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Pants-of-dog wrote:And again you are ignoring the difference between sex and gender.

Comrade POD

Until very recently there was no difference. As I said, in Germany they don’t even have vocabulary to make a distinction.

The distinction is a new creation so lefties can say a man with a penis can be a woman if the man desires to be a woman.

I understand your lefty tendencies such as Marxism. But, why must you adopt 100% of tenets of the wacky left? This suggests you do not analyze at all.
Julian658 wrote:Until very recently there was no difference.

There has always been a difference.

As I said, in Germany they don’t even have vocabulary to make a distinction.

The French have no word for “elk”.

Does that mean there are no elk?

The distinction is a new creation so lefties can say a man with a penis can be a woman if the man desires to be a woman.

No. We finally coined a term for something that has always existed. Like when we invented the word “radioactivity”.

And it was not coined by Marxists.

I understand your lefty tendencies such as Marxism. ....

No, you do not. I do understand why you tell people this, though.
Pants-of-dog wrote:I see the usual people have ignored the difference between sex and gender, also as per usual.


As the terms are "Gender" associated, sex identity factors such as chomosomes aren't important. In that sense JK is wrong and so are the right wing SJW.

Although regardless of opinion on the matter I do find it amazing that people care enough to voice their opinions so passionately on it in the media. Especially as it is only a minor convenience to address someone by their chosen pronoun and that in reality you may not ever have to do so in your lifetime anyways.
Pants-of-dog wrote:There has always been a difference.

Sure, we have known forever that a tiny minority of the population has gender dysphoria. No big deal------------there is nothing wrong with that as long as YOU do not try to make me accept that a dude with a penis, testicles, and XY chromosomes is a real woman. If you tell me the dude is a transgender woman, that is OK.

Do you see a difference between a biological woman and a transgender woman? Are they the same or are they different?

Please answer the question.

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Julian658 wrote:Tovarish POD, please stop believing in fairy tales. Up until recently sex and gender meant the same thing. In fact some languages, such as German and Finnish, have no separate words for sex and gender.

So something doesn't exist until someone names it? What if I put my fingers in my ears and hum loudly or shout reactionary bollocks at everyone? Will that stop it from existing?
Julian658 wrote:Sure, we have known forever that a tiny minority of the population has gender dysphoria. No big deal------------there is nothing wrong with that as long as YOU do not try to make me accept that a dude with a penis, testicles, and XY chromosomes is a real woman. If you tell me the dude is a transgender woman, that is OK.

No one cares if you "accept" reality or not.

Do you see a difference between a biological woman and a transgender woman? Are they the same or are they different?

Please answer the question.


They are different.

But all people are different. We are both cis men, for example, but I am almost certainly more intelligent.
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By Ter
Pants-of-dog wrote:We are both cis men, for example, but I am almost certainly more intelligent.

This is @Pants-of-dog attempting to be funny :)

It is actually a very simple question to solve:

with a peepee = boy
without peepee = girl
Pants-of-dog wrote:No one cares if you "accept" reality or not.

They are different.

But all people are different.

Yes, they are different. Do you think a trans woman is a real woman? By real, I mean having XX chromosomes, a natural vagina, and the ability to conceive children.

We are both cis men, for example, but I am almost certainly more intelligent.

Why do you assume I am a CIS man? I could be a transgender MAN.
AFAIK wrote:So something doesn't exist until someone names it? What if I put my fingers in my ears and hum loudly or shout reactionary bollocks at everyone? Will that stop it from existing?

Another that believes dudes with XY chromosomes and a penis can be women?

BTW, your reply is not sound. If I name a unicorn---does that mean unicorns are real?
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By Ter
Pants-of-dog wrote:@Ter

You are ignoring the difference between sex and gender.

That difference exists only in your head.
The terms are used interchangeably on forms.
Julian658 wrote:Yes, they are different. Do you think a trans woman is a real woman? By real, I mean having XX chromosomes, a natural vagina, and the ability to conceive children.

If you are asking if I know the difference between trans and cis people, then yes.

Why do you assume I am a CIS man?

Because of your lack of empathy and understanding for trans people.


Ter wrote:That difference exists only in your head.

Provide evidence for this claim.
Pants-of-dog wrote:If you are asking if I know the difference between trans and cis people, then yes.

OK!!! 8) 8) 8) That was not that hard! Right?

Because of your lack of empathy and understanding for trans people.

Listen to a fellow trans woman here. This is what she has to say about JK Rowling. Start around two minutes.
A Trans woman talks about JK Rowling


Provide evidence for this claim.[/quote]
Pants-of-dog wrote:And again you are ignoring the difference between sex and gender.

The difference between sex and gender: 'Sex' is Anglo-Saxon (Olde English) and 'gender' is French.

Kinda like 'cook' and 'chef', or 'greeting' and 'reception'.

That's the difference between 'sex' and 'gender'.
Crantag wrote:The difference between sex and gender: 'Sex' is Anglo-Saxon (Olde English) and 'gender' is French.

I can't believe anyone is so blatantly obtuse with this on here any more as it seems to be brought up on PoFo so often now that confusion shouldn't happen on here (and yet it does). But here you are. Sex is a biological reference and Gender is cultural. And it is and important factor to distinguish between the two to prevent confusion like what you are suffering from now. For example is Juliet from "Romeo and Juliet" male or female? Because culturally the character is female. But in Shakespeares day there were no female actresses so the character was most definitely played by a male.
B0ycey wrote:I can't believe anyone is so blatantly obtuse with this on here any more as it seems to be brought up on PoFo so often now that confusion shouldn't happen on here (and yet it does). But here you are. Sex is a biological reference and Gender is cultural. And it is and important factor to distinguish between the two to prevent confusion like what you are suffering from now. For example is Juliet from "Romeo and Juliet" male or female? Because culturally the character is female. But in Shakespeares day there were no female actresses so the character was most definitely played by a male.

I'm not being obtuse, I know what was meant by this supposed difference, and am pointing out that it is a fallacy. The words 'sex' and 'gender' are Anglo-Saxon/French synonyms. They were not terms coined to distinguish between biological certainty and personal identity, they are words from two different languages that mean the same thing, and the word 'gender' is merely one of the many thousands of French words that entered the English language due to the Norman conquest of England in 1066, and subsequent 3 centuries of rule.
Crantag wrote:I'm not being obtuse, I know what was meant by this supposed difference, and am pointing out that it is a fallacy.

How is it a fallacy when there are defined differences between the two words? Regardless of the origins of the words or whether they are synonyms, the subtle difference between the two words is the very thing that causes confusion and is ultimately why chomosomes is a factor in sex but not gender. Trying to conflate the two is why JK was wrong in her defence tweet (as the person she defended attacked someone by their gender) and ultimately why the right wing SJW seem so ignorant on this issue when brought up on PoFo.
B0ycey wrote:How is it a fallacy when there are defined differences between the two words? Regardless of the origins of the words or whether they are synonyms, the subtle difference between the two words is the very thing that causes confusion and is ultimately why chomosomes is a factor in sex but not gender. Trying to conflate the two is why JK was wrong in her defence tweet (as the person she defended attacked someone by their gender) and ultimately why the right wing SJW seem so ignorant on this issue when brought up on PoFo.

I did post more than your two selective quotes, which indicated my opinions on why the words aren't so different.

"A hearty greeting" and a "cordial reception" do evoke different feelings to the listener. But 'sex' and 'gender' are just synonyms. I don't accept the redefining of the word 'gender', as done to fit in to a preconceived conceptualization. Words do change, but words also do have meaning.

And I'm a hard leftist, who occasionally agrees with the rightwingers on here, this being one of those cases.

If you are interested in a response, which I'm not sure you are, I consider the distinction to be contrived. I think that the supposed difference between the words 'sex' and 'gender', which you evoke, are pretty much ad hoc and frankly made up.
Crantag wrote:If you are interested in a response, which I'm not sure you are, I consider the distinction to be contrived. I think that the supposed difference between the words 'sex' and 'gender', which you evoke, are pretty much ad hoc and frankly made up.

Whether you think the differences are contrived or not is irrelevant. You cannot alter a definition from the Oxford dictionary so I don't know how you have come to the conclusion this is "made up". Ultimately there is a difference between the two words and ultimately that difference is the confusion. Sex is biological and Gender is cultural. So in English law if you behave, act and do specific actions you can legally change your gender. Why? Because you are ultimately changing your behaviour to fit in the cultural narrative of what it is to be "female". And perhaps JK should have researched her defence better if she wants to defend people with ignorant views - or face a backlash. Because I see no harm in addressing someone as female/male - or the state I live in accepting this difference either - as it doesn't affect my life at all.

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