“I will be able to destroy leftism and leave woke ideology in the dustbin of history." - Page 86 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Potemkin wrote:Quick, tell me who the Chancellor of Oxford University is (without looking it up). It’s the most prestigious university in the world; who’s in the top spot?

Lord Sarbanes Oxely.

Actually, that's the name of a banking bill passed by Congress. But by the time you read this, you have thought that was an actual person because you don't actually give a shit about this dumb fluff nonsense.
Harvard is more prestigious than Oxford in my book.

SpecialOlympian wrote:Name one fucking action you've ever taken that made you think, "How will the President of Harvard react to this?" you absolute moron.

Name one fucking action you've ever taken that made you think, "How will the President of the United States react to this?" You absolute moron.
wat0n wrote:Name one fucking action you've ever taken that made you think, "How will the President of the United States react to this?" You absolute moron.

The numerous voice mails I've left for Steve Scalise calling him a smoothe genitaled, dickless Ken Doll that got me a call from the DC police.

Your move, dipshit.

Unlike Steve Scalise, I have a dick I can put in the game. Also you didn't name the one action.
wat0n wrote:Gotta bump this thread but Claudine Gay was ousted from Harvard's Presidency.

She demonstrated that the Woke trend has gone too far.

She got paid good money to believe Oligarch Lies, and she blew it by suggesting that Oligarchs are capable of lying in a public inquisition.

Imagine how hurt the oligarchs felt. "Paid for believing lies" means that Omerta also applies.
Godstud wrote:@Pants-of-dog You are an ideologue and are dishonest when you say that you haven't said anything.

- Your ideology denies biology by saying anyone can be a woman(adult human female).

- Your ideology wants to sexualize children by teaching them gender while they are pre-pubescent.

- You want to silence people who speak out against your ideology, or criticize it in any way. Death threats and harassment are common amongst your ideology.

- You want to indoctrinate people into your ideology, especially children, since they are the most impressionable.

- Your ideology wants to force other people to recognize your ideology and how you "identify".

- Your ideology wants to change terminology in books and movies because it is "problematic". It wants to replace classics and hide the past.

-Your ideology silences and threatens people who LEAVE it by de-transitioning.

- Your ideology wants to put males into female spaces because they "identify" as a woman, even though science and biology goes against this delusional idea. You want to take away female/women's spaces. That's misogyny to want to take away the rights of women.

- Your ideology thinks that a woman is a costume that you can just don when you feel like it.

- Your ideology has groomers who are going after children(i.e Jeffrey Marsh), and have even chanted this at Pride rallies.

- Your ideology wants to change pedophiles to Minor Attracted Persons, because calling them Pedophiles stigmatizes them too much. :knife:

- You are labeled a racist, Nazi, and transphobe if you even attempt to criticize your ideology.

I don't care what DeSantis does. I haven't been supporting him or what he's done. I only spoke in regards to his policies regarding protecting children, which has triggered you, for some strange reason.

I am not sorry for being rude to a person who supports immorality and child victimization.

lazy strawmann vilification make an argument can the abuse.
We have totally dominant hate filled ideology. The ideology of White, Infidel, Gentile, inferiorism.

You will note how more Orthodox Marxists do actually go to quite a lot of trouble to blame the ills of Israel on evil White Gentile imperialists, despite the fact that Israel does virtually nothing to support American control of the Middle East and is an enormous public relations burden, When Sunni Arab Muslims went into Iraqi market places to blow up Shia women and children, was it the fault of these Sunni Arab Muslims? No of course not. It was all the fault of evil White Gentile Infidels. When Pol Pot created the killing fields of Cambodia was it the fault of the Cambodians? Was it the fault of the Marxist ideology? Could the pre existing Theravada Buddhist culture in some way be implicated in this terrible tragedy? Of course not it was all the fault of evil White Gentile infidel Imperialists.
Deutschmania wrote:I feel that this video I just now watched explains in depth what has been going on with regard to the dialectical relationship that has developed between the reactionary right and the regressive left , especially as it pertains to women's issues . It has a deep interwoven history .

If you want, you can also find something about axe-murderers to protect from "the angry mob" who wants to marginalize them for no reason... other than the fact that axe-murderers are a minority.
Thank goodness saner heads and science is prevailing against this ideology.

Thanks to Cass, evidence not ideology will be used to guide children seeking gender advice
The devastating report questions the ethics of those who put young people on life-altering pathways based on little but professional hunches

First, do no harm” is the sacrosanct principle that is supposed to underpin modern medicine. But history is littered with examples of medics breaching this doctrine. Last week, the publication of Hilary Cass’s final report on healthcare for gender-questioning children laid bare the devastating scale of NHS failures of a vulnerable group of children and young people, buoyed by adult activists bullying anyone who dared question a treatment model so clearly based on ideology rather than evidence.

Cass is a renowned paediatrician and her painstakingly thorough review was four years in the making. She sets out how the now-closed NHS specialist gender clinic for children abandoned evidence-based medicine for a wing and a prayer. Significant numbers of gender-questioning children – it’s impossible to know exactly how many because the clinic did not keep records, itself a scandal – were put on an unevidenced medical pathway of puberty-blocking drugs and/or cross-sex hormones, despite risks of harm in relation to brain development, fertility, bone density, mental health and adult sexual functioning.

https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfr ... s-evidence

https://cass.independent-review.uk/home ... al-report/

What is going to change?

I thought the NHS refused to offer hormone treatment until after the age of medical consent. And, after starting drug treatment, they say they enforce a mandatory 2-year wait social transitioning before they consider surgery.

Rich wrote:We have totally dominant hate filled ideology. The ideology of White, Infidel, Gentile, inferiorism.

You will note how more Orthodox Marxists do actually go to quite a lot of trouble to blame the ills of Israel on evil White Gentile imperialists, despite the fact that Israel does virtually nothing to support American control of the Middle East and is an enormous public relations burden, When Sunni Arab Muslims went into Iraqi market places to blow up Shia women and children, was it the fault of these Sunni Arab Muslims? No of course not. It was all the fault of evil White Gentile Infidels. When Pol Pot created the killing fields of Cambodia was it the fault of the Cambodians? Was it the fault of the Marxist ideology? Could the pre existing Theravada Buddhist culture in some way be implicated in this terrible tragedy? Of course not it was all the fault of evil White Gentile infidel Imperialists.

Are you an evil white gentile imperitalist? Or only defending their interests in England? Inquiring minds want to know? :lol:
Maybe( I know this must be a strange thing for you to consider), what should be changed is that doctors should be helping them and not causing harm.

Ingliz wrote:I thought the NHS refused to offer hormone treatment until after the age of medical consent. And, after starting drug treatment, they say they enforce a mandatory 2-year wait social transitioning before they consider surgery.
Why do you keep lying about the reality? They often started this while they were minors and so there was undue influence and manipulation. It says as much in the report.

Have you no ethics or morality? Or have they, like as happened with so many other ideologues in this thread, been replaced with empty rhetoric?

New landmark Dutch study concludes that majority of gender-confused children grow out of it.
A landmark 15-year study conducted in the Netherlands concludes and confirms what critics have been saying all along that being trans is usually just a phase for most kids, and that mental health problems lie at the heart of most of those who declare that they are suffering from gender dysphoria.

The report states that though at ten years of age, 10% of gender-confused children were willing to undergo hormone therapy, by age 25, just one-in-25 (4 percent) said they ‘often’ or ‘sometimes’ were discontent with their gender.

https://simonmercieca.com/2024/04/08/ne ... out-of-it/

But we should be letting children decide what is best for them, when the reality shows that they don't actually know? :eh:
Godstud wrote:'Leftism' is pushing the ideology, so mostly, yes. ...

Florida is a right-wing state, and it is as ideological as any cult has ever been.

Florida governor Ron De Santis went to Israel to sign an anti-BDS law, and Florida has Criticizing-Israel-is-antisemitic laws in its books.

You can agree or disagree with these laws, but they are definitely ideological and right-wing. So there is nothing "anti-ideological" about right-wing politics.
@QatzelOk DeSantis got rid of a book showing children how to give blowjobs, and people trying to transition children, so he's fighting the ideology of child exploitation. If you like the pedo-friendly cult, keep supporting it.


You are like King Canute holding back the tide.

In 2005, almost 20 years ago, the National Center for Health Statistics released the government’s most comprehensive survey of American sexual practices and reproductive health, delving for the first time into such sensitive areas as the prevalence of oral sex among teenagers. They found that oral sex is very much part of the teenage sexual repertory. According to the survey, more than half of all teenagers 15 to 19 have engaged in oral sex – including nearly a quarter of those who have never had intercourse.

@ingliz I know you want this disgusting ideology to be taught to small children(preteens) but you don't have to pretend that's not your goal. It shouldn't be available for small children but you won't even accept that since you're too deeply invested in the grooming rhetoric of your cult.
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