A last minute call to save democracy: - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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This is a the archive of the "PoFo Parliament". A user-run project.
Forum rules: This is a the archive of the "PoFo Parliament". A user-run project.
By Falx
SLD and TUC have more votes combined that seems all but certain now to happen and they will take some one from the right as their mate so they have a majority. At least that's the ideas of everyone posting a lot lately.
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By Attica
Honestly I think some people are taking this too seriously and have really massive chips on their shoulders about shit.

Your party is just the same as all the others Falx and to deny that is pretty funny. The emotional appeal to 'democracy' is the funniest I think, as instead of actually standing on some kind of platform you are saying your party will protect democracy. But what kind of democracy is that?

What's weird about this, and great, is that the Pofo Parliament has actually shown itself to be just like real politics. This is the dreaded curse of the political industry. The party machines, the personality clashes and the backroom deals that weaken ideologies.

I love it. :lol:
By Falx
Let it work it's magic after the polls close and you'll see the difference.
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By Attica
I have to trust you like a priest, that things will just.. work? How about a proper platform?

You can't have a tantrum and say democracy is being destroyed and then run in an election on.. nothing.

And then sook if things don't go your way. :eek:
By Falx
We don't have a platform, we have a method and for the nth time its:

A vote is open in parliament -> a vote is open now in this thread by default -> online members start voting on it in this thread -> parliamentary representatives debate and point out the idiotic parts of the law -> the vote in parliament is about to close, parliamentary representatives count up the votes in this thread and do one of the following:
a) Less than 1/2 voted for the bill; we vote against on mass.
b) more than 1/2 but less than 2/3 voter for the bill; we abstain.
c) more than 2/3 vote for the bill but it will pass anyway even without our parties votes; we abstain.
c) more than 2/3 vote for the bill and it will not pass unless it gets more votes; we vote for the bill on mass then and only then.

We will also draft up preferences for members so even if they have not voted on before the end of the time the parliamentary representative will have a guess based on that as to what the absent people wanted.

Who ever replies to this please quote this on the next page so people can see what we're talking about.
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By Attica
But what if you form a coalition or take government. You have based your party on a situation of opposition. What if you have to enact legislation? What if you get enough protest votes to work with another party to form government yet you don't actually know what you are standing for? Further, are you a one man party? I mean, there seem to be plenty of votes but how many people are active in this act of 'opposition'...
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By albionfagan
I do like the premise of Falx's party, and love it even more that it's winding up the right-wingers.
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By Attica
Winding up right wingers I'm all for, but it would be bizarre to have the THC gain entry into government without a platform. The very notion of a government that fails to govern with a platform is beyond me, and doesn't actually achieve anything positive in my opinion.

It seems the reason Falx has created the whole thing is out of his failure to negotiate with others and spit sour grapes all over the shop, hoping to piss off people, rather than work with them. It's pretty sad, dude. The internet is serious business.
:knife: :lol:
By Falx
But what if you form a coalition or take government.

We won't, unless again the 2/3 of the party want to do it. We are having the first vote on that right now. You can go see the format that I'm using and know that I won't be voting unless it's for a tie brake.

I am the leader of the party and will largely act to count up things, I will not start negotiations with anyone, I will not vote on anything till all the votes from within the party are in. We decide to do whatever our members do, our platform, what we stand for, what we vote for is what our members stand and vote for. With the added benefit of opposing most new extreme and stupid legislation which is critical as a countries is being drafter up.

Also no combination that is acceptable to me will give us a clear majority, and I'm fairly sure that goes for the others who voted for the party.

It seems the reason Falx has created the whole thing is out of his failure to negotiate with others and spit sour grapes all over the shop, hoping to piss off people, rather than work with them. It's pretty sad, dude. The internet is serious business.

Actually the reason why I started it was to oppose the religious dogma that was infesting the SLD and PUC at the time, I thought when you had banned abortions, gave money to churches and so on I'd get a few votes from defectors. Turns out my (internet)? personality is repugnant enough that I got votes more by promising that I will debate with others in my usual manner within the parliament. Lo and behold nearly all the votes I got were based on that now.

That said I think you will get more exposure of your ideas if you join us seeing that you're on the left wing of the probable government coalition and you have seen first hand how well those on the left are treated in the SLD.
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By Donna
I hope your party will eventually draft a platform.
By Falx
Sure, if 2/3 of the people there endorse it I don't see why not. That said I hope it doesn't happen since it would mean we will have to start acting like every other party out there.
By Falx
If you care enough you can check the voting thread, I don't feel comfortable posting people's names who might not want to be known to be in our party by anyone who clicks this thread, for whatever reason.
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By ThereBeDragons
I highly doubt there is any real danger of THC being expelled from parliament, considering the number of people sympathetic to it. The threat seems highly exaggerated.
By Falx
Oh, that's just because you haven't tried to get any legislation through :lol:
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By ThereBeDragons
I think I misunderstood your post, so the original contents of this post became irrelevant.

Carry on.
By Falx
You're SN, by my tallies that makes you a member of the second largest party in the election.
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By Dave
Let me once more state that at present I have no fundamental objection to Falx and his party. While it may be a vanity party and a Balkan social club, it's certainly true that not everyone is represented by the "respectable" parties. In particular there is a large gap in the center-left to left, as the SLD was forced to move to the center as further to the left there is only the SN-RF lunatics. It's also understandable that some members would seek to prevent legislation they perceive as harmful from being passed. If the party turns out to be as harmful as some are claiming, then I'm sure the SN-RF would join the "right-wing" parties in seeking to ban the THP. For the time being I think they deserve the benefit of the doubt.
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By HoniSoit
I'm sure the SN-RF would join the "right-wing" parties in seeking to ban the THP

Dream on, racialist.
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By Dave

I can't remember if you lead the anarchists or not, but if the THP does turn out to be what Clausewitz fears, and I don't think they will, why wouldn't you endorse removing them?

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