Question about Biology/Sex/Ejaculation - Politics | PoFo

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I recently heard a video where Penn Jillette (world famous magician) claimed that it takes males on average 2 minutes to reach sexual climax, whereas it takes females on average 20 minutes to reach sexual climax. He was using this as a reason to claim that we were not created by God, because God would have aligned our sexual climaxes to match each other in duration.

If this factoid is really true, it raises a question for me that I don't understand, and would like an answer to.

The question is about the concept of "premature ejaculation". This is diagnosed as a medical problem for a lot of men. But if what Penn Jillette says is true, then isn't this just normal behavior based on averages? Or, is the fact that men on average reach climax faster a medical problem in and of itself, inherent to the sex? Wouldn't most males then, in some sense be biologically built to ejaculate "prematurely", and in that sense, is it really so much a "medical" problem as it as a problem of culture/social norms in that the relationship suffers due to the non-matching climax times?

To put it another way, couldn't one reason that females have the opposite "medical" condition, since their longer average climax time causes problems by not matching the short time of the male? Couldn't we diagnose the average female as having "delayed" climax time?

To me it just seems like a lot hinges on Penn's claim, if it's really true.
Agent Steel wrote:
I recently heard a video where Penn Jillette (world famous magician) claimed that it takes males on average 2 minutes to reach sexual climax, whereas it takes females on average 20 minutes to reach sexual climax. He was using this as a reason to claim that we were not created by God, because God would have aligned our sexual climaxes to match each other in duration.

If this factoid is really true, it raises a question for me that I don't understand, and would like an answer to.

The question is about the concept of "premature ejaculation". This is diagnosed as a medical problem for a lot of men. But if what Penn Jillette says is true, then isn't this just normal behavior based on averages? Or, is the fact that men on average reach climax faster a medical problem in and of itself, inherent to the sex? Wouldn't most males then, in some sense be biologically built to ejaculate "prematurely", and in that sense, is it really so much a "medical" problem as it as a problem of culture/social norms in that the relationship suffers due to the non-matching climax times?

To put it another way, couldn't one reason that females have the opposite "medical" condition, since their longer average climax time causes problems by not matching the short time of the male? Couldn't we diagnose the average female as having "delayed" climax time?

To me it just seems like a lot hinges on Penn's claim, if it's really true.

Let's set the philosophical questions to the side.

When humans were smaller, the distance was smaller from the opening of the vagina to where most of the nerves are. That means for most women, regular sex does not adequately stimulate the woman to orgasm. When we get better control of genetics, I expect that will get fixed.

Anyway... our culture is built around delayed gratification. At least, it used to be. That can create a level of excitement that leads to premature ejaculation. I suspect that having regular sex, with the same person, would reduce the level of excitement, and might well cure the problem.

One thing I used to do was to have a woman be in orgasm the first time I entered her. So even if the event was brief, she wouldn't mind much. A gentle tongue speaks many languages..
late wrote:Let's set the philosophical questions to the side.

When humans were smaller, the distance was smaller from the opening of the vagina to where most of the nerves are. That means for most women, regular sex does not adequately stimulate the woman to orgasm. When we get better control of genetics, I expect that will get fixed.

Anyway... our culture is built around delayed gratification. At least, it used to be. That can create a level of excitement that leads to premature ejaculation. I suspect that having regular sex, with the same person, would reduce the level of excitement, and might well cure the problem.

One thing I used to do was to have a woman be in orgasm the first time I entered her. So even if the event was brief, she wouldn't mind much. A gentle tongue speaks many languages..

How old did you say you were again @late ?

This post of yours made me laugh too much and I wound up in a coughing fit. Haha! :lol: :D
@late Oh my. Were you a lady killer, exciting all the ladies until they go crazy? Wow.

I found a study about women and orgasming slower.

In general, women reach orgasm more quickly during masturbation than during partnered sex, according to a recent Journal of Sexual Medicine study.

In addition, a woman’s average time to orgasm is “substantially longer” than a man’s, the authors reported.

Orgasm latency – the amount of time it takes to climax – has been the focus of many studies of men in the context of premature ejaculation. But little was known about women and whether their experiences were different with or without a partner.

The current study investigated women’s orgasm latency during partnered or solo sex. It also considered latency for women who typically had orgasm difficulties.

Researchers recruited 2,304 women (average age 29 years) to take part in a survey. The women answered questions about their medical and sexual histories, lifestyles, sexual arousal, orgasms, and any related distress.

The authors identified women with orgasm difficulties as the “OD group.” (Those who did not have difficulties were called the “non-OD group.”) Women in the OD category were less likely to have a sexual partner and more likely to suffer from anxiety or depression.

Overall, 18% of the women said they had no current sexual partner and about 5% said they had never had a partner. Eight percent said they never masturbated.

The average orgasm latency time for partnered sex was 14 minutes. Women climaxed more quickly – 8 minutes, on average – during masturbation. ... tnered-sex
Agent Steel wrote:[usermention=41202]

@late[/usermention] So you agree that it's fully a medical problem, or is it more of a cultural one?

If males and females are just built differently, should we expect climax times to match?

I don't know. Sexually successful couples find a way to make it happen. That I know.

I doubt it.
Agent Steel wrote:@late So you agree that it's fully a medical problem, or is it more of a cultural one? If males and females are just built differently, should we expect climax times to match?

There's a lot of variation here, there are men who also have trouble ejaculating.

He's right, you can always practice to synchronize your climax times. If you last less than her (which is the norm) then you can always follow his advice.

Also, you don't like "have" to climax at the same time all the time.
I think natural selection explains why women don't usually like to have a man orgasm all over her face. Women who prefer the man to ejaculate inside her instead of all over her are more likely to get pregnant.

So all the women who like it on their face or breasts weren't getting pregnant as much, and therefore not passing on their genes as much, leading to fewer women of this type.
Unthinking Majority wrote:
I think natural selection explains why women don't usually like to have a man orgasm all over her face. Women who prefer the man to ejaculate inside her instead of all over her are more likely to get pregnant.

So all the women who like it on their face or breasts weren't getting pregnant as much, and therefore not passing on their genes as much, leading to fewer women of this type.

People imitate porn...

The reason porn does it is to prove it happened.

Same thing with choking, which needs to stop.
I don't believe premature ejaculation is a medical condition @Agent Steel. It's just a cultural thing. Whether a man jizzes in 10 seconds of sex or 10 minutes, doesn't change the chances of him getting a woman pregnant (assuming he jizzes in her). Also, this can be worked on by edging and other techniques.

@Unthinking Majority, are there women that like to get jizzed on their face outside of porn? Not just let their man jizz on their face, but actually enjoy it?... if so.. I'm running in the wrong circles.... :hmm:
Rancid wrote:I don't believe premature ejaculation is a medical condition @Agent Steel. It's just a cultural thing. Whether a man jizzes in 10 seconds of sex or 10 minutes, doesn't change the chances of him getting a woman pregnant (assuming he jizzes in her). Also, this can be worked on by edging and other techniques.

@Unthinking Majority, are there women that like to get jizzed on their face outside of porn? Not just let their man jizz on their face, but actually enjoy it?... if so.. I'm running in the wrong circles.... :hmm:

I've never met any, but I've heard of some from friends.
Agent Steel wrote:I recently heard a video where Penn Jillette (world famous magician) claimed that it takes males on average 2 minutes to reach sexual climax, whereas it takes females on average 20 minutes to reach sexual climax. He was using this as a reason to claim that we were not created by God, because God would have aligned our sexual climaxes to match each other in duration.

Why would God have done that? If the world was designed by a God he clearly wasn't that concerned with the happiness of the conscious entities within his world. Of all the causes to human suffering this seems like one of the easier ones to work around.

To me as man, the obvious question to ask is why does one have sex with another person? What is one's purpose? If it is merely to experience the pleasure of ejaculation, why bother to go to all the trouble of engaging with a woman. I mean sometimes a man may be in the position of a woman throwing themselves at him, but most of the time, from my observations, men put quite large amounts of time , energy and effort into gaining sexual intimacy with women.
MistyTiger wrote:
How do you stop insanity?

I agree that choking needs to stop, but some people find it really arousing for some reason.

I don't know. It is remarkably easy to damage the brain. So it's not just choking, head butting the ball in soccer, and everything in football needs to stop. Boxing should be banned outright.
Personally I think God wanted women to have pleasure without reproducing. Why have a the clitoris so independent to the necessities of reproduction?

I have heard evolutionary that the clitoris is in a sense like men having nipples. We come from the same undifferentiated body and then develop sex specific traits. It doesn’t render women’s orgasms less important, but it does convey a natural law to have fun. Hence the crack down on secuality as heavily centered on penetration. Some are afraid that they don’t get any fun when they think of it narrowly.

But a lot of women don’t enjoy long durations of penetration as it increasingly becomes painful. So it doesn’t really need to last long and shouldn’t as penetrative sex only feels great once a woman is already very aroused.

But advice for any and everyone is to try and worry less (anxiety puts on the brakes) but focus on pleasure of yourself and your partner. When immersed in the present experience, one is more likely to have a good time. The difficulty of people actually mentally switching to the here and now is a big impediment to their pleasure.

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