Satire week beginning 1/11/2004 - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Political and non-political satire; all those terribly biased analogies live here.
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By Truth-a-naut
I brand animals with my 85' chevy... or that's at least what I tell the insurance company.
By Ocker
I concur, that post was up there with the worst.
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By Thoss
United States of Canada...hmmm.

Geographically? It looks scary.

Politically? Sure what the hell why not?

Cheers Blue states!
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By Gnote
I truly don't mind the look of this:

Neither do I.
By Un Owen
By Un Owen
By Ocker
The Guardian and Daily Mirror... are these British newspapers?

Are they exclusively targeted at leftists, or do they make some kind of claim to impartiality?
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By Truth-a-naut
I have that exact Guardian issue. I plan on taking a picture, bringing it to the photo shop and getting them to blow it up. It would be an awesome poster.
By Freiheits Kämpfer
Sorry, Mr. McGruder for reprinting without permission, but this was just too funny to not pass on!
By Un Owen

A compilation of old Don Knots films spliced together to create President Bush's life and career in public office.
By Un Owen
He is satirising the notion that this machine will ensure a democratic election.

Just check out his link in Gorkiy Park, to a 30 minute film on Diebold, too see just how flawed the process of using Diebold was for the election.
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By Adrien

The US forces prepare the assault of Fallouja.

What are you talking about? Why Europe? Why not A[…]

Was Hamas acting in good faith before October 7, […]

I'd think a pro-Israel protest would feature Isra[…]

My impression is that its saying government fundin[…]