Mark Zuckerberg accused of abusing power after Facebook deletes 'napalm girl' post - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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skinster wrote:Yes:

Facebook Is Collaborating With the Israeli Government to Determine What Should Be Censored

This ban was the thin edge of the wedge.
Next will be a ban on photographs of children, victims of the Zionist Aggressor.
There've been a number of accounts by activists removed from FB and had their accounts reinstated, after noise and petitions have been made. It happened to Miko Peled and most recently, it's happened to pro-Kashmiri activists who report on the crimes of the Indian occupation forces in Kashmir, because of Facebook and Modi being buddies.

Seems if a lot of noise is made, Facebook ends up backing down because it doesn't want the bad press. :hmm:
This is only matter of time before FB closes accounts that are vocal and anti Zionist. FB is a law unto itself. Within FB the Zionists are being challenged and loosing the debate.

Israeli Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked and Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan, members of right-wing Israeli parties Jewish Home and Likud respectively, met with Facebook’s vice president of public policy, Joel Kaplan, head of global policy management, Monika Bickert, and the head of policy and communications in Israel, Jordana Cutler -- who was the chief of staff at the Israeli embassy in the United States prior to working with Facebook.

Among the specific terminology Shaked and Erdan were reportedly looking to have removed and censored were “intifada,” “Nazis,” “stabbings,” “shahid,” -- the Arabic word for "martyr," often used colloquially to designate anyone whose death has a political and or social significance -- and “death to Jews,” which they claimed all led to incitement against the state of Israel.

It seems that all animals are not equal. Israel is getting its own way and Facebook now has a "cooperative arrangement" with Israel

Following Facebook’s censorship controversy over a world famous photograph of the Vietnam War, Facebook has agreed to “work together” with Israel’s government to censor content Israeli officials deem to be improper. Facebook officially announced the “cooperative” arrangement after a meeting took place between Israeli government ministers and top Facebook officials on September 11th.

The Israeli government’s frenzied push to monitor and censor Facebook content it deems inappropriate follows the viral success of BDS, or Boycott, Divest, Sanctions, a global non-violent movement that works to expose Israeli human rights violations.

The success of BDS has struck a nerve with Israel, leading its government to pass legislation allowing it to spy on and deport foreign activists operating within Israel and Palestine. Israel has also threatened the lives of BDS supporters and has lobbied for legislative measures against BDS around the world. They are now seeking to curtail any further BDS success by directly controlling the content of Facebook users.

However, Facebook’s formal acknowledgement of its relationship with Israel’s government is only the latest step in an accord that has been in the works for months. In June of this year, Facebook’s Israel office hired Jordana Cutler as head of policy and communications. Cutler is a longtime adviser to Netanyahu and, before her recent hire at Facebook, was Chief of Staff at the Israeli embassy in Washington, DC. Facebook may have been intimidated into the arrangement by Gilad Erdan, Israeli Minister of Public Security, Strategic Affairs, and Information, who threatened to enact legislation, in Israel and abroad, that would place responsibility on Facebook for attacks “incited” by its social media content. Erdan has previously said that Facebook “has a responsibility to monitor is platform and remove content.”

In addition, as the Intercept reported in June, Israel actively reviews the content of Palestinian Facebook posts and has even arrested some Palestinians for posts on the social media site. They then forward the requests for censorship to Facebook, who accepts the requests 95% of the time.

An Israeli Soldier with “Revenge” written across his chest took to Facebook to incite retaliation against Palestinians after 3 Israeli teenagers were killed. His post was not censored by Facebook and was praised by the Times of Israel.

In what is an obvious and troubling disparity, Facebook posts inciting violence against Palestinians are surprisingly common and Facebook rarely censors these posts. According to Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, Glenn Greenwald, this disparity underscores “the severe dangers of having our public discourse overtaken, regulated, and controlled by a tiny number of unaccountable teach giants.”gaza_rally09011010
With Facebook arguably functioning as the most dominant force in journalism, its control over the flow of information is significant. The fact that a private company with such enormous influence has partnered with a government to censor its opponents is an undeniable step towards social media fascism. Though social media was once heralded as a revolutionary opportunity to allow regular people to share information globally and to politically organize for grassroots change, allowing governments to censor their opposition threatens to transform it into something else entirely.

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