With whom do you most want equality? - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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With whom do you most want equality?

1. The gods
2. The rich and famous (celebrities, pop stars, successful business people, leading statesmen)
3. The comfortable
4. The poor
5. The pariahs (criminals, perverts)
No votes
6. The damaged (disabled, terminal illness)
7. Other
SolarCross wrote:I had a pair of brothers in my cab last night. One brother, we will call him poorboy, was complaining of the other, we will call him richboy, that richboy worked too much. Poorboy worked just 2 days a week and that was enough for him, he liked idleness better than he liked having money in his pocket I guess. Richboy worked 12 hours a day seven days a week, because he wanted to buy his own one-bedroom flat while he was still young. Brothers.. nuts that fell from the same tree...

Maybe richboy will be a manager one day and then a director, he might buy shares, another house to let out for rental income... If he marries and has children he will be able to give them good head start in life. Poorboy will still be working just enough to get wrecked on cheap cider and watch day time television to fill up his vast freetime. How to make them equal? Force poorboy to work more? Force richboy to work less? Steal from richboy all that he has earned so that despite all his endeavours he is no better off than poorboy? More to the point why even bother making them equal when neither of them want that and both are getting what they want?

Did you tell me that pointleess anecdote just so can you ask me these leading questions based on incorrect assumptions?

No one is stopping the richboy from working, or making money. In a Marxist world, he would simply have to contribute more money to society because he has more money. Poorboy would have to contribute time, as he has more of that.

In return, they would not have to worry about rent or mortgage (making home ownership and being a landlord irrelevant), health care, daycare, education, etc.

While we could make a system that satisfies the desires you gleaned by watching them for a few seconds in the back of a cab, we could also make a system that addresses their actual needs, including those they might not have thought of or unexpected changes.

Each to their ability, each to their need.
SolarCross wrote:I didn't use the word "identifying".

This is what I asked. If there is something you don't understand perhaps I can clarify for you?

Yes, I didn't make the post to give you a hard time - I genuinely don't understand the question you are asking.

You ask what section of the community people want equality with - that doesn't make sense to me. To ask someone if they want equality with the gods (who don't exist) has nothing to do with the idea of equality.

To me, the idea of equality in society means making sure that everyone has equal opportunities to survive and to do something with his life. So most developed societies try to make sure that everyone has access to things like education, health care, and affordable housing.

I may be totally wrong, but your post seems to be questioning whether equality is a good thing. Can you clarify? :)
@SolarCross I would submit that both of the brothers in your anecdote are already equal. They both live their own lives according to their own choices and values. That's a form of equality. Granted, the fact that the poor brother was complaining about the rich brother is annoying, but so what? It just means he's an annoying person, but that's all it means.
Potemkin wrote:@SolarCross I would submit that both of the brothers in your anecdote are already equal. They both live their own lives according to their own choices and values. That's a form of equality. Granted, the fact that the poor brother was complaining about the rich brother is annoying, but so what? It just means he's an annoying person, but that's all it means.

Seemingly you are more forgiving of differences that POD, he would rob richboy blind to make him as poor as poorboy and also, hilariously, enslave poorboy so that he works as hard as richboy, all for his equalitarianism but not for either of the boy's happiness for which he has no care at all. It seems both would lose rather badly under POD's egalitarianism. Everybody expects the rich to be eaten by egalitarians but what is less often appreciated is that the poor suffer also, just in a different way.
SolarCross wrote:Seemingly you are more forgiving of differences that POD, he would rob richboy blind to make him as poor as poorboy and also, hilariously, enslave poorboy so that he works as hard as richboy, all for his equalitarianism but not either of the boy's happiness for which he has no care at all. It seems both would lose rather badly under POD's egalitarianism. Everybody expects the rich to be eaten by egalitarians but what is less often appreciated is that the poor suffer also, just in a different way.

People can be rich or poor in different ways. The rich brother is money-rich but time-poor, whereas his brother is money-poor but time-rich. PoD's view is that all forms of wealth must be 'taxed' in some way so that extreme forms of inequality are (more or less) smoothed out. This means that the 'poor' brother's wealth of time will be taxed as well as the 'rich' brother's wealth of money. The 'poor' brother will then have less time but more money, while the 'rich' brother will have less money but more time. This does not necessarily have to lead to absolute equality; in fact the system we have right now is essentially what PoD is advocating, but in a mild form. In other words, PoD is a left-of-centre liberal masquerading as a 'revolutionary'. Marx criticised this sort of petty-bourgeois egalitarianism in his Critique of the Gotha Programme as being a symptom of an inability to think beyond the horizon of 'liberal rights'. The point Marx made was essentially the point you are trying to make - that people are not equal, and to treat them equally is unjust.
I've been thinking over your idea that these two brothers are basically equal already just they are in different places on a time-money axis but I don't think that is true really. Poorboy is giving the minimum of himself to the world and getting the minimum back and that incidently allows him lots of free time even while it denies him much money but it is free time he can't do much with and moreover as he ages his situation will tend to worsen over time. Richboy is sacrificing his time for money but that is because he is young and as yet lacks expertise or a great accumulation of wealth, time is what he has the most of with which to trade, but later in life he may trade on expertise and / or his surplus wealth through financial investments and thus gain back much of the time he spent in his youth while not losing any wealth.

In this way richboy and poorboy are both spending their time equally but getting back quite a different harvest. You might as well say that a fallow field is equal to a field carrying a bountiful crop. The expenditure of time is mandatory for all lifeforms, poorboy is not saving anything by shunning trade. I'm a sluggabed myself, more like poorboy than richboy in terms of character, though I do work more than he does, so I am not really hostile to his life choices. Certainly if I had not accidently married I would almost certainly have chosen a career as a naval gazing buddhist monk, lol. Damn penis, always getting me into trouble, lol.
I've been thinking over your idea that these two brothers are basically equal already just they are in different places on a time-money axis but I don't think that is true really. Poorboy is giving the minimum of himself to the world and getting the minimum back and that incidently allows him lots of free time even while it denies him much money but it is free time he can't do much with and moreover as he ages his situation will tend to worsen over time. Richboy is sacrificing his time for money but that is because he is young and as yet lacks expertise or a great accumulation of wealth, time is what he has the most of with which to trade, but later in life he may trade on expertise and / or his surplus wealth through financial investments and thus gain back much of the time he spent in his youth while not losing any wealth.

In this way richboy and poorboy are both spending their time equally but getting back quite a different harvest. You might as well say that a fallow field is equal to a field carrying a bountiful crop. The expenditure of time is mandatory for all lifeforms, poorboy is not saving anything by shunning trade.

Lots of people waste their wealth, either wealth of money or of time, SolarCross. I had a great-uncle who spent his entire life accumulating money in a bank account but would never spend any of it, not even on himself. He lived a miserable life, and then the taxman took most of it anyway when he died. He could have used that money to help himself or to help those around him live a better life, but no, he'd rather it sat in a bank account doing nothing. What was the point of that? The 'poor' brother is the same; he accumulates all this wealth of time, and then doesn't use it other than to drink cheap cider, watch daytime TV, and whinge about his rich brother. He could use his time to volunteer for charity work or to do an Open University course, but no, he'd rather just doss around and whinge all day. But that just tells us he's an annoying toss-pot; it doesn't tell us anything about the abstract concept of 'equality'.

I'm a sluggabed myself, more like poorboy than richboy in terms of character, though I do work more than he does, so I am not really hostile to his life choices. Certainly if I had not accidently married I would almost certainly have chosen a career as a naval gazing buddhist monk, lol. Damn penis, always getting me into trouble, lol.

Said every man, ever. :D ;)
SolarCross wrote:I had a pair of brothers in my cab last night. One brother, we will call him poorboy, was complaining of the other, we will call him richboy, that richboy worked too much. Poorboy worked just 2 days a week and that was enough for him, he liked idleness better than he liked having money in his pocket I guess. Richboy worked 12 hours a day seven days a week, because he wanted to buy his own one-bedroom flat while he was still young. Brothers.. nuts that fell from the same tree...

Maybe richboy will be a manager one day and then a director, he might buy shares, another house to let out for rental income... If he marries and has children he will be able to give them good head start in life. Poorboy will still be working just enough to get wrecked on cheap cider and watch day time television to fill up his vast freetime. How to make them equal? Force poorboy to work more? Force richboy to work less? Steal from richboy all that he has earned so that despite all his endeavours he is no better off than poorboy? More to the point why even bother making them equal when neither of them want that and both are getting what they want?

This post would make a fantastic Agora OP.

I'm not going to butt into your and Potemkin's discussion but I was interested in your question on how to make both brothers equal. In Marxism it is quite simple. Without the concept of capital or pocession, richboy would not need to work so much to buy his house as he would be given a house because he needs it. Poorboy would need to work more because he needs to gain the things he requires to live (like food) by the state and could no longer receive welfare for an idle lifestyle as capital is no longer something to be handed over.
Last edited by B0ycey on 11 Feb 2018 17:38, edited 1 time in total.
Decky wrote:What the fuck is wrong with having a love of cheap cider? :?:

Absolutely nothing @Decky and no one said there was. Myself at the moment I am mostly purging excess brain cells by means of cheap Irish Cream from Aldis. Blend of fortified wine, spirits and cream, 14% alcohol by volume, £3.70 ish for 70cl bottle. Not the cheapest way to kill brain cells but a good balance of cheap, tasty and brain destroying. Also my grand-father was an Irish Tinker so I get some plastic paddy fake nostalgia patriotism out of it too.
SolarCross wrote:Seemingly you are more forgiving of differences that POD, he would rob richboy blind to make him as poor as poorboy and also, hilariously, enslave poorboy so that he works as hard as richboy, all for his equalitarianism but not for either of the boy's happiness for which he has no care at all. It seems both would lose rather badly under POD's egalitarianism. Everybody expects the rich to be eaten by egalitarians but what is less often appreciated is that the poor suffer also, just in a different way.

You seem to deliberately misunderstand how Marxism works.

Mostly so you can run around accusing me of wanting to rob people.

I will move onto Potemkin’s criticisms as they are more intelligent.

Potemkin wrote:People can be rich or poor in different ways. The rich brother is money-rich but time-poor, whereas his brother is money-poor but time-rich. PoD's view is that all forms of wealth must be 'taxed' in some way so that extreme forms of inequality are (more or less) smoothed out. This means that the 'poor' brother's wealth of time will be taxed as well as the 'rich' brother's wealth of money. The 'poor' brother will then have less time but more money, while the 'rich' brother will have less money but more time. This does not necessarily have to lead to absolute equality; in fact the system we have right now is essentially what PoD is advocating, but in a mild form.

Communism is a form of egalitarianism in that it seeks to dismantle the hierarchy associated with wealth and the class system. Please note that I did not say anything about taxes, as taxes may be irrelevant in a state controlled economy, depending on how it was done. In a socialist state, where the state as we currently know it still exists, ta es may be the way to do this.

But it would make sure that the rich brother would not be able to use his wealth to create a power imbalance that he could then exploit.

The poor brother, like any other citizen of a communist nation, would also be required to contribute according to his ability. With modern technology, this may not actually be very much. Buckminster Fuller advocated a system where people would be paid to stay home and not work, as their labour would be done by automation and the society would save money, have less pollution, etc. because these people would be doing less. This, to me, seems consistent with a modern Marxist society.

In other words, PoD is a left-of-centre liberal masquerading as a 'revolutionary'. Marx criticised this sort of petty-bourgeois egalitarianism in his Critique of the Gotha Programme as being a symptom of an inability to think beyond the horizon of 'liberal rights'. The point Marx made was essentially the point you are trying to make - that people are not equal, and to treat them equally is unjust.

Perhaps. It does not really matter. I long ago stopped calling people bourgeois or liberals, and stopped listening to accusations that I am one. What is more important is that we keep fighting against capitalism in whatever way we can, as often as possible.

Since I am an Allendista, I see no contradiction between socialism and civil rights. Many liberal rights are compatible with socialism, and in fact are necessary for a socialist society to effectively address the needs of the populace and keep it from falling into a dictatorship.

Nor am I advocating that all people should be treated equally. For example, I pointed out that people with disabilities require additional resources, and this is because it would be useless to ague that all people should use the stairs regardless of whether or not they use a wheelchair even though “everyone will use the stairs” is a type of equality.

After all, “each to their ability, each to their need” is not a description of seeing all people as equal, nor is it saying that all should be treated equally. If we are going to reconcile this with equality, we are looking at a more complicated sytem than mere equality of opportunity or equality of outcome.


As for the cheap alcohol conversation, I inherited an allergy to some of the chemicals used in cheap, large scale alcohol manufacturing. This means I cannot drink cheap alcohol, unless it is somehow inexpensive and natural. This, in turn, means I drink a lot of microbrews, though I did find a good inexpensive Irish cream.
Pants-of-dog wrote:You seem to deliberately misunderstand how Marxism works.

Mostly so you can run around accusing me of wanting to rob people.

That is what you said though.

Pants-of-dog wrote:No one is stopping the richboy from working, or making money. In a Marxist world, he would simply have to contribute more money to society because he has more money. Poorboy would have to contribute time, as he has more of that.

You won't stop him "working or making money", just take all the proceeds from him, lol. Did it occur to you that he might not want to work if you take away the reason he works? So then he becomes as workshy as poorboy but you have a final solution for poorboy too, forced labour. Kulaked or gulaged, them's the choices.

So who gets the kulak's property and who commands the gulags? You will say "society" or the "people" though some would say that both richboy and poorboy are between them "society" and the "people" yet they are the ones being robbed, one of his wealth and the other of freedom, so clearly neither they nor any similar person could be your "society". Clearly your "the people" or "society" is in fact a decietful euphemism for something else and what else could that something else be but the communist government you crave to impose? And do you not expect that you will be in this communist government, perhaps a senior partner in it? So really it is you who would be robbing and enslaving. It will be you looting the kulaks and holding the whip hand of the gulags. That being so does that not make you more greedy than richboy and more selfish than poorboy? Perhaps it is you that more deserves the kulaking and the gulaging.
SolarCross wrote:That is what you said though.

You won't stop him "working or making money", just take all the proceeds from him, lol. Did it occur to you that he might not want to work if you take away the reason he works? So then he becomes as workshy as poorboy but you have a final solution for poorboy too, forced labour. Kulaked or gulaged, them's the choices.

You seem to think that there would still be private property. This is not necessarily the case. If there is no private property, how is anyone supposed to steal it?

Also, please note the proposal by B. Fuller concerning people who do not wish to work.

And finally, please note that i am an Allendista. Do you need me to explain what that means?

So who gets the kulak's property and who commands the gulags? You will say "society" or the "people" though some would say that both richboy and poorboy are between them "society" and the "people" yet they are the ones being robbed, one of his wealth and the other of freedom, so clearly neither they nor any similar person could be your "society". Clearly your "the people" or "society" is in fact a decietful euphemism for something else and what else could that something else be but the communist government you crave to impose? And do you not expect that you will be in this communist government, perhaps a senior partner in it? So really it is you who would be robbing and enslaving. It will be you looting the kulaks and holding the whip hand of the gulags. That being so does that not make you more greedy than richboy and more selfish than poorboy? Perhaps it is you that more deserves the kulaking and the gulaging.

You are assuming that all Communists are Stalinists. This is incorrect.

Your wish to see me as a liar and a dictator is not an argument. I find it amusing that @Potemkin dismisses me as a liberal, while you dismiss me as a communist dictator.
Pants-of-dog wrote:You seem to think that there would still be private property. This is not necessarily the case. If there is no private property, how is anyone supposed to steal it?

Because "abolishing private property" is just a euphemism for robbing. You can call things all sorts of pretty names, murder can become justice, genocide can become "ethnic cleansing" but the act is what it is regardless. Nothing is really changed by lying about it.

Pants-of-dog wrote:You are assuming that all Communists are Stalinists. This is incorrect.

I am not, moreover this thing of kulaking and gulaging is not even unique to communists, it might be argued, as @Potemkin did, that so called "liberal bourgeois" regimes do this too, though less savagely. Our dear old Her Maj's regime has done a bit of gulaging and kulaking in its time too. They call it conscription and nationalisation but it amounts to the same thing, though possibly they are gentler about it. Governments are military institutions fundamentally so consequently robbing and enslaving are natural ways for them to procure resources. I am resigned to this as the price of civilisation, my enduring objection to communism is not that communist regimes rob and enslave and then lie about what they doing because any and all governments will do that but only that communist regimes aim to do it without any restraint or reasonable limit. That's what totalitarianism is.
SolarCross wrote:Because "abolishing private property" is just a euphemism for robbing. You can call things all sorts of pretty names, murder can become justice, genocide can become "ethnic cleansing" but the act is what it is regardless. Nothing is really changed by lying about it.

Calling me a liar is not an argument.

I am not, moreover this thing of kulaking and gulaging is not even unique to communists, it might be argued, as @Potemkin did, that so called "liberal bourgeois" regimes do this too, though less savagely. Our dear old Her Maj's regime has done a bit of gulaging and kulaking in its time too. They call it conscription and nationalisation but it amounts to the same thing, though possibly they are gentler about it. Governments are military institutions fundamentally so consequently robbing and enslaving are natural ways for them to procure resources. I am resigned to this as the price of civilisation, my enduring objection to communism is not that communist regimes rob and enslave and then lie about what they doing because any and all governments will do that but only that communist regimes aim to do it without any restraint or reasonable limit. That's what totalitarianism is.

Again, I am an Allendista.

Look it up.
Other, equality of opportunity not outcomes.

Equality of opportunity requires political equality under the law, social equality in the way people are treated, and economic equality in access to the tools that give people the ability to pursue their goals like basic necessities, education, etc.
mikema63 wrote:Other, equality of opportunity not outcomes.

Equality of opportunity requires political equality under the law, social equality in the way people are treated, and economic equality in access to the tools that give people the ability to pursue their goals like basic necessities, education, etc.

In other words, equality of opportunity in a capitalist system requires government intervention. Otherwise, our equality is merely de jure equality and not de facto equality, theoretical equality but not practical equality. Any purely libertarian social system under the capitalist mode of production would quickly degenerate into neo-feudalism.

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