Why do Americans automatically side with Ukraine over Russia? - Page 3 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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late wrote:Not every child grows up, you see that a lot here..

We are talking about my support of alternatives to Western hegemony.

For you, my oppositional stand means that I am "immature." That I look at the War on Ukraine as a fund-raising scheme for deepstate clowns... rather than as a heroic re-enactment of a WW2 movie... is immature, in your mature opinion.

For me, it means that I haven't been broken the way domesticated animals are broken in the taming process.

Supporting Western hegemony, in my opinion, is the easy way out. It's not a sign of maturity, though it may be a sign that you have lost the will or ability to think on your own and express these thoughts.



Citing Chrystia Freeland, late wrote:...Putin hates that world because he loses in that world — his system is a loser in a peaceful, global, wealth-enhancing paradigm. And so what he wants is to move us back to dog-eat-dog, to a 19th-century, great power competition, because he thinks he can, if not win, be more effective there. … Let’s not think that this is a Ukrainian problem; this is a problem for us all.”

This is the same Nazi-applauding, Banking-fascism-supporting Freeland?

And she is saying her pals Victoria Nuland and Zelensky just want a world of sharing and mutual love, where everyone is equal and prosperous. Whereas those Russkies will never come 'round to the CareBear world that she dreams of every night along with the necons and Davos attendees.

"All we are saying... is give Western hegemony a chance..." (yet another chance)
late wrote:You are talking about your fantasy.

It's all it is, you also wouldn't like it if you got it.

Assuming you survived..

You keep saying that it is unwise for me to face the reality that the West in just another corrupt and destructive empire, and that it would be in my best interests to "believe the fantasy."

I will throw this back at you and ask you how much longer our own elites can live in the fantasy that they will somehow survive post-collapse.

Because they are doing nothing to save the organism that they depend on for leeching off of. Instead, they are leeching harder from a dying body.

This is like trying to live off of your empties, in the world of bankrupt alcoholism.
QatzelOk wrote:
You keep saying that it is unwise for me to face the reality that the West in just another corrupt and destructive empire

We created a new game, global capitalism. That's quite different from the old empires.

It's one of the reasons why your fantasy will remain just that. Honestly, I used to think just like you. In the past, empires rose and fell all the time. WW1 killed off about 4, WW2 ended the British empire, but it was on it's last legs after WW1.

We have the strongest economy, the strongest military. Our only potential rivals are the EU, and they are close allies. At least they are as long as we can keep the lunatic out of the Oval Office..
late wrote:We created a new game, global capitalism. That's quite different from the old empires.

It's one of the reasons why your fantasy will remain just that. Honestly, I used to think just like you. In the past, empires rose and fell all the time. WW1 killed off about 4, WW2 ended the British empire, but it was on it's last legs after WW1.

We have the strongest economy, and the strongest military. Our only potential rivals are the EU, and they are close allies. At least they are as long as we can keep the lunatic out of the Oval Office..

Tainari88 does not care about the strongest economy in the history of the world when you got a bunch of people fucked for life within the greatest shit the world has ever known.

Tainari88 gets in her Nissan vehicle and sees poverty in Mexico everywhere and thinks, the strongest economy the world has ever known. Only the EU can make a race for the top.

I see garbage patches in the Pacific bigger than the state of Texas, and green energy like Planet of the Humans where everything about renewable cheap energy is a hoax, and I am thinking? Once we run out of fossil fuels and land to destroy how much stronger are we going to be?

Kids with pandemic problems behind in academics by a lot. Everything is working. Capitalism is here forever and ever amen.

It is not. Got to change the underlying premise that is at the heart of that defective economic system. Mainly that all human needs can be met by that profit motive and owners and nonowners and that will not lead to competing and antagonistic interests between classes, nations, and societies. It will. That will lead to war and that will lead to extinction because NUKES are here and so far disarming nukes have not happened.

Fear, paranoia, environmental destruction and mass poverty in whole continents like in Latin America and Africa, and parts of Asia.

But everyone can consume like in the USA and have the government system like them. Speak English only and be assholes voting for crazy fucks like Trump to run things. Imitate the best.

I do not think so.

I think sanity will prevail. Start being intelligent with development. Do not waste children, young people and families. That means investing in every nation on Earth and making sure the kids get decent educations, get medicine, and housing and the adults get medicine, housing and work that is decently paid. Allow for human rights in every place on Earth.

If you do not? Capitalism is not going to do it for you. It is about owners and nonowners and profit. And it has no real limits on using and abusing resources.

Every meaningful thing in this world is about human rights and human relationships. If you have a system that is about objects, capital, and profit and all humans become objects and capital and not humans with human ways and human rights? You will have the opposite of greatness and wonder...you will have despair and collapse.

But keep thinking the poor and desperate won't be overrunning your borders and wanting a better life that supposedly capitalism has solved in their home nations. because the truth is out there. And it is not pretty.
QatzelOk wrote:You keep saying that it is unwise for me to face the reality that the West in just another corrupt and destructive empire, and that it would be in my best interests to "believe the fantasy."

I will throw this back at you and ask you how much longer our own elites can live in the fantasy that they will somehow survive post-collapse.

Because they are doing nothing to save the organism that they depend on for leeching off of. Instead, they are leeching harder from a dying body.

This is like trying to live off of your empties, in the world of bankrupt alcoholism.

The elites are going to be hiding out in their gated communities wondering how it all came crashing down on them. Like those uber rich people in Malibu, who got the California wildfires and it was all burned to the ground. Lamenting, but I PAID FOR LIVING AWAY FROM THE DESTRUCTION. I paid for my protection. I do not live in Compton. Who gives a fuck about all those losers. I bought a winning ticket. Why did the fire come for my bubble of greatness? I paid for a fantasy. Where did it go?!!
late wrote:We created a new game, global capitalism. That's quite different from the old empires.

Yes, because the old empires didn't have video games? Is that the big change?

I used to think just like you. In the past, empires rose and fell all the time. WW1 killed off about 4, WW2 ended the British empire, but it was on it's last legs after WW1.

Well, I still think like me. And the current empires (banking and otherwise) might take many billions of lives with them when they crash and burn. What goes up... must come down.... This hasn't changed, and neither have the laws of Physics or Natural Selection. But yes, we have video games now.

We have the strongest economy, the strongest military. Our only potential rivals are the EU, and they are close allies. At least they are as long as we can keep the lunatic out of the Oval Office..

Thinking that the US's only rival is the EurogardenTM... is sign of persistent racism. Great White Hopes clashing over the Scramble-for-Africa.... comes to mind.
QatzelOk wrote:
Yes, because the old empires didn't have video games? Is that the big change?

Well, I still think like me. And the current empires (banking and otherwise) might take many billions of lives with them when they crash and burn. What goes up... must come down.... This hasn't changed, and neither have the laws of Physics or Natural Selection. But yes, we have video games now.

Thinking that the US's only rival is the EurogardenTM... is sign of persistent racism. Great White Hopes clashing over the Scramble-for-Africa.... comes to mind.


You keep predicting doom, you keep being wrong. Btw, there are always guys predicting doom...

It's geography, resources, and an innovative economy.
late wrote:Nope

You keep predicting doom, you keep being wrong...

A lot of alcoholics say the same thing to their doctor:

"You keep predicting liver damage and yet, here I am with a beer in my hand..."
Agent Steel wrote:As many of you know, not long ago, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced a full scale invasion against Ukraine.

Almost immediately, US media reports painted Putin as a tyrant, and encouraged nationwide support for Ukraine, the presumed victim, and Russia, as the presumed aggressor.

But why?

Does Russia not have the right to fight back against the incursion onto their territory by the United Nations? Why is the UN allowed to constantly sanction aggressive tactics against their enemies but the moment Russia does the same thing, the whole world gets upset?

It seems like the majority of Americans just immediately assume that Russia is in the wrong without any foreknowledge of all of the events that CAUSED such an invasion. The American media presents a narrative, and the average schmuck gobbles it up and supports it. I do not understand why Americans are so gullible and susceptible to this type of mass-scale control.

Why do Americans automatically side with Ukraine over Russia?

They don't.

I side with Russia. I know many other Americans who side with Russia.

There is no way you could know how many Americans support Russia because that is a forbidden position. It would be like trying to learn how many east germans were loyal to Stalin in the 50s. How could you possibly figure that out?

So don't assume what % of Americans side with Ukraine. There really is no way of knowing.
I just think that if we used Nerf® guns in war and the honor system to tag soldiers out we could solve a lot of international disputes without all this needless bloodshed.

Alas, people are too stupid to see the simplest, non-violent alternative and go for it. No city has ever been Nerfed® to death. And because of our hubristic and bloodthirsty desire for power on this tiny green marble, we will never have a Dresden fire bombing that's safe for all ages to participate in. Our generation will never have a joyous Vonnegut.

Imagine carpet bombing a city with confetti and Nerf® darts to expand imaginary lines on a map. You can't. Because your masters, the banksters, wont let you.

Peaceful war is in our reach. If we want it. If you're thinking I'm an idiot, you're the one whose mind can't comprehend a world without war. Think about that, you troglodyte.
SpecialOlympian wrote:I just think that if we used Nerf® guns in war and the honor system to tag soldiers out we could solve a lot of international disputes without all this needless bloodshed.

Alas, people are too stupid to see the simplest, non-violent alternative and go for it. No city has ever been Nerfed® to death. And because of our hubristic and bloodthirsty desire for power on this tiny green marble, we will never have a Dresden fire bombing that's safe for all ages to participate in. Our generation will never have a joyous Vonnegut.

Imagine carpet bombing a city with confetti and Nerf® darts to expand imaginary lines on a map. You can't. Because your masters, the banksters, wont let you.

Peaceful war is in our reach. If we want it. If you're thinking I'm an idiot, you're the one whose mind can't comprehend a world without war. Think about that, you troglodyte.

REminds me of a star strek episode where wars were fought in video games basically.

That said, both sides agreed to kill in real life, whoever was killed in the simulation. :eek:
Rancid wrote:REminds me of a star strek episode where wars were fought in video games basically.

That said, both sides agreed to kill in real life, whoever was killed in the simulation. :eek:

The Mayans would solve disputes sometimes with sports events. The losing team would be sacrificed to the Gods and the dispute then closed and settled.

Sure was motivating for not losing your game.

They recreate this game now in certain parks in Merida. There was one that was functioning until COVID and now is abandoned.

Tainari88 wrote:
The Mayans would solve disputes sometimes with sports events. The losing team would be sacrificed to the Gods and the dispute then closed and settled.

Sure was motivating for not losing your game.

They recreate this game now in certain parks in Merida. There was one that was functioning until COVID and now is abandoned.

Thanks for sharing. I was aware of this game, but never actually seen a demonstration of it. My son happened to be walking by and he was like "Oh I know that game!". Also mentioned how the losing team would get sacrificed.

IIRC, Mayans believed they had to do sacrifices in order to keep the son burning.... Or maybe that was the Aztecs?
Rugoz wrote:There hasn't been a more obviously unprovoked senseless war in recent history, yet there are still people siding with the aggressor.

At this point, I cannot comprehend a world without war.

There will be a world without war when all nations and humans decide to grow up and stop being so wasteful and disrespectful to the planet and to the environment, and to other human societies. To agree to disagree and never kill each other over shit like money, power and land and or being the top dog in a world full of selfish stupid leaders willing to kill over PETTY crap.

But who knows how many thousands of years it took to get people to give up slavery? And it still exists today, but it is mostly outlawed in any nation with any sense of a human right.

Progress has been made. But it takes work.

Takes a lot of work to make people understand that war is the opposite of sanity.

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