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By Mark
Boris wrote:And demo didn't believe me when I said the conservatives would have a hard time finding decent members. You really should grab some people from other political forums.

What are you implying?

Count me in as Conservative number 4.
By Boris
TROI wrote:

Don't you mean Triple Entente?

Boris wrote:
Daovonnaex wrote:Triple Alliance for four people? :?:
Also, the water colors are confusing. Other than that, it's creative, and I like it.

Don't you see that it is refering to an alliance system of world war one with jon and matt in England, Adrien in France, and me, currently living in the US...

Although, the triple alliance was really Italy, Germany, and Austria-Hungary and the entente was between Britain,Russia, and France...

America just stood back in world war one and sold weapons to both sides for a few years. When it finally looked like germany was going to lose, America stepped in and wiped them out and profited greatly.

Water colours I am guessing is water temp judging by the amount of warm water by the US's eastern coast. That of coarse being the Gulf Stream Current that allows for Britain to not be freezing and for it to always be rainly and dreary there....
By Seán Himmelb(L)au
Um, Boris, that picture wasn't meant for you to post it here... I thought we were saving it for our opening essay?
By Boris
himmelb(L)au wrote:Um, Boris, that picture wasn't meant for you to post it here... I thought we were saving it for our opening essay?

Done and done. Sorry about that...
By Seán Himmelb(L)au
Too late... You've ruined my whole life!!!! :*( :*( :*(

Now it won't be a suprise...
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By Childlike Complexion
I think the idea is really great. But why is this a temporary forum? I think it should be a permanent one.
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By Demosthenes

Do I sense dissention amoung the ranks of the Libertarians? :?:

Could this be the beginning of the end for these supposed "peace lovers"? :?:

Will Todd D. and Nouumanenenenenen (I can't spell your new damn name...) get into a fist fight over women's rights?? ;)

Will the group splinter before they can even get started...and on the eve of the creation of a new forum just for them...?? :eek:

All this and more...stay tuned... :lol: :lol: :lol:
By Jesse
TROI wrote:
I can fill your spot, but for some reason I have much more respect to the Plato members.

Because you are a fascist?

Comparisons between Fascism and TAL's version of Neo-Conservatism? Lets not go slandering fascism here, gents! :lol:
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By MB.
And the Liberals are off with their openning statement: an attempt to hit all basis, leaving one with a warm and fussy feeling akin to watching a beloved Disney movie; but don't let the metaphor fool you, the Liberals make clear their detest for such corperations as that of the aforementioned family cartoon manufacuterer. Not only, but the Liberals boldy attack such ideological landmines as Abortion and Free Trade without blinking an eye...

We now all await the Libertarians reply wonder: will they strike back in a direct assault, or hold off for a later attempt?
Last edited by MB. on 04 Jul 2004 06:36, edited 1 time in total.
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By Maxim Litvinov
Oooh. Maxim feels we've got an activist judge on our hands in the shape of Mr Bill :p

I await the Libertarian reply.
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are edits against the rules?
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By MB.
For sure Ice.

Edit and I'll kill you.

As for Maxim- where'd you get that snazzy sig?
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Just wondering, in case I wanted to elaborate on a point after I posted it.
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By MB.
I'm saying get it right the first time- allowing edits just makes things way too confusing.
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By Maxim Litvinov
I just played around with S-B-G's, Mr Bill.

If you want one with text you can update, just let me know.

I agree with Mr Bill on the Ice question.
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By MB.
Actaully, I'm gonna play around with yours and do my own custom job ;)
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By Maxim Litvinov
Well, you'll need PHP to make them instantly updatable... but good luck :)
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By MB.
you running it off a MSQL database or soemthing?
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By Maxim Litvinov
Umm. No MySQL on this one... just running a PHP page on my site which takes the original, inlays the test I specify through ?says=<text here> on an URL address, and stores it as a new signature each time.

... I'm going so off topic...
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By MB.
Can I get the code you're using for that?
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