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Sherlock Holmes wrote:You were asked for evidence, photographs if you have none say so and I'm happy to answer your questions and discuss this whole issue.

There are videos of protesters chanting "Palestine is Arab".

There are also videos of protesters calling to burn Tel Aviv to the ground or for a repeat of October 7 up to "10,000 times".

Do these count? I can post them if you want.
I want to see evidence that justifies the claims by Zionists that the student protests have called for the genocide of the Jewish race. I'd expect to see images of placards that support this, perhaps audio, but to characterize the entire international protests as being some form of disguised call for genocide requires strong evidence, not anecdotal, not selected individual examples of the odd extremist.

If there's no evidence to support this Zionist claim then the protests cannot be declared to be antisemitic so the entire edifice of discrediting critics of the Zionist regime starts to crumble, it is built on sand, a pack of lies.
wat0n wrote:There are videos of protesters chanting "Palestine is Arab".

There are also videos of protesters calling to burn Tel Aviv to the ground or for a repeat of October 7 up to "10,000 times".

Do these count? I can post them if you want.

By all means, post what your regard as compelling evidence that the international outcry against Israel is actually a call for the extermination of Jews. Let me post an image too:

Is this a call for the extermination of Jews:

Last edited by Sherlock Holmes on 06 May 2024 16:11, edited 2 times in total.
Sherlock Holmes wrote:I want to see evidence that justifies the claims by Zionists that the student protests have called for the genocide of the Jewish race. I'd expect to see images of placards that support this, perhaps audio, but to characterize the entire international protests as being some form of disguised call for genocide requires strong evidence, not anecdotal, not selected individual examples of the odd extremist.

If there's no evidence to support this Zionist claim then the protests cannot be declared to be antisemitic so the entire edifice of discrediting critics of the Zionist regime starts to crumble, it is built on sand, a pack of lies.

Sherlock Holmes wrote:By all means, post what your regard as compelling evidence that the international outcry against Israel is actually a call for the extermination of Jews.

How would you label these chants?


Columbia crackdown led by university prof doubling as NYPD spook
Rebecca Weiner is a Columbia U. professor who also serves as intelligence director of the NYPD. Mayor Eric Adams credits her with spying on anti-genocide student protesters and directing the militarized raid that dislodged them from campus.

The violent crackdown carried out on Columbia University students protesting Israel’s genocidal assault on the Gaza Strip was led by a member of the school’s own faculty, New York City Mayor Eric Adams has declared.

During a May 1 press conference, just hours after the New York Police Department arrested nearly 300 people on university grounds, Adams praised adjunct Columbia professor Rebecca Weiner, who moonlights as the head of the NYPD counter-terrorism bureau, for giving police the green light to clear out anti-genocide students by force.

“She was the one that was monitoring the situation,” Adams explained, adding that the crackdown was carried out after “she was able to — her team was able to conduct an investigation.”

On April 30, dozens of police in riot gear descended on Columbia’s Hamilton Hall after students seized the building earlier in the day, citing a request from the administration. Several hours later, officers used a heavily armored NYPD BearCat vehicle to enter the building through the window on the second floor and arrested those inside, while another team swept up members of the encampment outside.

Starting on April 17, students at Columbia escalated their ongoing protest against Israel’s genocidal assault on the besieged Gaza Strip. They encamped on school grounds, stating their refusal to leave until the university fully divested from its Israeli-related investments. That protest model has since spread to over 100 other universities in the US, and even been taken up abroad, with similar actions occurring at Leeds University in the UK and the Sorbonne in Paris.

Just a few hundred meters from the Gaza protest encampment, Weiner maintained an office at Columbia’s School of International and Public Affairs (SIPA). Her SIPA bio describes her as an “Adjunct Associate Professor of International and Public Affairs” who simultaneously serves as the “civilian executive in charge of the New York City Police Department’s Intelligence & Counterterrorism Bureau.”

In that role, according to SIPA, Weiner “develops policy and strategic priorities for the Intelligence & Counterterrorism Bureau and publicly represents the NYPD in matters involving counterterrorism and intelligence.”

The NYPD’s Counterterrorism Bureau currently maintains an office in Tel Aviv, Israel, where it coordinates with Israel’s security apparatus and maintains a department liaison. Weiner appears to serve as a bridge between the Bureau’s offices in Israel and New York.

A 2011 AP investigation revealed that a so-called “Demographics Unit” operated secretly within the NYPD’s Counterterrorism and Intelligence Bureau. This shadowy outfit spied on Muslims around the New York City area, and even on students at campuses outside the state who were involved in Palestine solidarity activism. The unit was developed in tandem with the CIA, which has refused to name the former Middle East station chief it posted in the senior ranks of the NYPD’s intelligence division.

The “Demographics Unit” appears to have been inspired by Israeli intelligence as well. As a former police official told the AP, the unit attempted to “map the city’s human terrain” through a program “modeled in part on how Israeli authorities operate in the West Bank.”

A lawyer by training, Weiner oversaw negotiations between the NYPD and lawyers for local Muslims who had their civil liberties violated by its “Demographics Unit.”

Weiner is the granddaughter of Stanislaw Ulam, the Polish Jewish mathematician who helped conceive the hydrogen bomb as part of the Manhattan Project. “I’m very proud of that legacy,” Weiner said of her grandfather’s work upon being appointed as NYPD intelligence chief.

NYPD/Columbia’s Weiner: militarized raid was response to student “rhetoric associated with terrorism,” Tiktok posts
During the NYPD’s triumphant May 1 post-raid press conference, Weiner blamed “outside agitators” for triggering the military-style police crackdown at Columbia. However, she refused to name the outsiders supposedly on the scene.

According to Weiner, the police response was not necessitated by any criminal behavior, but by the radical language and symbols of the students. “This is not about students expressing ideas,” she claimed. The real problem, Weiner maintained, was the alleged “change in tactics” by protesters, which she said represented “a normalization and mainstreaming of rhetoric associated with terrorism.”

Proof of this dynamic, Weiner suggested, could be seen in what she claimed was the “common” trend of wearing of “headbands associated with foreign terrorist organizations” on college campuses; the “reissuing of Osama Bin Laden’s 2002 letter to America” on TikTok; and a brief visit to Columbia by Nahla Al-Arian, who Weiner incorrectly described as “the wife of somebody who had been convicted for material support to terrorism.”

“That’s not somebody who I would want necessarily influencing my child if I were a parent of somebody at Columbia,” Weiner commented.

Nahla’s husband, Palestinian academic Sami Al-Arian, had been indicted on flimsy terrorism charges in 2003, but a jury refused to convict him. Nevertheless, her brief stop at the Columbia encampment — where she says she did not even interact with any demonstrators — was cited by Adams during three separate media engagements to justify the police repression.

Throughout the press conference, Mayor Adams repeatedly cast the city’s crackdown on student speech as the only possible solution to ongoing campus encampments, citing undefined threats to the minds of impressionable youth.

“There is a movement to radicalize young people, and I’m not gonna wait until it’s done and all of a sudden acknowledge the existence of it,” Adams proclaimed.

“Young people are being influenced by those who are professionals at radicalizing our children,” he insisted, without specifying. “And I’m not gonna allow that to happen as the mayor of the city of New York.”

After angrily proclaiming that his “uncle died defending this country,” Adams declared: “It’s despicable that schools will allow another country’s flag to fly in our country.”

However, as an enthusiastic participant in New York City’s annual Celebrate Israel parade, Adams is no stranger to waving another country’s flag. ... sity-nypd/

Oxford, Cambridge, SOAS, Manchester and Trinity college in Ireland are amongst those in the U.K. who have joined the anti-genocide protests. This young Jewish student explains why students seek to divest from Israeli occupation, apartheid and the arms industry in general, as well as banks involved in Israeli apartheid.

wat0n wrote:If only

Most of these examples appear to be more about robbery than Judaism. Still, my point is that there is not some massive targeting of Jews in the West like you suggest and acting like it's unsafe for Jews in the West is just dumb AF and has no bearing on reality, aside from a case here or there from years ago that you can pull up. If anything, we have a much greater Islamophobia problem than anything else and I could pull up a number of recent examples, but playing victim is retard shit, especially when you support the oppressors in this story, which you plainly do in the form of Zionists and Zionism.

The constant justification for murdering Jews is part of that role.

More phoney victimhood and stuff you make up.

And your dreams are exactly the examples of antisemitism that are extended in the left, and among neonazis.

Antizionism is not antisemitism, crap victim who sings for genocide. :lol: Ask the thousands of Jews around the world who join us on the protests the world over against Israel and amongst the students protesting in the universities. You Zionists let that bullshit stick for a decade or so but nobody believes that bullshit anymore. That's evident in how the entire world sees Israel as a pariah and oppressor, not a victim.

The text comes from 2003, so it was passed by Arafat. Do you agree with it?

Citation needed!

I guess this article needs to be placed in this thread too, since Zionists are madly playing victim :lol:

Israel’s Defenders Talk So Much About Feelings Because They Can’t Talk About Facts
Their position is so gross and indefensible that all they have left is babbling about some select people having upset feelings and holding those feelings as more important than stopping an active genocide.

The Guardian has an article out titled “Israelis voice sadness and defiance over Gaza protests on US campuses”, subtitled “People in Jerusalem express little sympathy with anti-war demonstrators, with some accusing them of hatred for Israel”.

It’s exactly what it sounds like: an entire news report about the feelings that some Israelis are feeling in their feely bits about protests in another country on the other side of the world. The Guardian’s Jason Burke asked some random people about their feelings outside a theater in Jerusalem, and then presented this weird nothing thing as relevant news reporting.

“We didn’t know so many people hated Israel,” some random security guard is quoted as saying.

“Such feelings appear widespread among the Jewish majority in Israel, seven months after war was triggered by surprise attacks launched by Hamas into the south of the country in which about 1,200 people, mostly civilians, were killed and 250 taken hostage,” writes Burke.

“Jewish Israelis interviewed by the Guardian this week blame outrage overseas on misinformation, ignorance, historical hostility from international institutions such as the UN, global ‘double standards’ and entrenched antisemitism,” Burke informs us.

If you’re just tuning in, it might seem odd to you that a major news outlet would publish a story about the emotions that some Israelis are feeling about foreign protests against an active genocide being committed by their country. After all, this is not a news story. A story about how some people’s feelings are feeling is not news, and is not journalism.

But that’s exactly what the last seven months have looked like in the imperial media: a nonstop fixation on feelings instead of facts. Israelis have upset feelings about anti-genocide protests. Western Jews have upset feelings at campus demonstrators. Biden has upset feelings at Netanyahu. Last October the imperial media suddenly got a lot less interested in reporting on the facts on the ground with Israel and Gaza, and a whole lot more interested in reporting on how some groups of people feel about it instead.

Western reporters, pundits, politicians and officials cannot stop talking about this. The feelings of Israelis and western Jews are not only given more importance than the feelings of Palestinians or any other group, they are given more importance than Palestinian lives. Some Zionist kid pretending to feel “threatened” on an Ivy League campus will get more coverage than the daily massacres that have been occurring in the densely-packed city of Rafah.

Watch Matt Orfalea’s latest video about the deluge of coddling, cooing media coverage that was given to a Zionist activist who falsely pretended to have been “stabbed in the eye” by a pro-Palestine activist for a good example of this behavior:

Israel is the only issue where the western political-media class treats people’s feelings as a matter of supreme importance.

If you’re a stressed-out single parent struggling to pay bills and keep a roof over your kids’ head, they don’t care about your feelings.

If you’re an American who’s been cast into destitution and homelessness by medical bills, they don’t care about your feelings.

If you’re a Palestinian whose apartment complex was bombed with your entire family inside, they definitely don’t care about your feelings.

But if you’re a western Zionist who doesn’t like the cognitive dissonance that comes with encountering anti-genocide protesters, or even if you’re an Israeli who’s upset about anti-genocide protests in whole other country on the other side of the planet, they’re very, very interested in your feelings.

This is of course because the west’s unconditional support for Israel cannot be defended through facts, so the narrative control needs to focus instead on one nonstop appeal to emotion fallacy. Their position is so gross and indefensible that all they have left is babbling about some select people having upset feelings and holding those feelings as more important than stopping an active genocide.

The propagandists and empire managers don’t have facts on their side and don’t have morality on their side, so they attempt to manipulate by pulling on the heart strings using sympathy and compassion. They appeal to some of the healthiest impulses within us in order to dupe us into supporting some of the most evil actions the world has ever seen.

Which is an absolutely disgusting thing to do, naturally. But, again, it’s all these freaks have left. ... out-facts/

wat0n wrote:How would you label these chants?

OK thanks.

Neither of these chants is calling for the genocide and extermination of Jews. The first expresses a sentiment directed the state capital of the Zionist regime. I interpret that as a symbolic call for the political ideology to be destroyed as it was in say South Africa or Germany in 1945.

The second expresses a desire for resistance against a brutal foreign occupation, the sentiment that the people suffering under that occupation will continue to resist and violently until they are no longer under the yoke of a brutal and racist occupation.

To attempt to draw attention away from these themes and instead perversely cast Israel as being a victim, that is the abuse of language here.
Sherlock Holmes wrote:OK thanks.

Neither of these chants is calling for the genocide and extermination of Jews. The first expresses a sentiment directed the state capital of the Zionist regime. I interpret that as a symbolic call for the political ideology to be destroyed as it was in say South Africa or Germany in 1945.

The second expresses a desire for resistance against a brutal foreign occupation, the sentiment that the people suffering under that occupation will continue to resist and violently until they are no longer under the yoke of a brutal and racist occupation.

To attempt to draw attention away from these themes and instead perversely cast Israel as being a victim, that is the abuse of language here.

Repeating October 7 10,000 times would mean killing over 11 million Israelis. It would also likely mean burning Tel Aviv to the ground.

How exactly is this not genocidal?

Also, Israel considers Jerusalem to be its capital, not Tel Aviv.
Now consider real calls for genocide, public statements made by elected official in Israel:

The Minister of National Security repeated the President’s statements that Hamas and
civilians are responsible in equal measure. On 10 November 2023, in a televised interview, he stated
that “when we say that Hamas should be destroyed, it also means those who celebrate, those who
support, and those who hand out candy  they’re all terrorists, and they should also be destroyed”


“Be triumphant and finish them off, and don’t leave anyone behind. Erase the
memory of them. Erase them, their families, mothers and children. These animals can
no longer live . . . If you have an Arab neighbour, don’t wait, go to his home and shoot
him . . . We want to invade, not like before, we want to enter and destroy what’s in front
of us, and destroy houses, then destroy the one after it. With all of our forces, complete
destruction, enter and destroy. As you can see, we will witness things we’ve never
dreamed of. Let them drop bombs on them and erase them.”


The genocidal rhetoric is also commonplace within the Israeli Knesset. Members of the
Knesset (MKs) have repeatedly called for Gaza to be
“wiped out”
101, “flatten[ed]”102, “eras[ed]”103,
and “[c]rush[ed] . . . on all its inhabitants”104. They have deplored anyone “feel[ing] sorry” for the
“uninvolved” Gazans, asserting repeatedly that “there are no uninvolved”105, that “[t]here are no
innocents in Gaza”
106, that “the killers of the women and children should not be separated from the
citizens of Gaza”
107, that “the children of Gaza have brought this upon themselves”108, and that “there
should be one sentence for everyone there — death”
109. Finally, the lawmakers have called for “mercilessly”
bombing “from the air”110, with some advocating for the use of nuclear (“doomsday”)
weapons111, and a “Nakba that will overshadow the Nakba of 48”


The Prime Minister’s genocidal speech has gained ground among some elements of civil
society. A famous singer has repeated Mr Netanyahu’s Amalek reference, stating that “Gaza must
be wiped out and be destroyed with every Amalek seed . . . we simply must destroy all of Gaza and
exterminate everyone who is there”
113; another has called to “erase Gaza, not leave a single person
114. Journalists and commentators have announced that “the woman is an enemy, the baby is
an enemy . . . the pregnant woman is an enemy”
115; that it is necessary to “turn the strip into a
116, to “demolish every house our soldiers come across”117. Exterminate everyone.

There are plenty more examples too, these are extracted from the evidence presentedby South Africa in Application of the Convention on the Prevention
and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip

This is readily verified evidence that in fact Israel is (and has for decades) been calling for genocide against non-Jews, this is solid proof of that.
Last edited by Sherlock Holmes on 06 May 2024 16:48, edited 1 time in total.
wat0n wrote:Repeating October 7 10,000 times would mean killing over 11 million Israelis. It would also likely mean burning Tel Aviv to the ground.

How exactly is this not genocidal?

By contrast that's how, by contrast to the many public statements made be Israeli officials, if what they say is not regarded by you as calling for genocide then obviously there's no way those chants can be either. The Zionists see nothing wrong with their calls for genocide yet accuse everyone who resist them to be a threat.

wat0n wrote:Also, Israel considers Jerusalem to be its capital, not Tel Aviv.

So? Donald Trump considers himself to be the President of the United States yet he isn't.
At this point, even pointing out that some donors who support and defend Israel are threatening to withhold funding is portrayed as antisemitic libel.

Perhaps we should make it illegal, except that these donors have been openly saying so of their own actions on Twitter and other social media. That would mean they were accusing themselves of antisemitism. :lol:
skinster wrote:^ OH NO THE CHANTS! THE CHANTS!!! :lol:

They show exactly what the protesters want.

skinster wrote:Most of these examples appear to be more about robbery than Judaism. Still, my point is that there is not some massive targeting of Jews in the West like you suggest and acting like it's unsafe for Jews in the West is just dumb AF and has no bearing on reality, aside from a case here or there from years ago that you can pull up. If anything, we have a much greater Islamophobia problem than anything else and I could pull up a number of recent examples, but playing victim is retard shit, especially when you support the oppressors in this story, which you plainly do in the form of Zionists and Zionism.

They were robbed and murdered because the perpetrator thought "they are Jews so they must have money" as described in the articles.

Old trope at that.

skinster wrote:More phoney victimhood and stuff you make up.

Too bad the left's chants prove I am right.

skinster wrote:Antizionism is not antisemitism, crap victim who sings for genocide. :lol: Ask the thousands of Jews around the world who join us on the protests the world over against Israel and amongst the students protesting in the universities. You Zionists let that bullshit stick for a decade or so but nobody believes that bullshit anymore. That's evident in how the entire world sees Israel as a pariah and oppressor, not a victim.

You dream of ethnic cleansing, in fact, you are a great example of the antisemitic left.

skinster wrote:Citation needed!

I already provided it. You can always read the source with the quoted text.

skinster wrote:I guess this article needs to be placed in this thread too, since Zionists are madly playing victim :lol:

Denying the evidence is common among propagandists, but it won't help you here.

Sherlock Holmes wrote:Now consider real calls for genocide, public statements made by elected official in Israel:




There are plenty more examples too, these are extracted from the evidence presentedby South Africa in Application of the Convention on the Prevention
and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide in the Gaza Strip

This is readily verified evidence that in fact Israel is (and has for decades) been calling for genocide against non-Jews, this is solid proof of that.

Sherlock Holmes wrote:By contrast that's how, by contrast to the many public statements made be Israeli officials, if what they say is not regarded by you as calling for genocide then obviously there's no way those chants can be either. The Zionists see nothing wrong with their calls for genocide yet accuse everyone who resist them to be a threat.

Most of those statements are misquotes, actually. The ones who did utter genocidal rhetoric, which is no different from that coming from leftist protesters and which you cannot refute given these posts basically claiming "the Zionists are genocidal too!!", do not run the war.

It is interesting though, the pro-Palestine left would actually be Kahanists if they were pro-Israel.

Pants-of-dog wrote:At this point, even pointing out that some donors who support and defend Israel are threatening to withhold funding is portrayed as antisemitic libel.

Perhaps we should make it illegal, except that these donors have been openly saying so of their own actions on Twitter and other social media. That would mean they were accusing themselves of antisemitism. :lol:

I am still waiting for you to provide even a single example of an US university that has lost funding over the application of the IHRA definition of antisemitism in use by the Department of Education since 2018.

And if we go by donors, it is also well known that Qatar, Saudi Arabia and other oil-rich Arab states have donated to universities too. Yet I don't think this is why there is antisemitism on campus. Of course, this donation argument does not apply to them because it's not about "what" but about "who" i.e. your issue is that Jews donate to schools and you believe only they influence their behavior.
wat0n wrote:Most of those statements are misquotes, actually. The ones who did utter genocidal rhetoric, which is no different from that coming from leftist protesters and which you cannot refute given these posts basically claiming "the Zionists are genocidal too!!", do not run the war.

Let's address the two claims in your statement:

1. Most of those statements are misquotes

When you say "most" do you mean of the four I posted or the entirety that's cited in the evidence document? Tell me then which ones are not, in your opinion which of the quotes are not misquotes?

2. No different from that coming from leftist protesters

I'll need your answer to 1. before I can say much more.
Sherlock Holmes wrote:Let's address the two claims in your statement:

1. Most of those statements are misquotes

When you say "most" do you mean of the four I posted or the entirety that's cited in the evidence document? Tell me then which ones are not, in your opinion which of the quotes are not misquotes?

2. No different from that coming from leftist protesters

I'll need your answer to 1. before I can say much more.

You can check this rebuttal out:

Also, I chuckled because what you quoted is not different from changing to burn Tel Aviv to the ground. The pro-Palestinian left would be Kahanist if they were pro-Israel.
Note that none of the Israeli's cited in the evidence provided by South Africa claim they are "misquoted" they would if they had been but they do not. They do say this though:

"Israeli leaders have downplayed the comments, and some in Israel say they’re a result of the trauma from Hamas’ attack."


Defending Israel in court, lawyer Malcolm Shaw said the remarks were made mostly by officials with little role in determining Israeli policy, calling them “random quotes” that were misleading and had been in some cases repudiated by Netanyahu


Aeyal Gross, a professor of international law at Tel Aviv University, said that how Israel responds to the inflammatory rhetoric matters in the case with South Africa, because Israel, as a signatory to the Genocide Convention, is prohibited not only from committing genocide but also from inciting to genocide.

Gross said that it was probably too late for Israel to take steps that show it doesn’t condone such speech. Punishing such remarks could have sent a message to the court as well as to Israeli society that the state doesn’t tolerate incendiary rhetoric.

“It’s important because it would have said, ‘It’s not our intent,’” he said. “But it’s also important because it would have meant we are sending the soldiers on the ground a message not to act in this way.”

No denial here, not evidence whatsoever that anyone has been misquoted.

Source: Harsh Israeli rhetoric against Palestinians becomes central to South Africa’s genocide case
Sherlock Holmes wrote:The statement by Ben-Gvir "when we say that Hamas should be destroyed, it also means those who celebrate, those who
support, and those who hand out candy, they’re all terrorists, and they should also be destroyed" are recorded here during an interview with him:

Ben Gvir is quite similar to the pro-Palestine protesters who chant they want to repeat October 7 10,000 times and who say they are against Zionists and not Jews. But you said this is OK.

Sherlock Holmes wrote:Note that none of the Israeli's cited in the evidence provided by South Africa claim they are "misquoted" they would if they had been but they do not. They do say this though:




No denial here, not evidence whatsoever that anyone has been misquoted.

Source: Harsh Israeli rhetoric against Palestinians becomes central to South Africa’s genocide case

Did you even read what I posted?

In particular, the evidence from the records will be part of the merits phase of the trial that had not started yet (SA has now to present its memory). Yet it is already clear SA misquoted officials.
Now take a good look at more evidence that it is Israel that calls for genocide not protesting students in the West.

Database of Israeli Incitement to Genocide.

Some excerpts:

"All the preoccupation with whether or not there is internet in Gaza shows that we have
learned nothing. We are too humane. Burn Gaza now no less!"

Bring down buildings!! Bomb without distinction!! Stop with this impotence. You have ability.
There is worldwide legitimacy! Flatten Gaza. Without mercy! This time, there is no room for

Israel's Minister of Communications calls on the IDF to cut off the foreskins of Hamas fighters
as revenge, as David did with the Philistines in the Tanakh as "revenge"

“It is not Hamas that should be eliminated. Gaza should be razed and Israel’s rule should be
restored to the place. This is our country."

“Nakba?! expel them all. If the Egyptians care so much for them - they are welcome to have
them wrapped in cellophane tied with a green ribbon. Salamat [Goodbye in Arabic]!”

as a response to knesset member aida touma saying “the lives of children of gaza and the
gazan envelope both matter” - “no they don’t, there is no symmetry”

“There are no innocent people in the Gaza Strip.”

"The war will never end if we don't expel them all."

"[…] open the port of Gaza, put them [Gazans] on ships and ship them to scotland, because a
10 year old [Gazan] boy is a terrorist in 6-7 years" (writer note: yes, he said it again.)

All of these are recorded and documented here.
wat0n wrote:Ben Gvir is quite similar to the pro-Palestine protesters who chant they want to repeat October 7 10,000 times and who say they are against Zionists and not Jews. But you said this is OK.

Show me any student that has been interviewed on television or in the street, any anti-Zionist protester who has spoken like Ben-Gvir and all the others, can you? All you have presented are two examples that 1) chant that Tel-Aviv should be burned to the ground and 2) a commitment to continue resisting a foreign and illegal military occupation.

Pay attention too, nowhere did I say this was "OK" all I did say is that these are not expressing a determination and commitment to the genocide of Jews. These chants refer to the state, the political ideology and racist monstrosity that Israel is, they do not advocate cutting men's penises, they do not advocate treating all women and children in Israel as deserving execution, they do not call for Jews to be forcibly evicted and sent overseas, they do not call for nuclear weapons to be considered, they do not call violence against individuals but against the state, the illegally occupying state.

To argue that the chants made by some students as being equivalent expressions of genocidal intent made by elected officials in the Knesset and on television only shows to prove how Zionist ideology warps the minds of those who embrace it and this is why the nations of world are turning against Israel, the insanity has gone on too long, the sympathy for the neo-Nazi ideology is waning, the time is up, the masquerade is over and no good will come of this unless Israel ceases to be an apartheid racial-supremacist state and if the people do not see to that, if the population of Israel do not see the crimes of their deranged leaders for what they are, then I see only catastrophe for all Jew and on-Jew alike.

The fanatical nationalist Zionists are bereft of reason, of logic, they are as convinced of their legitimacy as were the Nazis during WW2. Like them they are above the law, like them they justify heinous crimes as necessary for survival, like them they regard their enemies as animals, like them they see to forcibly expel or destroy civilians en-masse and like them they are doomed to bring their project to a terrible conclusion ending in self-destruction.
Last edited by Sherlock Holmes on 06 May 2024 18:00, edited 1 time in total.
I can tell you are still ignoring the rebuttal I linked to, @Sherlock Holmes. And you do try to whitewash actual genocidal statements like calling to burn Tel Aviv to the ground and repeating October 7 10,000 times, which in turn implies killing 11 million Israelis.

It seems the pro-Palestinian left is not too different from the Kahanists after all.
wat0n wrote:I can tell you are still ignoring the rebuttal I linked to, @Sherlock Holmes. And you do try to whitewash actual genocidal statements like calling to burn Tel Aviv to the ground and repeating October 7 10,000 times, which in turn implies killing 11 million Israelis.

It seems the pro-Palestinian left is not too different from the Kahanists after all.

You'll need to be more specific than "you are still ignoring the rebuttal I linked to" and I have presented many more examples than you in support of my position. Show me a single TV interview of a anti-Zionist student in the street or on TV that calls or cutting penises of Jews or regarding Jewish children as terrorist? Can you do that?

Finally I do not refer to myself as "pro Palestinian" but as anti-Zionist, anti-apartheid, anti-racial-supremacy, these are all things that you are and I am not. You are pro-racism, pro-Jew-supremacy, pro-segregationist, pro-violence, pro-hostage taking, pro-ghetto, pro-genocide - but I sir, am non of those.
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