Half (or maybe all) of new jobs have gone to illegal immigrants - Page 3 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Rancid wrote:Which progressive leaning folks are ok with this? I also hope you are not insinuating I'm one of those.

Your point is valid, but it's besides what I stated. Let's also get real, the conservatives that are angry about this headline won't be made happy if it is made legal and put on the books.

No i'm not saying you're one of those. I don't consider you a progressive, more moderate or 90's/2000's liberal. There's lots of progressives that get mad any time the US tries to crack down on illegal immigration. The "safe cities" and "no one is illegal" types.

Progressives have started to morph into the far left. And progressives from the 90's/2000's are now considered more moderate like yourself. I was one of them, now i've moved a bit right of center socially but am moderate to slightly left-leaning economically. Jon Stewart and Bill Maher are now black sheep liberals in a sea of leftwing crazy in the media. This isn't good for America. Many conservatives also aren't good for America. Don't think i'd want to live in Alabama or California. I like the midwest, its filled with working class swing voters.

Some conservatives also have issues with the racial component of illegals, so they're basically anti-immigrant or even white nationalists. I would assume some on the right and the moderates/liberals would just generally prefer at least having a screening process for all migrants and the government having some control over the border.

Your last comment is getting to the heart of my point exactly. The capitalist system (i.e. corporate will) is focused on profit, and not to taking care of people. The focus is to exploit them. Illegal immigrants are the easiest to exploit. Hence, why we have what we have. However, many conservatives have been manipulated into looking away from that fact. More over, they have been manipulated into looking towards hating the people being exploited.

Agree. Economic conservatives are often useful idiots for the wealthy. Econo-cucks since Reagan.
MistyTiger wrote:It's way too easy to instill fear in people especially ignorant folks who don't understand what is exploitation and who is gaining from using illegal immigrants. Illegals accept lower pay than legal citizens that's one small part of the equation. Rancid and Unthinking have mentioned profits...bingo! Less spent in paying your labor force, you have more money in your pocket. This is a major reason for outsourcing to India and other poorer countries. It's all about money.

As an aside, the pickles at my local grocery store are all products of India. Am I racist for not wanting to eat them?

I'm fine with latin american fruit and I buy the clementine oranges from South Africa. I saw candy from turkey today. I'm mixed on that LOL.
Unthinking Majority wrote:As an aside, the pickles at my local grocery store are all products of India. Am I racist for not wanting to eat them?

I'm fine with latin american fruit and I buy the clementine oranges from South Africa. I saw candy from turkey today. I'm mixed on that LOL.

Ahaha. Did they smell like curry? Lol. If you're not sure about the quality, don't buy them.

Candy from turkey...hmm. I'd check the ingredients and check product reviews. I read labels for anything I'm uncertain of.

I don't like to speak with Indians if they have a heavy accent, like in those bollywood films. I have to ask them to repeat and spell out a few words. It's not too painful for me. But my parents hate it. Lol.
August jobs report shows job losses for US-born workers, gains for foreign-born

The latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows a significant divergence in employment trends between native-born Americans and foreign-born workers over the past 12 months.

According to the August jobs report, reported by FOX Business, U.S.-born workers lost more than 1.3 million jobs, while foreign-born workers gained over 1.2 million jobs during the same period.

The jobs report comes amid a period of increased immigration under the Biden-Harris administration. Data from the Congressional Budget Office reveals that more than 9 million immigrants have entered the U.S. since the end of 2020.​

August jobs report shows job losses for US-born workers, gains for foreign-born , Austin Williams, Yahoo News
Jobs report is a boom for migrants, slump for Americans, Michael Dorgan, FOXBusiness, September 6, 2024
Oh sure, cite a Fox news article.

Construction usually employs a mix of Whites, Hispanics and other races. I remember working in a company in an industrial park. When they were having the siding redone, they hired Hispanics who were serious and did a better job than the previous White workers. The previous White workers were lowering a slab of siding down to the ground and it somehow...crashed into a glass door and partially shattered it. Guess who was near the door? Me. Luckily I was many feet away. I heard the crash and saw glass shards on the floor. That was sloppy handling of the siding. The Hispanics were more careful and quieter.

In my experience, immigrants are more dedicated and grateful for the work they get. They appreciate the money. While I see a lot of Whites who moan and make stupid mistakes or they talk too much. They waste time. They don't appreciate the job. Other countries may just have a better education and value system than the US. I was mainly raised by my foreign parents so I'm not totally sure what the US teaches children.
MistyTiger2 wrote: I remember working in a company in an industrial park. When they were having the siding redone, they hired Hispanics who were serious and did a better job than the previous White workers. The previous White workers were lowering a slab of siding down to the ground and it somehow...crashed into a glass door and partially shattered it. Guess who was near the door? Me. Luckily I was many feet away. I heard the crash and saw glass shards on the floor. That was sloppy handling of the siding. The Hispanics were more careful and quieter.

I'm sure that's true.
No one doubts immigrants are often willing to work harder and for less pay.

I think one of the issues is that the harder working and more responsible whites typically go into other jobs rather than construction. (This is especially the case in higher cost of living areas) So the whites who do end up working in construction tend to be the less responsible ones, or ones who do not have a strong work ethic, or (not infrequently) drug users.

I'm still not sure hiring immigrants is the solution. Because then the society is going to end up with a lot of workers pushed out of the job market, and then what is the society going to do with them?

Keep in mind, in some areas white construction workers have been pushed out and had to move away, to some other region.
Puffer Fish wrote:That's often true, but this is often not necessarily true of the children of those immigrants.

So that could result in a little bit of a long term problem, couldn't it?

It's dependent on if the children understand how it benefits them to be hard working like their parents. I understand my parents' struggle and I know that I need to work hard, because life will not hand me all the rewards. I have to earn every reward and earn every cent and dollar. I've been through many jobs in 10 years than most of my classmates. They probably have only switched to one other job. I struggled to learn how to become confident during job interviews and I've had a ton of practice. So I can pretend to be an extrovert and I can fool a lot of extroverts. I didn't start out with the "right connections". I even have stories of past horror stories on the job. Most of my classmates would be shocked. It's not a pretty scene out there.
Puffer Fish wrote:I'm sure that's true.
No one doubts immigrants are often willing to work harder and for less pay.

I think one of the issues is that the harder working and more responsible whites typically go into other jobs rather than construction. (This is especially the case in higher cost of living areas) So the whites who do end up working in construction tend to be the less responsible ones, or ones who do not have a strong work ethic, or (not infrequently) drug users.

I'm still not sure hiring immigrants is the solution. Because then the society is going to end up with a lot of workers pushed out of the job market, and then what is the society going to do with them?

Keep in mind, in some areas white construction workers have been pushed out and had to move away, to some other region.

Any type of worker can go into construction. Construction contracts are more flexible than most contract jobs because the budget can easily be padded and added to, for whatever reason. The construction manager is usually one of the more responsible whites who knows how to make the contract go beyond the budget. The manager can find a reason to pay himself more than previously agreed upon, this could explain why the Trumps love construction projects.

If workers are pushed out of the job market, there are workers who will fill the gaps. Employers can even find one person to do the job that once needed 2 people to complete. It makes more sense for them to consolidate. Those workers who are jobless, it's up to them to find a new job. Every time I have been fired, I worked hard to get another job. Staying unemployed wasn't an option for me. I never depended on welfare or the church. I also didn't have a community who would feed me or offer me a job. I searched the job sites, filled out applications and went to offices for interviews or interviewed by phone or video chat. I switched from accounting to sales/marketing because an opportunity presented itself to me.

It's a tough job market for normal folks without contacts and a job network. If a person has marketable job skills and confidence, they can get the job. I've found work in the business industry.
SpecialOlympian wrote:They’re patriotic small business owners who are the cornerstone of our society and able to recognize a good deal when they find one.

They should actually get tax credits for their service.

If native-born white Americans can’t compete against some guy who’s just swum across the Rio Grande, then they deserve to be unemployed. Fuck them.

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