tainari88 wrote:
No one who is a MAGA wants to hear about the contributions of Americans who are not like them Rancid. For them? They are the true Patriots and the other ones are enemies of the state.

That is how fascists think anyway. There is a very defined way of being an American and the ones who do not agree with their list of pre-requisites to being an American are crossed off.

1) You are not a white extraction American with generations of being here and living here. Say at least 150 years or generational European rooted American life. You are not that. One cross off.

2) Shithole nation roots. The Dominican Republic is next to Haiti. Haiti and Dominican Republic are the definition of Banana Republics and shithole nation definitions. You are not from the cultures that are civilized. Untrustworthy. Your wife as well. Chinese are UnAmerican unless they are like Elaine Chao that Mitch McConnell married. Got to be a rabid Right winger there. Not vote for Obama. Which your wife did. The traitor!

3) You went to engineering school due to some minority favoring status. Liberal policies. That means you did not do it on your own merits. You rode the coattails of liberalism to become an engineer not due to studying and working on it. But because some liberal allowed it. You got there due to some liberal program that they implemented in which their dummy son that is white did not get your slot in engineering school because you were taking advantage of reverse racism. You probably plagiarized your writing too.

4) They built the greatness and all these third world losers are tying to rewrite history and take their power and their money. Fuck those people they think. We made this country great. The Indians, Blacks, and those vermin Latin Americans are all FAKE Americans who want to steal what is OURS. OURS. MINE. ME. MINE.

They are like that Rancid. I ran into them in meetings discussing bilingual education. They do not care that kids fail if they do not have a way of doing schoolwork in their native language while being taught English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). They should sink to the bottom. I had one lady scream at my mother about 'You can't think unless it is in English. You are making these kids fail. They can't think in that gibberish that no one understands at home.' An actual person. Do you think she is a MAGA now? I would bet a lot of my money that she is one. :lol:

I have nothing else to say to this but yes.
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By Godstud
@Tainari88 and @Rancid, you both sound like MAGA people, only from the other side of the coin. It's not any better. Extremists on both sides are the problem, and it's mostly from the Left, despite what you might want to think. Extremists from one side breed them on the other.
Godstud wrote:@Tainari88 and @Rancid, you both sound like MAGA people, only from the other side of the coin. It's not any better. Extremists on both sides are the problem, and it's mostly from the Left, despite what you might want to think. Extremists from one side breed them on the other.

How am I sounding extreme? :?:

You think it's extreme to point out when some jackasses try to claim entitlements off the back of someone else (like their grandfather)?

Extreme to point out a history of non-white people getting thrown under the bus?
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By Godstud
You are only pointing out the most extreme things and then generalizing.

People paid about the same taxes 50 years ago as they do now. You pay about 10% more federal tax. State taxes are where you are paying about 70% more. You also can't compare going to war with paying taxes. Not comparable.

:roll: Non-white people are NOT getting thrown under the bus, today. They haven't for 50+ years. You have laws to stop this. Over half of all Americans are non-white.

There is no systemic racist, today. There is racism, but it's on an individual level, and we can deal with that as it pops up.

The racism now come from Liberals who think that re-segregation is OK, with black-only graduations or fraternities. It's only choice for black people but if whites were to do it, it'd be racist.

MAGA people are against ILLEGAL immigration. You should all be against that, as people who illegally immigrate are committing a crime. They are not against LEGAL immigration, but it is frequently assumed that this is the case and that it's on racist grounds. That's false.

America was created by colonialism(a good thing in most countries) and immigration, but that doesn't make all immigrants equal.

You think it's extreme to point out when some jackasses try to claim entitlements off the back of someone else (like their grandfather)?
Less crazy than jackasses going after reparations for slavery?
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By Rancid

Random thing related to this thread.

I grew up about 3 miles from this old hotel:


It's now a museum. Anywah, it's where MLK Jr. practiced his I have dream speech. It's also where the "One night in Miami" occurred.
Last edited by Rancid on 17 Mar 2024 23:48, edited 1 time in total.
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By Rancid
Godstud wrote:You also can't compare going to war with paying taxes.

But said person didn't go to war. :?:
Godstud wrote:@Tainari88 and @Rancid, you both sound like MAGA people, only from the other side of the coin. It's not any better. Extremists on both sides are the problem, and it's mostly from the Left, despite what you might want to think. Extremists from one side breed them on the other.

Godstud, I doubt you understand my perspective at all. You live in your world then. You have changed. You used to be more centrist and liberal. Now you sound like some kind of rightist person. I do not know what the trigger was for that? I do not like to speculate.

The reality is that denying there is racism in the USA is total bullshit for me personally.

Go ahead and think I am a MAGA for the other side. I will think you are easily swayed by anyone claiming to be losing the traditional family. Traditional values.

You better focus on humane values and not only MAGA crap about traditional values is being worried about two cosenting men having sex in their bedrooms or some liberals who smoke pot and decide not to have children. Or some ignorant Moms for Liberty thinking banning books is saving their kids from depravity.

All of that is sheer stupidity and wasted efforts. The reality is that they all live in FEAR of losing power and status in their own society. They excuse the horrific behavior of Donald J. Trump. With ideas that God is using him as an instrument of righteousness, when all they are doing is exposing their contradictions between what they say they believe in and what they actually endorse and approve of.

They will never get rid of the liberals, gays, and Blacks, and undocumented millions in the USA. Never. Can't do it. They got to learn to co exist with them. Or go for a bloody Civil War and guarantee that the entire world is going to close the door on their leadership.

They can vote for an American Brexit. Go and cage children at the border as if they are dogs that have rabies, they can go and murder and club people to death that disagree with them and become haters of the worst kind. It will not save them. Too many of the ones who disagree to confidently win the war.

They will not learn that until it is too late.
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By Godstud
Tainari88 wrote:You used to be more centrist and liberal. Now you sound like some kind of rightist person. I do not know what the trigger was for that? I do not like to speculate.
I never changed. You did.

Tainari88 wrote:The reality is that denying there is racism in the USA is total bullshit for me personally.
:roll: I never said ti doesn't exist. I said that it doesn't exist on a systemic and policy level. There will always be racist dipshits in the world. USA is far less racist than it was even 20 years ago.

Tainari88 wrote:I will think you are easily swayed by anyone claiming to be losing the traditional family. Traditional values.
You have a traditional family. The problems with modern society can be traced to the damage done to the nuclear traditional family, or are you going to deny that single parent homes have children more likely to have mental illness, go to jail, etc? We need the traditional family because it works. Railing against reality is stupid.

Tainari88 wrote:Or some ignorant Moms for Liberty thinking banning books is saving their kids from depravity.
You want your children learning about giving blow jobs from "school books"? Alerting to real things happening isn't a bad thing.
https://apnews.com/article/entertainmen ... a4e1f8a016

Tainari88 wrote:They will never get rid of the liberals, gays, and Blacks, and undocumented millions in the USA.
WTF are you smoking? No one is trying to get rid of liberals, gays and black people. :knife: Holy shit you're gone mad! Illegal immigration should be curtailed though, and Obama deported more illegals than Biden and Trump put together!! Fact.

Tainari88 wrote:Go and cage children at the border as if they are dogs that have rabies, they can go and murder and club people to death that disagree with them and become haters of the worst kind. It will not save them. Too many of the ones who disagree to confidently win the war.
They don't keep children in cages and you don't keep children in jails with criminals. These lies have already been exposed for what they are, and Obama did worse but everyone hails him as some sort of hero.

You've become stupid in your echo chamber and can no longer critically think. I never changed. I just left the echo chamber and started to question the world on a factual basis.
Tainari88 wrote:MAGA people exist precisely because they feel at home in the society they live in. They feel the country is theirs and the system works for them, and if it might change and might work for the ones they see as the enemy? ...

Yes, MAGAs (Republicans) are not open to radical demographic change. But to call this "racist" is false.

Republicans are no more racist than Democrats. Just look at the racial composition of the State Department. Completely different than the racial composition of the USA.

Same with media. Same with finance. All of America's controlling institutions are controlled in a racial manner, and its foreign policy is all about hurting "targetted races" like Arabs, Africans and Slavs.

This is exactly the same under both parties, so please don't try to lead us towards Democrat Party Racism as some kind of "hope."
QatzelOk wrote:Yes, MAGAs (Republicans) are not open to radical demographic change. But to call this "racist" is false.

Republicans are no more racist than Democrats. Just look at the racial composition of the State Department. Completely different than the racial composition of the USA.

Same with media. Same with finance. All of America's controlling institutions are controlled in a racial manner, and its foreign policy is all about hurting "targetted races" like Arabs, Africans and Slavs.

This is exactly the same under both parties, so please don't try to lead us towards Democrat Party Racism as some kind of "hope."

I do not think the Democrats are less racist. Both of them are really racist Q.

Do not assume I am giving cover to the Democrats. They are just more subtly two faced. But that they are free of racism? No they are not and never have been.
Godstud wrote:I never changed. You did.

:roll: I never said ti doesn't exist. I said that it doesn't exist on a systemic and policy level. There will always be racist dipshits in the world. USA is far less racist than it was even 20 years ago.

You have a traditional family. The problems with modern society can be traced to the damage done to the nuclear traditional family, or are you going to deny that single parent homes have children more likely to have mental illness, go to jail, etc? We need the traditional family because it works. Railing against reality is stupid.

You want your children learning about giving blow jobs from "school books"? Alerting to real things happening isn't a bad thing.
https://apnews.com/article/entertainmen ... a4e1f8a016

WTF are you smoking? No one is trying to get rid of liberals, gays and black people. :knife: Holy shit you're gone mad! Illegal immigration should be curtailed though, and Obama deported more illegals than Biden and Trump put together!! Fact.

They don't keep children in cages and you don't keep children in jails with criminals. These lies have already been exposed for what they are, and Obama did worse but everyone hails him as some sort of hero.

You've become stupid in your echo chamber and can no longer critically think. I never changed. I just left the echo chamber and started to question the world on a factual basis.

Do you pay attention to what these MAGA drones say and do? They are not some harmless traditional family people Godstud.

And I am in Mexico. My kid is not reading about blow jobs in a library. If the US people want to think that the majority of the nation is crazy and letting kids read about pornography? That is their problem. I find the entire premise of this questionable. A lot of people are into hatred of Gays (they kill gay kids with bullying and constant exclusion all the time. I had to deal with hundreds of gay men and gay women suffering from HIV and to think they were a threat to US society with their issues about having to be excluded from their families and being relegated to being perverts and child molesters when they never were. That is all smearing and lies.

I find the lack of tolerance for people who have different sexual orientations a sign of weakness and a lack of humanity. Stop being judgmental and thinking everything is about traditional values. Most single parent homes nowadays has to do with men who feel POWERLESS to produce for their families, they feel shunted aside. Why? It is a lot of factors. For me the number one factor is the unemployment in low income neighborhoods, and bad environments, and that couples fall apart with the strain. Bad values too.

If everyone is telling you that the most important thing is to consume, consume and consume like there is no tomorrow? And you are inferior unless you have the latest gadgets, and crap? And many men are jailed in the USA. It is the nation with the most men in jail in the world. Why? They are not raising their families.

It is a complex series of systemic failures.

Failed marriages? Many people from all walks of life have failed marriages. They want to start over with a new wife or kid? Because the first family did not work. Why didn't it work?

It is complex Godstud. Do not throw stones in glass houses Godstud.

All this traditional values is a cover for wanting a society to go back to what it was before. It won't. Why? Because the way the society is set up is for both parents to be working outside the home. Especially the working class ones, who get paid flat wages without real benefits for years. They hopscotch around odd jobs and instability. That causes tension and fights. The kids are unsupervised and latchkey.

@QatzelOk talked about it. Latchkey zombie electronic kids. It is real. Not about traditional values being eroded. It is about working people not making enough to make the rent and pay all their bills on a husband's one income. The wife has to go out and work. Not a choice. Because the wages have remained stagnant for a long time, and college degrees are about loans and debt and not being able to purchase a home until you paid back that debt. It is a systemic horror.

Raising kids is hard in the USA. The child care is not there, the support for materinity and paternity leave is not there, and the benefits are not there anymore. That shit has been absent for decades by now. It affects families with children.

But you blame who for all this shit? Single women?

It is ridiculous.
Rancid wrote:100% on the bag/receipt thing. I ALWAYS ask for a receipt, especially if no bag is given. Always make sure the receipt is sort of hanging out so that it's clearly visible as you walk out.

And yes, I have been stopped at the exit of a shop, and asked if I paid for the item I have. I have also been asked to lift my shirt, and empty my pockets while exiting a shop.

Same reason I cross the street when I see white women on the side walk. :lol: :hmm: I know that I'm perceived as a threat by default.

Tell them to go fuck off, take the physical beating from the security/police, sue them for millions, and then retire, write a book about it, make millions more.

Statues and schools will be named after you. You're the next Rosa Parks. What are you waiting for?
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By Rancid
Unthinking Majority wrote:Tell them to go fuck off, take the physical beating from the security/police, sue them for millions, and then retire, write a book about it, make millions more.

Statues and schools will be named after you. You're the next Rosa Parks. What are you waiting for?

Even with those millions though. I will not be able to claim the flag like country MAGA fucks.
Rancid wrote:Even with those millions though. I will not be able to claim the flag like country MAGA fucks.

That is what bothers me the most Rancid. The people out there who never lived through experiences with discrimination at all. They think that everyone in the US has the same experiences of the society. Since it never happens to them? It does not exist. It is foolish.

I do not pretend to know what some people go through at their jobs or with some domestic violence scenario or some problem I have never been a part of? Yet, they want to invalidate your experience and say that racism is solved. Do they know that a lot of the Civil Right legislation from the 1960s got really deteriorated in the Reagan era. And beyond. But they think everything stays the same. It does not.

I sit here and think? Have they lived the shit I have been through with discrimination and lack of respect due to national origin, or systemic racist incidents? No, they have not. They want me to say what? Oh, that racist shit never happened. All water under the bridge. Yeah, whatever. Pendejos!
Tainari88 wrote:...The people out there who never lived through experiences with discrimination at all. ...

Who exactly are these people who "have never lived through experiences with discrimination?"

Even Adolph Hitler claimed to have been discriminated against when he applied to Art School. Rich people in my town are always claiming to "have been slaves" (thousands of years ago) and to be "victims" of political persecution (even though they control politics themselves).

So while discrimination is real and often harmful, it isn't being accurately addressed by Capitalist socieites or their medias because... the elites of capitalism DEPEND ON racism to start wars, and to practice extreme hate against recalcitrant countries that are "too independent."

But these same elites are careful to complain about "their own sad personal stories" that are often based on mythologies and media lies.
QatzelOk wrote:Who exactly are these people who "have never lived through experiences with discrimination?"

Even Adolph Hitler claimed to have been discriminated against when he applied to Art School. Rich people in my town are always claiming to "have been slaves" (thousands of years ago) and to be "victims" of political persecution (even though they control politics themselves).

So while discrimination is real and often harmful, it isn't being accurately addressed by Capitalist socieites or their medias because... the elites of capitalism DEPEND ON racism to start wars, and to practice extreme hate against recalcitrant countries that are "too independent."

But these same elites are careful to complain about "their own sad personal stories" that are often based on mythologies and media lies.

Q, the problem is that no one studies power relationships in depth. Why there are imbalances with power and why power is something that is inherently baked into all human relationships. Whether between a husband and a wife, a child, and a parent, a teacher and a student, a politician and a voter, a priest and a parishioner, a soldier and a general, etc etc. Almost all of human society is always renegotiating power relationships all the time.

It is amazing to me how many people live in La La Land in terms of understanding power. Many students and teachers of history, sociology, political science, statistics, and every other subject dealing with power relationships in the world have to talk about abuse of power in human relationships.

Otherwise, all this victim mentality shit will continue to perpetuate itself. For me the biggest whiners in the world are a bunch of rich, old white men in power crying about how they are being replaced by Feminazis, and Antifas and Jews in charge of Hollywood, and they continually cry about sheer CRAP all the time.

Are they living like a lot of people in the nations with underdevelopment? Yes or no? Scrambling for clean water everyday. They do not even live like some 91 year old Scottish woman who refused to sell her land to Donald Trump in Scotland and he got revenge by cutting off her water supply. She has to take sponge baths and ration her water because she dared to not sell her land to that asshole. Power relationships are everywhere. And the ones who whine more are the cowardly assholes used to special privileges.

They are victims. Smeared and slandered is painful he says. These privileged assholes are all victims.
Tainari88 wrote:...For me the biggest whiners in the world are a bunch of rich, old white men in power crying about how they are being replaced by Feminazis, and Antifas and Jews in charge of Hollywood, and they continually cry about sheer CRAP all the time. ...

Even though the media and banks are run by old white men (a group you seem perfectly willing to discriminate against), their media is constantly building hatred against other "old white men" (and men in general).

These media-controlling old white men...want you to hate OTHER old white men, and they have wanted this for your entire life of media-viewing. And they got what they wanted out of you. Your eagerness to discriminate based on age and gender and skin tone... is noted.


That 20th Century media-watchers are encouraged to distrust, envy, and discourage "men" in general.. is probably why marriages last five years, on average. Homeless men? Who cares... it's just men getting their comeuppance.

Are they living like a lot of people in the nations with underdevelopment?

The underdevelopment of most of the world... is partially a result of media viewers *taking their fighting orders* from the media you still enjoy. And this media that you still enjoy, is run by old white men.

Old white men NEED to eliminate other men in order to continue to practice tyranny. And many of the people dying in Palestine, Syria, and other hotspots... are men who are old.

Identity politics is a nice way of manipulating people's emotions so that they do great harm to people JUST BECAUSE OF THEIR AGE OR GENDER.
QatzelOk wrote:Even though the media and banks are run by old white men (a group you seem perfectly willing to discriminate against), their media is constantly building hatred against other "old white men" (and men in general).

These media-controlling old white men...want you to hate OTHER old white men, and they have wanted this for your entire life of media-viewing. And they got what they wanted out of you. Your eagerness to discriminate based on age and gender and skin tone... is noted.


That 20th Century media-watchers are encouraged to distrust, envy, and discourage "men" in general.. is probably why marriages last five years, on average. Homeless men? Who cares... it's just men getting their comeuppance.

The underdevelopment of most of the world... is partially a result of media viewers *taking their fighting orders* from the media you still enjoy. And this media that you still enjoy, is run by old white men.

Old white men NEED to eliminate other men in order to continue to practice tyranny. And many of the people dying in Palestine, Syria, and other hotspots... are men who are old.

Identity politics is a nice way of manipulating people's emotions so that they do great harm to people JUST BECAUSE OF THEIR AGE OR GENDER.

Now I am discriminating against old white men? Lol. No, I said the ones who whine the most about being victims are usually in the USA old, white powerful men. Like most of the senate, most of the congress and so on of the USA. Who runs those institutions? Young African American men? Come on Q.

Identity politics is for liberals who never give up their privileges for anyone. That is their problem.

If you want to say I am racist against old white men and play the reverse discrimination card Q? Then what can I say?

I like plenty of old white men. Like you. Lol. But for me you are not any old white man, you are Q. The individual whom I love a lot on this forum. Love always transcends the old white men stereotype. Lol.

Go ahead, say I am against men. I have to live in a household with mostly men and males. I am not the majority here. Hee hee.

I do love a few white men on this forum. Maybe I should do a count of the white men I love and like and the white men I find ugly and nasty and bad? Lol. Could be it is a case by case issue with me eh? Because being white and a male does not say much in the end about a person's character or behavior does it? No.

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