Speculato Exterminatia Est-Save Civilization/BillionsOfLives - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Speculato Exterminatia Est--SCABOL-Save Civilization AND
Billions Of Lives !!!

A Spectre is haunting the world right now--as we speak, millions
of people are dying of starvation--if not stopped, billions will
die--and civilization will likely fall--all due to greedy
speculators running up the price of commodities (oil, food,
metals, etc.) into ridiculously high prices. These vampire
speculators and their minions, having tasted the blood in
previously speculative bubbles in internet, housing, and
oil in recent years, have a stash of trillions ready to
invest in more speculation and economy destabilizing.

Millions are dying each month right now, with the doubling
of food and energy prices---their blood sucked dry by these
vampire speculators--starvation (and even being frozen to death
--just wait till winter hits the northern hemisphere) all
because they can not afford the outrageously high food and
fuel prices---and within a few short years, it will
be billions ! Food riots will destabilize almost all the
3rd world countries, leading to rise of Hitler-like demigouges,
who will get nuclear and other WMD in order to take over
neighboring countries with commodity producing regions (oil,
food, etc.). Inevitably, these nuclear and WMD will be used,
leading to wastelands which will further increase the shortages--
even the western countries will not be immune--and civilization
as we know it will fall. The threat to the people of the world
and civilization is more severe than Viking raids (sacking,
pillaging, burning, and raping), the Black death, Hitler, or
any disaster that has ever occurred.

The time to action is now--join me in a crusade (or Jihad) SCABOL--
Save Civilization And Billions Of Lives !! As Cato the Elder
said 2300 years ago--"Carthago Delenda Est" in answer to the
most important problem then (whether Rome or Carthage will rule
the Mediterranean), I say now
Speculato Exterminatia Est---Speculators (and their minions)
must be exterminated !! I propose a 4 front crusade--

Front 1 : Publicize and Recruit--we must make the problem known to
all man (and woman) of good will--to join us in this crusade

Front 2 : Research and Expose--we much use all means to find out who
these vampire speculators are, who works and shills for them, and
exposed these people.

Front 3 : Politicize and Reform --we have to politicize these and find
ways to reform the system so that these abuses can no longer occur
in the future.

Front 4 : Restitution and Retribution --all exposed candidates (whether
speculator or their minions) will be given a short time to agree to
restitution--otherwise they must be declared enemy of the people and
be subjected to retribution---Speculato Exterminatia Est !!

Now, some details

Front 1 : Publicize and Recruit --We first need to make people aware
of the size of the problems. Much of the problems--millions dying
of starvation per month (one estimate is one person dying every second--
which would mean 2.5 million per month)--and the implication of the
food riots--have been almost ignored by the Biased Press (aka Mainstream
Press)--many of these people in the Biased press are likely minions
of the speculators. We have to break through this conspiracy of silence.
Please publicize this and discuss this in all web logs--may I also suggest
that all Spray-Paint artists Paint "Speculato Extreminatia Est--Join
Crusade SCABOL" on all visible areas to every highway in the world !
with occasional explanation SCABOL = Save Civilization And Billions Of
Lives !! Think about ways you can help recruit people to this Crusade
or Jihad !

Warning : The speculators and minions are very powerful and ruthless--
so, be prepare for them to attack you physically or otherwise !!

Front 2 : Research and Expose --We must find out who these Vampire Speculators
are--and who are their minions --Surrogates (in future trades), shills (in
Biased Media, Politicians, etc.) --and expose every dealing they have, every
transaction that resulted in biased media report that create FUD and help drive
up the prices--whether they have paid others (such as Nigerian Rebels that
threaten oil fields), etc..

For each Speculator, if more than 10% of their net worth come from speculation
gains, they are candidates for vampire speculator ! One should be aware that
some vampire speculator will try to use their minions to target their
competitors--but most likely these competitors are not blameless. Even
then, there will be some collateral damages to some innocents--but those must
be balanced by the fact that we are saving billions of lives and civilization !

It is obvious that many hedge funds and other funds have been heavy
speculators--they and who invested in them must be exposed (after
all, investers are like those who invest in Viking raids).
I also have heard from multiple sources that Cesar Chavez, many Saudi and
other oil producing region billionaires, and Iran's Ahmadinejad all
are deeply involved in speculation. In fact, many of the world's richest
men and women have indications that they are also directly or indirectly
involved--including Bill Gates, Warren Buffet, Carlos Slim, Larry Ellison,
George Soros, etc. These rumours must be verified and these people
and their minions exposed.

I call on all Hackers to try to find out from trading records, and try to
trace these names on these trades (most likely surrogates) to who is really
behind these trades--and exposed them. They should break into records
of all hedge and other suspected funds--and identify the speculators.

Anyone with direct of indirect knowledge of these speculators should try
to publicize their information. Are there any speculator minions that
realize they are killing millions--maybe they can be brought into the crusade
and give us all the real scoop on their former bosses, what they did, etc.

We do not have much time--while millions are dying per month now, pretty soon
it will be 10's of millions per month ! maybe even more ! and governments
will fall soon. We must act now.

Front 3 : Politicize and Reform --we should work with the political system
if possible. First, we must clear the political system of minions of the
speculators--these must be exposed and removed. Then, we need to work
with the system to change it so that speculation can no longer damage
our economic system and hurt and kill our people so badly

At minimal, I would suggest that all future trding to made illegal.
Future contracts must only be sold by real producers (to 2/3 of
their average yield that last 5 years) and bought by real distributors
(again, to 2/3 of their average purchase the last 5 years)--and
contract must be carried out-with substantial (>50%) penalties if
defaulted ! Any trading must be made illegal--and any entitiy
(government supported or otherwise) must be destroyed!!!
In addition, hoarding must be discouraged. Any hoarding (meaning
keeping stockpiles of an item more than 1 year) of more than .01%
of a country's usage must not be (a country's government could keep
indefinitely up to 1 year's supply as a strategic reserve for future

WE must make all efforts to ensure that sharp price-rises, especially in food,
can not occur again. Any entity that will through their greed cause millions
of lives in starvation must be stopped.

Front 4 : Restitution and Retribution --Once a speculator and/or his
minions have been exposed and confirmed--these candidate vampire
speculator will be given one month to agree to restitution,
and a second month for payment to be made--restitution must include
complete open disclosure of all speculative trades, whether direct
or indirect--and all gains (corrected for inflation) plus a penalty
of 50% must be paid into a restitution fund (see below). They will
then be declared "reformed speculators"--and if they stop speculating
in the future, they can be allow to live in peace.

Those vampire speculator/minions who refuse restitution will be
declared "enemy of the people"--and open season will be declared
on them and their family. since they do great harm to millions of
people, there must be no mercy. Their heirs also must not be
allowed to enjoy their ill-gotten gains !, a one month
grace period will be allowed for their heirs to reform.

The Restitution fund must be an open affair--managed by 12 low-paying
"elders" --management fee must be minimal (<4%), and the fund
must distribute all income within 3 years of receipt.

1/2 should be given as reparation --1/2 of that to privite parties
harmed by the speculation, and 1/2 to companies harmed by the
speculation (for oil, trucking firms, airline companies, etc.).
For example, oil restitution can be given to real users--each driver
with driver license, and more if he/she owns a car--also private taxi
driver who own his/her taxi or truck driver who own his own truck.
Food subsidy should be given to people harmed by food speculation, etc.

1/4 should be given
---to help the poor,
---to help poor coutries build up a food stockpile (only when the food price
is low--as a way to help guarantee farmers getting a reasonable profit), etc.
---to find ways to reduce population growth in poor countries
---to provide education to poor people
---improve available of resources (water via desalinization, help
develop irrigation to dry areas, etc.)
---to stabilize prices of food, oil and other commodities--what we want
is a steady but SLOW rise in price (after accounting for inflation)
of all commodities--especially food and energy. The base of that
should be the price before all the bubbles.
It would be great if no more bubble occur. All bubbles have
had really bad impact on society and the economic system
..the housing bubble led to the current bad state of the financial
system and to many industries depending on housing.
..the internet bubble led to unrealistic expectation by people (by
all historical standards, the current state of the econmy and
employment is quite good--but people have been spoiled by the
unrealistic situation during the bubble); also, the current
federal budget deficit is largely due to the stock market bubble
(during the peak of the bubble in 1997-2001, there were huge
federal income from the capital gains---now, people are selling
stock they bought near the peak of the bubble=--so, they have
either no capital gain--or even losses--leading to much less
revenue to the federal government, hence the deficit)

1/4 should be given to research
---which will improve production, --especially of food and energy
---disseminate real information on energy cost and usages to help
people understand and help better utilize resources.
---help energy conservation
---find new sources of energies, especially non-polluting ones
---subsidize renewable energy sources
---help reduce global warming
---reduce impact of human on world resources (clean air, water, etc.)
---reduce the encroachment of civilization on green areas.
---fund advancement of space exploration, and such possible schemes as
space mirrors (many uses--such as for energy production), farming
the Oort cloud (bringing ice comets to desert areas), and other
possible innovative schemes that might improve the situation.
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By dwix
I was going to say that your reparations scheme is rather arbitrary, but Oxymoron reminded me that its probably not worth it. I find wooden stakes a far more effective way to combat vampires, myself.

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