Columbia faculty members walk out after pro-Palestinian protesters arrested - Page 6 - Politics | PoFo

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Pants-of-dog wrote:Rather than focusing on your ideas about my (irrelevant) opinions, we can look at some factual differences between those opposed to the war and those defending the current conflict.

1. The ones protesting the war are being arrested. The ones defending it are not.
2. The ones protesting the war do not have financial influence over PSE institutions. The ones defending it do have this influence.
3. The ones protesting the war are challenging the existing system where universities financially benefit from investing in abusive regimes. The ones defending the war want everything to stay the same.

These all seem to indicate that the ones defending the war have most of the power and wealth in this debate.

5. Which is why they get to frame the debate about “tents” instead of their investment in regimes that commit human rights abuses.

1. The ones arrested were disrupting classes, blocking freedom of movement on campus, harassing and intimidating people including physically based on their ethnicity, camping on public school groups without authorization and refusing to leave when things kept getting uglier. Any students causing such a disturbance and refusing to leave should get arrested too, and the Jewish students weren't the ones doing these things. Show me another group of students who were allowed to get away with everything these protestors were doing and i'll be happy to call Columbia admin unjust hypocrites.
2. Ok?
3. If colleges were to divest from businesses in all countries that committed human rights abuses they would be eliminating virtually every country in the world. A college with a diverse student base starting to pick and choose investments based on the politics of one group of students is an unworkable slippery slope and a non-starter.
4. You're the one framing the issue around tents. You've ignored everything else these protestors have done because you argue in bad faith.

Whichever side has more wealth and power has nothing to do with which side is breaking school policy and breaking the law. This is a convenient way to ignore the laws and school regulations the protestors have broken and instead frame them as being victims while having to lay no responsibility for their own actions.
wat0n wrote:The more time passes, the more instances of harassment of other students and sometimes the press that appear.

Case in point, nativist nonsense against Jewish students at Columbia:

And as it stands now, 43% of Americans support/strongly support and 35% oppose/strongly oppose denying refugee status to Gazans and deporting international students participating in the protest.

Imagine people being upset that these kinds of disturbances weren't allowed to continue on campus. Racially harassing students isn't peaceful protest and no doubt is against school policy.
Unthinking Majority wrote:1. The ones arrested were disrupting classes, blocking freedom of movement on campus, harassing and intimidating people including physically based on their ethnicity, camping on public school groups without authorization and refusing to leave when things kept getting uglier. Any students causing such a disturbance and refusing to leave should get arrested too, and the Jewish students weren't the ones doing these things. Show me another group of students who were allowed to get away with everything these protestors were doing and i'll be happy to call Columbia admin unjust hypocrites.

The war defenders are also harassing people. @wat0n went on for pages defending folks who were taking pictures without consent, acting in a threatening manner, and doxxing students.

The university itself is investing money and resources into an army killing civilians en masse as we speak. I think that counts as harassment too.

And my point. that everyone seems to ignore, is that centrists and liberals refuse to acknowledge this radically more abusive support of human rights abuses.

2. Ok?
3. If colleges were to divest from businesses in all countries that committed human rights abuses they would be eliminating virtually every country in the world. A college with a diverse student base starting to pick and choose investments based on the politics of one group of students is an unworkable slippery slope and a non-starter.

You are, in this part, agreeing that we habitually invest in regimes that enact human rights abuses and you are trying to justify it.

Thank you for providing an example of the behaviour I am pointing out: upholding (perfectly legal) support for human rights abuses while demanding state sanction against anyone who protests these investments.

4. You're the one framing the issue around tents. You've ignored everything else these protestors have done because you argue in bad faith.

Whichever side has more wealth and power has nothing to do with which side is breaking school policy and breaking the law. This is a convenient way to ignore the laws and school regulations the protestors have broken and instead frame them as being victims while having to lay no responsibility for their own actions.

The laws are irrelevant.

When the laws say that giving money to an army that bombs kids in their homes is fine but protesting that fact is not, the laws are wrong.
@Pants-of-dog it is not harassment for students to take pictures of the protest. If anything, I'd think protesters would be all for it since it means more publicity.

Like, the whole point of a protest is to make your disapproval known and your point taken.

But now that you mention it, there are now also pro-Israel protesters in the area. And students still can't go back to in-person instruction, which is their right.
wat0n and Zionists in general playing victim here is to be expected, since they have no other response to the beautiful and massive anti-Zionist sentiment in U.S. universities, as well as those elsewhere that are spreading quickly. All they can do is whine and pretend they are victims when they're promoters of a genocidal state that is anything but a victim, despite attempts to also portray itself as such.

The world has awoken to the horrors of Zionism and about fucking time. :excited:

There is no blocking of access to universities, just encampments, and Zionist attention-whores playing victim on the campuses should try to get real jobs, or speak to the very many Jews on the ground who oppose Zionism too, about how the real victims are in Gaza and elsewhere in occupied Palestine, or amongst the students getting tasered, pepper-sprayed and violently handled by police for protesting that live streamed genocide..

It's starting in Britain too.
Footage disagrees, even I posted an obvious case of access being blocked to a Hasidic Jewish student.

Then you have schools offering remote classes precisely because of the lack of security.

I recall @skinster was demanding rape footage allegedly to have evidence of rapes happening on October 7th yet when footage is offered to sustain other claims she rejects them. Again, proving her request of rape footage is to masturbate and not for anything else.
^ :lol:

The only response pathetic Zionists deserve. Also too because your attempts to polish that turd (Israel) one can never polish, is amusing. Must be tiring for you fighting reality as hard as you do, I actually pity you for it..

Back on the topic of the beautiful student intifada that makes Zionists sad:

German youngsters have an encampment outside their Parliament building. Pigs are being pigs there as they are against students in the U.S. campuses.
The bill proposed by Congress could easily be used to silence any criticism of the IDF and Israeli government, including academic assessments of the occupied territories.

Unless the bill clearly excludes criticism of Zionism from the definition of antisemitism, it will almost certainly be used for the purposes of censorship.
wat0n wrote:I bet you'd love to watch footage of her being raped to masturbate too, wouldn't you @skinster?

This post is like something that a not-very-bright mobster would have written to impress "Da Boss."

Have you been promoted to capi yet, wat0n? :lol:
Pants-of-dog wrote:Leftists have often and openly condemned the October 7 attack ...

Not all of them. "Leftist" covers more types of people than 2SLBGT+ does.

Many "alternative voices" have said that it was only a matter of time before the refugees living in the concentration camp that is Gaza would try to break out.

And Netanyahu's government is so racist and disrespectful of all other cultures... that he may have manufactured this crisis for self gain. The Isreali "side" of this genocide is full of bad faith and long-term racism against other people.

October 7 was no black swan event.
Pants-of-dog wrote:The bill proposed by Congress could easily be used to silence any criticism of the IDF and Israeli government, including academic assessments of the occupied territories.

Unless the bill clearly excludes criticism of Zionism from the definition of antisemitism, it will almost certainly be used for the purposes of censorship.

All of the things that liberals keep warning people about with a second Trump term are just happening now instead. "We have to vote for Biden to stay because Trump will threaten democracy!" says the same people who are having masses of college students arrested for peacefully protesting while they essentially abolish free speech and fund regimes like Israel, fight a proxy war against Russia, and are gearing up for a potential proxy war against China.
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