Pick me a dictator ! - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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The non-democratic state: Platonism, Fascism, Theocracy, Monarchy etc.
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So, those of you who agree that dictatorship is a good idea, what system of dictatorship is best. Personally, I think, "Natural Dictatorship" is best, with many men competing for a the ultimate position, with the best man keeping and securing his power by winning the influence of a Council of learned men, similar to the Fascist Grande Council in Italy. These Councilours MUST be one of three things :

A - Incredibly educated men ( doctorate degree at least ) with vast knowledge of Economics, Politics, Sociology, Psychology, Propaganda et al.

B - Military Commanders, the best of the best warriors a nation has to offer.

C - Scientists/Engineers who could lead the Nation to greater things ( must also have doctorate ) .

In my view, the Council would consist of 50% of group A, 25% group B, and 25% group C. It just makes sense to me, but someone tell me what it actually should be :lol:

In truth, the selected dictator would only be a figure-head for the masses : the true power would be in the Council, which would have all legislative power in the Nation : no Parliamentary bull-crap. The Leader, who must be as charasmatic as a Hitler or a Lenin, must then tell the idiotic masses why it is good for them and how it will progress the Nation . And NONE of the Councilours will interefere with things they are not experts on. Meaning, no Scientist will set foreign policy, and no Politician will make decisions on issues of science. Compare that to say the American Congress, in which every congressman seems to think they have a degree in every science ever made and therefore can set the nation's science policy.

The Leader would have other powers though. First and foremost, he must insure that the council remains an efficient machine, and he would have the power to remove any councilour at any time, without permission from anybody else. He would then replace them with another capable member of the Nation. He would also insure that the Justice system works to it's full extent, and could declare a police state at any time when the State of the Nation is in jeopardy.

Hopefully, this can be a system to develop a Nation greater than any ever seen before, surpassing the great Empiresof the Earth and forging a new system to make humans achieve their fullest potential.
By Ixa
The dictator should be a monarch of superior genes (or as close as possible, by breeding men and women of the highest IQ in the nation) educated like the brilliant John Stuart Mill (reading by the age of 2, speaking Greek at the age of 3, mastering arithmitic and logic by the age of 7, etc) , trained rigorously in every relevant discipline, and trained to be an unquestioning supporter of the ruling party and its policies. He MUST be educated in philosophy/science, since it makes a man wise, skeptical, and subtle; law, for obvious reasons; mathematics, because it makes a man precise, clear, and not lacking in his ability to concentrate at difficult problems; logic and rhetoric, since it makes a man an efficient and thorough debater; economics, sociology, politics, psychology, since these are relevant to ruling people effectively; and history, since it makes a man have a better grasping of the tendencies of mankind. He should have a life PURELY of education. Hardly anything else. He will not only have the genetic predispostion to Genius; his education would make him beyong genius, beyond measurable intelligence. He will take full advantage of the potential of the genius. He will be specialised in all the aforementioned fields. And where his knowledge is insufficient, he has his advisers.

If he is a good leader, his son should be the next monarch.

Actually, there should be hundreds of babies trained from birth to be genius dictators (and genius in every other sense of the term), and by the time all the babies reach the age of 35, the best will be selected to be the dictator, the rest should form the rest of the monarchy. It would be a compitition of monarchs.
Last edited by Ixa on 16 Mar 2003 09:12, edited 1 time in total.
By Generalissimo Talonius
That's actually almost EXACTLY what Plato suggested in his greatest work, The Republic. I agree with you most definitely on this comrade !
By CasX
*bangs head repeatedly against wall*
By Generalissimo Talonius

*bangs head repeatedly against wall*

Ya know, things like that don't contribute anything and waste space, so why would you post something if you had nothing intelligent to add ?
By Skullers
Terrible. Eugenics suck. You don't need to "breed geniuses" to have talented leaders/scientisits/whatever. There are just about enough people who can do the job great without being some sort of super-human artificial geniuses. All you need is to radically change and improve the education system and SIMPLY FIND THE RIGHT PEOPLE, give them the opportunities.

and even if you ARTIFICIALLY create "super-human elite", then what? turn the rest of society into LIVESTOCK? hah! just improve education for all the people and you will have no problem finding talents.

ps: dictatorship is worthless. you shall never have a "perfect, flawless leader" - it's impossible.
By CasX
BloodyTalons wrote:

*bangs head repeatedly against wall*

Ya know, things like that don't contribute anything and waste space, so why would you post something if you had nothing intelligent to add ?

It doesn't seem to stop you.

Skullers wrote:ps: dictatorship is worthless. you shall never have a "perfect, flawless leader" - it's impossible.

For once I totally agree with you Skullers! :)
By Generalissimo Talonius
ps: dictatorship is worthless. you shall never have a "perfect, flawless leader" - it's impossible.

Thus the Council, to assist any supreme leader in areas he might not be familiar with. One person may not be perfect, but if you get a group of geniuses together, than they can collectively create something great. Plus, eugenics will bring us closer to " the perfect leader" and in fact, creat a whole NEW race of nearly perfect beings. By breeding these new humans, you can have enough capable rulers to last a thousand generations.
By Skullers
and what happens to "the old human race" and "regular humans" once you create "humans plus"? :|
By Generalissimo Talonius
They'll still be there : the purpose is just to create a better breed of human to insure the best possible gov't ( it's like breeding horses or dogs ) . I believe in "Strength through Joy" ; happy workers are productive workers. So to be quite honest, the Humans+ ( I like that name, it's catchy :D ) is to make people happy so they will be productive, and a productive people make a powerful nation. We can even break this down into a formula ...


Therefore ...


This means that people will be happier if their nation obtains more power, because it will make the country, and thus them, more wealthy, and rich people are generally more happy than hobos. Makes sense, no ?
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By Yeddi
You are insane... if you bred humans.. that would destroy everything that makes us human... and just as CasX said... For once i actually agree with Skullers... :|
By Ixa
BloodyTalons wrote:That's actually almost EXACTLY what Plato suggested in his greatest work, The Republic. I agree with you most definitely on this comrade !

It is actually a more efficient version. I came up with that idea, however, long before I had read the Republic.
By sokath
BloodyTalons wrote:
ps: dictatorship is worthless. you shall never have a "perfect, flawless leader" - it's impossible.

Thus the Council, to assist any supreme leader in areas he might not be familiar with.

Then you're looking at some sort of quasi-oligarchy. Or if it's still an absolute dictatorship, the dictator has no binding attachment to his council and can just get rid of them on a whim and stock the council with his friends.

Your plan is inherently flawed, because someone with that much power is not going to use it to better his people. He's going to use it to better himself, and his friends.

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By KurtFF8
having a son rule a country by bloodline never works, just look at history for that one. And also look at history to find which is better, democracy or dictatorships, yes dictatorships are faster but why does that make them better?
By Comrade Serb
Best way of dictature is monarchy !!! Absolute monarchy that was Russia. Pluses:
1)Patriotical and Religious propaganda is more effective and replaces to soldiers money - they fight not for money but for Tzar!
2)Presidents or Genseks only learn to speculate , not being able to lead country to the victory, RULE OF THE COUNTRY IS A BIG REALM AND ONLY TZARS ARE TEACHED TO THAT FROM THEIR BIRTH!!!
3)The heraldics of monarch countries are more great, representative and proud than in socrepublics or demrepublics.Tzar is dressed like a Ruler , not like peasant (e.g. Hrushev) or small trademan (e.g. all presidents)

What monarchy sgouldn't do :
1) restrict market economy
2)become nacionalistic

What monarchy should do:
1)improve industry
2)pay more attention to novators , engineers and scientists.

God bless the Tzar!
By sokath
Comrade Serb wrote:Best way of dictature is monarchy !!! Absolute monarchy that was Russia. Pluses:
1)Patriotical and Religious propaganda is more effective and replaces to soldiers money - they fight not for money but for Tzar!
2)Presidents or Genseks only learn to speculate , not being able to lead country to the victory, RULE OF THE COUNTRY IS A BIG REALM AND ONLY TZARS ARE TEACHED TO THAT FROM THEIR BIRTH!!!
3)The heraldics of monarch countries are more great, representative and proud than in socrepublics or demrepublics.Tzar is dressed like a Ruler , not like peasant (e.g. Hrushev) or small trademan (e.g. all presidents)

What monarchy sgouldn't do :
1) restrict market economy
2)become nacionalistic

What monarchy should do:
1)improve industry
2)pay more attention to novators , engineers and scientists.

God bless the Tzar!

... and yet he calls himself a communist (a war communist, but a communist nonetheless).... I fully understand all your monarchistic stuff here and am not going to question it. My only problem arises from your bit about the heraldry and fashion of monarch rulers. What the hell does it matter what they're wearing??? It's a matter of whether or not they can rule the country that's important!

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By Tigerlily

You guys are all talking in HE. As if there's no such thing as a female dictator!

I want to be a dictator when I get older. That's my "career" goal. Yep, and I'll be a female dictator and I'll be better than any old man. Haha.
By Skullers
:lol:! a female dictator! the dream of any feminist :p

well, good luck :)
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By KurtFF8
Comrade Serb wrote:
What monarchy should do:
1)improve industry
2)pay more attention to novators , engineers and scientists.

.....you dont need a dictatorship for that

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