US Presidential election 2024 thread. - Page 41 - Politics | PoFo

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Talk about what you've seen in the news today.

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@SpecialOlympian and @QatzelOk both of you sparring the way you do sure is entertaining! :lol:

Well, in the USA the two candidates of Trump and Biden sure are doing their best to get into the seat of power. But I am not enthused. I am voting for a third party candidate. It won't matter much because the state of Colorado is not a swing state anyway.

Meanwhile, the campaign for the presidency is going strong for Mexico. There are rumours of MORENA becoming Cuba and snatching people's private property and abolishing private property. I just laugh it off and say, good, I like that idea. And they look at me like I have grown two heads. Hee hee.

Climate change is a big issue in many nations.
The funniest thing is that RFK Jr. is in play as a spoiler for Trump. He's anti-vax, which is Trump's crowd despite him doing the Hyper-Speed vaccine he can't stop taking credit for. And also he's a Kennedy, which really hits home with the Q base who believed Trump was just fighting government pedos like a masked superhero on the weekends to pave the way for John F. Kennedy to ascend back to the presidency.

So now Trump keeps calling RFK "the most liberal presidential candidate ever."

His campaign is somehow more of a joke than the crystal doctor lady from the previous election. They tried to have a campaign lunch and so many people bitched about being allergic to microwave radiation that they said, "Fine, just bring a fucking crockpot."

Rugoz wrote:It's one thing to show that investment and exports have decreased since Brexit, it's another thing entirely to prove a causal link.

Does exiting a shitload of trade agreements with a trade union cause negative impacts on the economy? Nobody can say. You can't possibly prove that blowing up your decades of trade agreements on purpose to keep blonde haired, blue eyed Poles out of the country because you're that fucking racist has negative impacts on trade.

On the plus side, London now has more shit in its water. Everybody loves having their utilities owned by foreign capital concerns who see fines for failing the public as a minor fee subtracted from larger dividends paid to foreign shareholders.

So now you get all of the benefits of a Lone Britain, Standing Strong Against the World along with the benefits of international capital. Except without the decades of building international relationships that made international commerce easier. Win win for everyone!

My heart goes out to the sub-human filth that inhabits the British Isles, it truly does. Sure, they're stupid albino apes with no tastebuds or anything resembling a language or culture. But nobody deserves to be fooled or governed by the promises of white wing idiots like Farage.
SpecialOlympian wrote:Does exiting a shitload of trade agreements with a trade union cause negative impacts on the economy? Nobody can say. You can't possibly prove that blowing up your decades of trade agreements on purpose to keep blonde haired, blue eyed Poles out of the country because you're that fucking racist has negative impacts on trade.

Common market membership was "replaced" by the TCA ... _Agreement

Net migration has increased substantially, despite Brexit:

And as I said, nobody really claims the impact on the economy was positive.
SpecialOlympian wrote:...The funniest thing is that RFK Jr. is in play as a spoiler for Trump. ...

It's not funny that the third-party candidate is from an old-money mafia family that is clearly part of the governing class.

With "radicals" like this, who needs reactionaries,,,
I give Britain about 5 years before they descend into cannibalism and revert to the bronze age.

QatzelOk wrote:It's not funny that the third-party candidate is from an old-money mafia family that is clearly part of the governing class.

With "radicals" like this, who needs reactionaries,,,

I thought you loved him because he hates vaccines.

RFK isn't a radical. He's just what you get from being a Boomer who uses Facebook too much. Vaccines are bad. Climate change isn't real. Using a dropper to put aged urine into your eyes will treat cancer. That kinda dumb shit, the shit you like.

Children need to be unschooled, and not talked to during the critical language acquisition period unless they initiate it. That's the RFK vote. I can't think of a single reason you wouldn't support him.
SpecialOlympian wrote:...Vaccines are bad. ...

Vaccines are life-saving.... or are they deadly?

The next president will be the messiah ... or will he be a genocidal criminal?

Not knowing the answers to these questions means that you don't live in any kind of democracy.

Laugh harder, because it's the only power you have - the power to laugh at yourself.
QatzelOk wrote:Vaccines are life-saving.... or are they deadly?

The next president will be the messiah ... or will he be a genocidal criminal?

Not knowing the answers to these questions means that you don't live in any kind of democracy.

Laugh harder, because it's the only power you have - the power to laugh at yourself.

Do you think it's more dangerous for someone to ride a bicycle or get vaccinated?
SpecialOlympian wrote:Do you think it's more dangerous for someone to ride a bicycle or get vaccinated?

Bicycles kill around 1200 people per year in US but wearing a helmet prevents brain damage 60% of the time.
SpecialOlympian wrote:Do you think it's more dangerous for someone to ride a bicycle or get vaccinated?

Under our current style of governance, no one knows the dangers of anything. Everyone's brains have been marinated in commercial lies.

So when Americans vote, they are voting for the feelings that the propaganda they watch has granted them. This is like letting insects who live under rocks their entire lives "vote" for the best candidate.

Knowing nothing frees the American mind to vote for criminals and thieves, so our current system depends upon it.
@QatzelOk, the only reason you hate cars is because you hate people having personal freedom and cars symbolize that.
JohnRawls wrote:Bicycles kill around 1200 people per year in US but wearing a helmet prevents brain damage 60% of the time.

False equivalency. You need brain damage to think riding a bicycle is a good idea. We just don't have the data to determine whether or not someone riding a bicycle was brain damaged before they got injured in the accident they 100% caused for acting like assholes on the road, which is meant for people in cars with things to do and places to be.

I have wanted to fund studies on this for years: Do retards have a natural affinity for bicycles? Or is mental retardation a consequence of riding a complicated unicycle (technically, the most eco-friendly and efficient form of transportation if you're fine with looking gay)? But we just couldn't find a data set's worth of people who wanted to ride bicycles and also weren't severely brain damaged.

I'm still so fucking pissed off at the money I pissed away on MRIs. Half of the cyclists we scanned thought they were getting into a log ride at an amusement park. That's how situationally unaware your average cyclist is, and why their selfish intestines need to be power washed off the wheel well of your car every weekend.

This is petty, but the idea that they thought they were about to have fun before getting into the MRI makes me so angry. Also, they insisted on wearing their bicycle helmets in the MRI. Which was fine, they're plastic and styrofoam. There's no metal, and they're powerless in the face of my V8 Hemi and the cowcatcher I welded to the front of my car.

JohnRawls wrote:Bicycles kill around 1200 people per year in US but wearing a helmet prevents brain damage 60% of the time.

Wow. Bicycles kill more people than vaccines. Thank you for sharing this.
Godstud wrote:@QatzelOk, the only reason you hate cars is because you hate people having personal freedom and cars symbolize that.

This is 100% it. Qatz wants to return to a feudal system where people are bound to the land. He lives in Quebeckistan, where people still talk Feudal peasant French, so it makes complete sense.
SpecialOlympian wrote:This is 100% it. Qatz wants to return to a feudal system where people are bound to the land. He lives in Quebeckistan, where people still talk Feudal peasant French, so it makes complete sense.

One can see from the low quality of the political knowledge in this thread... why two criminals with zero charisma and no platform are competing to be the next prez.

There is no alternative to criminals ruling over you, so you might as well be stupid. Stupid people are much more likely to find the current political situation in the USA "normal" and "healthy."

Vive les imbeciles!
You aren't American, you don't get a vote in my government and for good reason.

Also, if you could vote, it would be for the Spencer's Gifts joke candidate of fucking Robert F. Kennedy because he's anti-vaxx. And you're vaccinated but hate the vaxx.

If you were ideologically consistent, you would correctly assess him as the "spoiler vote" put in place by the "banksters" to juke the election for their preferred candidate. Like, how much of a fucking rube do you have to be to think both candidates are controlled pawns of capitalism, but the guy with the silly voice who wants to talk about raw milk and UFOs is genuine?

You're obviously one of those guys advertising doesn't work on.
SpecialOlympian wrote:You aren't American, you don't get a vote in my government and for good reason...

As a Canadian, I get to choose between USA-chosen corporate whores, just like you do!

The difference being that, while your presidents decide which countries to blow up for Big Money,
my prime-minister decides in what way to show support for the blowing up of countries for Big Money.

(But let's not mention Big Money, and pretend this is all a grassroots democracy where people have choices of things like which SUV to drive to the drive-thru)
Rancid wrote:Trump was rambling about sharks and batteries on a boat. Why does he get such a pass at this crazy shit?

Trump said tons of crazy shit in 2016 too, and during his presidency the media went out of its way to present stuff that was kind of edgy but wasn't the rambling shit he does now (and did then). Regardless of who is president, I think there's an effort to shield the general public from legitimate crazy shit to maintain an air of normalcy which is good for business.

Here's one of my favorite quotes he gave in a speech to the Boy Scouts of America about the guy who built Levittown, wherein he also hinted that the both of them went to a lot of cocaine fueled sex parties on yachts.

And he was a very successful man, became unbelievable — he was a home builder, became an unbelievable success, and got more and more successful. And he’d build homes, and at night he’d go to these major sites with teams of people, and he’d scour the sites for nails, and sawdust and small pieces of wood, and they cleaned the site, so when the workers came in the next morning, the sites would be spotless and clean, and he did it properly. And he did this for 20 years, and then he was offered a lot of money for his company, and he sold his company, for a tremendous amount of money, at the time especially. This is a long time ago. Sold his company for a tremendous amount of money.

And he went out and bought a big yacht, and he had a very interesting life. I won’t go any more than that, because you’re Boy Scouts so I’m not going to tell you what he did.


Should I tell you? Should I tell you?


You’re Boy Scouts, but you know life. You know life.

So look at you. Who would think this is the Boy Scouts, right? So he had a very, very interesting life, and the company that bought his company was a big conglomerate, and they didn’t know anything about building homes, and they didn’t know anything about picking up the nails and the sawdust and selling it, and the scraps of wood. This was a big conglomerate based in New York City.

And after about a 10-year period, there were losing a lot with it. It didn’t mean anything to them. And they couldn’t sell it. So they called William Levitt up, and they said, would you like to buy back your company, and he said, yes, I would. He so badly wanted it. He got bored with this life of yachts, and sailing, and all of the things he did in the south of France and other places. You won’t get bored, right? You know, truthfully, you’re workers. You’ll get bored too, believe me. Of course having a few good years like that isn’t so bad.

Like none of this tracks with Levitt's life or his business dealings. Trump just made up a story in his head about a business man who sold his business, but he loved business, and the people who bought the business didn't love busines so they failed to sweep up the nails and sell the sawdust, and they came back to him. Like corporate men straight out of central casting they came to William Levitt with tears in their eyes and they begged him, "Please, sir, buy your business back, we failed so powerfully. We failed big league." And he did. And Levitt bought the business back, because he was that kind of guy.

First off, it's a real estate company. You can always sell real estate, even if you build a shitty home on it. And somehow Trump thinks the new owners' failure to sell scrap nails and sawdust and pieces of wood is important to the company? It's fucking insane rambling from a sitting president, and genuinely the kind of talk that should raise concerns about their mental integrity.

QatzelOk wrote:As a Canadian, I get to choose between USA-chosen corporate whores, just like you do!

The difference being that, while your presidents decide which countries to blow up for Big Money,
my prime-minister decides in what way to show support for the blowing up of countries for Big Money.

(But let's not mention Big Money, and pretend this is all a grassroots democracy where people have choices of things like which SUV to drive to the drive-thru)

SpecialOlympian wrote:...And somehow Trump thinks the new owners' failure to sell scrap nails and sawdust and pieces of wood is important to the company? It's fucking insane rambling from a sitting president, and genuinely the kind of talk that should raise concerns about their mental integrity...

It's really hard to decide which mentally-damaged mafia creation to vote for, isn't it.

What's really exciting about this election is that there will probably be an Economic Depression-slash-nuclear war right after the new prez's first AIPAC brunch date.
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