US Presidential election 2024 thread. - Page 37 - Politics | PoFo

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The MAGA backed dipshits didn't get elected here so that's good.

Anyway, so folks have been pointing to polls a lot lately. Many saying Trump will win. However, recall, the polls were wrong in 2020, and were also wrong in 2022 when the "red wave" that was predicted didn't happen. Unclear how polling has changed since then though.
Rancid wrote:The MAGA backed dipshits didn't get elected here so that's good.

Anyway, so folks have been pointing to polls a lot lately. Many saying Trump will win. However, recall, the polls were wrong in 2020, and were also wrong in 2022 when the "red wave" that was predicted didn't happen. Unclear how polling has changed since then though.

The polls I've seen suggest a tie (basically).
As someone who routinely completes online surveys , on behalf of YouGov , primarily , it has been my impression that the majority of the other panelists tend to be far to the right of me . So I wouldn't place much stock in the results of such polling data . Many of us who receive such opinion polls in our inbox don't work fulltime , if at all , and so we do this for supplemental income , which is roughly 100$ a year . The working stiffs might not have the time , and/or inclination to take surveys on various topics .
Deutschmania wrote:As someone who routinely completes online surveys , on behalf of YouGov , primarily , it has been my impression that the majority of the other panelists tend to be far to the right of me . So I wouldn't place much stock in the results of such polling data .

This is probably the dumbest criticism of any poll :lol:
Rancid wrote:The MAGA backed dipshits didn't get elected here so that's good.

Anyway, so folks have been pointing to polls a lot lately. Many saying Trump will win. However, recall, the polls were wrong in 2020, and were also wrong in 2022 when the "red wave" that was predicted didn't happen. Unclear how polling has changed since then though.

The MAGA backed dipshit did not get re-elected? How could this happen?! :lol:

Well, here it is a brawl on the radio nad in debates. These Mexican presidential candidate debates are an all out brawl verbally. But it is weird. They are not allowed to talk to each other facing each other or so on...they have to shut up till it is their turn and then have to do graphs by hand on a paper and show it within a timed response. It is so entertaining. Lol.

They are really talking trash about each other on TV. The presidential elections are June 2nd, 2024 and everyone has their political candidates pictures out in their front gates and doors and driveways. It looks great. A lot of people backing MORENA. A good thing! ... TibswrXfaH

I predict that Trump MAGA people will create a big stink if they do not win. Lol. I am psychic. NOT. :lol:
Tainari88 wrote:The MAGA backed dipshit did not get re-elected? How could this happen?! :lol:

Well, here it is a brawl on the radio nad in debates. These Mexican presidential candidate debates are an all out brawl verbally. But it is weird. They are not allowed to talk to each other facing each other or so on...they have to shut up till it is their turn and then have to do graphs by hand on a paper and show it within a timed response. It is so entertaining. Lol.

They are really talking trash about each other on TV. The presidential elections are June 2nd, 2024 and everyone has their political candidates pictures out in their front gates and doors and driveways. It looks great. A lot of people backing MORENA. A good thing! ... TibswrXfaH

I predict that Trump MAGA people will create a big stink if they do not win. Lol. I am psychic. NOT. :lol:

As I was bored , yet again , I decided to watch the entire debate , even though it was over 99% in Spanish . I found it to be no more or less exiting than any telenovela . There was a sign language interpreter , but it would have been nice if there were also an English interpreter . After all , given the relative low cost of living , more and more Americans have been moving to Mexico . , Which actually brings me to the main theme of the debate , from what I an American Anglophone could gather anyway , which was inflation . I do not actually think that compared to America inflation is all that high in Mexico . That and or the currency exchange rate between our respective countries is very much disproportionate . I mean according to Jorge Maynez , the average salary in Mexico is less than 10'000 dollars a month . My father makes a little over four times 10'000 $ just by hauling Amish around , in his van . So the cost of labor sure isn't inflated down in Mexico . Now as to the performance of the respective candidates , I felt that the before mentioned Maynez , from what I gathered , did the best . Xóchitl Gálvez was mostly just hurling inflammatory , if not defamatory invective at Sheinbaum, even while keeping a pleasant looking smile on her face . If this debate where to have been set in the U.S.A. instead , Galvez might have even gotten charged under the new law against anti-Semitic rhetoric , being that Sheinbaum , for those whom might not know , is a Jew . The thing is though , some of the matters brought up , such as the Line 12 train derailment , and Sheinbaum owning 8% shares in a factory that is one of the most heavily polluting companies in Mexico , could do her real damage , I think . Some of the more outrageous charges , that she stole funds from the indigenous population , and used it to buy a number of houses , might not have any substance . The only negative thing that Sheinbaum could hit back with involved a supposedly corrupt business deal concerning the construction of a shopping center, that Galvez was allegedly involved in . This I suspect might not even be considered to be a corrupt practice in a country with less regulation of businesses , such as namely the U.S.A. Over here there is a lucrative real estate market , with people being priced out of their homes . Real estate agents , and house flippers , are now making a killing off of such gentrification . I sure don't own four houses . I only have one tiny house , no bigger than a shed , adjacent to my parents house . And we might end up having to move away and downsize , due to the increase in property tax . And that's not even mentioning all of the people who are being left with no house at all . So I feel that there needs to be more affordable housing , both in the United States of America , and Mexico . I think that , based upon my training in high school , as a Young Politician , what both Sheinbaum , and Galvez would do well to keep in mind the hierarchy of needs . All this talk about financial prosperity and social equality is altogether meaningless , if there are no concrete plans on how to meet the basic material needs of the people . I think that Maynez did well in presenting specific proposals to improve infrastructure and to shore up the social safety net . This is what I find to be of the most immediate importance . Well that and improving access to healthcare , especially preventative care , such as vaccine access , as only one in three children in Mexico are vaccinated against routine diseases . This coupled with those stubborn sensationalists in the U.S. who refuse to have themselves and their children immunized , as they are more fearful of side effects from the vaccines than symptoms of the viruses , could wind up causing a public health crisis at the border . So on these bread and butter issues I feel that Maynez triumphed , based upon what little I could comprehend . Also , as an aside , as shallow as it may be , I felt that Maynez was the most charming , and I appreciated that he used both English and American Sign Language to communicate that he loves us . Plus even Galvez , as catty as she was behaving , appeared better looking than Sheinbaum , in that she has a larger bosom and a more chic hairdo . Sheinbaum had a severe looking tight ponytail , and practically no bust at all . In the more image conscious America , this would also hurt her to some extent , as popular appeal matters more so than even policy . This is my impression regarding the strengths of each candidate's campaign . But all of them alike are more fresh and vibrant than the literal old guard presidential candidates here in the United States of America , in my opinion .

Deutschmania wrote:As I was bored , yet again , I decided to watch the entire debate , even though it was over 99% in Spanish . I found it to be no more or less exiting than any telenovela . There was a sign language interpreter , but it would have been nice if there were also an English interpreter . After all , given the relative low cost of living , more and more Americans have been moving to Mexico . , Which actually brings me to the main theme of the debate , from what I an American Anglophone could gather anyway , which was inflation . I do not actually think that compared to America inflation is all that high in Mexico . That and or the currency exchange rate between our respective countries is very much disproportionate . I mean according to Jorge Maynez , the average salary in Mexico is less than 10'000 dollars a month . My father makes a little over four times 10'000 $ just by hauling Amish around , in his van . So the cost of labor sure isn't inflated down in Mexico . Now as to the performance of the respective candidates , I felt that the before mentioned Maynez , from what I gathered , did the best . Xóchitl Gálvez was mostly just hurling inflammatory , if not defamatory invective at Sheinbaum, even while keeping a pleasant looking smile on her face . If this debate where to have been set in the U.S.A. instead , Galvez might have even gotten charged under the new law against anti-Semitic rhetoric , being that Sheinbaum , for those whom might not know , is a Jew . The thing is though , some of the matters brought up , such as the Line 12 train derailment , and Sheinbaum owning 8% shares in a factory that is one of the most heavily polluting companies in Mexico , could do her real damage , I think . Some of the more outrageous charges , that she stole funds from the indigenous population , and used it to buy a number of houses , might not have any substance . The only negative thing that Sheinbaum could hit back with involved a supposedly corrupt business deal concerning the construction of a shopping center, that Galvez was allegedly involved in . This I suspect might not even be considered to be a corrupt practice in a country with less regulation of businesses , such as namely the U.S.A. Over here there is a lucrative real estate market , with people being priced out of their homes . Real estate agents , and house flippers , are now making a killing off of such gentrification . I sure don't own four houses . I only have one tiny house , no bigger than a shed , adjacent to my parents house . And we might end up having to move away and downsize , due to the increase in property tax . And that's not even mentioning all of the people who are being left with no house at all . So I feel that there needs to be more affordable housing , both in the United States of America , and Mexico . I think that , based upon my training in high school , as a Young Politician , what both Sheinbaum , and Galvez would do well to keep in mind the hierarchy of needs . All this talk about financial prosperity and social equality is altogether meaningless , if there are no concrete plans on how to meet the basic material needs of the people . I think that Maynez did well in presenting specific proposals to improve infrastructure and to shore up the social safety net . This is what I find to be of the most immediate importance . Well that and improving access to healthcare , especially preventative care , such as vaccine access , as only one in three children in Mexico are vaccinated against routine diseases . This coupled with those stubborn sensationalists in the U.S. who refuse to have themselves and their children immunized , as they are more fearful of side effects from the vaccines than symptoms of the viruses , could wind up causing a public health crisis at the border . So on these bread and butter issues I feel that Maynez triumphed , based upon what little I could comprehend . Also , as an aside , as shallow as it may be , I felt that Maynez was the most charming , and I appreciated that he used both English and American Sign Language to communicate that he loves us . Plus even Galvez , as catty as she was behaving , appeared better looking than Sheinbaum , in that she has a larger bosom and a more chic hairdo . Sheinbaum had a severe looking tight ponytail , and practically no bust at all . In the more image conscious America , this would also hurt her to some extent , as popular appeal matters more so than even policy . This is my impression regarding the strengths of each candidate's campaign . But all of them alike are more fresh and vibrant than the literal old guard presidential candidates here in the United States of America , in my opinion .

This assessment made me laugh.

First off if you had read the comments in Spanish the overwhelming majority thought Claudia Sheinbaum won by a lot. If you want to hear Galvez English skills you can go to Youtube and put that in. She is way lower in English fluency than Claudia or Jorge Alvarez Maynez. You should always go by the first last name of the person that has their two last names written on the screen or on the paper. Xochitl Galvez Ruiz. You go by Galvez. Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo. You go by Sheinbaum. Jorge Alvarez Maynez you go by Alvarez. First last name is the paternal last name. The second last name is the maternal maiden name of each person in a Spanish speaking culture Deustchmania. Let us say your name is Gordon Blackman Sterns. It would mean your father's last name is Blackman and your mother's MAIDEN NAME is Sterns. We use both names when addressing people in official documents and papers and also in IDs and so on.

It is obvious Sheinbaum won in my opinion. PRI and PAN and the PRD are conservative neoliberal parties who were corrupt in the extreme and really horrible administrators. They lost for the first time in 70 plus years because people got tired of the corruption. Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo, was the mayor of Mexico City and was an environmental activist and an academic. A professor. She is Jewish. That is true. But her family has never been rich. The average salary for Mexican family is actually $10,000 pesos a month. In Mexican exchange rates that is the equivalent of $591.50 US dollars a month Deustchmania. It is NOTHING really. Average rent is over half of that for sure. And the rest is very expensive. Gas is about $5.56 US dollars a gallon in Mexico right now. For people making that salary I mention it is way too expensive.

The reality is Sheinbaum did tell the truth. The minimum wage has more than doubled under this presidency of Morena and at the border it has tripled. They also were able to do a lot of social services and older people got their pensions and child care and a lot of scholarships for students. They have spent a lot of money on infrastructure and public works. They are finally taxing very wealthy people and cracking down on corruption. For the first time in years. Galvez lied outright saying that MORENA was a Narco State. The only certified narco state was Felipe Calderon's government and that was from Galvez Ruiz's party PRI. Lol. Everyone knows that here and she just lied outright to try to convince people.

It was not working at all.

I wonder how much you understood? Alvarez Maynez is semi conservative. I do not support conservatives but his party is better than the PRI and the PAN. Sheinbaum is backed by the Green Party which is an internationalist party for environmental causes and leftists. For example Ralph Nader ran for the Green party in the USA in the past. She is also backed by the PT el Partido de los Trabajadores. The Worker's Party. Which is this Deustchmania.

8 de diciembre de 1990
Eslogan Unidad Nacional, ¡Todo el poder al Pueblo!​
Ideología Socialismo​ Antiimperialismo​ Laborismo Nacionalismo popular Socialismo democrático Socialismo del siglo XXI Ecosocialismo​ Anticapitalismo​​
Posición Izquierda

An anti imperialist socialist party that about democratic socialism and anti capitalism.

She is backed by them.

MORENA is This: ... %C3%ADtico)

It was founded in 2011 by the present president of Mexico Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

He defeated the PRI and the PAN with a long fight against rigged elections, fraud and corruption. He defeated them mainly because the PRI and the PAN (Galvez parties) were so corrupt and only favored wealthy Mexicans from the elite and screwed over the poor and lower middle classes and small business owners and did nothing for anyone else for such a long time? That people were out for blood with them.

Every political action has consequences. The PRI finally got what it deserved in 2018.
blackvegetable wrote:Nonsense..

It was "deeded" to the Ukraine SSR in the 50's. Russia was operating it under a lease.

No the last legitimate leader of Crimea before Putin was Anton Denikin. And those of us that hold the memory of Winston Churchill sacred, remember the strong support that Winston gave to Denikin. We do not consider the actions of the German and New York financed Lenin-Trotsky government legitimate, nor their heirs to the Pole Dzierzinsky's terror machine.

Boris Yeltsin was a transitional figure from the corruption of Communism to the first truly Russian government of Putin since Kolchak and Denikin.
QatzelOk wrote:Image

"There is a striking difference in quality between the two mainstream presidential candidates." :roll:

That was Mexican politics for a long time. The PRI stands for Partido Revolucionario Institucional. And the PAN stands for Partido Acción Nacional. Both conservatives shitty parties with neoliberal bad policies. That failed. Vicente Fox was a PAN, Peña Nieto and Felipe Calderón and Salinas de Gortari were PRI and so on and so on. Pieces of shit parties all for the elite only. It is interesting because the PRI started out as a Land Reform party for the peasants and against Latifundios. And it became some neoliberal Republicanism corporate wealth types that were against helping peasants or the poor. It sucked.

That is why I think the USA duopoly has to change and get a third party going to break the gridlock on that two pieces of shit parties in the USA. Even if it takes 15 years. You got to start somewhere. :lol:

But, the USA is full of people who are clueless about if they are peasants, poor, middle class or the elite. Working class people in the USA regularly vote for a party who does not give a shit about them. Thinking that erroneously about socioeconomic issues will never get them out of Moronic Inferno territory.
The establishment forced Trump to cross the Rubicon. Caesar crossed the Rubicon as the Senate declared him a criminal.

Trump has 2 Options: Prison or Presidency

I think Trump will replace the democracy by an Empire.

Most whites see in Trump the last Option to keep the white dominance or face the fate of a minority.
Skynet wrote:...Most whites see in Trump the last Option to keep the white dominance or face the fate of a minority.

Yes, and his voters all wear cowboy hats and live in Texas suburbs.

This is how his shittiness was branded by media.

Biden's shittiness was branded as "woke."

So will you vote for a casino mafia criminal, or a career grifter whose mind has been erased by the CIA?
JoaoAlfaiate wrote:AIPAC & The Dirty Dozen

Cash rec’d from AIPAC during the CURRENT (’23-’24) election cycle for Dirty Dozen Senators up for reelection:

Marsha Blackburn, $269,631
Kevin Cramer, $299,912
Ted Cruz, $327,597
Pete Ricketts, $147,672
Rick Scott, $238,128

Since these folks just voted $17 billion in aid for Israel, I’d have to say AIPAC is getting an incredible return on investment.

Whatever piece of sh*t you vote for in the next faux-presidential election, this is how the system will continue to work.

UNZ wrote:...the Department of Education will be empowered to send so-called antisemitism monitors to enforce civil rights law at public schools as well as at colleges to observe and report on levels of hostility towards Jews...

This is a sure sign that the USA has a clearly-defined caste system.

What a joke its entire history and "constitution" are.

Rancid wrote:Trump was courting $1 Billion from oil companies, in return, he will remove various EPA restrictions.

I wonder if the foreigners that support Trump like the idea of the US economy booming at the expense of the environment.

It actually would be good for Europe because the main idea they are talking about is expansion of shail oil/gas and its export. There will be a significant super oversupply(Thanks Putin, European money talks) in the coming years hence Biden sort of put a ban on future construction of LNG which is good long term view on the problem that I can understand. But if Trump removes that then sure, then gas prices will plummet to pennies with the UAE/Qatar/ME also significantly expanding LNG capacity. Europe would love this.

How much will it help the US producers, that is a good question. It means US gas will compete even further vs UAE/Qatar/ME LNG gas for territory and oversupply will be through the roof. If you think that the US will win then its fine but if you think that US will loose then some people are going to do a lot of bad investment.

Highly likely the price of gas in Europe will be below even in the situation when US doesn't remove the bann since the numbers coming online in US and UAE/Qater/ME even before the bann is huge. If Trump removes the bann then the gas price in Europe will be folds less than compared to what it was before the war.

And realistically, only Europe has the capacity to make gas out of LNG back again since we built a shit ton in a year.
JohnRawls wrote:
It actually would be good for Europe because the main idea they are talking about is expansion of shail oil/gas and its export. There will be a significant super oversupply(Thanks Putin, European money talks) in the coming years hence Biden sort of put a ban on future construction of LNG which is good long term view on the problem that I can understand. But if Trump removes that then sure, then gas prices will plummet to pennies with the UAE/Qatar/ME also significantly expanding LNG capacity. Europe would love this.

How much will it help the US producers, that is a good question. It means US gas will compete even further vs UAE/Qatar/ME LNG gas for territory and oversupply will be through the roof. If you think that the US will win then its fine but if you think that US will loose then some people are going to do a lot of bad investment.

Highly likely the price of gas in Europe will be below even in the situation when US doesn't remove the bann since the numbers coming online in US and UAE/Qater/ME even before the bann is huge. If Trump removes the bann then the gas price in Europe will be folds less than compared to what it was before the war.

And realistically, only Europe has the capacity to make gas out of LNG back again since we built a shit ton in a year.

OK, so it's good for Europe the US (oil companies) in the short term. How about those small pacific islands going under water in the long term?

Apparently the oil companies are writing the orders and bills because they feel a Trump admin would be too incompetent to do it. :hmm:
Rancid wrote:OK, so it's good for Europe the US (oil companies) in the short term. How about those small pacific islands going under water in the long term?

Apparently the oil companies are writing the orders and bills because they feel a Trump admin would be too incompetent to do it. :hmm:

Gas is considered a green energy resource and out of the hydrocarbon ones it is the greenest.
JohnRawls wrote:Gas is considered a green energy resource and out of the hydrocarbon ones it is the greenest.

Ok, I'm on board then.

I'm pretty sure this is more than just about gas (like chemical dumping which Trump relaxed previously), but hey, fuck everything for cheaper gas. I like forever chemicals in my water.
Rancid wrote:Ok, I'm on board then.

I'm pretty sure this is more than just about gas (like chemical dumping which Trump relaxed previously), but hey, fuck everything for cheaper gas. I like forever chemicals in my water.

Well, Trump is my best interest in this regard if he removes the bann. I am not going to lie about it. Although both ways its actually more or less okay.

Doesn't mean Trump should get elected.
Rancid wrote:Ok, I'm on board then.

I'm pretty sure this is more than just about gas (like chemical dumping which Trump relaxed previously), but hey, fuck everything for cheaper gas. I like forever chemicals in my water.

The deadliest forever chems are from rain jacket coating so the rain rolls over...

Their concentration is above EU-limits even in rainwater... so it is everywhere

Plastic kills testosterone some studies suggest 2045 will the average man will not be able to get children the natural way due to low testo levels

Why Americans do not vote for a third party candidate??? Like Kennedy???
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