Final Phase Updates - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Theories and happenings too odd for the main forums.
By Spin
If you get an email from Damien then this is where to post it.

Arafat's role in the Final Phase was very much like
that of Ceausescu. Just like the West - in particular
the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation - operate the
strings behind Basayev's grizzly gang of Chechen
rebels, does the Kremlin control Arafat's Palestinian
Liberation Organisation. The Muslim world IS the
ultimate pawn for the geopolitical Twenty-First
Century world. They are indeed most definitely the
ultimate "useful idiots", which was a Leninist term of
gullible, communist-co-operative, usually actually
WESTERN, capitalists.

Take, for example, the links between the United States
hierarchy today and the current so-called "interim"
Iraqi "Prime Minister", Iyad Allawi:

Arafat does not have AIDS, by the way. Nor has he a
Stalin-like brain disorder, a haemorrhage. The
Israelis have struck it second time lucky.

A while ago, Arafat met and greeted some pacifist
protesters from the West. Among them were TWO
Israelis. One of them attempted to plant a poisonous
device in the mouth of Yasser Arafat when he kissed
them - in the true Middle Eastern and Eastern European
tradition. But then it failed. In autumn 2004, it has

The Israelis have succeeded in assassinating Arafat.

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By MB.
According to Damien, he and THE COLONEL are about to publish a new book.

Which is odd becaue I don't think I'm planning on publishing anything soon.
By Devlar
I hate your chicken, it gave me food poisoning a while back
By Spin
Which is odd becaue I don't think I'm planning on publishing anything soon.

He sent me another e-mail

"Who is the colonel you ask?

Well, I am he."

Look, you are NOT the fucking Colonel!!! I KNOW
Colonel Krutov personally. We go back a long way.

So then, here's an ultimatum:

If you do not stop plagiarising the Colonel's great
name, then I will inform his hacker son, who will hack
your website, and turn it into a pro-Soviet, pro-Final
Phase, pro-God only knows what website.


The Krutovs DON'T mess around, Westerner!

I can show you websites that his hacker son has
brought down! GOVERNMENT websites are a PEACE OF CAKE
for him, a personal homepage will be just a crumb.

If you want, you can post this on the forum, to show
other foolhardy Colonel imitators that Ivan, Vladimir,
and Damien mean business! >;-)

By Wilhelm


Bring it on Damien! Hack like you've never hacked before!
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By Captain Hat
Mr Bill wrote:According to Damien, he and THE COLONEL are about to publish a new book.

Which is odd becaue I don't think I'm planning on publishing anything soon.

Perhaps he was mistaken, I'm about to publish a book, and I am THE CAPTAIN!!!
By Napuljun
An email by Damien:

"The Colonel's son....

"is me"

No, you are NOT "the Colonel's son"!

Those who post over on will have met
the REAL son of the Colonel. They will know Vladimir
Georgievich... better known as "interrupt_00h".
"interrupt_00h" is the REAL son of the Colonel, NOT

By the way, did you get my e-mail on Shelepin?


Who really knows interrupt_00h :eh:
By Windir-L'etat c'est moi
All about interrupt_00h

6% Corrupt
Joined: 24 Mar 2003
Total posts: 133
[0.39% of total / 0.22 posts per day]
Find all posts by interrupt_00h
Location: Urbanate-1, Soviet Technate
Occupation: Military Scientist.
Interests: Technocracy, marxism, hacking, science, engineering, warfare, etc...

OMG! We are going down!

Windir 8)
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By Adrien


Drummond = Ixabert = The Colonel = Tony Orlando"

"Ixabert = The Colonel"? He WISHES!>;-)

No, the Colonel is not Ixabert.

Guess again.


Some more replies that I sent out lately, mostly in
response to comments made on spin doctor's "Favourite
unperson" thread - at which I am delighted to have
been voted PoFo's most popular unperson. :-)

Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2004 23:07:37 +0100 (BST)
From: "Damien" <>
Subject: Colonel Ivan Krutov

"Hey, would someone like to tell me who the COLONEL

Colonel Ivan Sergeyevich Krutov, a Soviet military
intelligence officer, and a polkovnik of the Soviet
Army. He has a proud history of battling capitalism
during more aerial conflicts all around God's Earth,
ranging from Africa to South-East Asia. I am very
proud that men like him are in charge of handling
Lenin's Final Phase operation, and not capitalist
Yeltsin-worshipping traitors like glinert.

I was the first to doubt his authenticity, but I only
ended up all-but verifying it.


Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2004 23:15:29 +0100 (BST)
From: "Damien" <>
Subject: "Kid" comment
To: ... 672ff63abb

"I love that kid."

KID?! I am no kid. (Well, according to the Colonel -
the REAL Colonel - I am not biologically an adult, per
se, until I am 25 years-old.) But I am not a kid. I am
a qualified but a self-styled Sovietologist, a
political revisionist, but NOT a kid.


Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2004 23:32:42 +0100 (BST)
From: "Damien" <>
Subject: The Colonel and fiction
To: ... 5&start=50

"The Colenol was Damien's fictional charecter used to
justify the Final Phase!! >:-( :-o :-D"

Explain the picture then?

EVEN if I have been misled by a common troll, it does
not null the continuing joint Russian and Chinese
preparations for war with the Chechens - I mean the
WEST! (They would have us believe the east Caucasian
Islamists. Ha, ha, ha. But then again, they are
Western-backed, just as Colonel Krutov quite rightly


Date: Sat, 16 Oct 2004 13:51:29 +0100 (BST)
From: "Damien" <>
Subject: Colonel ULTIMATUM
To: ... 5&start=50

"Who is the colonel you ask?

Well, I am he."

Look, you are NOT the fucking Colonel!!! I KNOW
Colonel Krutov personally. We go back a long way.

So then, here's an ultimatum:

If you do not stop plagarising the Colonel's great
name, then I will inform his hacker son, who will hack
your website, and turn it into a pro-Soviet, pro-Final
Phase, pro-God only knows what website.


The Krutovs DON'T mess around, Westerner!

I can show you websites that his hacker son has
brought down! GOVERNMENT websites are a PEACE OF CAKE
for him, a personal homepage will be just a crumb.

If you want, you can post this on the forum, to show
other foolhardy Colonel imitators that Ivan, Vladimir,
and Damien mean business! >;-)


Please post this "posthumous"(?) reply in this thread: ... hp?t=32045

"But, yeah. Damien is definitely the best. We should
unban him, but only let him post final phase stuff. I
"actually reread the topic, pretty funny stuff."


I would be honoured to return IF ASKED, but it will
not be for the foreseeable future in any case. I am
very busy. MAYBE late 2005 for the Final build-up to
the N-Day strikes, but only if permitted.

I am currently homeless once again. As for the time on
the old "Final Phase" Forum, it has since come to a
most abrupt end. Apparently I was spreading "lies
against America" or something like that. Read what
happened for yourself at: ... 6288.topic

Had I not had been banned, then I would have made a
"Final Phase update"thread, explaining how September
crisis at Beslan was in fact a major stepping stone to
the fulfilment of Lenin's world communist revolution.

Also, if "Communist" or any other members of the forum
want to contact me about TFP via Yahoo!, then they may
do so. But I can assure you that he will NOT be
changing my mind about this - certainly not anytime
soon. (In fact, as he wrote his reply, Russian
submarines are filling the North Pacific for the
autumn 2004 "anti-terrorism" exercises - THAT I

Communist - here's a good starting point for you then: ... hp?t=26938

My official response to the comments made by

"Hopefully this dispels any notions that the ex-KGB
officer is a closet Communist. A little overbearing?
sure, Communist, no."

If anybody would like to know more about how this,
PLUS how the building a brand new CASINO in the city
of STALINGRAD - which of-course the sight of the
famous Second World War victory of the COMMUNIST Red
Army over Hitler - as well, prove beyond ANY shadow of
a doubt that the Russian Government is still not only
DEVOUTLY Marxist-Leninist, but also highly disciplined
in the practice of the aforementioned ideology, then I
will reveal more via e-mail.


P.S.: Watch what Russia - and China - are doing around
the time of the United States presidential election!

By Wilhelm



" Mr Bill."

For f[censored]s sake!>:-(

Not ONLY have I told you BEFORE that the PoliticsForum
user known commonly as "Mr Bill" is, in fact, NOT the
Colonel, but will you please just tell me exactly HOW
on EARTH you can possibly be the Colonel, NOW THAT
IN TARABAROV, fighting against a Kremlin Oligarchic -
hence Western-controlled - decision to just GIVE some
Russian land to China!

Until I hear otherwise, the Colonel has been killed in
action, either in Tarabarov, or in Bolshoi Ussuryiski,

Here is an extract from an e-mail that I sent to spin
doctor recently, addressing this:

Date: Sun, 14 Nov 2004 23:09:44 +0000 (GMT)
From: "Damien" <>
Subject: PoFo return

"I have also sadly lost contact with the Colonel. He
longer replies to any of my messages. The last time
that I heard from him in fact, he seemed to say that
he was going take matters into his own hands, and go
to fight the Chinese in South-Eastern Russia to
reclaim some land that Putin gave away in a business
deal. (Again, I will explain more about this when I
come back - and its relevance to the Final Phase.) I
feel that he has either been killed in action, or been
the victim of a neo-Stalinist (Putinist) purge. (The
Colonel should also note though that Russia DID in
fact invade FIVE Far Western American islands early
last year, as a direct Putinist retaliation for some
"advice" that the United States, I think that it came
from Rumsfeld or somebody else like that, gave them on
early Twenty-First Century Chinese relations.)"

Then you said:

"Bring it on Damien! Hack like you've never hacked

NO, I am NOT the hacker son, Vladimir is! I cannot
hack machines, but he can. He has hacked quite
high-level Russian and Western GOVERNMENT websites in
the past, and he WILL hack you too!
By Spin
I am currently writing my
return piece - a massive Final Phase update will cover
such topics as Beslan, the Bush win, the new, very
highly-controversial Stalingrad casino - which is
being built to mark the sixtieth anniversary in Russia
of the Great Patriotic War against the Western Nazi
invaders - et al.. I also want to add several new
sections to my original "As The Western Left We ALL
Have a Right to Know!" piece, covering chiefly NATO,
Latin America, and write on Carl von Clausewitz theory
of military conflict

Looks like we will have fun.
By Spin
Bad news...MR Bill is dead...

A picture of where Colonel Krutov was killed in far
South-Eastern Russia, presumably fighting for his
country against a neo-Yeltsin-type decision to just
GIVE Slavic territory to the Chinese:

The news today is that TWO of the southern Kuril
Islands are to be given to the capitalist,
post-Hirohito Japanese. If the Colonel were alive
today - he MAY well be! - then he would probably fly
out straight to the aforementioned eastern islands,
just like he did with Tarabarov! (He may actually very
well have done - which would most certainly more than
explain his absence NOW to SOME degree.)

I may need a lot of time to explain why this is
happening - as it actually is ultimately to do with
Lenin(ism) vs. Stalin(ism)(!), hence VERY complex
internal Russian politics. But doubters should also
remember that in fact Russia has recently GAINED five
whole Alaskan islands - AND THAT WAS OFF THE UNITED

Ultimately, Russia is larger now than it was two years
ago, so long as no more Kuril islands are given way.
(Personally I am AGAINST this national treachery on
the part of the OLIGARCHS.)

By the way, here is a, quite strictly ONE-OFF,
transcript of my last e-mail to the Colonel himself:

Date: Wed, 3 Nov 2004 00:07:33 +0000 (GMT)
From: "Damien" <>
Subject: "Russia 2015" Central Intelligence Agency
To: ... 88192c77a9

You said:

"Have I told you that some time ago Russians managed
to get CIA "map of the near future"?

"That was sort of plan how the world should like if
everything goes fine.

"On this map, Russia is divided on dozens of
independant countries - BUT SAME WITH BRITAIN!"

Can you send me this map?

I would assume that the five separate countries are
England, Scotland, Wales, Cornwall, and Northern
Ireland? Devolution is already happening, Scots
already have their own parliament. There is even much
talk now of REGIONAL parliaments, hell, Britain must
have about FIFTY regions they could divide up if they
ever did this! Russia must have many, many more, I
would imagine.

Is America behind this?


In fact, here's an idea - shall I send you the EXACT
and UNEDITED e-mail when HE told me about the praying
mantises - so that you can see it straight from the
Colonel's own mouth??


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