Satire for Sept. - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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Political and non-political satire; all those terribly biased analogies live here.
By Un Owen
By Falx
I guess what I am saying is, if you could spend 100 billion dollars on space exploration (which, make no mistake, has no reasonable possibility of being productive or profitable, for anyone, at this point) or 100 billion dollars on education, welfare or infrastructure, which would you pick?

Space, it might be irrational but getting of this rock seems like a good idea.
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By Boondock Saint
Space, it might be irrational but getting of this rock seems like a good idea.

Getting off this rock seems like a good idea?

For what reason? A new rock? A rock such as Mars in which we will need to live in competly fake environments since the natural one of Mars is not exactly life sustaining?

To live in ships or space stations perhaps?

This 'rock' is the greatest gift to all living things, the last thing we should be worried about is getting off of it.
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By Ford Prefect
No so much satire, just an amusing caption...

Hah, brilliant! :D
By Falx
This 'rock' is the greatest gift to all living things, the last thing we should be worried about is getting off of it.

At the rate at which we are now destroying the planet the only way to build permanent cities is down or up, everything in between is getting fucked. Look at your local weather chanel for details.
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By jaakko
At the rate at which we are now destroying the planet the only way to build permanent cities is down or up

I get your point but... If "we" are capable of making the rational decision to habitate other planets, why couldn't we aswell make the rational decision to not destroy this one? If we aren't capable of the latter, or if the existing socio-economic system prevents it, I don't see the former happening either.

In conclusion: I say that let's first secure our capability to survive on Earth, and only then spend resources on Mars. It's both the most ideal and the most realistic option.
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By Ombrageux
I agree with them for once!


Last edited by Ombrageux on 29 Sep 2005 09:39, edited 1 time in total.
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By MB.


The GG is a symbolic position, representing the British Monarch (as I'm sure you're aware). Naturaly, since the Queen is the true head-of-state of the former Common-Wealth states (or those that still recognise her, anyway), the GG is thus second only to the Queen.

Hence: Either, it doesn't mean a damn thing becuase its just a symnbolic position, or, the GG deserves the level of treatment next to the Monarch.

Either way you want to look at it, that's a retarded cartoon.

Edit: not to imply that I'm defending the Martin government. That whole group of assclowns can go fuck themselves.
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By Truth-a-naut
Either way, the position of Governal General is pretty retarded.
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Surely you do not want to be disloyal to the crown, do you goldstien?
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By Apollos
Why ever not? Monarchs are tyrants.
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By QatzelOk
What could be funnier than a discussion about governors general.


She had to give up her French citizenship to prove her loyalty was to Canada and Canada alone. Not some moribund colonial fartocracy 3000 km away.
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By The American Lion
Well the artist who does fillibuster cartoons. Is a anti-royalist. His site was once taken down by the Canadian government because he posted a anti-queen cartoon.
By Dark Canuck
The writer of filibuster is also an anti-Canadian, US worshiping fascist asshole. His cartons have no merit or basis on logic, and not one has been funny.
I see why you like him Cowardly lion.
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By The American Lion
He is pro-Canadian. He doesnt really like the Monarchy is really needed.

Here is a artical by him about his view of the British Monarchy:

The fact that Canada still recognizes the Queen of England as our head of state embarrasses and disgusts me to no end. Every time I hear the term "crown counsel" or "crown land" I cringe. I find it offensive that my father was forced to take an oath of loyalty to the British monarch before he could work as a parole officer and that reciting this same oath is also the first act we ask of our nation's new immigrants. I hate the Governor General's stupid medals and the fact that she still has political power. I hate the Queen's face on our coins and the culture of our military, which still teaches our soldiers to worship a foreign monarch they will likely never meet. But most of all I hate how so many of my fellow conservatives in Canada eagerly line up to defend all this absurdity.
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By Dan
The writer of filibuster is also an anti-Canadian, US worshiping fascist asshole.

Why are any Canadians who criticizes the idiotic way the idiots in power run this country automatically called anti-Canadian or American lovers?

The left complains when right-wingers in the US call those who criticize Bush anti-American but then as soon as someone criticizes the monarchy or criticizes Canadian socialist policies they hate Canada and want us to become Americans.

I can be a Canadian patriot and still think that maybe there should be some decentralization, maybe we shouldn't have equalization payments, maybe we should have better economic policies, maybe we shouldn't blindly hate America, maybe the Queen and the GG are colonial holdovers that waste resources and prevent our country from coming into it's own, and maybe the private sector should be allowed into the health care system to make it more efficient. Believing this stuff does not make us anti-Canadian or American-worshippers. It only means we want our country to be better for Canadians.

His cartons have no merit or basis on logic, and not one has been funny.

His cartoons are actually farely funny and I agree with him on many things.
By repr0bate
The writer of filibuster is also an anti-Canadian, US worshiping fascist asshole. His cartons have no merit or basis on logic, and not one has been funny.

omg un-<insert country>!
By Luke
I hate the Governor General's stupid medals and the fact that she still has political power

Obviously this moron has no clue about political convention in Canada, then.
By Dark Canuck
I've looked through filibuster cartoons. They consistantly deride Canada no matter what the issue is, and praise the US. You've seen them. They don't jsut deride politicians in general, but Canada itself. It seems we arent the right wing corporate oligarchy that does what the US tells us too, and he dislikes that. Hell, being aligned with the conservatives makeshim anti Canadian as the conservative policy tends to be selling out to the US. Jumping inot US lead wars, swithing to american currency, shit like that you call good for Canada?
I know people like him, Canadians who want to be american. They're assholes with nothing in mind but money usually, no concern about national identity or anyone other than themselves, just "ME ME ME".
He takes shots at this nation for no real reason. An example:
What is the point of making out our border patrol security as such?
You know why we don't have that kind of reputation overseas? Because we don't fucking act that way.

Anti Canadian. Plenty of other Canadian cartoonists will take pot shots both spectrums of politics and plenty of issues, but not that nation itself. This JJ McCullough asshole does.

His cartoons are actually farely funny and I agree with him on many things.
Thanks Dan, for identifying yourself as someone I would never ever want to be in the presence of.

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