Trump calls it like it is; the establishment can't take it - Page 660 - Politics | PoFo

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noir wrote:If not Zagadka, I would talk to you about Israel. But better to stay with religion. Nazism was more than a party. Your last sentence is the very legacy of that era.

Israel is the very legacy of that era, I would say. It started like a utopia, then it became a Nazi flashback.
Beren wrote:Sure noir, real Americans care more about Israel than America. It's the very definition of a real American.

According to the "Christian Zionists" America IS New Israel, but they need "Old Israel", too, in order to get their rapture.

Clergyman and historian Thomas Prince nicely summed up the theological consensus on the topic when he observed in 1730 that "there never was any people on earth so parallel in their general history to that of the ancient Israelites as this of New England." (This was, of course, more than two centuries before the nefarious "Israel Lobby" set up shop in the nation's capital.) ... ptionalism
Hitler also hated the American Christian Zionists,

In one of his monologues, delivered at the Wolfsschanze on January 7, 1942, Hitler declared that he found “an Englishman a thousand times preferable to an American. . . . I feel the deepest hatred and repulsion towards anything American. In its whole outlook America is a half-Jewish, half-Negroid society.” Worst of all, said Hitler, who saw himself as the reincarnation of Rienzi, the hero of Wagner's early opera Rienzi, the German Reich had “opera houses and a richer cultural life than is known there. Basically Americans live like pigs in a well-tiled sty.”
Last edited by noir on 19 May 2017 20:54, edited 2 times in total.
noir wrote:Hitler also hated the American Christian Zionists

No, he loved them and he loved the books of Karl May.
ArtAllm wrote:No, he loved them and he loved the books of Karl May.

Oh god, don't say that aloud or our Red-Green overlords will ban the Karl May books, too! :eek:
Frollein wrote:Oh god, don't say that aloud or our Red-Green overlords will ban the Karl May books, too! :eek:

I refuse to accept ANY sharing of power with the Greens. There will be no Green overlords among PoFo's leadership, Frollzy Khan: Marx my words.
MistyTiger wrote:Do you know how much time and effort it takes to find replacements for everyone? And if he fires the janitors, will he clean his own messes in the WH? Lol.

Low level staffers are easy to replace. High level staff...not so much. However, if the leaks are actually true--and with the media's lack of credibility these days, it wouldn't surprise me if they were making half this shit up--then Trump needs to start replacing White House staff.

MistyTiger wrote:She is smarter without him. Since she married him, she is less intelligent. I bet that if she says anything he doesn't like to hear, he tells her to STFU.

Now where is my barf bag?

*finds a bag labelled "GOP stuff" and then throws up in it and leaves it on the table* That is what janitors are for. ;)

Psychic defense...

Hong Wu wrote:I read that the DoJ has appointed a special prosecutor for the Russians thing. I wonder if he can do his job without seeing the DNC servers that were allegedly hacked? The DNC is going to have to start attacking the special prosecutor, wow... the third scoop of ice cream has been served.

Well that's what makes this whole thing interesting. We've been told that 17 different intelligence agencies all agree that Russia hacked the DNC. Yet, none of them have examined the server, and the DNC refused to let the FBI examine it. That's a pretty interesting omission for people claiming a foreign state or non-state actor is responsible.

Hong Wu wrote:Regarding the Comey memo, apparently Comey testified under oath that no such event happened after the date the memo is alleged to have been written and the FBI investigation into Flynn concluded before the memo was allegedly written. The odds of this handwritten memo described by an anonymous person who didn't write it appearing are of course low, the WaPo story was on a spectrum from impossible to inconsequential but the media has been going all out.

Well, here is where it starts getting interesting. This week--and it's amazing that it has to be Rush Limbaugh to point this out--Limbaugh noted: Does Anyone Remember What James Comey Said Under Oath?

Limbaugh wrote:On May 3rd, FBI director James Comey, under oath, testified that he had not experienced any attempts to stop the FBI from doing any investigation. This week an unknown, unidentified person called a New York Times reporter and read to him a memo that supposedly Comey had written after a meeting with Trump back on Valentine’s Day where Trump hoped that the Flynn matter would not proceed further, three weeks after the FBI had cleared Flynn.

See? Now that you have a Special Prosecutor, this could blow up in Deep State's face.

Limbaugh wrote:Would just see clear to let it go. What was there to let go? After that, Comey didn’t tell anybody about this. We’re led to believe that the president attempted to obstruct justice or interfere in in the investigation, and Comey said not a word, which he is legally obligated to do. If somebody in the regime steps up and tries to interfere in your investigation, that’s obstruction of justice; you have a duty to report that to the DOJ. You don’t sit on that. But Comey didn’t report it to anybody.

Nobody knew about it ’til this anonymous source calls the New York Times and reads to them the text of the Comey memo.

So do we have more fake news? Or... is it true, in which case Comey may have perjured himself before Congress and committed a misprision of felony by not informing the DoJ?

How Did Russiagate Start?
Rolling Stone wrote:Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper appeared on This Week Sunday, and said some head-scratching things.
In his Senate testimony, Clapper went out of his way to say this didn't contradict his earlier statements. But if he's not contradicting himself, he's certainly added a layer of confusion to what is already the most confusing political scandal ever.
Even so, there was no way to listen to the March 5th interview and not come away feeling like Clapper believed he would have known of the existence of a FISA warrant, or of any indications of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia, had they existed up until the time he left office on January 20th of this year.

Todd went out of his way to hammer at the question of whether or not he knew of any evidence of collusion. Clapper again said, "Not to my knowledge." Here Todd appropriately pressed him: If it did exist, would you know?

To this, Clapper merely answered, "This could have unfolded or become available in the time since I left the government."

That's not an unequivocal "yes," but it's close. There's no way to compare Clapper's statements on March 5th to his interviews last week and not feel that something significant changed between then and now.

See? And now this is happening with Clapper too. Did he lie to Chuck Todd? That's not a big problem, because that's not under oath. If he lied in testimony to Congress, that's a problem. Either way, you have a conflict in statements, which means they can be admitted as evidence to a grand jury.

Rolling Stone wrote:Clapper's statements seem even stranger in light of James Comey's own testimony in the House on March 20th.

In that appearance, Comey – who by then had dropped his bombshell about the existence of an investigation into Trump campaign figures – was asked by New York Republican Elise Stefanik when he notified the DNI about his inquiry.

"Good question," Comey said. "Obviously, the Department of Justice has been aware of it all along. The DNI, I don't know what the DNI's knowledge of it was, because we didn't have a DNI – until Mr. Coats took office and I briefed him his first morning."

Comey was saying that he hadn't briefed the DNI because between January 20th, when Clapper left office, and March 16th, when former Indiana senator and now Trump appointee Dan Coats took office, the DNI position was unfilled.

But Comey had said the counterintelligence investigation dated back to July, when he was FBI director under a Democratic president. So what happened between July and January?

If Comey felt the existence of his investigation was so important that he he had to disclose it to DNI Coats on Coats' first day in office, why didn't he feel the same need to disclose the existence of an investigation to Clapper at any time between July and January?

Bingo. This is how a case collapses in the wake of cross-examination and sometimes the plaintiff is the one who ends up in trouble.

Rolling Stone wrote:But why hide your investigation in Obama's administration, only to tell superiors about it under Trump? Why keep a secret from Clapper and not Coats? Moreover, why hide it from the voting public before the election, but announce it on live TV on March 20th?

What a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive.

However, I think we should focus on the more important question. If Trump colluded with Russia to hack the DNC's server, why didn't the DNC admit the server into evidence to the FBI? Why are the Democrats pushing this investigation, while at the same time hiding the most important piece of evidence from law enforcement?

Zagadka wrote:Wonder how he is going to get taken off the case.

When he demands to see the server, the Democrats will flip, because they have probably already destroyed the incriminating evidence if there ever was any.

SpecialOlympian wrote:A magical alternate reality where the a career bureaucrat/top cop of the Federal Bureau of Investigation does not keep meticulous records while investigating the sitting president, if only as a cover your ass measure.

You are the resident expert on alternate realities. However, Comey testified under oath that he wasn't pressured and that there was no attempt to impede the investigation. If he changes his tune, he's guilty of a felony while there is a special counsel lurking about.

Hong Wu wrote:Sorry but I am pretty confident that in order to progress under the assumption that the DNC server was hacked by Russia, they will have to prove up to some sort of standard that the server was hacked, and by Russia. This won't be possible without examining the server.

Examining by law enforcement... That's the most interesting part of this scandal. They are claiming Trump committed an impeachable offense, while at the same time preventing the only physical evidence in the case from being examined by the FBI's forensic experts. 17 intelligence agencies offering an assessment without examining the evidence is speculation. Hearsay isn't a strong foundation for a case.

Hong Wu wrote:He's a registered Republican. He's not going to oppose Trump out of some sort of liberal principle.

Let's not pretend that he's going to be any friend of Trump's. This isn't a Democrat vs. Republican issue. It's always been about the establishment losing this presidential election.
blackjack21 wrote:Low level staffers are easy to replace. High level staff...not so much. However, if the leaks are actually true--and with the media's lack of credibility these days, it wouldn't surprise me if they were making half this shit up--then Trump needs to start replacing White House staff.

Easy? Do you know about the security clearance procedures? I know people who worked at low level jobs like at the Visa Center or Passport Center, those were civilian type jobs but it still could take weeks to a month to clear their background and okay them for the lowest level of security clearance. People are even questioned by the FBI about their credit, where they lived 7 years or so ago, and other personal financial questions. It is nowhere near as easy as hiring a kid to work at the local McDonald's. ;)

Ha! Did Trump really think that he could fire Comey and be done with the investigation?

Ousted FBI Director James Comey to testify publicly to Senate intelligence panel
Updated by Jeff Stein and Tara Golshan May 19, 2017, 7:14pm EDT

Investigators in the US Senate will be hearing from James Comey, the ousted FBI director who has been front and center in allegations that President Donald Trump may have attempted to stop an investigation into White House officials, in person.

Comey has accepted an invitation to testify in a public session of the Senate Intelligence Committee sometime after Memorial Day, May 29, CNN first reported Friday evening. The hearing has not yet been scheduled.

"The Committee looks forward to receiving testimony from the former Director on his role in the development of the Intelligence Community Assessment on Russian interference in the 2016 US elections, and I am hopeful that he will clarify for the American people recent events that have been broadly reported in the media," Intelligence Chair Sen. Richard Burr of North Carolina said in a statement. ... tors-trump

This is for all you Trumpees or shall I say, Trumpettes? *blows kisses*
Lol apparently today was such a good day for Trump that r/the_donald has gone private

You are the resident expert on alternate realities. However, Comey testified under oath that he wasn't pressured and that there was no attempt to impede the investigation. If he changes his tune, he's guilty of a felony while there is a special counsel lurking about.

Comey stated that there were no moves by the DOJ to impede the investigation. That's not the same as the president asking, "I hope we can move past this this whole Flynn thing," like he was trying to grease up a New Jersey city board member to get a liquor license for his hair salon.

The president asking the guy investigating him to not investigate him, and then firing him, is fucking lol and stupid and wrong.
SpecialOlympian wrote:Lol apparently today was such a good day for Trump that r/the_donald has gone private

Comey stated that there were no moves by the DOJ to impede the investigation. That's not the same as the president asking, "I hope we can move past this this whole Flynn thing," like he was trying to grease up a New Jersey city board member to get a liquor license for his hair salon.

The president asking the guy investigating him to not investigate him, and then firing him, is fucking lol and stupid and wrong.

Yeah, regarding /r/the_donald going private and @Igor Antunov my pede peer. I personally got banned right before the sub went private for a made up reason, all sorts of chaos is happening in that forum right now.

Recall that T_D got special rules applied to it and changes were made to the reddit code that applied only to it, making it difficult for effective leadership to happen. After that, I believe the sub's mod team and the population has been slowly infiltrated to make it seem like it possesses a character it doesn't. Making special rules is a classic strategy to try and get an excuse to do something to someone. Also, remember that reddit is owned by an MSM conglomerate. The random bans, removal of some of the old mods and this "private" thing are actually a part of the current MSM blitz we've been seeing against Trump. Making their move to fracture T_D is a part of this media blitz.

I still don't know what their end game is since anonymous sources building off of anonymous sources is worthless by itself. Note though that Trump chose this time to go abroad. If their goal is to assassinate him, which is one possibility behind this dangerous and blatantly fake hysteria they're making, killing him while he's in Saudi Arabia would cause too much trouble. I think it's possible he stays there until the media's lack of real sources in their recent stories gets stale, or they play their hand.

What is certainly true is that the anti-Trump factions are making their move soon. If WaPo and NYT make accusations on this level without any proof again and nothing happened the last time they did it, they will be reduced to tabloid status. So it's now or never. I suggest Trump supporters pray for him because if they're going to try something it will be soon. They can't survive having to do many more flip flops or anonymous source high treason stories that go nowhere, so they will make their move soon, probably within the week.
The Seth Rich story got them spooked (it was nothing but that 24/7 on the donald, and reddit shill admins were commanded to take action after the truth came into view.) After that they started openly resetting thread counts to 0 and directing bot armies into the sub. They also started threatening other subs into deleting anything related to this and seth rich. That's when the mods in the donald decided to make a stand. 3 of them were removed, and who knows what is happening, I assume spez is replacing mods with shareblu shills.

Everyone is now at voat and 4chan, the investigation into the deep state continues. As for reddit, its days are numbered. The Shadow Brokers (responsible for stealing eternal blu from the NSA that led to the wannacry virus) are already recruiting script kiddies on 4chan and on deep web boards.
Hong Wu wrote:Yeah, regarding /r/the_donald going private and @Igor Antunov my pede peer. I personally got banned right before the sub went private for a made up reason, all sorts of chaos is happening in that forum right now.

Recall that T_D got special rules applied to it and changes were made to the reddit code that applied only to it, making it difficult for effective leadership to happen. After that, I believe the sub's mod team and the population has been slowly infiltrated to make it seem like it possesses a character it doesn't. Making special rules is a classic strategy to try and get an excuse to do something to someone. Also, remember that reddit is owned by an MSM conglomerate. The random bans, removal of some of the old mods and this "private" thing are actually a part of the current MSM blitz we've been seeing against Trump. Making their move to fracture T_D is a part of this media blitz.

I still don't know what their end game is since anonymous sources building off of anonymous sources is worthless by itself. Note though that Trump chose this time to go abroad. If their goal is to assassinate him, which is one possibility behind this dangerous and blatantly fake hysteria they're making, killing him while he's in Saudi Arabia would cause too much trouble. I think it's possible he stays there until the media's lack of real sources in their recent stories gets stale, or they play their hand.

What is certainly true is that the anti-Trump factions are making their move soon. If WaPo and NYT make accusations on this level without any proof again and nothing happened the last time they did it, they will be reduced to tabloid status. So it's now or never. I suggest Trump supporters pray for him because if they're going to try something it will be soon. They can't survive having to do many more flip flops or anonymous source high treason stories that go nowhere, so they will make their move soon, probably within the week.

I am continually bemused by how you treat anonymous White House sources. Because this is a practice that goes back to Watergate and beyond.

Reporters make contacts with people in the administration. Obviously they're not going to report the names because that would be immensely retarded.

Some administrations are administrated more effectively and have messaging discipline. Trump's administration has no discipline at all. Hell, Bannon is straight up attacking Kushner through Breitbart.

But yeah. Pretend this is a completely new phenomenon that has never ever happened before and we'll continue laughing at you.
The next stage of the narrative appears to be that Comey refuses to testify and they are preparing to blame the special prosecutor for it, which will help them set the context for when they need to flip his character.

I'm saying this because some headlines right now say that Comey's agreed to testify about his firing, but when I read the body of the article, it says that he might not do it because of the special prosecutor and none of the stories about his supposed agreement to testify on his firing contain any actual quotes from Comey himself on the matter. So what they are doing is creating a fiction that he agreed to testify, then when he doesn't it will probably be blamed on the special prosecutor.

They will do this a few times, setting up anonymous source-based incidents where the special prosecutor does things to ruin their narrative, then when his investigation concludes it will be easier to change him from a hero to a villain because it will have been foreshadowed (narratives are stories).
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