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By paeng
Rugoz wrote:Economic growth slowed down everywhere in the industrialized world. The gold standard is deflationary in a growing economy, and thus generally a dumb idea. The dollar isn't backed by oil or any commodity.

The Triffin dilemma is true in the sense that a higher demand for safe US assets (reserves held by foreign central banks are primarily treasuries) reduces interest rates and makes debt less costly, but the US could easily save more and run an account surplus. It's not like the US would run out of debt to sell :lol:.

The saving rate is directly related to the trade deficit. It's basic accounting. Countries that save more consume less imported goods and services. The excess savings, i.e. the savings that aren't invested domestically, are invested abroad. Equalizing returns etc.

AFAIK it's impossible to explain the large differences in saving rates across countries without "culture". There's also direct evidence, such as immigrants retaining the consumption/saving habits of their country of origin for several generations.


Your idea of US influence around the world is comical, but of course common among your kind.

The fact that the entire process was utterly corrupt, which obviously was not recommended by the IMF at any point, proves that the Russian government did their own thing (among other advice that was not followed).

It's been slowing down because of late capitalism, with a focus on service industries as they outsource. That's why even China has been outsourcing for at least a decade, with more of its manufacturing consisting of assembly.

The Triffin dilemma leads to that plus exports becoming too expensive for the world while imports become too easy. That's why not only did the trade deficits become chronic they even grew larger each time, together with debt.

When you have consumer spending plus incredible levels of military spending to keep that dollar propped up, then you'll end up with increasing debt, which is exactly what happened thanks to voodoo economics. ... rs-of-debt

Basic accounting, my foot. It has reached a point where they have to borrow more just to cover part of the interest rate from previous debt.

"Culture". LOL. Now, you're putting it in quotation marks. That way, you can change its meaning each time to make up for your "basic accounting" storyline. You remind me of that line from one of Johst's plays about guns and culture.

Given that, I think the only one comical in this discussion is you. In your goofy Reaganite world, it's all the "evil empire's" fault. You're like the twin of Dr. Evil. LOL.

BTW, I wasn't referring to corruption. If any, what the U.S. did is expected.
Last edited by paeng on 04 May 2024 04:58, edited 1 time in total.
Rich wrote:People who are mad at Nuland will have various agendas. Some of the people who are mad at Nuland may will be nut cases, but that doesn't mean that project Nuland wasn't mad. Nuland was trying to get Ukraine into the EU, the reason she was "Fuck the EU" was because she knew that the EU, its constituent countries leaders and their populations didn't want Ukraine to join the EU, at least any time soon. In Britain Boris johnson would lead the Leave campaign. One of the Leave's main arguments was the threat of EU expansion. The Brexit leaders strategy was based on the assumption that the EU would collapse soon after Britain left. Boris Johnson had spent virtually his whole adult life trying to destroy the EU, in 2022 he would become the leader of the war for Ukrainian westernisation.

Nuland was also trying to get Ukraine into NATO. But again NATO didn't want Ukraine to join at least any time soon. Nuland didn't even have the Obama administration behind her aggressive anti Russian agenda. She, John Kerry and Hillary Clinton were a Neo Con faction working within, but not representative of the Obama administration

Jonathan Marcus: Not for the first time in an international crisis, the US expresses frustration at the EU's efforts. Washington and Brussels have not been completely in step during the Ukraine crisis. The EU is divided and to some extent hesitant about picking a fight with Moscow. It certainly cannot win a short-term battle for Ukraine's affections with Moscow - it just does not have the cash inducements available. The EU has sought to play a longer game; banking on its attraction over time. But the US clearly is determined to take a much more activist role.

Before that, ... join-nato/

Gives new meaning to the word "comical".
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By litwin
putin forced an Ukranien man from the occupied territories to join Muscovite Jihad . AND HE ....6
Consequently, he shot six Muscovite pig - dogs and escaped. 8)
Good man, true patriot! 8)

He is now hero of Motherland.


JohnRawls wrote:You argument about people getting dragged has been here since like 2022 summer which is almost 2 years now. What changed?

What changed is many Ukrainians have been emboldened to revolt against the conscription soldiers and against this horrific and very regular crime of kidnapping and, effectively murder. Something someone like you who pretends to care about Ukraine should be condemning, not ignoring.

But the truth is neither you nor Western states behind the coup and war in Ukraine never cared for Ukrainians, except for when they're dying in a war that they simply cannot win.
I find it absolutely hilarious that the USA thinks they can tell us europeans what to do.

Its their damn conflict. They wanted it. They've been planning it for ages. They proposed in 2008 that Ukraine should join NATO - at a time when only 20% of the ukrainians actually wanted to join NATO. They pumped billions into Ukraine, and bragged about it. organized a coup of extremists against the at the time most popular ukrainian politician and ever since they're clearly running everything over there. They pumped weapons into Ukraine, even against the will of the sitting POTUS (definitely Obama, probably also Trump). Considering how extremely much work they put into archieving this goal, they clearly rejoiced when they finally got Russia to attack.

And now they finally realized they're losing. And now they are abandoning it.

But THEY want to drag it out until their next election. What the hell does that have to do with any european interests ? And yet they expect the europeans to take over.

Really, why should we (non-russian non-ukrainian) europeans give a fuck about any of this ? We literally arent affected by this stupid conflict at all, if only we had sane politicians who just left it alone.

And the USA will just move on to the next war anyway. So what ? Not like anyone can stop them. They are never actually fussed by losing wars, just as long as they constantly can have war.

And they do, right now.

The Duran reported this week they are already starting sanctions on China, claiming China would help Russia in the war. They of course dont, simply because Russia doesnt need their help (they clearly gotten some help with their drones from Iran though).

And thus unsurprisingly the USA has no proof otherwise. But its already clear these idiots want to start a war with China over Taiwan. Not only will they get their behinds kicked hard, they also have no military production to even put up much of a fight now in the first place.

And thats all harmless compared to what this will do to the economy of the USA and Europe. Sanctioning Russia was bad enough. Sanctioning China, the biggest industrial base of the planet, will be on a whole other level.

The level of retardedness of the political class here in the west is just insane. It gets into "how could one possibly act even dumber anymore" territory.

We now openly support a genocide in Gaza, we openly, publically murder a reporter (Juliane Assange) for doing journalism by keeping him in unhealthy conditions (kept in extremely small cell with hardly any sunshine or exercise, his condition is critical since years) over years without even a conviction, and we basically admit that the war in Ukraine is lost (read really any recent western article about that, they all admit now that Russia has overwhelming advantage, yet somehow its still a "statemate", if the article not tries to still imply they would be losing) but peace talks are nowhere even mentioned, let alone discussed.
paeng wrote:...create more dollars to fuel what was supposed to be containment of Communism in Indochina but turned out to be military adventurism. So the U.S. switched to the petrodollar but doing so by fueling arms deployment and more threats of war plus the need to control the Middle East....

In this snippet, you have revealed another feature of a national currency that is the world's reserve currency: the people who control the printing of this currency can control the world's politics by using NATO as their currency enforcer when they get called out for printing their way to infinity.

If a specific tiny group of people control the world's currency, they will become Totally Corrupt.

This has already happened and humanity might go extinct because of this currency-monster-creation which also owns media monopolies. Media monopolies means that the money-monster can get even worse because of **moral hazard** (protecting itself from any scrutiny that might mitigate its violent and immoral behavior).
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By litwin
skinster wrote:

What changed is many Ukrainians have been emboldened to revolt against the conscription soldiers and against this horrific and very regular crime of kidnapping and, effectively murder. Something someone like you who pretends to care about Ukraine should be condemning, not ignoring.

But the truth is neither you nor Western states behind the coup and war in Ukraine never cared for Ukrainians, except for when they're dying in a war that they simply cannot win.

skinster wrote:Wondering when the slava Ukraini dorks will admit defeat. They're hardly posting anymore, aside from the resident spammer. Says it all...

What is there to post nowadays besides same old, same old. Those advances are miniscule as said before at the cost of insane amount of lives and people. We are de facto in a stalemate as of 1+ year. Taking 0.05% of Ukranian territory over a year changes nothing. Same as Avdiivka, Bakhmut or Vughlidar or Robotino changed nothing.

There are three ways to win this kind of war:
1) Outlast your enemy basically a question of will. (Ukraine is not planning to stop fighting and Russia is also not planning to stop fighting. This is a non-starter basically)
2) Break the enemies ability to sustain losses by either making them horribly huge or destroying all production. ( As said before, this rate of manpower attrition is not going to be a problem for Ukraine or Russia. Material wise Russia has around 2 year more of stock after which it will run out of stock to put in to the battlefield and their production will crater to 20%. May be a bit more if thye buy from NK or Iran but realistically those countries don't have the stock for that. Ukraine on the other hand has its factories behind anti-air and a large chunk of them are in Europe or US)
3) Break the stalemate by switching to maneuver warfare again and breaching the frontline significantly. (Both sides say that they will do it but nothing happens.)

So we got what we got Skinster.
LOOOK! It's @skinster here in this video talking about Ukraine. Skinster is the dude on the right side, some call the dude, Darth Vader. :lol: Skinster underestimates Ukraine and counts the chicks before they are hatched, just like Darth Vader here in this video. We all know how this episode ended, and it didn't end too well for Darth Vader or his Empire.

By Rich
JohnRawls wrote:What is there to post nowadays besides same old, same old. Those advances are miniscule as said before at the cost of insane amount of lives and people. We are de facto in a stalemate as of 1+ year. Taking 0.05% of Ukranian territory over a year changes nothing. Same as Avdiivka, Bakhmut or Vughlidar or Robotino changed nothing.

There are three ways to win this kind of war:
1) Outlast your enemy basically a question of will. (Ukraine is not planning to stop fighting and Russia is also not planning to stop fighting. This is a non-starter basically)
2) Break the enemies ability to sustain losses by either making them horribly huge or destroying all production. ( As said before, this rate of manpower attrition is not going to be a problem for Ukraine or Russia. Material wise Russia has around 2 year more of stock after which it will run out of stock to put in to the battlefield and their production will crater to 20%. May be a bit more if thye buy from NK or Iran but realistically those countries don't have the stock for that. Ukraine on the other hand has its factories behind anti-air and a large chunk of them are in Europe or US)
3) Break the stalemate by switching to maneuver warfare again and breaching the frontline significantly. (Both sides say that they will do it but nothing happens.)

So we got what we got Skinster.

I'm slightly shocked @JohnRawls in that you've produced a post that is not that far from my own view. So while I would push back a bit on some of your points, I agree with you that the super optimism of some of the Russian supporters is ill founded. We've seen a very high level of stability of the front lines for eighteen months now. That's two thirds of the war. We saw nothing like this in World War I nothing at all, There was no long period of stasis in World War I, that's just a myth.

However the last eighteen months have been characterised by net advances by the Russians even if those net territorial gains have been small in area. The territory taken by Russia is not only greater in area than taken by Ukraine but also of significantly greater intrinsic value. Pushing back the front line back east from Donetsk city, the third largest city in Ukraine before 204, is a significant war goal for Russia in and of itself and while the capture of the ruins of Bakhmut maybe no great spoils for Russia, it is a painful loss for Ukraine.

The great problem is banking. Both sides keep banking things that haven't actually happened. "When the F!6s arrive this will happen", "We've taken this settlement, that means that we're now going to take that settlement. However although the fanbois of both sides are not (intellectually) entitled to bank their future imaginings, For example Russia has no right to back the capture of Chassiv Yar, no right what so ever, neither can those that want peace now bank the maintenance of relative stasis. Even though I would assert that examination of the territorial changes since 2022 implies this is the most likely course over the next six months.
I don't understand why some people, such as Negotiator, feel the need to post obvious lies. Some of which take like a few seconds of search to disprove.

Pofo is an obscure internet forum. What's even the point? Or are they sociopaths who simply see no value in telling the truth whatsoever?
Rich wrote:I'm slightly shocked @JohnRawls in that you've produced a post that is not that far from my own view. So while I would push back a bit on some of your points, I agree with you that the super optimism of some of the Russian supporters is ill founded. We've seen a very high level of stability of the front lines for eighteen months now. That's two thirds of the war. We saw nothing like this in World War I nothing at all, There was no long period of stasis in World War I, that's just a myth.

However the last eighteen months have been characterised by net advances by the Russians even if those net territorial gains have been small in area. The territory taken by Russia is not only greater in area than taken by Ukraine but also of significantly greater intrinsic value. Pushing back the front line back east from Donetsk city, the third largest city in Ukraine before 204, is a significant war goal for Russia in and of itself and while the capture of the ruins of Bakhmut maybe no great spoils for Russia, it is a painful loss for Ukraine.

The great problem is banking. Both sides keep banking things that haven't actually happened. "When the F!6s arrive this will happen", "We've taken this settlement, that means that we're now going to take that settlement. However although the fanbois of both sides are not (intellectually) entitled to bank their future imaginings, For example Russia has no right to back the capture of Chassiv Yar, no right what so ever, neither can those that want peace now bank the maintenance of relative stasis. Even though I would assert that examination of the territorial changes since 2022 implies this is the most likely course over the next six months.

WW1 had more people fighting in it on the Western Front but it was relatively the same that the movement was miniscule compared to the effrot involved. Eastern front was different since it was much, much larger.

The long story short right now is that it is not improper to call it a WW1 Western Front like situation. Just the front has much less effort involved in the matter of resources. Hence the movements are even more smaller.

Bakhmut is not close to Donbas. Avdiivka is. Even for Russia it was a painful victory if you read the Russian pro-war commentary of the war corespondents. Murz commited suicide because of that "victory". Well that and the censorship in Russia since Russian government is sick and tired about the whining so they are clamping down on all critisism of the army from the pro-war side.
Rugoz wrote:I don't understand why some people, such as Negotiator, feel the need to post obvious lies. Some of which take like a few seconds of search to disprove.

Pofo is an obscure internet forum. What's even the point? Or are they sociopaths who simply see no value in telling the truth whatsoever?

They believe it to be true. Its called subjective reality. And if you read only one side and ignore the other then anyone can fall in to that pitfall. Hence the whole Russian dilemma isn't it, if you listen to propaganda for 20 years then you turn in to somebody who is detached from reality.
JohnRawls wrote:WW1 had more people fighting in it on the Western Front but it was relatively the same that the movement was miniscule compared to the effrot involved. Eastern front was different since it was much, much larger.

Comparison of this conflict with the western front is totally inappropriate. We've suffered decades of Liberal know nothings ridiculing the combatants of the first world war. And now these cretins are cheering on a far. far, worse conflict in terms of its futility and stuckness. The Liberal morons may lack the mental capacity to consider the western front in the context of the wider war, but the combatants on the western front certainly didn't. Actions taken, decisions made on the western front were always taken in the context of the wider war. World War I was not a one Front war. It was not a two front war. Not even close. There was the Western Front , the Eastern Front, the Serbian Front, the Caucasus Front, The Italian Front, the Greek Front, The Egyptian Front, The Mesopotamian Front, the Dardanelles Front, various African Fronts, the Black Sea Front, the North Sea Front, the Baltic Front and the Atlantic Front. And I'm sure that's not exhaustive.
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By litwin
The first group of French military personnel, has already arrived in Ukraine

Author is Stephen Bryen - Aerospace, Defense Senior Executive, frmr US Assistant Deputy Defense Secretary. Seems trustworthy to me...

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