What is my political ideology? Fascism? Libertarianism? - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Any other minor ideologies.
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By Tainari88
Andropov's version of fascism is very underdeveloped and is a bag of contradictions of the worst sort.

Back to the drawing board Andy. It sucks.
By Andropov
It's coherent and logically consistent, which is more than I can say for most modern political ideologies (objectivism, multicultural liberalism, etc).

How is it fascism? If anything, I'm more "libertarian" than most libertarians. I think freedom and personal liberty facilitate progress, but unlike classical "libertarians", I think the best way to acheive this is through an authoritarian state that enforces freedom and liberty and suppresses the coercive social structures that naturally arise in human society.
By Preston Cole
Andropov wrote:National identities will be maintained parallel to the Terran identity, just like Bavarians regard themselves as culturally and historically "Bavarian" as well as German.

The Global identity will stress values universal to all of its constituency; heroism, self sacrifice, compassion, inquisitiveness, rationality, and so on.

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By starman2003
..one of the pillars upon which the World Government theory is built is the Translight travel idea to colonize distant stars....We're stuck in this solar system..

Depends on how fast technology advances; it's logarithmic, so that may be possible by 2100 or so. In any event, the solar system alone should keep us busy a while. ;) And the raisen d'etre of a World government is also to establish permanent stability, and solve other earthly problems, notably environmental ones.

..how do you plan to build a Terran Identity and de-emphasize national ones?

This has been underway already for some time with rapidly enhanced means of communication, immigration, and miscegenation. Also, again, look at the US, where people of every existing race and nationality blend together as Americans. The US of A could become the US of the world--minus democratic/religious bs of course. But there may be another key factor. Even if aliens don't exist, global authorities will have to invent them. :) But honestly, I don't think that'll be necessary, given, for starters, rapid progress in exoplanet hunting.

Nationalities will be maintained parallel to the Terran identity.

I think nationalism or old ethnic identification will fade alongside it. Even the Roman Empire was able to assimilate all kinds of people, and give them a whole new identity.

Andropov's version of fascism is very underdeveloped and is a bag of contradictions of the worst sort.

I've pointed out inconsistencies, but we should appreciate and welcome anyone with the right basic orientation. ;)
By Preston Cole
starman2003 wrote:This has been underway already for some time with rapidly enhanced means of communication, immigration, and miscegenation.

Miscegenation isn't a good thing. This may sound racist, but the the sight of racially mixed persons (I'm not talking about Black-White mixing, which to me is acceptable as it resulted out of US history, but Mexican-Afro-White-Asian mixing, for instance, where there is no remnant of a certain organic race) is unappealing for a bunch of reasons. It results out of liberal cosmopolitanism, for one thing. These persons also tend to disrespect their national/racial heritage, as a second point. And finally, out of their disrespect for organic nations and races emerges the quasi-nihilist attitude that plagues us today. It's harmful for a World State to encourage such trashy practices. Keep people within their own borders, don't impose disgusting "affirmative action" programs, and give them some autonomy. Common local identities work toward a common global identity, if you ask me.

starman2003 wrote:But honestly, I don't think that'll be necessary, given, for starters, rapid progress in exoplanet hunting.

We have yet to confirm alien life, though. For the time being, it looks like we must make do with our neighboring planets and fix things on Earth.
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By starman2003
It's harmful for a World State to encourage such trashy practices.

:lol: They're well underway already.

It results out of liberal cosmopolitanism, for one thing.

But that can give way to a not-so-liberal cosmopolitanism, like in the Roman Empire.

These persons also tend to disrespect their national/racial heritage..

Which can be conducive to establishing a new, "Terran" or ideological identification.

..out of their disrespect for races and nations emerges the quasi-nihilist attitude that plagues us today.

Na, that's just an inevitable byproduct of libertarianism/democracy. Since there's no established Truth, after religion wanes in modern times, lots of people end up believing in nothing, which leads to hedonism and degeneracy. The solution is a great new secular ideology, universally established, that'll restore a sense of meaning and purpose to all, regardless of race.

Keep people within their own borders..

:lol: The antithesis of historical reality and present trends.

..don't impose disgusting "affirmative action..

Of course not!! Different issue.

Common local identities work toward a common global identity..

Na, it keeps the world divided, not that it's likely to last anyway.
By Preston Cole
These persons also tend to disrespect their national/racial heritage..

Which can be conducive to establishing a new, "Terran" or ideological identification.

How can a person that doesn't believe in their nation/community/race believe in any higher, global meaning, as you put it? Liberalism is at the core of their nihilism, and it must be crushed. Terran identity will require education and propaganda, as I'm 100% sure that today's population isn't capable of believing in Terran destiny on their own.

I feel a peculiar shift from nationalism to authoritarian globalism taking place inside me. Probably because I feel that the extension of nationalist sentiment is naturally global nationalism, especially in our modern times. Interesting.
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By starman2003
How can a person that doesn't believe in their nation/community/race believe in any higher, global meaning..

The nation state is fast becoming obsolete. Solutions to environmental and economic problems, and war, must be global; same for space. Also, humans everywhere are essentially the same. No nation or race is innately better, even if individuals and ideologies may be. Many people in Malawi and Cambodia are far better than the average American. Why blow half a million to keep some druggie American alive when many foreigners, acting within a global system, can contribute orders of magnitude more to a better world with a tenth the investment?

....today's population isn't capable of believing in Terran destiny on their own.

Of course it'll require education and propaganda.

I feel a peculiar shift from nationalism to authoritarian globalism..

Great! :)
My views have become much more extreme.

A perfect society in my eyes would be a totalitarian one world state, run by extremely intelligent and highly educated men, versed in history, literature, economics, and philosophy. A strong-armed eugenics program to improve the quality of human stock, and birth control program to combat overpopulation; people with low IQs, the poor, the mentally ill, etc, would be sterilized. Parasites like the morbidly obese and the mentally retarded will be harvested for their organs or sentenced to forced labor. The death penalty would be used liberally on even minor criminals, such as those convicted of assault or robbery, as they have demonstrated through their actions that they are a threat to civilization; there is no reason to keep them around. Strength, progress, and ambition will be fetishized, much like labor was in the USSR and war in Nazi Germany. Scientific research will receive the bulk of state funding; plantery colonization and expansion of the pan-human state should be a priority.

"Toward new philosophers, there is no choice. Towards spirits strong and original enough to provide the stimuli for opposite evaluations. To teach man the future of man as dependant on his will, and to prepare great ventures of discipline and cultivation, putting an end to that gruesome dominion of nonsense and accident that has so far been called history!"
What country are you living in with major overpopulation problems? I thought you were American. In which case, no. No, we do not. With some responsible planning and willingness to take some uncomfortable steps, we could fit the majority of the human population comfortably within the borders of the US, or could put the whole population of the US in Texas, and produce enough food to feed most of the world. Overpopulation in the US is largely a myth.

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