South Africa launches case at UN court accusing Israel of genocide - Page 70 - Politics | PoFo

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Sherlock Holmes wrote:This is great, the brainwashed young woman is totally confused, her indoctrination and manufactured belief system about Jews is directly confronted by Jews, all she can do is scream and fret. It doesn't take long until she starts the violence and abuse, so typical of entitled Zionist fanatics.

Sadly for her the one card she'd love to play (the "Antisemite" card) won't work here.

Oh wow , the blonde haired blue eyed Zionist claims to be a Jew ?! Even I , who as far as I know only has one set of Jewish 10th great-grandparents , look more like a Jew than Aryan Barbie there .
^ leftist race science seems to be the new rage.

QatzelOk wrote:For peace, Israel would have to stop stealing other people's land, and it has never stopped doing this since it was created.

It would have to show respect for the dreams and hopes of its Arab neighbors, rather than working with a handful of fat, anachronistic Arab tyrants who want to dominate their local populations with no regard for their opinions or views whatsoever.

It would have to demonstrate honesty, transparency, and a complete lack of racism towards Arabs and other locals.

In other words, it's never gonna happen.


So here's your Dead-Baby-In-Rubble award for trying so hard to defend the indefensible.

Israel leaving Gaza fulfills all of these nonsense, yet Hamas still rules there. No, it's not that simple.
wat0n wrote:For once, there could be peace between Israel and those Palestinians organizations the current ones came from. In fact, those old organizations would still exist if they'd done so.

This is overall a non-point. You're just engaging in alt history speculation at this point

Yet their parent organization did.

Evidence that this is their relationship?

Their relationship is far, far closer than that. Hamas' founder was part of the Muslim Brotherhood.

What's the evidence that they're just a branch of the other organization rather than an offshoot? Also how does any of this prove your earlier point?

This is a complete non-sequitur.

But hey, thank you for admitting you don't read papers. Maybe that's why you're so ignorant about the Middle East.

You've ignored every source I've provided so far so don't pretend to be on a high horse here. Israeli settlements in the West Bank started after the 1967 war. Not sure why you're trying to pretend otherwise.

Plenty of non fundamentalist Jews, for starters.

Not really. It requires a religious/metaphysical understanding of the land and belief in a fundamentalist (aka fictional) reading to believe that the current nation state of Israel is in any way related to any ancient entity.

leftist race science seems to be the new rage.

Another lie by you.
Deutschmania wrote:By the definition of "human shields" that Israel uses those who died in the Oklahoma City Bombing were human shields . The relationship between the occupied territories and Israel reminds me of this one song .

When the right wing has its own criteria applied to other situations like what you've done, they generally just change the subject because their double standards become so obvious.

Defenders of capitalism do this all the time too. For example: they'll point to X Y or Z problem in a place like the USSR and claim it proves that socialism doesn't work. When other (often similar) problems are pointed out in the USA as evidence that capitalism doesn't work, all of the sudden it's either "not perfect but a good system" or it somehow doesn't count as a systematic problem.
KurtFF8 wrote:This is overall a non-point. You're just engaging in alt history speculation at this point

Non-point? How exactly did the "previous" conflict end if there was no agreement or surrender?

KurtFF8 wrote:Evidence that this is their relationship?

Yassin was fully aware of their relationship.

BBC wrote:Sheikh Yassin became actively involved with a Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood but he did not come to widespread prominence until the first Palestinian intifada of 1987.

It was then that the Palestinian Islamist movement adopted the name Hamas, meaning "zeal" and also an Arabic acronym for "Islamic Resistance Movement", and he became its spiritual leader.

KurtFF8 wrote:What's the evidence that they're just a branch of the other organization rather than an offshoot? Also how does any of this prove your earlier point?

Even if it was an offshoot, you can't then just pretend there is no connecting thread between the MB and Hamas.

KurtFF8 wrote:You've ignored every source I've provided so far so don't pretend to be on a high horse here. Israeli settlements in the West Bank started after the 1967 war. Not sure why you're trying to pretend otherwise.

I'm not ignoring anything here.

The settlements of Gush Etzion were the first settlements to be built by Israel. Of course understanding why they were built is important to understand the settlements in general.

KurtFF8 wrote:Not really. It requires a religious/metaphysical understanding of the land and belief in a fundamentalist (aka fictional) reading to believe that the current nation state of Israel is in any way related to any ancient entity.

Not really, and also if that was the case Israel would not be called Israel, it would be called Judah.

KurtFF8 wrote:Another lie by you.

Not at all, that is definitely a racialist argument. Hint: You can easily find white-looking Middle Easterners.
wat0n wrote:Non-point? How exactly did the "previous" conflict end if there was no agreement or surrender?

Let me guess, you're now claiming that the 1948 war, the 1967 war, and the more recent conflicts with organizations that didn't exist in the first mentioned wars are all "the same one"?

Yassin was fully aware of their relationship.


Even if it was an offshoot, you can't then just pretend there is no connecting thread between the MB and Hamas.

Never claimed there is no connection. Just that they are distinct organizations and you can't just claim that Hamas exited prior to 1987 because the MB is older.

I'm not ignoring anything here.

The settlements of Gush Etzion were the first settlements to be built by Israel. Of course understanding why they were built is important to understand the settlements in general.

Refer back to the graph I posted above.

Not really, and also if that was the case Israel would not be called Israel, it would be called Judah

Okay so you concede that Israel was not the "reestablishment" of anything then?

Not at all, that is definitely a racialist argument. Hint: You can easily find white-looking Middle Easterners.

More lies by you. Show me a single actual Left wing organization promoting anything remotely resembling far right "race science." Hint: you won't be able to because you're fabricating this.
KurtFF8 wrote:Let me guess, you're now claiming that the 1948 war, the 1967 war, and the more recent conflicts with organizations that didn't exist in the first mentioned wars are all "the same one"?


KurtFF8 wrote:Okay?

Are you conceding? Ahmed Yassin founded Hamas.

KurtFF8 wrote:Never claimed there is no connection. Just that they are distinct organizations and you can't just claim that Hamas exited prior to 1987 because the MB is older.

Hamas was merely a reorganization of the Palestinian branch of the MB.

KurtFF8 wrote:Refer back to the graph I posted above.

Non-sequitur again.

KurtFF8 wrote:Okay so you concede that Israel was not the "reestablishment" of anything then?

No, are you conceding this point again?

KurtFF8 wrote:More lies by you. Show me a single actual Left wing organization promoting anything remotely resembling far right "race science." Hint: you won't be able to because you're fabricating this.

No need, there's a leftist poster here who did just that.
No need to put too much effort when I already went as far as to cite an actual academic source to support one of my claims and you refuse to read it, preferring to just lie instead.

It is you who's putting little effort here, because even you know it's a lost cause.

Instead, you just reaffirm the objectively existing tankie-neonazi alliance on Israel and Jews in general.
KurtFF8 wrote:It's sad that you have to continue to resort to blatant lies instead of trying to engage with reality. This isn't surprising considering you literally support genocide.

Actually, it is you and your neonazi friends who support genocide. Like, for example, the extermination of Israelis that took place on October 7.

Which is also further evidence of the tankie-neonazi alliance on matters involving Jews and Israelis.
No, I'm just calling you and the other tankies out. The tankie-neonazi alliance is clear by simply noticing both share many of their talking points.

There is also precedent in the attempt by the USSR to join the Axis in 1940, the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact (a literal treaty of non-aggression), and the fact that both Nazis and communists tried to stop the US from aiding its European allies before the US was attacked. This isn't even unprecedented.
wat0n wrote:Actually, it is you and your neonazi friends who support genocide. Like, for example, the extermination of Israelis that took place on October 7.

Which is also further evidence of the tankie-neonazi alliance on matters involving Jews and Israelis.

Let's explore this use of language. First you choose to use "extermination" rather than killed or murdered, why? clearly because you need to frame these deaths as being an example of antisemitism and play the holocaust card.

Second you use "genocide" when mass murder or massacre would be the appropriate term.

Third "neonazi alliance" another allusion to, another subtle play of, the Holocaust card.

October 7 has no relationship whatsoever with German fascism, none. But by implying it does you seek to pretend that anti Jew prejudice alone is the motivation for Oct 7th, seeking to mask the reality that Israel's government and founding ideology is the true root of the violence.

Finally you make no mention of the IDF's own dirty hands in that they obliterated Jewish homes and killed Jews while supposedly rescuing them from Hamas, so there are at least two categories of victims on Oct 7, Jews killed by Hamas and Jews killed by Jews.

With friends like the IDF who needs enemies...
Sherlock Holmes wrote:Let's explore this use of language. First you choose to use "extermination" rather than killed or murdered, why? clearly because you need to frame these deaths as being an example of antisemitism and play the holocaust card.

These deaths are, in fact, an example of antisemitism and the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust.

Hamas did not distinguish between the politics of the victims, it just assumed they were all Jews or traitorous Arabs/Muslims. They even murdered peace activists.

Sherlock Holmes wrote:Second you use "genocide" when mass murder or massacre would be the appropriate term.

You should tell this to the hundreds of international law scholars who labeled October 7 a genocide.

Sherlock Holmes wrote:Third "neonazi alliance" another allusion to, another subtle play of, the Holocaust card.

Actually, it's based on the fact tankies like yourself and neonazis both share the same goals as far as Jews are concerned. And both claim to be totally not anti-semitic when called out.

Sherlock Holmes wrote:October 7 has no relationship whatsoever with German fascism, none. But by implying it does you seek to pretend that anti Jew prejudice alone is the motivation for Oct 7th, seeking to mask the reality that Israel's government and founding ideology is the true root of the violence.

Finally you make no mention of the IDF's own dirty hands in that they obliterated Jewish homes and killed Jews while supposedly rescuing them from Hamas, so there are at least two categories of victims on Oct 7, Jews killed by Hamas and Jews killed by Jews.

With friends like the IDF who needs enemies...

And now some more of blaming the victim, although in reality the vast majority of the Israelis killed were killed by Hamas and nobody has shown even a shred of evidence to suggest otherwise.
wat0n wrote:These deaths are, in fact, an example of antisemitism and the largest massacre of Jews since the Holocaust.

Jews were massacred on Oct 7th not because of antisemitism but because of the hopelessness and desperation of the Palestinian people who have suffered injustice unabated since 1948. The evidence for that is not even contested by serious people, the list of UN resolutions (unenforced because of the US veto) alone reveals the scale of the cruelty and racism. In short Palestinians have tried EVERYTHING and it has not helped them, no matter what they did no matter what resolutions were supported at the UN nothing was done and the land theft, racism, child arrests, home demolitions, checkpoints, segregation continued year after year after year after year.
wat0n wrote:Hamas did not distinguish between the politics of the victims, it just assumed they were all Jews or traitorous Arabs/Muslims. They even murdered peace activists.

Yes it was a violent uprising, no doubt about it, and it was a crime no argument about that.
wat0n wrote:You should tell this to the hundreds of international law scholars who labeled October 7 a genocide.

It doesn't fit the definition of genocide, by all means show me a "law scholar" who claims it is but I beg to differ based on my own decades of study and reading about history and international affairs.
wat0n wrote:Actually, it's based on the fact tankies like yourself and neonazis both share the same goals as far as Jews are concerned. And both claim to be totally not anti-semitic when called out.

Zionism in Israel fits the textbook definition of neo-Nazism, I've shown you before the records too where Zionist activities years before 1948, persecution of religious Jews, creation of ideological schools, aspiration to seize territory, a racial supremacy and more, mirrors the Third Reich.

I've shown you reputable Jews who have said this too, like Norman Finkelstein, the late Physicist and Holocaust survivor Hajo Meyer, the late Lord Gerald Kaufman and I can show you more, many many more if you'd like. How can you explain all of these Jews who describe Israel as Nazi or resembling the Nazis? you can't your stuck, your holocaust card cannot be used here.

wat0n wrote:And now some more of blaming the victim, although in reality the vast majority of the Israelis killed were killed by Hamas and nobody has shown even a shred of evidence to suggest otherwise.

You are contradicting yourself, I claimed that the IDF killed Jews during Oct 7th, you then respond by describing my words as "victim blaming" yet at the same time admitting it did happen. I made no mention of how many Jews died as the result of the IDF did I? I didn't say it was all, a majority a minority or any number, only that it did happen and I showed you the evidence from Jews who were there and have described it.
Please answer these questions:

1. How many Jews were killed by the IDF on Oct 7th?
2. How were they killed by the IDF?
3. How can you explain the words of Lord Kaufman here in this video clip?
4. Is Lord Kaufman being an antisemite when he describes Israel resembling Nazis?
5. If he isn't then how can you accuse non-Jews of being antisemitic but not Jews, when they express the same opinions on Israel as Gerald Kaufman or Hajo Meyer?
Sherlock Holmes wrote:Jews were massacred on Oct 7th not because of antisemitism but because of the hopelessness and desperation of the Palestinian people who have suffered injustice unabated since 1948. The evidence for that is not even contested by serious people, the list of UN resolutions (unenforced because of the US veto) alone reveals the scale of the cruelty and racism. In short Palestinians have tried EVERYTHING and it has not helped them, no matter what they did no matter what resolutions were supported at the UN nothing was done and the land theft, racism, child arrests, home demolitions, checkpoints, segregation continued year after year after year after year.


Antisemitism is common in Gaza, and you still have not explain why is it that they killed civilians indiscriminately, including elderly peace activists.

Sherlock Holmes wrote:Yes it was a violent uprising, no doubt about it, and it was a crime no argument about that.

It doesn't fit the definition of genocide, by all means show me a "law scholar" who claims it is but I beg to differ based on my own decades of study and reading about history and international affairs.

Well, the ones in this letter are certainly international law scholars:

Public Statement by International Law Experts wrote:...

Signatories (institutional affiliation noted for identification purposes only):
Prof. Anne van Aaken, University of Hamburg

Prof. Benjamin Abtan, Sciences Po

Prof. Martin J Adelman, George Washington University

Prof. Juan M. Amaya-Castro, Universidad de los Andes

Prof. Kai Ambos, Universität Göttingen

Prof. Yutaka Arai-Takahashi, University of Kent, Brussels

Prof. Andreas von Arnauld, University of Kiel

Prof. Helmut Aust, Freie Universität Berlin

Dr. Shelly Aviv Yeini, Haifa University

Adv. Yfat Barak-Cheney

Prof. Jack M. Beard, University of Nebraska

Dr. Markus P. Beham, University of Passau

Attorney Marina Bejarano, Esq., New York Law School

Dr. Ulad Belavusau, University of Amsterdam

Prof. Avi Bell, Bar Ilan University

Prof. Orna Ben-Naftali, College of Management

Prof. Daniel Benoliel, Haifa University

Prof. Eyal Benvenisti, Cambridge University

Dr. Antal Berkes, University of Liverpool

Prof. Jochen von Bernstorff, University of Tübingen

Attorney Laura Bertilotti, Sciences Po

Prof. Leora Bilsky, Tel Aviv University

Dr. Daley J. Birkett, Macquarie University

Dr. Hannah Birkenkötter, Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM)

Dr. Stefan Birkner, Leibniz Universität Hannover

Prof. Régis Bismuth, Sciences Po

Prof. Robert Blitt, University of Tennessee

Prof. Daniel Bodansky, Arizona State University

Dr. Ziv Bohrer, Bar-Ilan University

Prof. Sergio Raul Borisonik, Profesores Republicanos Argentina

Veronica Botticelli, University of Padua

Prof. Susan Breau, University of Victoria

Attorney Marcela Briceno-Donn

Prof. Tomer Broude, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Prof. Charles H. Brower II, Wayne State University

Prof. Nathaniel Berman, Brown University

Prof. Iris Canor, College of Management

Prof. Melissa Castan, Monash University

Prof. Elena Chachko, Berkeley Law School

Prof. Naomi Chazan, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Prof. Amichai Cohen, Ono Academic College

Prof. Harlan Cohen, University of Georgia

Prof. Gary P. Corn, American University Washington

Prof. Geoffrey S. Corn, Texas Tech University

Prof. Irwin Cotler, McGill University

Dr. Robert Craig, University of Bristol

Dr. Beatrice Coscas Williams, Western Galilee Academic College

Prof. Tom Dannenbaum, Tufts University

David Davenport, Hoover Institution
Dr. Natalie Davidson, Tel Aviv University

Prof. Hans-Georg Dederer, University of Passau

Dr. Eitan Diamond, Diakonia International Humanitarian Law Centre

Prof. Laura A. Dickinson, George Washington University

Dr. Anne Dienelt, University of Hamburg

Prof. Janina Dill, Oxford University

Prof. Giovanni Distefano, University of Neuchatel

Prof. Christian Djeffal, Technical University of Munich

Prof. Adriana Dreyzin de Klor, National University of Cordoba, Argentina

Prof. Ariel Dulitzky, University of Texas at Austin

Prof. Jeffrey L. Dunoff, Temple University

Prof. Melissa J. Durkee, Washington University in St. Louis

Prof. Kanstantsin Dzehtsiarou, University of Liverpool

Prof. Talia Einhorn, Ariel University

Dr. Cochav Elkayam Levy, Hebrew University

Prof. Richard A. Epstein, New York University, The Hoover Institution, The University of Chicago

Prof. Lina Lorenzoni Escobar, EAFIT University

Prof. Ilaria Espa, USI

Prof. Carlos Espósito, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Dr. Myriam Feinberg, Gornitzky & Co

Prof. Veronika Fikfak, University College London

Dr. Agata Fijalkowski, Leeds Beckett University

Ms. Olivia Flasch, Consultant in Public International Law

Dr. Dieter Fleck, Honorary President, International Society for Military Law and the Law of War

Prof. Serena Forlati, University of Ferrara

Prof. Lisa Forman, University of Toronto

Dr. Katharine Fortin, Utrecht University

Prof. Francesco Francioni, European University Institute

Prof. Rosa Freedman, University of Reading

Prof. Ilan Fuchs

Ms. Felice Gaer, Jacob Blaustein Institute for Human Rights

Dr. Sofia Galani, Panteion University

Prof. Hannah R. Garry, UCLA

Prof. Tarcisio Gazzini, Università di Padova

Prof. Thomas Giegerich, Europa-Institut, Saarland University

Dr. Rotem Giladi, University of Roehampton, London

Dr. Emanuela-Chiara Gillard, University of Oxford

Dr. Adi Gillat, H-F & Co. Law Offices

Prof. Tom Ginsburg, University of Chicago

Dr. Aleksandra Gliszczynska- Grabias, Polish Academy of Sciences

Prof. Norman JW Goda, University of Florida

Administrative Law Judge Leah Goldberg

Prof. Sergii Goncharenko, Academy of Advocacy of Ukraine

Prof. Nan Goodman, University of Colorado Boulder

Prof. Gregory S. Gordon, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Prof. Aeyal Gross, Tel Aviv University

Prof. Oren Gross, University of Minnesota

Prof. Claudio Grossman, American University, Washington

Prof. Nienke Grossman, University of Baltimore

Prof. Amos N. Guiora, University of Utah

Prof. Michaela Hailbronner, University of Münster

Prof. Gábor Halmai, European University Institute

Prof. Matthew Happold, University of Luxembourg

Prof. Adil Haque, Rutgers University

Prof. Guy Harpaz, Hebrew University

Prof. Wolff Heintschel von Heinegg, Europa-Universität Viadrina

Prof. Moshe Hirsch, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Prof. Stephan Hobe, University of Cologne

Dr. Jane Hofbauer, Universität der Bundeswehr München

Prof. Florian F. Hoffmann, Pontificia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)

Prof. Rainer Hofmann, Goethe Universität Frankfurt

Prof. Duncan B. Hollis Temple University

Dr. James Holms Armstead, Jr, Former faculty at US Naval War College

Prof. Tamar Hostovsky Brandes, Ono Academic College

Dr. Nicole Horn, Sigmund Freud University Vienna

Dr. Sigall Horovitz, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Dr. David Hughes, University of Toronto

Prof. Francesca Ippolito, University of Cagliari, Italy

Dr. Shahram Iranbomy

Dr. Kushtrim Istrefi, Utrecht University

Dr. Philipp Janig, University of the Bundeswehr Munich

Dr. Ralph Janik, Sigmund Freud Private University

David Joseph, KC

Prof. Yann Jurovics, Université Evry Val d’Essonne

Prof. Stefan Kadelbach, Universität Frankfurt

Prof. Natia Kalandarishvili-Mueller, ALTE University, Tbilisi

Adv. Yuval Kaplinsky, Former Director of the Department of International Affairs, Israel’s State Attorney’s Office

Prof. Zachary D. Kaufman, University of Florida

Dr. Avidan Kent, University of East Anglia

Joshua Kern, 9BR Chambers

Prof. Mark Kersten, University of the Fraser Valley

Prof. Eugene Kontorovich, George Mason University

Prof. David Kaye, University of California, Irvine

Prof. Alexandre Kedar, Haifa University

Dr. Renana Keydar, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Prof. Orde F. Kittrie, Arizona State University/FDD

Prof. Eckart Klein, Potsdam University

Prof. Thomas Kleinlein, University of Kiel

Prof. David D. Knoll AM, University of New South Wales, Australia

Dr. Jonathan Kolieb, RMIT University

Prof. Markus Kotzur, Universität Hamburg

Prof. Daniel Kraus, University of Neuchatel

Prof. Shiri Krebs, Deakin University

Prof. Claus Kreß, University of Cologne

Prof. David Kretzmer, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Prof. Heike Krieger, Freie Universität Berlin

Dr. Dilek Kurban, Berlin Social Science Center (WZB)

Dr. Viktoriia Lapa, Bocconi University
Dr. Petra Larsen, University of Manchester

Prof. Annabelle Lever, Institut d'Etudes Politiques, Paris

Prof. Melanie Levy, University of Neuchatel

Dr. Liron A. Libman, Sapir Academic College

Prof. Eliav Lieblich, Tel Aviv University

Prof. Lucas Lixinski, UNSW Sydney

Prof. James Loeffler, Johns Hopkins University

Dr. Marco Longobardo, University of Westminster

Dr. Henry Lovat, University of Glasgow

Prof. David Luban, Georgetown University

Prof. Noam Lubell, University of Essex

Dr. Asaf Lubin, Indiana University

Dr. Doreen Lustig, Tel Aviv University

Dr. Ivana Machonova Schellongova, Webster University Geneva

Prof. Mikael Rask Madsen, University of Copenhagen

Prof. Matthias Mahlmann, University of Zurich

Prof. Avihai Mandelblit, College of Law and Business

Dr. Pablo Luis Manili, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Prof. Yuri G. Mantilla, Liberty University

Prof. Paola Mariani, Bocconi University

Prof. Mahmoud Masaeli, Retired prof. at Carleton University and University of Ottawa

Dr. Shavit Matias, Reichman University

Dr. Kasey McCall-Smith, University of Edinburgh

Dr. Tamar Megiddo, Hebrew University Jerusalem

Prof. Frédéric Mégret, McGill University

Prof. Martin Mennecke, University of Southern Denmark

Dr. Andrea Mensi, University of Bologna

Prof. Roberto Mesrob Malkassian, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Prof. Ralf Michaels, Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law, Hamburg

Dr. Alberto Miglio, University of Turin

Prof. Marko Milanovic, University of Reading

Dr. Tal Mimran, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Prof. Martha Minow, Harvard University

Prof. Wyrzykowski Miroslaw, University of Warsaw

Prof. Daniel Moeckli, University of Zurich

Dr. Hilly Moodrick Even-Khen, Ariel University

Dr. Avigail Moor, Tel Hai Academic College

Dr. Niall Moran, Dublin City University

Prof. Luis Moreno Ocampo, Sao Paulo University

Prof. Aggée Mugabe, University of Rwanda

Prof. Sean D. Murphy, George Washington University

Prof. Roda Mushkat, Johns Hopkins University

Dr. Renata Nagamine, Cebrap (Brazilian Center for Analysis and Planning)

Prof. Juan Javier Negri, Asociación Argentina de Derecho Comparado

Prof. Dwight Newman, KC, University of Saskatchewan

Prof. Michael A Newton, Vanderbilt University Law School

Dr. Angelika Nußberger, University Cologne

Dr. Robert S. Neufeld, Haifa University

Prof. Stefan Oeter, University of Hamburg

Prof. Roger O'Keefe, Bocconi University, Milan

Prof. Belen Olmos Giupponi, University of Portsmouth

Attorney Sandra Opincaru

Prof. Federico Ortino, King's College London

Prof. Mark Osiel, University of Iowa

Dr. Magdalena Pacholska, University of Amsterdam

Dr. Mykola Pashkovskyi, National Academy of Law Sciences of Ukraine

Dr. Hadas Peled, Bar Ilan University

Prof. Anne Peters, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law Heidelberg

Prof. Monica Pinto, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Prof. Ellen S. Podgor, Stetson University

Prof. Jiří Přibáň, Cardiff University

Prof. Marcela Prieto, University of Southern California

Prof. Alexander Proelss, University of Hamburg

Mr. Daniel R. Quiroga-Villamarín, Geneva Graduate Institute (IHEID)

Prof. Frances Raday, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Prof. Camilo Ramírez Gutiérrez, Universidad el Bosque, Bogotá

Prof. Michael Ramsden, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Prof. Steven Ratner, University of Michigan

Prof. Arie Reich, Bar Ilan University

Dr. Yuval Reinfeld, Reichman University

Dr. Daphné Richemond-Barak, Reichman University

Prof. Noya Rimalt, Haifa University

Attorney Ivan Roisman, Universidad Nacional Rosario

Prof. Graziella Romeo, Bocconi University

Prof. Yaël Ronen, Academic Center for Science and Law

Prof. Marco Roscini, University of Westminster/Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights

Prof. Richard D. Rosen, Texas Tech University

Prof. Issachar Rosen-Zvi, Tel Aviv University

Prof. Menachem Rosensaft, Cornell University

Dr. Ido Rosenzweig, Haifa University

Prof. Brad R. Roth, Wayne State University

Judge (retired) Saviona Rotlevy, Tel Aviv Court

Prof. Luca Rubini, University of Turin

Dr. Ilya Rudyak, University of the Pacific

Prof. Robbie Sabel, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Prof. Giorgio Sacerdoti, Bocconi University Milano

Dr. Michal Saliternik, Netanya Academic College

Attorney Sandra Saltrese-Miller, Esq., Saltrese Law

Prof. Sixto Sánchez Lorenzo, University of Granada

Prof. Wojciech Sadurski, University of Sydney and University of Warsaw

Attorney Alon Sapir

Prof. Aurel Sari, University of Exeter

Prof. Mai Sato, Monash University

Prof. Ben Saul, The University of Sydney

Christine Savino, Cornell University

Prof. Paul Schiff Berman, George Washington University

Prof. Stefanie Schmahl, Universität Würzburg

Professor Thoresten Ingo Schmidt, University of Potsdam

Prof. Michael Schmitt, University of Reading

Dr. Roy Schondorf, Herzog, Fox & Neeman

Prof. Ady Schonmann-Bethlehem, King's College, London

Professor Maimon Schwartschild, University of San Diego

Prof. Kyrill Schwarz, Universität Würzburg

Prof. Tullio Scovazzi, University of Milano-Bicocca

Dr. Katarzyna Sekowska-Kozlowska, Polish Academy of Sciences

Dr. Omri Sender, Reichman University

Prof. Amanda Shanor, University of Pennsylvania

Prof. Yuval Shany, Hebrew University Jerusalem

Prof. Marina Sharpe, Royal Military College Saint-Jean

Adv. Pnina Sharvit Baruch, Institute for National Security Studies

Prof. Malcolm Shaw, KC

Prof. Avrom Sher, University of London

Dr. Yahli Shereshevsky, Haifa University

Prof. Shimon Shetreet, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Dr. Vera Shikhelman, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Adv. Vadim Shub, Jerusalem Public Defender’s Office

Adv. Yifa Segal, JISS

Dr. Sivan Shlomo Agon, Bar-Ilan University

Dr. Ronli Sifris, Monash University

Prof. James C. Simeon, York University

Prof. Prabhakar Singh, BML Munjal University

Prof. Elies van Sliedregt, Tilburg University

Dr. Olga Śniadach, University of Gdańsk

Dr. Carlo de Stefano, Roma Tre University

Prof. Dominik Steiger, TU Dresden

Prof. Michael Stein, Harvard Law School

Prof. Richard H. Steinberg, University of California (Los Angeles)

Prof. Peter-Tobias Stoll, University of Göttingen

Prof. Nomi Stolzenberg, University of Southern California

Prof. Anna Su, University of Toronto

Dr. James Summers, Lancaster University

Prof. Edward Swaine, George Washington University

Prof. Tomasz Tadeusz Koncewicz, University of Gdansk

Prof. Christian J. Tams, University of Glasgow

Prof. Ruti Teitel, New York Law School

Prof. D. A. Jeremy Telman, Oklahoma City University

Dr. Stephen Terrett, University of Warsaw

Prof. Patrick Terry, University of Public Administration Kehl

Prof. Joel Trachtman, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy

Attorney Arthur Traldi

Prof. Nicholas Tsagourias, University of Sheffield

Prof. Antonios Tzanakopoulos, University of Oxford

Dr. Valentina Vadi, University of Florence and University of Padua

Prof. Rachel VanLandingham, Southwestern Law School

Dr. Maria Varaki, King’s College London

Prof. Gabriella Venturini, University of Milan

Attorney Yael Vias Gvirsman, Reichman University

Dr. Pedro A. Villarreal Lizárraga, Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law/German Institute for International and Security Affairs

Prof. Alfredo M. Vitolo, Universidad de Buenos Aires

Prof. Markus Wagner, University of Wollongong

Prof. Michael Waibel, University of Vienna

Prof. Christian Walter, LMU Munich

Prof. Matthew Waxman, Columbia Law School

Prof. Annette Weinke, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena

Dr. Dana Wolf, Reichmann University

Adv. Dan Yakir, The Association for Civil Rights in Israel

Dr. Ganna Yudkivska, Academy of Advocacy of Ukraine, UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention

Prof. Jonathan Zasloff, UCLA

Dr. Ariel Zemach, Ono Academic College

Prof. Katja Ziegler, University of Leicester

Prof. Reuven (Ruvi) Ziegler, University of Reading

Prof. Yaffa Zilbershats, Bar Ilan University

Dr. Michał Ziółkowski, Kozminski University in Warsaw

Prof. Noam Zohar, Bar Ilan University

By the way, according to my own research South Africa's claims are bullshit and it started this case to get the ICJ to order provisional measures that would save Hamas.

Sherlock Holmes wrote:Zionism in Israel fits the textbook definition of neo-Nazism, I've shown you before the records too where Zionist activities years before 1948, persecution of religious Jews, creation of ideological schools, aspiration to seize territory, a racial supremacy and more, mirrors the Third Reich.

I've shown you reputable Jews who have said this too, like Norman Finkelstein, the late Physicist and Holocaust survivor Hajo Meyer, the late Lord Gerald Kaufman and I can show you more, many many more if you'd like. How can you explain all of these Jews who describe Israel as Nazi or resembling the Nazis? you can't your stuck, your holocaust card cannot be used here.

None of these are "reputable Jews", just some of your leftist allies.

Sherlock Holmes wrote:You are contradicting yourself, I claimed that the IDF killed Jews during Oct 7th, you then respond by describing my words as "victim blaming" yet at the same time admitting it did happen. I made no mention of how many Jews died as the result of the IDF did I? I didn't say it was all, a majority a minority or any number, only that it did happen and I showed you the evidence from Jews who were there and have described it.

I'm not contradicting myself.

This attack was launched by Hamas, if Israeli civilians were killed as collateral damage it was because Hamas used them as human shields, exactly as it does to Palestinians.

They were not targeted by the IDF.

Sherlock Holmes wrote:Please answer these questions:

1. How many Jews were killed by the IDF on Oct 7th?

Allegedly 14 the last time I checked.

Sherlock Holmes wrote:2. How were they killed by the IDF?

By a tank shell, which was fired because Hamas was holding them hostage in a Kibbutz they had trouble to access.

Sherlock Holmes wrote:3. How can you explain the words of Lord Kaufman here in this video clip?

A video about a war from 2009 by a Jewish leftist who died in 2017 is irrelevant to the October 7 massacre.

The irony is that in the end Hamas itself admitted to lying about the war's casualty figures, and revised them to a number close to Israel's estimates. And Israel left Gaza after the 2009 war, just as it did after the 2014 war - so he's wrong on the facts anyway.

Sherlock Holmes wrote:4. Is Lord Kaufman being an antisemite when he describes Israel resembling Nazis?

You think Jews can't be antisemitic? Because this is demonstrably false.

Sherlock Holmes wrote:5. If he isn't then how can you accuse non-Jews of being antisemitic but not Jews, when they express the same opinions on Israel as Gerald Kaufman or Hajo Meyer?

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