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By Doug64
Pants-of-dog wrote:Apparently, I was the one who was being unclear.

What argument were you trying to support with this “article” that you cited?

Were you, for example, arguing that the killings over the 4th of July weekend were due to protesters or lack police presence?

Your opinions about the NY Times and the Washington Post are irrelevant.

It looks like we were both talking past each other, though I can see why I was confused since your response to the article was to attack the veracity of the Washington Times. And I would say that your site’s opinion of the New York Times and Washington Post are very relevant, since they highlight the flaws in the site’s methodology. For the point of the article, remember this is a thread about this year’s elections. My point is that this is something Democrats are going to have to deal with—the calls from their base to defund the police even as violent crime is on the rise. The hypocrisy of making a major deal out of the speck of unjustified police killings while ignoring the plank of Black-on-Black homicides another, but to be expected.

And then there’s this Times column from the Opinion/Analysis page (so don’t hold it up as an example of straight news coverage):

CNN loved Obama trip to 'majestic' Mount Rushmore, hates Trump visit to 'racist' monument

    As you already know, we’ve descended into full idiocy. The world — with its cancel culture and PC police, its race riots and pandemic panic — has gone insane, and there’s no end in sight.

    Think that’s hyperbole? Then consider this: CNN wants to ban such “racist” words and phrases as “blackball,” “sold down the river,” “whitelist” and, of course, “master bedroom.” The liberal cable network notes that the term “master bedroom” first appeared in 1926 — 63 years after President Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing the slaves — but adds this wonderful line, “While it’s unclear whether the term is rooted in American slavery on plantations, it evokes that history.”

    What’s the point of all the madness, you ask? It’s all to discredit President Trump, which CNN and most every liberal “news” outlet has been painting as a blatant racist since before he moved into the White House.

    And for CNN, it’s a game they play openly and brazenly.

    Case in point: Mr. Trump’s visit to Mount Rushmore on Independence Day weekend. CNN called the massive carved sculptures of Lincoln, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and Teddy Roosevelt a “monument of two slave owners” on “land wrestled away from Native Americans.”

    But the monument was something very different when Democratic President Barack Obama visited the monument.

    “Barack Obama is campaigning in South Dakota,” CNN anchor Ron Marciano said in 2008. “That state’s primary is Tuesday. Obama arrived there late last night and got a good look around Mount Rushmore — it’s quite a sight if you haven’t seen it.”

    “Barack Obama is in South Dakota today,” added fellow CNN anchor Betty Nguyen. “He arrived there last night. Take a look at this. He got a good glimpse of the majestic Mount Rushmore.”

    On Friday, when Mr. Trump visited, somehow the site had morphed into a racist ode to slave owners.

    “At a time of racial unease, when protesters are tearing down statues of slaveholders and calling for the names of Confederate generals to be removed from army bases, the Rushmore event is a reminder that Trump is fighting to preserve these relics of heritage and history that some see as symbols of oppression,” CNN’s Washington correspondent Joe Johns said. “And to indigenous people, Mount Rushmore, with four white presidents, two of whom were slave owners, is one of those symbols.”

    CNN correspondent Leyla Santiago echoed the sentiment. “President Trump will be at Mount Rushmore, where he’ll be standing in front of a monument of two slave owners and on land wrestled away from Native Americans told that, uh, be focusing on the effort to ‘tear down our country’s history,’” she said.

    During her report, a chyron on screen said, “Reexamining ‘Independence’ Day” (yes, the word “Independence” in quotes). And at the end, anchor Jake Tapper said simply: “All right. Leyla Santiago, with that report, thank you so much.”

    CNN also turned to an “expert” — Sioux Falls Argus Leader columnist Stu Whitney — who said: “I think that is a source of concern for people that see this certainly within a state with a Native American population nearly 10% and much higher in Rapid City, concerned about a place that has a lot of spiritual significance. And historical significance when you look at what they and most historians consider to be broken promises and broken treaties.”

    Many astute viewers caught the blatant two-faced bias. Trump campaign Deputy Director of Communications Zach Parkinson posted a video clip from 2016, when then-presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders visited the monument.

    “In 2016, CNN’s Jeff Zeleny called Mount Rushmore a ‘monument to four great American presidents’ … Bernie Sanders said ‘this is our country at its very best,’ called it an ‘incredible achievement,’ and said it ‘really does make one very proud to be an American,’” Mr. Parkinson wrote on Twitter.

    He added: “Fascinating how CNN called Mount Rushmore ‘majestic’ and ‘quite a sight’ in 2008 when Obama visited, but now its a symbol of slavery and stolen land.”

    And he noted that CNN’s Jim Acosta — a longtime sufferer of Trump Derangement Syndrome — gushed when Mr. Obama visited Mount Rushmore, calling it in 2008 a “fitting stop for a presidential contender.”

    Others chimed in. “Pursuant to the new moral stricture promulgated this week by the NYT & CNN — that Mount Rushmore is a shameful monument to racism and white supremacy — both CNN and Bernie Sanders ought to repent for this praise they jointly heaped on it in 2016,” said Glenn Greenwald of The Intercept.

    Said GOP Rapid Response Coordinator Steve Guest: “This is what media bias looks like.”

    Ryan Fournier, founder and co-chairman of Turning Point Action, asked simply: “What changed?”

    The answer: The president now is a Republican, not a Democrat.

    And to CNN, that’s all that matters.
It looks like the Left has abandoned all pretense of wooing voters that love their country and are proud of its history (while acknowledging its flaws). Considering all their other problems, that’s no way to win an election.
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By Beren
Doug64 wrote:Ryan Fournier, founder and co-chairman of Turning Point Action, asked simply: “What changed?”

The answer: The president now is a Republican, not a Democrat.

And to CNN, that’s all that matters.

Well, times changed too, I can't recall at least that Mt. Rushmore was even a thing in 2008. It wouldn't have been a thing as well if McCain had visited the site. Did he, by the way?

I guess he did.

And Dubya too.

By Doug64
Beren wrote:Well, times changed too, I can't recall at least that Mt. Rushmore was even a thing in 2008. It wouldn't have been a thing as well if McCain had visited the site. Did he, by the way?

I guess he did.

And Dubya too.

Yes, and the press hadn’t been running years-long operations to convince everyone that they’re racists, either. They have been for Trump, during which they’ve been portraying everything he does or says as racist even when others, including their own, have done the same thing with no one caring—like a visit to Mount Rushmore. Yet another piece of consistency and fairness (as well as their credibility) sacrificed to The Cause.
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By Beren
Doug64 wrote:Yes, and the press hadn’t been running years-long operations to convince everyone that they’re racists, either. They have been for Trump, during which they’ve been portraying everything he does or says as racist even when others, including their own, have done the same thing with no one caring—like a visit to Mount Rushmore. Yet another piece of consistency and fairness (as well as their credibility) sacrificed to The Cause.

If Trump had visited Mt. Rushmore in 2008, nobody would have cared much as well.
By Doug64
Beren wrote:If Trump had visited Mt. Rushmore in 2008, nobody would have cared much as well.

If Trump had visited Mount Rushmore in 2016 like Sanders, no one would have cared much, either. The “Trump is a racist!” campaign hadn’t really gotten started yet. People ought to ask CNN’s Jeff Zeleny if, four years later, Mount Rushmore is still “a monument to four great American presidents,” and ask Sanders if it’s still “our country at its very best,” an “incredible achievement,” and “really does make one very proud to be an American.”
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By Beren
Doug64 wrote:If Trump had visited Mount Rushmore in 2016 like Sanders, no one would have cared much, either. The “Trump is a racist!” campaign hadn’t really gotten started yet. People ought to ask CNN’s Jeff Zeleny if, four years later, Mount Rushmore is still “a monument to four great American presidents,” and ask Sanders if it’s still “our country at its very best,” an “incredible achievement,” and “really does make one very proud to be an American.”

It seems the Trump presidency catalyses social change indeed. :lol:
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By Drlee
You see Doug that the Washington Times article is aimed at people who respond well to dog whistle racism.

So tell me. Do you personally see a difference between the first black president visiting a place where two former slave owners are memorialized? I do. So do most people.

Add to this the fact that Trump, when he should be fighting the worst catastrophe to hit America since the civil war, is spending his time tweeting about dead Confederate General memorials? You don't see the difference? Really Doug? At a time of civil unrest over race the President decides to put American troops on American citizens so he can waive a Bible at a church he has never attended and you don't see the difference?

This is why so many of us conservatives and liberals, are tired of Trump and especially tired of his attempt to make a campaign out of really unintelligent people including racists. It wasn't what you call (all but the largest outlet) the mainstream media that is making this call. It is Trump himself. He is the one who has been deliberately divisive. He is the one defending Confederate traitors who have taken up arms against their country. He is the one who is trading in xenophobia and racism. All the mainstream media is doing is reporting his words right back at him.

Seriously Doug. I don't mean this as an insult. You need to look inward. You need to think of what it is like for a black soldier on Fort Bliss Texas to go to work on JEB Stewart road. Stewart, the son of a slaveholder father, slaveholder himself, and a deadly foe to the country he was sworn to defend when he graduated from West Point. And then he turned his sword against his country and his command killed thousands of US soldiers. Soldiers like the black soldier working on JEB Stewart road. And is subject to a president who is defending federal memorials to this despicable traitor. Then read your article again. This is not about the MSM or any other boogeyman that you or Trump want to invent. Your article is just another memorial to systemic racism.
By Pants-of-dog
Doug64 wrote:.... For the point of the article, remember this is a thread about this year’s elections. My point is that this is something Democrats are going to have to deal with—the calls from their base to defund the police even as violent crime is on the rise.

You seem to be assuming that Democrat voters are calling to defund the police. I am not sure this is true. It seems more like people like me who are calling for it instead, and I would not vote Democrat ever.

Your other assumption that I think is incorrect is your claim that violence is on the rise. You seem to base this on the violence fro the 4th of July weekend. But that is a minor blip, as fas as I can tell. For all I know, it is a US tradition.

The hypocrisy of making a major deal out of the speck of unjustified police killings while ignoring the plank of Black-on-Black homicides another, but to be expected.

This is a tu quoque fallacy or whataboutism.

Just because black communities are concerned with police brutality does not mean they do not care about their own children being shot.

In fact, black communities care much more about this violence than possibly racist conservatives who bring this up in reply to BLM but otherwise do nothing to deal with this violence.

The only people who will see this violence as a denunciation of Democrats are those who were going to vote Republican anyway.
By Doug64
Beren wrote:It seems the Trump presidency catalyses social change indeed. :lol:

Yes, it has made the Republican Party the party of the middle and working class and reinforced its position as the party for those that love their country, while the Democrats have doubled down on their divisive racialism.

Drlee wrote:You see Doug that the Washington Times article is aimed at people who respond well to dog whistle racism.

It’s amazing how the only people able to hear those so-called dog whistles are on the Left. Does that make them the racists?
By Doug64
Pants-of-dog wrote:You seem to be assuming that Democrat voters are calling to defund the police. I am not sure this is true. It seems more like people like me who are calling for it instead, and I would not vote Democrat ever.

I’m sure you’ll get the opportunity of any number of Democrats calling for defunding the police—and even actually doing it in some places—in any number of Republican campaign ads.

Your other assumption that I think is incorrect is your claim that violence is on the rise. You seem to base this on the violence fro the 4th of July weekend. But that is a minor blip, as fas as I can tell. For all I know, it is a US tradition.

According to CBS, shootings are up 140% and shooting victims 160% over last year.

This is a tu quoque fallacy or whataboutism.

Just because black communities are concerned with police brutality does not mean they do not care about their own children being shot.

In fact, black communities care much more about this violence than possibly racist conservatives who bring this up in reply to BLM but otherwise do nothing to deal with this violence.

If that is true, then where was the massive media blitz, the public outrage, the marches in the streets demanding that something be done, that people be held accountable, the last time the FBI released its crime figures? If people actively mobilize because of one but not the other, it’s reasonable to assume that they care about the one and not the other.

The only people who will see this violence as a denunciation of Democrats are those who were going to vote Republican anyway.

We shall see how many agree with you come November. And thanks to the way municipalities have cut their police budgets even as violent crime is rising, the issue isn’t going to go away.
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By Beren
Doug64 wrote:Yes, it has made the Republican Party the party of the middle and working class and reinforced its position as the party for those that love their country, while the Democrats have doubled down on their divisive racialism.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. Is that your Western-style approach to politics, Doug? :lol:

R.I.P. Ennio Morricone. :(
By Pants-of-dog
Doug64 wrote:I’m sure you’ll get the opportunity of any number of Democrats calling for defunding the police—and even actually doing it in some places—in any number of Republican campaign ads.

While I agree that Trump and Republicans will portray Democrats this way, Biden and his ilk have explicitly rejected defunding the police. Though Trump supporters probably already believe your incorrect claim.

According to CBS, shootings are up 140% and shooting victims 160% over last year.

Violent crime is at its lowest since 1990.

https://www.statista.com/statistics/191 ... ince-1990/

If that is true, then where was the massive media blitz, the public outrage, the marches in the streets demanding that something be done, that people be held accountable, the last time the FBI released its crime figures? If people actively mobilize because of one but not the other, it’s reasonable to assume that they care about the one and not the other.

The fact that media does not cover community efforts to deal with crime on black communities does not disprove my claim. If you wish to believe that black people do not care about violent crime that targets them, feel free.

It is still a logical fallacy that smacks of racism.

We shall see how many agree with you come November. And thanks to the way municipalities have cut their police budgets even as violent crime is rising, the issue isn’t going to go away.

I have a lot of faith in US stupidity, so you are probably correct that a significant number of Us voters will believe the incorrect fact that violent crime is on the rise, as well as the incorrect idea that this is due to less cops. Even though Chicago actually had extra cops over the Fourth of Julyweekend.
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By Drlee
@Doug64 amazing how the only people able to hear those so-called dog whistles are on the Left. Does that make them the racists?

If course this is absolutely untrue. Do you actually think this answer of yours is an intelligent one?

I rest my case.
By Doug64
Pants-of-dog wrote:While I agree that Trump and Republicans will portray Democrats this way, Biden and his ilk have explicitly rejected defunding the police. Though Trump supporters probably already believe your incorrect claim.

And they’ll be able to support those ads with the actual words and deeds of Leftists. So yeah, not so incorrect.

Violent crime is at its lowest since 1990.

https://www.statista.com/statistics/191 ... ince-1990/
First, your chart shows 2014 as being the lowest since 1990. Second, it only goes up to 2018, so it says nothing about the crime rates of either last or this year. So it has nothing to say about the percentage given by NBC.

The fact that media does not cover community efforts to deal with crime on black communities does not disprove my claim. If you wish to believe that black people do not care about violent crime that targets them, feel free.

It is still a logical fallacy that smacks of racism.

So judging people by their actions—or lack of actions— is now racist? You should at least be able to agree that the MSM(D) cares nothing about Black-on-Black since you acknowledged that they don’t cover it or highlight the efforts of the few trying to fight it. Where’s the campaigning? Where’s the fundraising? Where’s the Hollywood “elites” announcing their wholehearted support to fight it? Where’s the economists going on talk shows to discuss the damage it is inflicting on our nation’s economy? Where’s the governors and mayors vowing to eradicate it from their communities?
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By Drlee
Oh what a lovely day in the neighborhood. I am grinning like the Cheshire cat.

Trump is in deep trouble with the governor and prosecutors of the State of New York. So what do two of his appointees do? They vote to allow New York to subpoena his tax records. This is not going to go well for him. There could be an indictment before the election if there is anything in them. Probably not but they made him look like a criminal anyway.

Then. And I am just fucking loving this. It is too funny for words. @Pants-of-dog this one is for you. :cheers:

There was once a really fucking bad actor. Twenty years ago he raped a 4 year old little girl. Sentenced by the state of Oklahoma to 1000 yeas in prison. Oh but that he could live long enough to serve it. But then I digress. Forget for a moment what a scumbag this guy was.

Well it turns out he is Native American. It came to him somehow that his conviction, which was under the laws of the State of Oklahoma should not stand because the land on which he was convicted, by long ignored treaty, belonged to the Creek Nation. So, of course the lower courts laughed him out of the room. Rot in jail they said. You copped it fair and square they said. So the case winds through the courts and at long last arrived at the Supreme Court of the United States. And Brett Kavanaugh, you could not make this up, voted with the "liberal" judges and found that because the crime was committed on Native American land (they held the treaty is still valid) the dude's conviction was overturned. The state has no jurisdiction on reservation land. (The feds do but...wait for it.) It is so good it gets a new paragraph...

So just what is the land in question? Well it is kinda' big. Huge actually. Not to put too fine a point on it 1.8 million people, mostly white, live on it. It is, roughly, half of the state of Oklahoma. Trump's "massive" crowd in Tulsa last week were, well, visitors on Native American land.

What does this really mean? Setting aside the people who were wrongfully convicted of crimes for which the courts have no jurisdiction, it means a lot. It means that the tribe can control gambling in half of the state. It means that state taxes do not apply for reservation dwellers. It means that they can control alcohol, impose sales taxes, disband school districts, fire the cops (who have no jurisdiction anyway). And.....what about those congressional seats? And who can vote. And......

I am just overjoyed at this decision. It is a century overdue. It will be more fun than a circle jerk to see how this shakes out. And, you know those other reservations.....Uh. Kavanaugh, et al, have really kicked over the ant hill. I have new respect for him. I sincerely hope that he is sitting at home right now, having one of his now famous beers, and just grinning from ear to ear.

I am not being sarcastic. I really believe this is just the coolest thing I have heard all year. So POD. Sometimes.....:

“This war did not spring up on our land, this war was brought upon us by the children of the Great Father who came to take our land without a price, and who, in our land, do a great many evil things… This war has come from robbery – from the stealing of our land.” – Spotted Tail

“When the Earth is sick, the animals will begin to disappear, when that happens, The Warriors of the Rainbow will come to save them.” – Chief Seattle

Damn. Popping a Chateau Montrose.

By the way. My grandfather was born in Oklahoma, or I should say Indian Territory. It says "Indian Territory" on his birth certificate.
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By XogGyux
Drlee wrote:So just what is the land in question? Well it is kinda' big. Huge actually. Not to put too fine a point on it 1.8 million people, mostly white, live on it. It is, roughly, half of the state of Oklahoma. Trump's "massive" crowd in Tulsa last week were, well, visitors on Native American land.

Do you think they would get deported anytime soon? :lol:

I am just overjoyed at this decision. It is a century overdue. It will be more fun than a circle jerk to see how this shakes out. And, you know those other reservations.....Uh. Kavanaugh, et al, have really kicked over the ant hill. I have new respect for him. I sincerely hope that he is sitting at home right now, having one of his now famous beers, and just grinning from ear to ear.

I do enjoy this as well, because Trump operates like a mafia, he expects loyalty and he is starting to realize that nobody is loyal to him.
He is playing while on the lose rope, he is the leader of a cult, and when cultists leave the cult they are generally the most fierce opponents and warriors against the cult, because the embarrassment of being fooled is the strongest motivator for these people.
He is stupid enough to not realize, but he is at a point that if he makes a false move and loses a significant portion of his followers, they might very well be the ones demanding prosecution and punishment.
But hey, let the con continue.

Regarding the tax decision... It appears that he is understanding this as a loss. Which technically it is. I figured he would spin it as a win given that he got to buy some time to slow down the dogs. Which realistically it was the absolute best-case scenario that he could have hoped for, I mean, it was quite clear that nobody is above the law and this has been litigated previously. It seems that he was hoping that since he put 2 judges he could get special treatment... and his lawyers either didn't tell him because they wanted to get paid handsomely while taking this all the way through years of litigation or told him and the moron thought he knew better than his lawyers (far more likely, even the disgusting Jay Sekulow should be bound by some sort of fiduciary duty to his client).
By Doug64
And one last bit of news for the evening:

Ex-Philly police form PAC to combat 'defund the police' movement nationwide

    Former Philadelphia police officers have formed a new political advocacy group to stop “defund the police” efforts and elect pro-police candidates nationwide.

    Buoyed by an investment from a Philadelphia police union, the Protect Our Police PAC is recruiting law enforcement veterans as candidates for mayors, governors, and state judges in races across the country.

    “Cowardly elected officials across America have turned their backs on our police officers, but we need law and order now more than ever in our cities and towns,” Bob Walls, POP PAC co-chairman, said in a statement. “Right here in Philadelphia, we’ve seen record levels of crime run rampant. Criminals are emboldened. Even during a global pandemic, the murder rate climbs and they fraudulently blame our police officers as scapegoats, turning them into sacrificial lambs for the press.”

    They have their eyes on municipal and state elections in Minnesota, Georgia, New York and California.

    The group’s top target is Philadelphia District Attorney Lawrence Krasner, who called for “fewer officers and fewer dollars” in a radio interview this week.

    Mr. Krasner is up for reelection next year and his campaign website lists endorsements from many liberal Pennsylvania groups and touts resisting the Trump administration as among his top priorities.”

    Politicians like Larry Krasner care more about the rights of criminals than the rights of the victims and their families,” said Nick Gerace, POP PAC co-chairman. “His radical policies and refusal to prosecute criminals and repeat-offenders to the fullest extent jeopardizes the lives of our officers and the safety of our citizens.”

    He added, “I don’t know anyone in Philadelphia who honestly feels safer with ‘Let ‘em go Larry’ as the DA.” Mr. Krasner’s campaign did not respond to request for comment.

    The POP PAC’s leaders say their success or failure will hinge on engagement with former and retired officers. If successful, they envision becoming the largest coalition of pro-police groups in the country.

    Active-duty police officers face many barriers to engaging in political activity, which is why the POP PAC leadership is stocked with retired officers.

    Mr. Walls and Mr. Gerace, both retired Philadelphia police officers, attended Vice President Mike Pence’s stop at the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #5 in Philadelphia on Thursday.

    As the POP PAC looks to court allies nationwide, it will run headlong into opposition from efforts to defund the police that have gained momentum amid civil unrest nationwide. The Movement for Black Lives, a coalition of Black organizations, has partnered with liberal Reps. Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan to push a federal effort to divest federal resources from policing.

    The Movement for Black Lives wants all police officers and armed security removed from schools and government offices that the coalition described as providing social services.

    “History is clear that we cannot achieve genuine safety and liberation until we abandon police, prisons, and all punishment paradigms,” the Movement for Black Lives said this week.

    While the Movement for Black Lives is taking a top-down federal approach, the POP PAC thinks its chances of success are better from a bottom-up perspective that relies on placing allies in district attorney and state attorney general posts, city and state legislatures, and mayoral and governor’s offices.

    In the coming weeks, POP PAC plans to open its candidate recruitment portal and is in the process of recruiting candidates now. The group received a five-figure investment from Philadelphia Fraternal Order of Police Lodge #5 and said it expects many other police unions to contribute to its cause too, as they carefully assess how they can be politically active.

    “Our elected officials have failed us yet again with broken campaign promises,” Mr. Walls said. “We will not let them fail our loyal police officers.”
By Pants-of-dog
Doug64 wrote:And they’ll be able to support those ads with the actual words and deeds of Leftists. So yeah, not so incorrect.

Please show these actual words and deeds. Like this:

    Biden: We must urgently root out systemic racism, from policing to housing to opportunity
    Federal dollars should not go to departments that violate people’s rights or turn to violence as a first resort, but I don't support defunding police.
    Joe Biden Opinion contributor


    Don't defund police, support reforms

    If state and local governments fail to make necessary changes, the Department of Justice must have subpoena power for pattern or practice investigations into systemic misconduct by police departments and force these departments to reform.

    While I do not believe federal dollars should go to police departments violating people’s rights or turning to violence as the first resort, I do not support defunding police. The better answer is to give police departments the resources they need to implement meaningful reforms, and to condition other federal dollars on completing those reforms.

    I’ve long been a firm believer in the power of community policing — getting cops out of their cruisers and building relationships with the people and the communities they are there to serve and protect. That’s why I’m proposing an additional $300 million to reinvigorate community policing in our country. Every single police department should have the money it needs to institute real reforms like adopting a national use of force standard, buying body cameras and recruiting more diverse police officers.

https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/ ... 327631002/

First, your chart shows 2014 as being the lowest since 1990. Second, it only goes up to 2018, so it says nothing about the crime rates of either last or this year. So it has nothing to say about the percentage given by NBC.

Sure, as ling as we agree that violent crime has been steadily dropping since 1990, and that the rate of violent crime for the last year that we do have (2018) is tied for lowest with 2014.

And that there is no evidence for an increase in violent crime.

So judging people by their actions—or lack of actions— is now racist? You should at least be able to agree that the MSM(D) cares nothing about Black-on-Black since you acknowledged that they don’t cover it or highlight the efforts of the few trying to fight it. Where’s the campaigning? Where’s the fundraising? Where’s the Hollywood “elites” announcing their wholehearted support to fight it? Where’s the economists going on talk shows to discuss the damage it is inflicting on our nation’s economy? Where’s the governors and mayors vowing to eradicate it from their communities?

Where is the relevance?

The only thing it does is let conservatives feel better about ignoring police brutality because they can tell themselves that black people treat other black people even worse. Which probably does turn into votes for Trump, knowing US voters. But again, feel free to make arguments based on the premise that black people are too stupid or immoral to care about violence in their midst.
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By Drlee
I see Doug64 has run another Washington Times hit piece. Typical of a Trump supporter. I wonder what he would do if someone introduced him to a journalist?

Trump supporters are so easy to fool. That is why they are Trump supporters.
By wat0n
Doug64 wrote:If that is true, then where was the massive media blitz, the public outrage, the marches in the streets demanding that something be done, that people be held accountable, the last time the FBI released its crime figures? If people actively mobilize because of one but not the other, it’s reasonable to assume that they care about the one and not the other.

What would such mobilization accomplish? Will the gangs and other forms of organized crime disappear if communities took to the streets to demand... Demand what, anyway?

@Pants-of-dog is correct in that regard: The communities do obviously care about the affairs in their neighborhoods. And some members of them do in fact organize at that level to try to improve the situation, to try to get their youth to avoid getting involved with gangs (it should be noted that most gang members are adults, which is more consistent with gangs being organized crime closer to the Mafia than just some low-level bands of unruly teens).

And when those activists become too problematic they simply get executed (this example is noteworthy to me because I used to live like 3 blocks away from where he was murdered at the time).
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