Protest against Israel - National Rally Sat 3rd - Politics | PoFo

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From Palestinian Solidarity Campaign


Tuesday 30 December, 2pm to 4pm outside Israeli Embassy, Kensington High Street, London, W4. Nearest tube Kensingston High Street (turn right out of tube station and walk along the main road.
Wednesday 31 December, 2pm - 4pm outside Israeli Embassy
Thursday 1 January 2pm - 4pm outside Israeli Embassy
Friday 2 January 2pm - 4 pm. Outside the Egyptian Embassy, 26 South Audley Street, London, W1K 1DW. Call for Egypt to open the border immediately.

Assemble 12:30pm Along Embankment, by Embankment tube station, LONDON WC2 - Nearest tube Embankment or Charing Cross

Saturday 3 January 12 noon. Outside Lloyds TSB St Vincent Street then assemble for demo at Blytheswood Square 2pm

Saturday 3 January 12 noon. Foot of the Mound, Princes Street

Centre, opposite the Hippodrome, Tuesday - Friday 5.00 - 6.00 and Saturday 2.00 - 4.00.

Wednesday 31 December New Year Vigil. Nye Bevan Statue, Queen Street

Tuesday 30 December 12 to 2pm, West Quay Entrance, High Street

Saturday 3 January 11am, Guildhall Square
Organised by Portsmouth Network for a Just Settlement of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, and Portsmouth Stop the War Coalition

Saturday 3 January, 11am. Queen Victoria Square.

Tuesday 30th December 5pm - Cornmarket Street, near Carfax
Organised by Oxford PSC

Vigil Tuesday 30 December 5pm outside BBC Oxford road, Manchester.
Vigil to be held every night until Israel's criminal attacks cease.

Stop the Massacre in Gaza ! End the Siege Now!
Assemble: 12 noon on Cavendish St, All Saints Park on Oxford Rd. Manchester
(further down from the BBC) March around the city for a final rally

Saturday 3rd January: Assemble at 12 noon: Outside Sheffield Town Hall

4.30-6pm Tuesday 30th December
Outside Leeds Art Gallery, Headrow, Leeds
Please join us - bring candles in jars to light the event.

Wednesday 31st December, 2008.
12.30 - 3.30pm, Broad Street (opposite Oracle shopping centre), Reading, Berks.
Vigil and mass leaflet against Israeli war crimes in Gaza. Bring a candle and a placard if you can.

Sat 3rd Jan - 12 to 2pm Grey’s Monument in Newcastle
Organised by PSC, Stop the War Coalition & the University Friends of Palestine

Wed 31st December 2-4pm Church St Liverpool

Saturday 3rd January 12-2pm St Lukes Church - top of Bold St. Liverpool

Organised by Liverpool Friends of Palestine

Saturday 3rd. January - 3pm Vigil in Harold Place, Hastings
Hastings Against War

Protest has been called for Saturday 3rd January 1pm, at St. Sampson's Square in York.
We hope to follow this with a march through town. Please bring banners, flags and placards. Organised by York PSC.

Vigil/Potest12.00 noon - 1pm Saturday 3rd Jan outside St Peter Mancroft Church in the Millenium Library Square
Norwich PSC and Norwich STWC

Saturday 3rdf Jan - 12 noon at Tunbridge Wells shopping precinct
Called by Wealden progressive movement and stop the war coalition Tunbridge wells

Action alert

Write to your MP urging them to insist that Prime Minister Gordon Brown acts to ensure:

* An immediate end to Israel's military assault on Gaza
* An immediate end to the blockade and siege on Gaza
* An end to Israel's violations of international law
* An end to Israeli occupation

Boycott Israeli Goods

Join the protests
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By Dave
This issue in no way concerns Britons, so I am confused as to why anyone would show up.

I suppose perhaps the many foreigners now present in the British isles may be more directly concerned.
By Bounce Widdit
This issue in no way concerns Britons, so I am confused as to why anyone would show up.

being from america, i am confused as to why this concerns you....or is it in your security interests? maybe my post is colluding with bin laden :D
User avatar
By Dave
It doesn't concern my country. We're involved only because jews are politically influential here. None the less, I remain baffled by Westerners who obsess over this. Our people are not involved.
By Bounce Widdit
not your country - you personally

by virtue of your very own logic, you should not be concerning yourself in this thread

or do you not practice what you preach?
User avatar
By Dave
I enjoy discussing political issues. I do not understand getting emotionally involved in something that doesn't concern you, and especially not getting so involved you attend some silly protest.
By Bounce Widdit
I do not understand getting emotionally involved in something that doesn't concern you, and especially not getting so involved you attend some silly protest.

but this is a political issue that does not concern you; you do not live in palestine or britain.

and yet you comment

so how is your form of activity different from mine?
User avatar
By Dave
My activity takes place from the comfort of my chair and is done for personal enjoyment. Your activity requires you to go out into the streets and you hope to influence your government in intervening in an issue which does not concern your people in anyway. As far as social advocacy goes this is pretty fucking bizarre, unless you are an Arabalonian or something.

And Britain does concern me in that it is a fellow Anglo-Saxon nation.
User avatar
By Noelnada
And Britain does concern me in that it is a fellow Anglo-Saxon nation.

Hands off, Britain is ours !!

And yes it should concern us, because who is going to make this excellent handmade olive oil once the Palestinian are gone ? Who is willing to go run naked on the beaches of Israel while there as long as there are security concerns ? And most important of all, how are we going to economically integrate the whole Mediterranean world into the European Empire as long as there is instability ?

This may not concern the American people, who has enough on its plates right now, but it highly concerns Europeans.

Of course protesting isn't the most effective way to improve the situation, but that's a way for the people who get there to feel like they belong to a community, to have their democratic rights recognized, to be reunited and socialize, discuss and so on..
User avatar
By Dave
Noelnada wrote:Hands off, Britain is ours !!

It's culturally much closer to us. For the record, my arc of loyalty:

me->family->friends->community->region(midwest)->america->anglosphere->The West->European civilization (i.e. including the Eastern branch as well)->All industrialized countries->Mankind

you'll have to work out your own, but it might be something like:

you->family->friends->community->wallonia->belgium (maybe)->francophone world->The West->European civilization (i.e. including the Eastern branch as well)->All industrialized countries->Mankind
Last edited by Dave on 31 Dec 2008 00:36, edited 1 time in total.
By Bounce Widdit
My activity takes place from the comfort of my chair and is done for personal enjoyment. Your activity requires you to go out into the streets


you should have also pointed out your activity involves typing keys, mine involves walking

and you hope to influence your government in intervening in an issue which does not concern your people in anyway

considering the tax payers money being spent on, and to be spent on international affairs, particularly in the middle-east, it does concern my country....

considerably more importantly i am concerned with oppressive violence against fellow human beings

And Britain does concern me in that it is a fellow Anglo-Saxon nation

so your criteria for involvement is racial and cultural heritage, ie historical ties

considering britain was directly involved in the creation of israel and palestine, forgive me if i have some affinity for people living in another part of the world we have historical ties with.

you are an Arabalonian or something.

how did you guess? :lol:
User avatar
By Noelnada
It's culturally much closer to us.

It is obvious from the language perspective and because of the matricial link.

But from a political perspective and from a geographical perspective, i believe that things are different. And to be honest i feel closer to an Englishman than to a Frenchman :p

My own arc of loyalty is much more flexible and less linear.

it does concern my country....

Come on Bounce Widdit, stop adressing this foreign saboteur. :p
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By Dave
Bounce Widdit wrote:you should have also pointed out your activity involves typing keys, mine involves walking

Guess which one involves less effort
Bounce Widdit wrote:considering the tax payers money being spent on, and to be spent on international affairs, particularly in the middle-east, it does concern my country....

Why not march to stop having your money wasted on this crap?
Bounce Widdit wrote:considerably more importantly i am concerned with oppressive violence against fellow human beings

They're not your people, and this is a complex contest being dueling civilizations over disputed land. Why on Earth would you want to get involved with that?
Bounce Widdit wrote:so your criteria for involvement is racial and cultural heritage, ie historical ties

Firstly direct interest, secondarily ethnocultural ties. I will always be concerned if we are directly affected, and I will also be concerned, but perhaps not as much, if a close cultural cousin is involved.
Bounce Widdit wrote:considering britain was directly involved in the creation of israel and palestine, forgive me if i have some affinity for people living in another part of the world we have historical ties with.

Britain fulfilled its mandate and left. If you want to resume the "white man's burden", then by all means have fun intervening.

Noelnada wrote:It is obvious from the language perspective and because of the matricial link.
But from a political perspective and from a geographical perspective, i believe that things are different.

Naturally Britain's geography dictates that Europe is of somewhat greater strategic importance than America, but that doesn't diminish the close historical, cultural, and linguistic ties it has with us.

Noelnada wrote:And to be honest i feel closer to an Englishman than to a Frenchman :p

My own arc of loyalty is much more flexible and less linear.

These things aren't neat and linear of course. I simplified mine to easily identifiable geographic-cultural entities of steadily increasing size. But where does something like the American state I grew up in stand in comparison to the state I live in now? That's not as easy of a question.
By Bounce Widdit
Guess which one involves less effort

and this is something to be proud of? remind me, which is the most obese nation in the world again? ;)

They're not your people, and this is a complex contest being dueling civilizations over disputed land. Why on Earth would you want to get involved with that?

nothing like a bit of sammy huntingdon to ruin a political debate... don't worry i'll start a thread on this soon.... for the time being i need sleep, for tomorrow we march!

by all means have fun intervening

i will! thanks for the approval, it's all i ever wanted :p
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By Dave
Bouce Widdit wrote:and this is something to be proud of? remind me, which is the most obese nation in the world again? ;)

I think you guys passed us... :knife: At any rate, I know for a fact that the Aussies are fatter than us.

Bouce Widdit wrote:nothing like a bit of sammy huntingdon to ruin a political debate... don't worry i'll start a thread on this soon.... for the time being i need sleep, for tomorrow we march!

Huntington just died. :*(
By JFaulkner
Bounce wrote:Write to your MP urging them to insist that Prime Minister Gordon Brown acts to ensure:

* An immediate end to Israel's military assault on Gaza
* An immediate end to the blockade and siege on Gaza
* An end to Israel's violations of international law
* An end to Israeli occupation

Do you actually think Gordon Brown has the power to do this? He may be able to provide some sort of verbal warning on TV and behind the scenes, but if Israel wants to carry on bombing the shit out of Hamas, it most likely will do so whether fatScot Brown spits his turkey all over Olmert's face or not.
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By redcarpet
Gordon Brown(UK PM) isn't going to terminate the UK relationship with Israel; especially in response to demonstrations. Read Tom Bower's biography of him, jeez.
By Bounce Widdit
Gordon Brown(UK PM) isn't going to terminate the UK relationship with Israel; especially in response to demonstrations. Read Tom Bower's biography of him, jeez.

Right so do nothing?

And it was also debunked.

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