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Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

Political and non-political satire; all those terribly biased analogies live here.
By Al Khabir
Forged in the fires of Mount Dumb.
By GandalfTheGrey
Freedom wrote:that stupid ass Tom Bombardil...whose section in the first book pissed me off so much I decided not to finish the damn books

There is a school of thought in Tolkein circles that Tom Bombadil was Illuvatar himself.

Al Khabir wrote:I always thought Bush would make a good Sauron.l That makes Blair Saruman, and Alistair Campbell- Grima Wormtongue! The two look very alike!

John Howard - the mouth of Sauron
L. Paul Bremer III - ugly orc cheiftain
Ahmed Chalabi - The witch king (corrupted man, who's sole purpose is to serve the dark lord in return for evil power)
The British public - King Theoden (once under the spell of Wormtongue and Saruman, but has now awoken)
Common sense, and the peace movement - Gandalf
By Tovarish Spetsnaz
LOTR has officially been blacklisted by PABAAH TRP...that makes you officially anti-American and Osma's right hand man...

Shame on you TRP...consult with Alvy before you make any more posts...for America's sake!! Stop contributiong to the enemy you foul-mouth "Elf" sympathizer!!
By Lord Phobos
Maybe Dubya's evil powers are being absorbed by the ring, to be handed to future presidents - it's not enough to just forge an evil ring, you have to add more from a living source :roll:

Edit - my 42nd post :D 42 being the answer to life, the universe and everything...
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Common sense, and the peace movement - Gandalf

Yeah, but Gandalf WINS in the book.

So the whole thing falls apart.
By GandalfTheGrey
Yeah, but Gandalf WINS in the book.

So the whole thing falls apart.

When the Americans are kicked out of Iraq by the popular uprising, and when Bush and Blair are tried and convicted for crimes against humanity, you might want to review that assertion of yours :evil:
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By Comrade Ogilvy
But the Iraqi civilians will still be dead.

So, once again, you lose.

Of course the time is running out before we leave, so that popular uprising better be fast.

And of course the rest of the world would have to pull it's head out of it's ass to strong arm Britain AND America at the same time.
By GandalfTheGrey
I don't think I ever gave the Iraqi civilians a role. But anyway, think of them as the fallen Gondorians and Rohanians at the hand of Sauron's hordes.

Of course the time is running out before we leave, so that popular uprising better be fast.

Interesting, I see no indication that the Coalition of the Killing is leaving any time soon. In fact Blair just said recently that British troops will be there at least until 2006: ... ory=478180

The US have only set a timetable for a transfer of power to an Iraqi government (no elected), but hasn't said when they US troops will be out. Considering that they are now preparing the biggest troop rotation in the history of mankind, this doesn't exactly indicate that they are about to leave. More like they are preparing for the long haul.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
A token force compared to what we have now will remain for a long time, but the majority will be out by this time next year. I'm really not seeing the grand victory of the Iraqi people if they end up throwing out 2 PFCs and a goat.

But see, the thing is if we jump in, take out Saddam, and go home again for any reason we haven't lost. We'll still get the oil, one way or the other, we've still taken out a leader we don't like and who was highly visible, and we did it with a more than acceptable level of civilian deaths.

In this case it'd be like if Sauron destroyed the Shire but they throw some rocks at him after.

So they really showed him.

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