Please read post before Deleting...The Lizard Thread - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Theories and happenings too odd for the main forums.
I see the previous Lizard thread of mine has gone kaput....The admin or moderators must not read icke...

Who writes of a Lizard dynasty from another dimension that are in the form of the current leaders of the world, Bush, the Queen, just about any politician are aiming at creating a facist world govt. much like nazi germany...

Icke pulls together his fantastic wealth of accumulated knowledge to reveal the multi-levels of the fascist conspiracy. He begins in the "five-sense" world with a highly detailed exposure of the forces, methods and agenda behind the "war on terrorism", the invasion of Iraq and the planned conquest of the Middle East and elsewhere. He goes on to explore the other-dimensional connection to the "human" manipulators and then reveals how our sense of reality - what we think is "real" - is being implanted in our minds by the second while we believe we are thinking for ourselves.

He also states, "Fluoride is another major intellect suppressant that is being added to drinking water supplies and toothpaste. Sodium fluoride is a common ingredient in rat and cockroach poisons, anaesthetics, hypnotics, psychiatric drugs, and military nerve gas."
By RedStorm
My Dad just came in the room and he said David Icke went round saying he was Jesus.

PS Flouride casues cancer and in Britain the government is trying to get it made complusory for it to be put into the tap water even though experts say it wont do anygood.
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By democrat-hippie
so...would it be kind of like the matrix? :eh:

i love that show :D
By Boris
Der Freiheitsucher wrote:David Icke's "The Biggest Secret" is one of the most excellent books I've ever come across.

That scares me...
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By Der Freiheitsucher
Hehe. Yes I am. But to be honest, the book kept me quite entertained for a while. I appreciate it for it's comedy value.
By Jesse
I recall hearding about his pechant for having his sychophants wear turquoise tracksuits, too, whilst claiming he was Jesus.
By Rinty
I remeber the "jesus" thing well. He had been a prominent sports presenter on TV then emerged on talk shows with a woman , both of them in turquoise tracksuits.

He said he was an "aspect" of god from some planet or other and was chosen to announce the impending disaster about to befall us.

I was quite excited by the idea because he had a specific map that showed that, instead of living in the hills, we would now be a seaside resort. Scotland would be split in two and Arran (a nearby island off our coast), was going to disapear altogether.

Unfortunately, it didn't happen, Icke went into retreat then apologised a few years later saying that he had been in a "stange place" back then.

Whe he re-emerged with the reptile thing I couldn't be bothered reading it, but I have had a giggle or two at his expense when he appears on TV about it. There was a British TV thing called "Them" which interviewed Icke, Ian Paisley, some Islamic guy from England, some right wing american and I cant remember who else. Anyway, the gist of the programme was that although they all seem to have nothing in common (apart from madness) they all shared a belief in a giant Jewish Banker/Bilderburg type nonsense.

One US campaigner explained how, underneath the whole thing, they were all ostensibly anti-semites. The British presenter explained that, judging by Ickes past, while the rest may be using code for Jew, when Icke said giant Lizards he wasn't meaning Jews, he was meaning giant alien man-eating reptiles.

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