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SolarCross wrote:He looks that way to me. He hardly ever posts except to say something negative about anglo-saxons.

I thought he was a nazi? I don't mean a nazi like how the left thinks everyone "to the right" of Mao is a nazi but an actual "I love der fuhrer" nazi? If he was an actual nazi it would explain his hatred for Britons, re: WW2.

Rare to see so much nonsense condensed in so few sentences.

The article is fine; don't shoot the messenger, as they say.

Unless the messenger criticises Thatcher, Blair, Corbyn, Brexit & extremism in that case he just becomes an Anglo-saxon hating real Nazi. :lol: Of course how can one forget the fact that every-time you hear something you don't like you throw the same Nazi(anti-Anglo) accusation around, a couple of months ago you said it against me. But if someone calls you out for your Muslim hating posts, you will start whinging like a victim. :lol: Who, me , where? Serious question, if you think PI's post implied anti Anglo-Saxon hatred because he mentioned Thatcher, Corbyn, Brexit, then how much hatred do your anti-Muslim posts imply? How much more due to their frequency compared to PI's?
noemon wrote:Rare to see so much nonsense condensed in so few sentences.

He can speak for himself. On his profile page he states his economic stance as "beyond capitalism and socialism", which is a classic fascist sales pitch. Rei herself has used it. It certainly isn't "conservative" because outside of the DPRK the conservative economic stance is "capitalism works just fine, if ain't broke don't fix it".

noemon wrote:Unless the messenger criticises Thatcher, Blair, Corbyn, Brexit & extremism in that case he just becomes an Anglo-saxon hating real Nazi. :lol: Of course how can one forget the fact that every-time you hear something you don't like you throw the same Nazi(anti-Anglo) accusation around, a couple of months ago you said it against me. But if someone calls you out for your Muslim hating posts, you will start whinging like a victim. :lol: Who, me , where? Serious question, if you think PI's post implied anti Anglo-Saxon hatred because he mentioned Thatcher, Corbyn, Brexit, then how much hatred do your anti-Muslim posts imply? How much more due to their frequency compared to PI's?

I don't do it "everytime" only when someone very specifically creates an ugly narrative about anglo-saxons / English / British. If criticising Islam makes me an Islamophobe then fine I am that. Go hug a suicide bomber if you don't like it.
SolarCross wrote:1. 1 in 10 is a small minority. It might have been lower in previous generations but without some actual data to look at we can't say for sure that this is abnormally high compared with previous generations or other parts of the world currently.

You know very well that it is a problem. Pointing out that it is a problem is not some sort of criticism of the UK.

SolarCross wrote:2. If it is abnormally high the likely cause is state subsidies for single parents which is not something you can blame on either Thatcher or Blair.

No but their policies contributed to the decline of the working class communities.

SolarCross wrote:3. The "rise of extremism" in the UK is solely down to the increasing muslim population and is completely unrelated to this problem.

Incorrect. Far right extremism is also an increasing concern for the authorities. The government recently banned one such group.

SolarCross wrote:4. "By 2075 the situation will be at a pre-collapse stage." ROFL! It seems we have a long time to wait for "pre-collapse"! :lol: Nice prediction Mystic Meg! Perhaps you could tell us the winning lottery numbers for 2075 while you are at it? :lol:

People also didn't think the USSR could collapse even as late as the 1970s. You like a lot of people in England don't want to acknowledge the severe systemic problems and incompetence of your political class.

SolarCross wrote:5. You are a known anglophobe. You should know that your opinion is extremely warped by your prejudice.

Hardly an Anglophobe, in fact quite the reverse. I always defend England when it's attacked by foreigners in day to day life.

Could you actually find an example of where I've made anti-English statements?

I'm highly critical of established British political thinking and systems, though. I think the politicians in the UK are completely wrong about everything.

SolarCross wrote:6. Where are you from?

New Zealand. I'm basically an Anglo-Saxon. :lol:

SolarCross wrote:I thought he was a nazi? I don't mean a nazi like how the left thinks everyone "to the right" of Mao is a "nazi" but an actual "I love der fuhrer" nazi? If he was an actual nazi it would explain his hatred for Britons, re: WW2.

Nazi? :lol:

I reject racism entirely. If I was a Nazi I'd want a racial policy and believe in superior and inferior races.
Last edited by Political Interest on 08 Jun 2019 17:22, edited 1 time in total.
SolarCross wrote:He can speak for himself. On his profile page he states his economic stance as "beyond capitalism and socialism", which is a classic fascist sales pitch. Rei herself has used it. It certainly isn't "conservative" because outside of the DPRK the conservative economic stance is "capitalism works just fine, if ain't broke don't fix it".

PI being either a Nazi and/or an anti Anglo-Saxon is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.

I don't do it "everytime" only when someone very specifically creates an ugly narrative about anglo-saxons / English / British. If criticising Islam makes me an Islamophobe then fine I am that. Go hug a suicide bomber if you don't like it.

Last time you said it to me cause I was criticising Amazon's, Facebooks, Google's, Microsofts and Apple's monopolies in the market. :lol: : according to you I was only criticising them because they were "Anglo" and not because they are effective monopolies :lol: . You are not criticising Islam, you are obsessed by Muslims, you have mentioned or implied Muslims in this thread alone twice already without the thread having anything at all to do with Muslims but you took issue because PI mentioned Brexiteers being part of the same rot that has led to this...that was your issue.

So I am going to ask you again, how much hate do you consider your own self to have against Muslims if you honestly think that PI has hatred against Anglo-Saxons? His comments about the British are specific to the thread, they are relevant, he accuses politicians and political choices not the British nation, your Muslim comments are irrelevant, they target the entire Muslim group rather than specific characters and are uncalled for. So who exactly is the hater here? By your own standards of course.
Political Interest wrote:You know very well that it is a problem. Pointing out that it is a problem is not some sort of criticism of the UK.

It is a problem, I did say that, but it doesn't mean the sky is falling and it is a problem that might well be no different to the past and is present in most every country in the world.

It is my observation that in the absence of compelling evidence people just believe what they want to believe. What does it say about you that you rush to believe the UK is headed for catastrophe at every opportunity? That is some kind of wishful thinking there.

Political Interest wrote:No but their policies contributed to the decline of the working class communities.

Thatcher let them buy their council houses for bargain prices. What did Blair do? I can't think of anything except the Iraq war? Also just because you imagine the "working classes" are in decline doesn't mean they are. Again this is just you believing what you want to believe.

Political Interest wrote:Incorrect. Far right extremism is also an increasing concern for the authorities. The government recently banned one such group.

"far right extremism" is an incorrect label, it would be better called anti-islamic extremism and it is definitely not a separate thing to islamic extremism indeed the islamic extremism is the cause of the anti-islamic extremism. So it is all two sides of one problem.

Political Interest wrote:People also didn't think the USSR could collapse even as late as the 1970s. You like a lot of people in England don't want to acknowledge the severe systemic problems and incompetence of your political class.

Some did think it would collapse, it turns out they were right. I'll happily acknowledge anything there is any actual evidence for, perhaps you can rub your crystal ball and provide some since you are pofo's Mystic Meg. :lol:

Political Interest wrote:Hardly an Anglophobe, in fact quite the reverse. I always defend England when it's attacked by foreigners in day to day life.

Could you actually find an example of where I've made anti-English statements?

I can't be bothered to search through your posting history right now. For now I'll accept your claim.

Political Interest wrote:I'm highly critical of established British political thinking and systems, though. I think the politicians in the UK are completely wrong about everything.

What are they wrong about?

Political Interest wrote:New Zealand. I'm basically an Anglo-Saxon. :lol:

Not all kiwis are Anglo-Saxon. What is your cultural and genetic heritage? What tribe are you loyal to?

Political Interest wrote:Nazi? :lol:

I reject racism entirely. If I was a Nazi I'd want a racial policy and believe in superior and inferior races.

You could still be a civic fascist like Franco or Mussolini.
SolarCross wrote:Some did think it would collapse, it turns out they were right.

I'm not so generous. Those that predicted that the Soviet, Romainian and Yugoslavian regimes would collapse, but that the Chinese, North Korean, Vietnamese and Cuban regimes would survive. Those unicorns I take my hat off to.

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