Colombia's FARC - Politics | PoFo

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It seems that colombian and media in general are always portraying the FARC as evil left wing narco traffickers and kidnappers.But the amount of influence they have and damage they have done is nothing compared to that of the paramilitaries and colombia's own government. Countless people have been disappeared by the government.

By naujitii
Show me the proof that las Farc are not indeed that bad.
I know the paramilitares are a bunch of sons of bitches for killings and kidnappings as well, not to mention that they are being funded by the US.
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By bayano
all human rights groups that do studies say that most violence against non-combatants, atrocities, torture, etc is carried out by the paramilitaries, usually in the neighborhood of 80%. and that doesnt count the state military, which is heavily tied to the paras.

still, the FARC have lost so much of their politics, direction and dynamism (over the decades). i support castro's position (which is also my own) that the FARC should disband but not disarm. that colombia should go to peace as best it can, but the farc should be organized into units solely for peasant/worker defense.
By dominque
Colombian or person of knowledge & insigh in put is needed

*]I must have an answer, I refuse to believe the population of Colombia or large part un informed, uneducated and not intelligent
\[*] don't care what going on in the world or in their own country[*] Believes whatever the government tell them[*]thinks the War on drugs&FARC will end soon.
[*] Colombian Media inferior, afraid,takes the easy sensational WAY[*]Trust the US govt[*]believe FARC are international terrorist[*Government Courts follow rule of law&all people are equal under law
I absolutely believe the Colombians in general are informed, intelligent and aware the domestic&international affair concerning Colombia[

Notwithstanding what I believe,& addressing the above questions? Please for my own edification ,as history , current events in Colombia & Latin America suggest something is wrong,so I ask you. Do the people trust their government, military leaders, Judaical, media &US govt if so why? as history tell us otherwise do the people believe the the 50 yr war/struggle is going end& have it under control ,if so why,because they say so? Authorities have saying this for the entire war. Does anyone wonder if what being said by Govt,military et al is true re;FARC in disarray,desertion, defeats, shrinking size , recent leadership deaths& been saying this in form or another years in one form another. Again if true no one ask why Their military with superior everything Planes, weapons, training, many ,many more soldiers,tactical ,intelligence support from US,Satellite,air radar,drones if needed.In short Government has superiority everywhere, Military know their locations, movements . How long can Govt info use same excuses re. Jungle, Mountain, constant moving, support of locals etc all nonsense Govt know where the drug labs are& probably where prisoner are held! Let assume people believe the the FARC are the worst terrorist on the planet,if so where the protests ,outrage demonstrations, protest from Unions ,students, Teachers, parents,business etc? The media is patheticll after all FARC are terrorist killing Colombian men,women,children,s exporting drugs,killing,blowing up,corrupting & killing officials officials and most their activities have going for 50years, yet same story Colombia has under control&end near,which is tonal misinformation just based on common sense. Back question if the people are not stupid, then the rest of question answer themselves

Anyone with any sense cannot possibly believe it, can any do the mat The evil FARC is good for business keeps money rolling in from the US, Colombian taxes stay high, general ,government official are secure making allot of money, military gets constant training &intel, new toys, security industries booming,Planes helicopters,ships, electronic keep coming and stories of FARC horror& light at end of tunnel keeps the people scared& hopeful If people weren't dying Colombian killing Colombians,corruptions wasn't widespread,Colombia shameless puppet for the US govt ,the whole thing would laughing matter it so outrageous. Media ever do detail expose ,not the what s happening now,of course officials US ,military would deny intermediately,&who can argue with their integrity, and freshly cooked numbers,facts. No ,it would be waste of time &"unpatriotic" what I asking better than unpatriotic , might as well go for whole enchilada. Media,investigator, NGO's etc need to go document everything that be document including silence

OK the parents and extended family of the baby that became" The FARC" is extensive &committed all kinds of abuses, violations, The leader of the "silent majority" Catholic Church ,90%of Colombia is Catholic, Church has moral, authority,audience, pulpit,Romes ear ,Teachers in Bogota &urban areas, authorities local &up including military,Oligarchy, US&Internationale corp,politicians across the spectrum, Judaical,,print ,radio, tv Media,,including lead by international corp, it was strictly a Colombian operation. Not a "conspiracy , greatly influence by few & rest fell in line.The few power wealth ,landowners,giant farms, captain od industry ,who controlled the rest. In conjunction with prestigious Parenting of the Church& Educators the extended family became a dynasty with Colombia as the castle. This lethal toxic system needed workers,UN-educated, diastase, hungry.abused by juridical, law enforcement, employer,was part of life,as was children &adults dying of various illness do lack of care, living condition sub human,women raped, taken from families, entire segment of Colombian suffering abuses unheard by the abuser organization, indigenous people were relatively safe due the their ability to disappear into mountains ,jungle. Using Cuba & Castro /Che as example8% 80%of Cuba was illiterate live in conditions mentioned ,when Castro'/Che arrived even illiterate understood it cant be any worse than what the have under current Government as in Cuba the the FARC never would have took hold except for the help Colombia's"elite& Government .
corruption, and judicial system pretending humans has no rights so their law broken People Colombia instead going along to get along try doing something ,other blaming the obvious. The people your so proud to be seen,join ,aspire to be and the institutions you respect were occupy by evil people who sold their souls and Colombia future into a bleak existence ,I would say lived but existed for past 50 years and began long before 1964,

Time to take some action NOT armed conflict, Iam supporter and favor democracy, Capitalism, freedom & so do you & believe it or not rebels would like the same. Nothing will change for another fifty years unless something is organically done by Colombians not foreigners,unless your content being American stooge in Latin American ,it was Colombia & Peru. You ever wonder why Colombia is the only right wing, conservative, government at war with it own people. US made you feel good about killing each other when US added FARC to the US terrorist list joining the world power Cuba. Those of you who see it for what is, it not personal its US exploiting another country ,getting people killed as usual
Next time you hear same old story SOS remember FARC is now needed ,despite all havoc . NO FARC, NO DRUGS guess what no US,no money to fuel all enjoy by the few, No weapons sold to Colombia by US, No Planes, Submarines Nothing you become the third country the US treated you like before WAR ON DRUGS< and real threat of Insurgency messing our plantations down there. if you don't get or take personally ,t[/size]hen Enjoy the Wars[/size][/size]
By Social_Critic
Colombia will do much better economically after the FARC is defeated. The drug trade is a zero sum game because a lot of resources are spent in internal struggles and security measures.

As regards the FARC themselves, they are led by thugs and psychopaths. They have become a narco-terrorist group which knows very very well they can never win an election - do you think anybody in their right mind is going to vote for somebody claiming to be hard core leftist after the mess in Venezuela and Nicaragua? Even Dilma Rouseff and Ollanta Humala toned themselves down, and have become neo-liberals.
By dominque
You sound as if you know something no really your rhetoric sounds like the govt BS for decades it the same line of crap Surrenders, death of leaders, shrinking numbers on on according govt FARC should be surrendering any day ,why not? just chalk up the last fifty years as a learning experience .Pathetic Govt tried everything paramilitaries,own inept military,,US involvement, blaming Chavez. Your depiction of thugs and psychopaths describes Govt& surrogates . NARCO TERRORIST? very funny same people were Marxist , Communist,Socialist& now there Terrorist All names US govt gave them,depending on was evil buzz word of time. Interesting US&Colombia only call FARC Terrorist after 911 US also designated Cuba a terrorist state . Last time I checked neither the FARC or Cuba were planning to launch attack or invade US Virgin Islands(a joke) So for forty years FARC were insurgents-civil war & now US decides terrorist works better-- So now there Terrorist?? Wonder why NO other Latin America country even pretends it wants help Colombia in fight against "TERRORIST"(because there not terrorist threat} if you consider FARC terrorist then do you consider AUC ,DAS & Govt NAZI? my point is your thinking or should I parroting is absurd Here list for you to ponder as dream of the FARC demise

Manuel Marulanda Vélez, "Tirofijo"
Pedro Antonio Marín Historical Founder of FARC-EP. Commander in Chief. Died of natural causes in 2008.
Jacobo arenas farc.jpg
Jacobo Arenas
Luis Alberto Morantes Jaimes With Marulanda, founder of FARC-EP. Political chief. Died of natural causes in 1990.
Alfonso Cano
Guillermo León Sáenz Vargas Promoted to Commander in Chief after Manuel Marulanda's death. Founder of Clandestine Colombian Communist Party. Killed in action by the Colombian Army on November 4, 2011.
Mono jojoy - EEUU.jpg
Jorge Briceño Suárez, "Mono Jojoy"
Victor Julio Suárez Rojas Chief Commander of Military Wing. Killed in action on Sept. 22, 2010 while Colombian troops air raided a FARC camp near La Macarena, Meta.
Iván Ríos
Manuel Jesús Muñoz Ortiz Peace Negotiator, Head of Central Bloc, killed by one of his security chiefs in March 2008
Raúl Reyes
Luis Edgar Devia Silva Traditional "Spokesman of FARC", killed in action on 1 March, 2008 during a Colombian air assault on a FARC camp inside Ecuador.
Mauricio jaramillo - Farc.jpg
Efraín Guzmán
Noel Matta Died of natural causes in 2003.
odrigo Londoño Echeverri Became Commander in Chief after the death of Alfonso Cano. Prior to this he commanded the Middle Magdalena Bloc and was responsible for Intelligence and Counter-Intelligence.
Iván Márquez
Luciano Marín Arango Spokesman and Commander of the Caribbean Bloc. Joined the Secretariat after the 2003 death of Efraín Guzmán.
Joaquín Gómez, "Usuriaga"
Milton de Jesús Toncel Redondo Commander of the Southern Bloc, promoted to the Secretariat to replace Raúl Reyes in 2008.
Mauricio jaramillo farc.jpg
Mauricio Jaramillo, "El Médico"
Jaime Alberto Parra Commander of the Eastern Bloc, he replaced Iván Ríos in 2008.
Pablo Catatumbo
Pablo Catatumbo
Jorge Torres Victoria Commander of the Western Bloc and political chief. Entered the Secretariat after Manuel Marulanda's 2008 death.
Felix antonio muñoz - FARC.
Pastor Alape
Felix Antonio Muñoz Lascarro Leads the Middle Magdalena Bloc with Timoleón Jiménez. Entered the Secretariat after Mono Jojoy's d
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