Idea. - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Please introduce yourself here.
By The_Communist_Threat
I think we should start a thread in this forum where people can state their age, first name, and country from which they hail...I understand how this is kinda the point of this forum, but this way it would be easier to learn things about your fellow comrades...and a lot of the threads in here are filled with fluff...

any thoughts???
By sokath
Sure, why not. ;)

By Kov
We could also start a thread with credit card numbers, social security, and even where their money is hidden in their houce!

Or.... we could stick with sokath.
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By Yeddi
OK Kov...
Credit Card num: 435667 098375234563
Social Security N/A
i have money hidden in my bottle of cointreau.. thank god for plastic notes... i have bout $100 in there...
By Kov
Great. Now just give me your adress, date of birth, true name, and current location and I will be on my marry way :D
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By Yeddi
NAh don't think i'll be doin that... u may drink my BOOOOOZE :D
By Krasniy Yastreb
Mmm, lemme see...

Passport no: 204440000

NI (social security) no: JT 53 01 12 A

Now if those bright lads at MI5 are reading this post, they'll know exactly who I am now :D .
By Proctor
Passport, credit card number, social security, money, booze... Nah, I don't have any of those things.
By Sweeper
Hmmm Very few pictures exists of me, for a good reason Kov knows...
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