Israel-Palestinian War 2023 - Page 184 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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So no disagreement that the mass grave of women and children is the direct impact of IDF actions.

Just the usual moral gymnastics to try to pin it on the villainous Arabs.
wat0n wrote:
The massacre of October 7 is not "mental gymnastics"

You badly need to be clever about your lying.

He was talking about how Israel is about to reach Nazi levels of civilian punishment, and then keep killing.

Beating Nazis, now that's impressive...
Rich wrote:Stop condoning Islam
Stop condoning Orthodox Judaism

Any solution to the problems of the Muslim world which includes Palestine must start with those two things. Muslims are almost incapable of sustaining democracy. ...

Muslims are incapable of sustaining "democracy" because of what "democracy" has come to represent in the 21st Century: Media brainwashing and capitalism.

Muslims have a narrative that doesn't allow them to believe that USURY KINGS will bring them magical lives. Westerners have been lead to believe this via a well-controlled media system.

Of course, RELIGION often provided the fake reality that kings needed their serfs to believe. Mass media provides the fake reality that Banksters need to continue ripping everyone off.
late wrote:You badly need to be clever about your lying.

He was talking about how Israel is about to reach Nazi levels of civilian punishment, and then keep killing.

Beating Nazis, now that's impressive...

Another October 7 supporter showed up, heh?

@Pants-of-dog was caught posting unsubstantiated propaganda and then whining about it.
No one has disagreed with the claim about how the mass grave was caused by the IDF.

The only criticism was the way the article was worded: in such a way that it may seem like the IDF also buried the bodies as well as causing the deaths.

Since it was made clear that the IDF only caused the deaths, this criticism is merely about semantics.
It is not just semantics and you are still ignoring how the current war began. That's because for the leftists mass graves are bad only if those killed are Palestinian, and they are good if those killed are Jews.
As I said:

The IDF bombed the city.
The IDF invaded.
The IDF sent hundreds to the hospitals with injuries.
The IDF then cut off the hospitals.
The IDF consequently ensured that the people they injured were unable to receive medical treatment.
The Palestinians then had to dig a grave.

Thus, the deaths are the direct result of IDF actions,

Ignoring previous posts is not an argument.
Hamas massacred and kidnapped hundreds in October 7, which is what started the war
Hamas uses human shields
Hamas refuses to fight in open areas, even its rockets on Israel are launched from Gaza's cities
Hamas then shoots at civilians trying to flee
Hamas then uses hospitals for shielding and has no problem fighting inside them, turning them into legitimate military targets

Ignoring this is not an argument
“They started it” is an excuse used by schoolchildren. With the kids I volunteer with, they stop using that excuse at around age 13.

So the IDF is responsible for a mass grave if civilians, but it us “justified” because “they started it”.

This is not a debate. It is me providing information and people responding with emotional defences of war crimes.
wat0n wrote:Hamas massacred and kidnapped hundreds in October 7, which is what started the war...

Yes, on October 6, the Palestinians and the Euro-Jewish invaders were living in perfect peace, even sharing turkey and cranberry sauce on Thanksgiving Day.

Then, out of nowhere, some evil entity did something that has no explanation whatsoever.

(hopefully, the corporate vaccines will make everyone braindead and they will believe the above)

In response to his lukewarm Hasbara trolling, late wrote:You badly need to be clever about your lying.

Or he needs to dumb everyone down with mass media and drugs before stating his dumb lies.
I am not lying, you are part of the group providing excuses for October 7 and looking to let Hamas off the hook, @late

QatzelOk wrote:Yes, on October 6, the Palestinians and the Euro-Jewish invaders were living in perfect peace, even sharing turkey and cranberry sauce on Thanksgiving Day.

Then, out of nowhere, some evil entity did something that has no explanation whatsoever.

(hopefully, the corporate vaccines will make everyone braindead and they will believe the above)

No one said they did. After all, occasional massacres against Jews have always been a fixture of the Islamic world and in Palestine/Israel in particular.

Pants-of-dog wrote:“They started it” is an excuse used by schoolchildren. With the kids I volunteer with, they stop using that excuse at around age 13.

So the IDF is responsible for a mass grave if civilians, but it us “justified” because “they started it”.

This is not a debate. It is me providing information and people responding with emotional defences of war crimes.

I am also providing information.

It is true the war was started by Hamas.

It is also true Hamas uses human shields and indeed has done so openly, which in turn helps explain the civilian death toll. You purposefully ignore this, because you want to justify mass graves of Jews.
wat0n wrote:
I am not lying

You purposefully ignore this, because you want to justify mass graves of Jews.

Of course you are.

Hardly, I don't want to help you justify the gruesome death of 100,000 children, which is what will happen if the killing isn't stopped.

Lastly, I am old enough to remember us turning our backs on South Africa, when it was a brutal apartheid. It was the moral thing to do. Still is.
late wrote:Of course you are.

Hardly, I don't want to help you justify the gruesome death of 100,000 children, which is what will happen if the killing isn't stopped.

Lastly, I am old enough to remember us turning our backs on South Africa, when it was a brutal apartheid. It was the moral thing to do. Still is.

Nobody is going to kill 100,000 children.

Yes, you have been justifying the October 7 massacre and want impunity for its perpetrators.

You do that because you believe Jews are "vindictive" as you suggested elsewhere. That is, typical racist stereotyping.
#15313128 ... ent-review

    Israel has not presented credible evidence to support its claims that UNRWA staff were members of “terrorist” groups, an independent review for the United Nations led by a former French foreign minister has said.

    The claims against the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) led to a massive funding deficit as several donor countries announced cuts.

    The independent review into the relief agency’s practices was also commissioned, as well as a separate investigation into the October attack itself, by the UN’s Office of Internal Oversight Services.

    The review, headed by former French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna and supported by three Nordic research institutes, makes clear that Israel failed to support its claims about UNRWA staff belonging to either Hamas’s military wing or the Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

    …..(article continues)……

It is important to note that the IDF deliberately targeted the family homes of UNRWA workers.

So, this shows there is no support for any claim of military objectives when it comes to bombing these families.
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