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By Skynet
litwin wrote:Muscovite motivation for childbearing is extremely low. :lol:

Hole of Europe faces extinction Lithuania has just 1.1 children per woman. 2.1 are requiered to survive for an ethnicity... Russia 1.49

The reaons:
1 Woman are raised to be man today. Equal rights should exist but in Europe is a discussion if girls should get Barbie dolls and if this is political correct

2 Man want not to marry, because it is a financial risk in case of divorce. But the marriage is best suited to raise children

3 too few financial support by the governemernements and no punishment for those who do not have children but receive the same pension when retire
By Rich
What we see here is the mother of unholy racist alliances.

:lol: I love the way the Liberals try to gas light us. They say Svobada only got 2.19%, the last time that Ukrainians were allowed to vote. Only? Imagine if an openly Neo Nazi party got 2.19% in an American or Western European election. The parties in western Europe that the international liberal lie machine calls far right are nothing like Svobada, they're not remotely Neo Nazis. That two percent in those elections represents a much, much larger body of Neo Nazi sentiment not just in Ukraine but in other Eastern European countries.

I say Neo Nazi, but one could just as well say late Nazi. The Nazi movement and the SS were themselves in a transition in the last years of the war from a genocidal anti Slav racism to a genocidal anti Russian racism. The genocidal anti Jewish thinking remaining a constant. Less than half the troops defending Berlin defending Hitler's last stand were actually German. That's not a fact the Liberal wants you to dwell on for too long. This huge body of anti Russian racism in Eastern Europe sees the Russians as Asiatic sub humans. Obviously there's a huge range in the intensity of this sentiment and how much it is ideologically defined. In essence they want to exterminate the Russians because they are not fully "White"

These Eastern European Neo Nazis and liberals, conservatives and socialists with Neo Nazi sentiments have combined with western European and American liberal opinion who want to see the Russians exterminated because they see them as the epitome of Whiteness. They see Russia as the epitome of evil European Christendom. The epitomee of White Settler imperialists who must be replaced.
By Rugoz
Rich wrote:I love the way the Liberals try to gas light us. They say Svobada only got 2.19%, the last time that Ukrainians were allowed to vote. Only? Imagine if an openly Neo Nazi party got 2.19% in an American or Western European election.

LoL Rich, you're so clueless.
Liberals love toppling. Why put massive investment of lives, wealth and diplomatic capital into serious wars when a leader can be toppled. The people will welcome liberation. Everyone will see the liberal light and we'll all live happily ever after. Take Cuba, why waste lives and money on invading Cuba, when Castro could just be toppled by sanctions. Now admittedly it may be taking just slightly longer than expected to topple the Castro regime than anticipated, but that shouldn't stand in the way of an otherwise wise and brilliant strategy.

Currently we're looking forward to the toppling of Hamas, that could happen any day now, but it interesting to think back to the toppling of Putin. The liberals were not merely content with a plan A they had B and C as well as backups.

Plan A seize the Russian businessmen's, sorry i mean oligarchs, Russians don't have businessmen, seize the oligarchs yachts and football clubs. This will inevitably force them to topple Putin.

Plan B In the extremely unlikely event that didn't work, ban Russians from sporting and cultural events, that will surly get the Russian people to topple Putin and fall into line

Plan C In the even more unlikely event that didn't work introduce major economic sanctions. Actually there was also a

Plan D Ramp up the sanctions to the biggest sanctions package the world has ever seen and then

Plan E Allow Prigohzin and Wagner PMC to topple of Putin for us and then

Plan F Supply the Ukrainians with Wunderwaffen so they can sweep into Crimea, driving at thirty to forty miles a day, capture Sevastopol and Putin will surly be toppled.

Our western leaders are brilliant at toppling, utterly brilliant. The only thing they are not quite so good at is on the very, very, very rare occasions when toppling doesn't work, telling the people that a leader can't be toppled. Biden was actually good in this regard, at the beginning of his administration admitting that the Taliban that had been toppled back in 2001, had become sort of slightly untoppled. Biden even seems to be willing to question Netanyahu's ability to topple Hamas. Anyway what I'm getting around to saying is could their be a case for questioning our ability to topple the Russian regime.
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By litwin
VIDEO : Ukraine 'repels one of Moscow's biggest tank charges since the start of the war', 36 tanks and 12 BPM infantry fighting vehicles

KFC yummy Looks like those Muscovite shovels didn’t save them 8)

There is a reason why in Finnish verb "Ryssiä" (Muscovy ) , roughly meaning "to totally fail something".

Slava Ukraine !

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By litwin
litwin wrote:VIDEO : Ukraine 'repels one of Moscow's biggest tank charges since the start of the war', 36 tanks and 12 BPM infantry fighting vehicles

KFC yummy Looks like those Muscovite shovels didn’t save them 8)

There is a reason why in Finnish verb "Ryssiä" (Muscovy ) , roughly meaning "to totally fail something".

Slava Ukraine !

Huge putin´s Armored Vehicle Attack Near Tonenke (36 Tanks, 12 BMPs) Defeated--20 Vehicles Destroyed

By Rich
Just to note that Qaddafi was a leader who could have been toppled. However luckily our wise leaders knew that toppling Qaddafi would be immoral. it would be against International Law and International Law is sacred. So our wise leaders introduced highly restrictive rules of engagement specifically designed to avoid accidentally toppling the regime. Imagine if we toppled Qaddafi. Imagine having that terrible crime on our consciences.

No the better strategy was to allow armed groups, proto statelets in effect to build up in different parts of the country, because as soon as Qadaffi did go they would inevitably put aside their differences to live in peaceness and light in a unified liberal democracy. The destruction of infrastructure and the need to rebuild after a protracted multi factional war would also no doubt help the healing and unifying process.

What Benito Mussolini and Nikita Khrushchev have brought together, let no man split asunder.
By Rich
Every evil in the world is blamed on Putin. There is seemingly nothing too evil that the Liberals won't blame on Putin.

:?: Ah except one. Except the Baltimore Bridge. I had decided it was time to sell out. It was time to come in from the cold and try and curry favour with my old liberal adversaries. So I just tentatively suggested that it might be worth looking at whether Russia's spy agencies were involved. To my surprise, rather receiving gratitude for my suggestion it was treated with outrage. Why are the Liberals so absolutely dead set against investigating this? Why are the Liberals so certain of this before they've even investigated?

Putin is such an obvious suspect. Half the Liberals have been screaming for the destruction of the Kerch bridge with western weapons for two years and for the destruction of every other Russian bridge and other infrastructure too boot. It would only be natural for Putin to want to teach these people a lesson. You don't get a much better symbolic target than the Baltimore Bridge. For all we know Putin could be a Wire fan. Could the reason be that one of the doctrines of the Liberals is that we can do what ever we like to Russia, without any risk of pay back or blow back. For the Liberal its an unassailable truth that we can do what ever we like to Russia and they're powerless to respond.
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By litwin
skinster wrote:Despite the delusions of the liberals, the U.S. and NATO war in Ukraine has been lost to Russia.

SURE , IVAN LOVER , SURE , WITH 1% OF the world GDP :lol:

Screen shot 2017-04-02 at 3.14.03 PM.png
skinster wrote:^ posts random picture, surrrre Ivan. :lol:

Compared to you posting videos, at least he types text and gives sort of an opinion.

In other news, Russia was disabling and killing American diplomats and spies and are behind the Havana Syndrom by the looks of it. Most of them were working on things related to Russia mostly and now we have clear evidence of the assassination units 29155 that conducted sabotage in European Union and assassination on Skripals and others being involved at the exact same times on top of receipts for developing energy based acoustic weapons that were the suspicion.

Are Republicans gonna just keep a blind eye to this?

Investigation itself(Free and in English):

The weapon itself doesn't seem to be anything new and was invented by the Soviets back in 1984. The problem is that it needed a truck for it so what the GRU did is simply shrink it to a more portable size with modern electronics and science moving forward since 1984.
skinster wrote:

I got 5 or 7 of them dji drones, 2 mavics and 3 or 5 phantoms + a couple older gopro ones.

Guess I could start my own country in Cambridge.

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