- 08 Dec 2024 11:44
I'm a highly skilled non-murderer.
Just yesterday I went to the shops twice without murdering anyone. Now this might sound shocking, I may even come over as arrogant, but I've never murdered anyone in my whole life. I've had girl friends, even when I got annoyed with them I didn't murder them. I've split up with girl friends without murdering them. Believe it or not, not one of my ex girl friends have ever accused me of murdering them.
I hence feel suitably experienced and competent to sit on a jury and judge someone for murder. Actually I'm not that unique, its not that hard to find a jury reasonably competent enough to judge someone on the crime of murder. Judging someone on their conduct in a civil war is just different. Most people haven't even been a leading figure in even one civil war. And being a leading participant in one civil war is not enough, because civil wars are so different. And even within a civil war, different people have very different challenges. Being a top commander of Hamas doesn't make you competent to judge the Israeli airforce commander and vice versa, being Israeli airforce commander doesn't make you competent to judge the professional ethics of a Hamas commander.
Have you ever been an insurgent leader? But its not good enough to just be an insurgent leader, you've got to have been one in a similar cultural and military context. Its the same for counter insurgency, how many counter insurgences have you led? Or again, I hear people complain about Winston Churchill. I hear a lot of whining about 3 million Bengalis starving to death. Some people say this was professional misconduct, that Churchill should have been expelled from the Association of Chartered world war leaders. But again I ask you how many world wars have you led to a reasonably successful outcome? How are you remotely qualified to judge a world war leader on their professional misconduct?
The whole idea of genocide or ethnic cleansing as moral /legal categories is a pathetic joke.
Progressives lie scattered on Woke's highway, Diverse ghosts crowd the young child's fragile eggshell mind.