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FiveofSwords wrote:Measuring gdp in use is not very useful, especially considering Hitler immediately abolished the gold standard and other countries followed suit quickly. Also, he removed the reischbank from global markets and got rid of the stock exchange. But just in terms of how much stuff was produced per year, Germany was well ahead of the usa. And the income was better distributed.

Nationalism is not really based on myth. Myths always exist around anything important to people. But the fact that people from different nations are in fact different and thrive in different environments is 100% true

Caught with another lie. Why am I not surprised?
FiveofSwords wrote:About a year after Hitler was elected Germany had by far the highest gdp of any country on earth

This is still not true if you use 2011 international USD. The following countries were above Germany in 1934:

Total GDP:

US: US$1,101bn
China: US$471bn
USSR: US$464bn
UK: US$417bn
Germany: US$408bn

Per capita:

Switzerland: US$9,997
UK: US$8,939
USA: US$8,667
Denmark: US$8,611
Australia: US$8,066
Netherlands: US$7,659
New Zealand: US$7,600
Belgium: US$7,371
Sweden: US$6,845
France: US$6,682
Germany: US$6,150

Source: Maddison Project Database (2023)
FiveofSwords wrote:Now...because I personally have read actual primary sources rather than relying on Netflix or YouTube for my information

I live in Argentinia and can actually speak to firsthand sources because they are my friends, and I love them. They're on my trivia team at the bar.

Please, feel free to ask me anything. I'll bring it up the next time we order a bucket of cervesas.
SpecialOlympian wrote:I live in Argentinia and can actually speak to firsthand sources because they are my friends, and I love them. They're on my trivia team at the bar.

Please, feel free to ask me anything. I'll bring it up the next time we order a bucket of cervesas.

The nsdap hasn't existed since 1945. Nobody alive today can be considered a primary source
I don't want to get into the reasons why my friends moved to Argetinia in the 40's but trust me they know what they're talking about. They're really cool dudes, they know a lot about beer, I trust them.
wat0n wrote:This is still not true if you use 2011 international USD. The following countries were above Germany in 1934:

Per capita:

...Sweden: US$6,845
France: US$6,682
Germany: US$6,150

This is amazing that Germany caught up to France in the 30s, after being so utterly destroyed and economically sanctionned into poverty... only 20 years earlier.

I guess Adolph Hitler really did trigger an economic miracle in Germany. And perhaps "the Jewish banksters" hated him from leaving their parasitic orbit.

But this still doesn't "prove" any race theories that FiveofSwords has littered the forum with. Germany is a nation, and Banksters are an economic class. Races are... imaginary and don't fit this narrative except in a crude way that ignores many important details.

When FiveofSwords ignores important details (like he has a tendency to do), he ends up producing faux theories and faux explanations. But they can only be defended with insults and obtuseness - which he has also produced in huge quantity on his many race-based threads.
Hitler's hatred of German Jews had something to do with his complicated family history. His father was the illegitimate child of a Jewish man who employed his grandmother as a maid. In 1931 Hitler ordered the SS to investigate the rumors regarding his Jewish ancestry, and they found no evidence of any Jewish ancestors. However, a recent DNA test suggested that he had a 20%-30% chance of having Ashkenazi Jewish or Sephardic Jewish ancestors, based on his paternal haplogroup E1b1b.

In the decades since Adolf Hitler’s death, the Nazi leader’s ancestry has been a subject of rampant speculation and intense controversy. Some have suggested that his father, Alois, born to an unwed woman named Maria Schickelgruber, was the illegitimate child of Leopold Frankenberger, a young Jewish man whose family employed her as a maid. (She subsequently married Johann Georg Hiedler–later spelled “Hitler”–whose surname her son adopted.) Others have claimed that Alois’ biological father was also the grandfather of Hitler’s mother, Klara Pözl, making Adolf the product of an incestuous marriage.

To unravel the mystery of the Fuhrer’s roots, the Belgian journalist Jean-Paul Mulders teamed up with Marc Vermeeren, a historian who has written extensively about Hitler and his ancestors. The duo collected saliva samples from 39 of the infamous dictator’s living relatives, including a great-nephew, Alexander Stuart-Houston, who lives in New York, and an Austrian cousin identified only as “Norbert H.” Tests were then conducted to reveal the samples’ principal haplogroups, which are sets of chromosomes that geneticists use to define specific populations.

Writing in the Flemish-language magazine Knack, Mulders reported that the relatives’ most dominant haplogroup, known as E1b1b, is rare in Western Europeans but common among North Africans, and particularly the Berber tribes of Morocco, Algeria, Libya and Tunisia. It is also one of the major founding lineages of the Jewish population, present in 18 to 20 percent of Ashkenazi Jews and 8.6 to 30 percent of Sephardic Jews. In other words, Hitler’s family tree may have included Jewish and African ancestors.

https://www.history.com/news/study-sugg ... -ancestors
ThirdTerm wrote:Hitler's hatred of German Jews had something to do with his complicated family history. His father was the illegitimate child of a Jewish man who employed his grandmother as a maid. In 1931 Hitler ordered the SS to investigate the rumors regarding his Jewish ancestry, and they found no evidence of any Jewish ancestors. However, a recent DNA test suggested that he had a 20%-30% chance of having Ashkenazi Jewish or Sephardic Jewish ancestors, based on his paternal haplogroup E1b1b.

In the decades since Adolf Hitler’s death, the Nazi leader’s ancestry has been a subject of rampant speculation and intense controversy. Some have suggested that his father, Alois, born to an unwed woman named Maria Schickelgruber, was the illegitimate child of Leopold Frankenberger, a young Jewish man whose family employed her as a maid. (She subsequently married Johann Georg Hiedler–later spelled “Hitler”–whose surname her son adopted.) Others have claimed that Alois’ biological father was also the grandfather of Hitler’s mother, Klara Pözl, making Adolf the product of an incestuous marriage.

To unravel the mystery of the Fuhrer’s roots, the Belgian journalist Jean-Paul Mulders teamed up with Marc Vermeeren, a historian who has written extensively about Hitler and his ancestors. The duo collected saliva samples from 39 of the infamous dictator’s living relatives, including a great-nephew, Alexander Stuart-Houston, who lives in New York, and an Austrian cousin identified only as “Norbert H.” Tests were then conducted to reveal the samples’ principal haplogroups, which are sets of chromosomes that geneticists use to define specific populations.

Writing in the Flemish-language magazine Knack, Mulders reported that the relatives’ most dominant haplogroup, known as E1b1b, is rare in Western Europeans but common among North Africans, and particularly the Berber tribes of Morocco, Algeria, Libya and Tunisia. It is also one of the major founding lineages of the Jewish population, present in 18 to 20 percent of Ashkenazi Jews and 8.6 to 30 percent of Sephardic Jews. In other words, Hitler’s family tree may have included Jewish and African ancestors.

https://www.history.com/news/study-sugg ... -ancestors

I believe I made it clear that I asked for what Hitler would say his issue with jews was. Not your own silly theories for the 'real reason'.
QatzelOk wrote:This is amazing that Germany caught up to France in the 30s, after being so utterly destroyed and economically sanctionned into poverty... only 20 years earlier.

I guess Adolph Hitler really did trigger an economic miracle in Germany. And perhaps "the Jewish banksters" hated him from leaving their parasitic orbit.

But this still doesn't "prove" any race theories that FiveofSwords has littered the forum with. Germany is a nation, and Banksters are an economic class. Races are... imaginary and don't fit this narrative except in a crude way that ignores many important details.

When FiveofSwords ignores important details (like he has a tendency to do), he ends up producing faux theories and faux explanations. But they can only be defended with insults and obtuseness - which he has also produced in huge quantity on his many race-based threads.

Amazing that you don't even know that hjalmar schacht was a banker.

In fact...you probably don't even realize why this refutes your narrative.
FiveofSwords wrote:Amazing that you don't even know that hjalmar schacht was a banker.

In fact...you probably don't even realize why this refutes your narrative.

I also don't know his zodiac sign, or the maiden name of his mother.

I must concede once again this debate to your vastly superior background knowledge.

My goodness, you know so much, FiveofSwords, that you should start your own race lab.
Tainari88 wrote:Hitler used Francisco Franco's Spain to jump into a U Boat and get to South America. He learned Colombian Spanish and was photophaphed in 1954 with his good friend who ran the university there at the time.

Hitler spoke Spanish and died in a nation full of mixed-race inferior people. He had nowhere else to turn. The superior first-world countries would not want him around. Now Five Man is in a similar dilemma. He is not happy with the state of affairs and needs WWIII to happen. He wants to flee to an African nation where the dummy Africans who are incompetent will just roll over and let them have their way. South Africa is an example. Those ANC people rolled over with the Apartheid regimes and Mandela never became the Prez at all over time. No. Those Africans were just corrupt dummies and did not take the power away from their superiors.

Why is that story ending badly? Lol.

Hitler in Colombia....over time they found out Pablo Escobar was part German Nazi....all this time we did not know the TRUTH!!! :lol:

I have heard of such alleged rumors . However , I have also heard as to why this would not be possible . But , for all I know , perhaps he ended up on the dark side of the moon , as in the film " Iron Sky" . :lol:

Rancid wrote:This thread has a high hitler per word rate.

Gee, I wonder how that could be? :?:
Rancid wrote:This thread has a high hitler per word rate.

Well, if the USA loses the wars it is currently starting, its leaders will also be remembered "as fondly" and its people granted as much respect as Germans were in the post-war period (in which 8 million German-speakers died of starvation and other war-related causes).

How the Banks lead us to conclude that a particular nation is "a bad guy" is totally arbitrary (from a collective-interest perspective.)

But the most important thing about Hitler's "destruction" is ... that all the Western countries were bankrupt just before the Total War broke out. Just like they are right now....
QatzelOk wrote:...But the most important thing about Hitler's "destruction" is ... that all the Western countries were bankrupt just before the Total War broke out. Just like they are right now....

What a relief that a "Hitler" populist was smeared in media to the point that a hundred million people were killed. If it hadn't been for all those dead Europeans, the banksters would never have been able to re-capititalize their banking operations.

And we are bankrupt again, so we're off to war against Russia, China, and Palestine.

May the banksters win this one too!

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