The Deterioration of the UK - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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"record high 3rd world immigration"

It's not the EU's fault the English are so stupid they can't answer that.

You got rid of white unskilled and semi-skilled immigrants.

Who did you think would replace the East Europeans doing the shitty jobs?

Not the English, surely?


Note: In 2021, just 43,000 people from EU member states received visas — accounting for just five per cent of all visas granted.
Last edited by ingliz on 07 Apr 2024 09:00, edited 2 times in total.
ingliz wrote:@FiveofSwords

"record high 3rd world immigration"

It's not the EU's fault the English are so stupid they can't answer that.

You got rid of White unskilled and semi-skilled immigrants.

Who did you think would replace the East Europeans doing the shitty jobs?

Not the English, surely?


Note: In 2021, just 43,000 people from EU member states received visas — accounting for just five per cent of all visas granted.

Most Brits who voted for Brexit seem to have done so in the delusional belief that almost all immigration into Britain would cease, no matter from what source. In reality, of course, it merely stopped white European immigrants from entering Britain, and 3rd world immigration was ramped up to replace them. Lol.

And it doesn’t matter what anyone supposes “the will of the people” actually was when they voted for Brexit. All that matters is what they actually voted for. Which was to stop white European immigration. They got what they voted for.

Most British voters are ill-informed (read: lied to) and ignorant about pretty much everything. And there’s no fixing that.
ingliz wrote:@FiveofSwords

"record high 3rd world immigration"

It's not the EU's fault the English are so stupid they can't answer that.

You got rid of White unskilled and semi-skilled immigrants.

Who did you think would replace the East Europeans doing the shitty jobs?

Not the English, surely?


Note: In 2021, just 43,000 people from EU member states received visas — accounting for just five per cent of all visas granted.

The people in power in western countries don't give a damn about the economy. Their primary goal is just to get rid of white people. They would pursue that goal regardless of whether it destroys the economy. And in fact it will, because these immigrants are taking more away from the economy than what they you viewing this from an economic lens is just obscuring the real truth behind everything.

So both EU and UK elite are dedicated to this project. That is all we are learning from the post brexit reality.
FiveofSwords wrote:That is all we are learning from the post Brexit reality.


All we are learning is something we've long suspected.

Les Rosbifs are very stupid.

As thick as two short planks.

Puddings, in other words.

FiveofSwords wrote:The people in power in western countries don't give a damn about the economy. Their primary goal is just to get rid of white people. They would pursue that goal regardless of whether it destroys the economy. And in fact it will, because these immigrants are taking more away from the economy than what they you viewing this from an economic lens is just obscuring the real truth behind everything.

So both EU and UK elite are dedicated to this project. That is all we are learning from the post brexit reality.

You’re reading way too much into Brexit, @FiveofSwords. Brexit was a typical British cockup from beginning to end. David Cameron’s fear of UKIP taking votes from the Tories and his smug patrician lack of awareness of what the average voter thought of the EU (and foreigners in general), combined with the ignorance and prejudices of the great British public, combined with Boris Johnson’s unprincipled political ambition and opportunism, combined with Cameron’s lackluster campaigning and the tidal wave of lies told by the pro-Brexiteers to produce a toxic brew, a perfect storm of bungling incompetence which drove another nail into the coffin of Britain’s standing in the world. The post-War decline continues apace. The only thing which can really save us now is a proletarian revolution, but given the values and attitudes of the English working class, I’m not holding my breath.

Long story short: there’s no grand conspiracy behind Brexit - just bumbling incompetence and stupidity.
Potemkin wrote:You’re reading way too much into Brexit, @FiveofSwords. Brexit was a typical British cockup from beginning to end. David Cameron’s fear of UKIP taking votes from the Tories and his smug patrician lack of awareness of what the average voter thought of the EU (and foreigners in general), combined with the ignorance and prejudices of the great British public, combined with Boris Johnson’s unprincipled political ambition and opportunism, combined with Cameron’s lackluster campaigning and the tidal wave of lies told by the pro-Brexiteers to produce a toxic brew, a perfect storm of bungling incompetence which drove another nail into the coffin of Britain’s standing in the world. The post-War decline continues apace. The only thing which can really save us now is a proletarian revolution, but given the values and attitudes of the English working class, I’m not holding my breath.

Long story short: there’s no grand conspiracy behind Brexit - just bumbling incompetence and stupidity.

Lol...I am basically at a loss on how to even respond to this. You are speaking about politicians as if they actually have power, lol. How quaint. I didn't know many people were still left who thought that way. Western countries are actually ruled by elite who prefer to be invisible because of course they would rather not be accountable. I was under the impression that pretty much everyone with an interest in politics knew this.
FiveofSwords wrote:Lol...I am basically at a loss on how to even respond to this. You are speaking about politicians as if they actually have power, lol. How quaint. I didn't know many people were still left who thought that way. Western countries are actually ruled by elite who prefer to be invisible because of course they would rather not be accountable. I was under the impression that pretty much everyone with an interest in politics knew this.

So you’re a conspiracy theorist then? Tell me, who are the secret rulers of the world? Is it the Elders of Zion? Is it the Rosicrucians? Or the Illuminati? It’s the Illuminati, isn’t it…? :eh:
Potemkin wrote:So you’re a conspiracy theorist then? Tell me, who are the secret rulers of the world? Is it the Elders of Zion? Is it the Rosicrucians? Or the Illuminati? It’s the Illuminati, isn’t it…? :eh:

Well whoever it is, it obviously cannot be even fools know that politicians never keep their promises. Indeed the whole idea of a 'democratic' system of government is to deprive politicians of power. When they do have power elsewhere in the world, we call them dictators and we are supposed to hate them, overthrow them, and replace them with 'democracy' (even if the people do not particularly want 'democracy').

It should be interesting to you that many of the secret societies you mentioned did in fact exist. The Illuminati may not exist today, but once upon a time they did. There are archives in Bavaria you could go to right now and read their letters and theirbpolitical designs.

Yet you are speaking of such a concept as if it is mythological. Like unicorns or something. Despite having undeniable empirical evidence that it did in fact exist.

Why would you adopt such a tone? Is there some psychological need for you to?
I don’t know why immigration requires a mysterious elite when the motive for the control of labor supply, especially more precious and thus cheaper labor is to the benefit to capitalists of western nations. It’s not a new problem but it allows social antagonisms to obscure class warfare.
Wellsy wrote:I don’t know why immigration requires a mysterious elite when the motive for the control of labor supply, especially more precious and thus cheaper labor is to the benefit to capitalists of western nations. It’s not a new problem but it allows social antagonisms to obscure class warfare.

That’s what the Illuminati want you to think, @Wellsy…. :eh: :eek:
Potemkin wrote:You’re reading way too much into Brexit, @FiveofSwords. Brexit was a typical British cockup from beginning to end. David Cameron’s fear of UKIP taking votes from the Tories and his smug patrician lack of awareness of what the average voter thought of the EU (and foreigners in general), combined with the ignorance and prejudices of the great British public, combined with Boris Johnson’s unprincipled political ambition and opportunism, combined with Cameron’s lackluster campaigning and the tidal wave of lies told by the pro-Brexiteers to produce a toxic brew, a perfect storm of bungling incompetence which drove another nail into the coffin of Britain’s standing in the world. The post-War decline continues apace. The only thing which can really save us now is a proletarian revolution, but given the values and attitudes of the English working class, I’m not holding my breath.

Long story short: there’s no grand conspiracy behind Brexit - just bumbling incompetence and stupidity.

Just reading the series of bumbling you describe here gives me a headache Potemkin.

Who is stepping up to do the jobs that must be done and that no English person with a DOLE check coming in is willing to do eh?

Give me a scenario of how they will fix the deficit of Eastern European immigrant labor with who else?

Pants-of-dog wrote:Because antisemitism is a longstanding European tradition?

Oh? You are suggesting jews are responsible for mass immigration?

Well it seems reasonable that if antisemitism is a European tradition, jews would seek to destroy European tradition. Right?
Wellsy wrote:I don’t know why immigration requires a mysterious elite when the motive for the control of labor supply, especially more precious and thus cheaper labor is to the benefit to capitalists of western nations. It’s not a new problem but it allows social antagonisms to obscure class warfare.
You make it sound cute and harmless by simply calling it 'immigration'. What we are seeing is actually genocidal levels of immigration combined with strictly enforced state policies designed to give preference to the 'new immigrants' combined with brutal oppression of any critics of this policy or of the immigrants.

That is something that cannot be explained with mere profit motives.

It is something totally unlike anything that has ever been seen in the history of the world. Nothing in history can even pretend to approach the scale we are currently observing.

The fact that it keeps wages low and obstructs the possibility of unions being formed could help explain why corporate executives don't resist it, but not the policies themselves or their enforcement.

Anyways...the people who originated and support these policies stated quite clearly why they were doing it. They simply don't like European people. It had nothing to do with money.
Last edited by FiveofSwords on 07 Apr 2024 21:49, edited 2 times in total.

I am alluding to the old antisemitic hoax about how Jews secretly control the world and use immigration policy to bring in non-whites to mongrelize the white race. It seems that you are arguing that.
Pants-of-dog wrote:@FiveofSwords

I am alluding to the old antisemitic hoax about how Jews secretly control the world and use immigration policy to bring in non-whites to mongrelize the white race. It seems that you are arguing that.

I didn't say a word about jews, though. Fascinating that you brought it up. I think it is very telling that I can just say general things about immigration and some random person will inevitably speak about antisemitism even if nobody said a word about jews. Odd phenomenon.
FiveofSwords wrote:You make it sound cute and harmless by simply calling it 'immigration'. What we are seeing is actually genocidal levels of immigration combined with strictly enforced state policies designed to give preference to the 'new immigrants' combined with brutal oppression of any critics of this policy or of the immigrants.

That is something that cannot be explained with mere profit motives.

It is something totally unlike anything that has ever been seen in the history of the world. Nothing in history can even pretend to approach the scale we are currently observing.

The fact that it keeps wages low and obstructs the possibility of unions being formed could help explain why corporate executives don't resist it, but not the policies themselves or their enforcement.

Anyways...the people who originated and support these policies stated quite clearly why they were doing it. They simply don't like European people. It had nothing to do with money.

Liberal self loathing doesn’t really lens itself to explaining this. And its a problem as old as capitalist production. Such a motive explains both why it isn’t totally open borders but also why it’s not strict restriction of immigration, because the precariousness of it allows some influence over labor supply. One always hears of business owners ideas about whether immigration is too low and catastrophic or not based on their ideal labor requirements.

I don’t know what explanation one could give to the anxiety of some sort of elimination of white people, and presumably not genocide but mixing. Because unless there is explicit killing off I don’t quite see how such a view is tenable beyond just an idea of people having sex and producing some nonpure ideal of kids. To which we are all bastards in that regard.

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