If races are not real, then you have to be logically consistent - Page 20 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Tainari88 wrote:It is incredible shit they believe. Total fucking false shit yet they have the truth. ;)

They believe what they want to believe, querida. If reality contradicts their beliefs, then too bad for reality. Needless to say, they often come to a bad end. Reality always wins in the end. It’s bigger than they are. Lol.

My toaster had died. I have to get another toaster. On my way to buy a toaster. Hee hee.

I hope you gave it a decent burial in the trash can. Lol. ;)
Potemkin wrote:They believe what they want to believe, querida. If reality contradicts their beliefs, then too bad for reality. Needless to say, they often come to a bad end. Reality always wins in the end. It’s bigger than they are. Lol.

I hope you gave it a decent burial in the trash can. Lol. ;)

Five man is allergic to reality. He can't cope. Got to give it up!

I was going to get a toaster and lo and behold? The line was way too long to wait for it.

I am not going to run around for 45 minutes in a line for a toaster. I think I will buy it not on a Sunday. The Entire Mexican Nation goes out with their Mother on Mother's Day weekend to buy them everything and the stores are FULL of people. I hate crowded stores. The toaster needs to be bought another day.

I am going out to have fun.

Let us think about reality. Are the Nazis gonna find an all-white home folks? The answer is NO. Not because of White Genocide. But because they write trash that no one believes online and do not go and schmooze with some white lady that might tolerate all that whining that the supposed Neo-Nazi man FiveofSwords engages in. Does he get busy producing kids? White kids? No, he does not because they might wind up becoming Derek Black. Who is so ashamed of his own father for being a racist that he wrote a book entitled:

Rising Out of Hatred: The Awakening of a Former White Nationalist Tapa dura – 18 Septiembre 2018
de Eli Saslow (Author)

https://nypost.com/2024/05/08/us-news/e ... ir-report/

He winds up having a kid that is shaming the entire racist, homophobic, trans KKK community. But, that is what happens with the folks out there who do not face reality. Your own flesh and blood turn out to be the enemy because you do not want to accept VARIATION in your gene pool. Do they understand simple truth? No fighting against the laws of nature and biology. With false beliefs that are ANTI LIFE. But that is what they want...fighting truth and life. :D

You got @ingliz knowing he writes Shite all day. And so do many others. But the fantasy must continue....see a movie if you want fantasy.
Something I think is funny about the way you guys define and approach race is that it makes grug racism totally infallible.

If race is just a social construct and has no objective physical meaning, then there is no way a person could be wrong about some race...just like nobody could be wrong about the value of a dollar...because it's value is made up.

So if people decided that sub saharan africans are only useful for slave labor and have nothing else to offer...they HAVE to be correct. Because a sub saharan African does not represent any genetic category or any actual people who exist in physical reality...they only exist as a social construct. Like a dollar.

It is not possible to be wrong about something that is just made up. So if the bantu are considered to be only useful as slaves, then that is exactly what they are. And setting them free is just insane and impossible to justify. They don't exist as a people who can even be freed...they are just a social construct.

It would also be impossible for there to be any black person who is an outlier in any way. Social constructs do not have outliers...only things that have some sort of physical existence that can act in some unexpected way can possibly have an outlier. You could never say 'he is unusually good at chess for a black man'...because race being a social construct means that ALL black people are only exactly as good at chess as society expects them to be.

You also, of course, cannot say what could possibly be wrong with genocide. Because social constructs cannot actually be made extinct like an actual people could be...in that paradigm there is no difference between the desire to exterminate all black people and to free them from chattel slavery...either of those decisions would eliminate the 'social construct' known as the black race...which is only an idea and not a people...and replace it with some different social construct.

Indeed racial genocide would be as meaningless and nonchalant as just changing the interest rates at the federal bank. Arbitrary changes to arbitrary social constructs.

This is just very simple logic and it is funny that almost none of you guys seem to get it. Only that q guy seemed to get it.
FiveofSwords wrote:Something I think is funny about the way you guys define and approach race is that it makes grug racism totally infallible.

If race is just a social construct and has no objective physical meaning, then there is no way a person could be wrong about some race...just like nobody could be wrong about the value of a dollar...because it's value is made up.

No. That is not how it works.

Just because social constructs are subjective and intangible does not mean that all statements concerning social constructs can not be right or wrong.

For example, we can say that the right to free speech (a social construct) defines the price of pickles in Shangri-la, and this would be clearly wrong.

Or we could say that Black people in the USA deal with systemic racism. This is an example of a statement about a social construct that has been tested and shown to be true.
Tainari88 wrote:...If you did not sex on command you could be whipped or killed...
Sore losers the racists are. ....

What do you mean, losers? They destroyed the genetic makeup of the entire African-American population of the Americas, these "loser" racist slave-owners and slave-breeders. As technology and knowledge changed since Roman times, the breeding of humans also evolved and became more intense.

It probably reached its zenith of "mad science" in the Americas in the 1600s-1700s, but we may see even worse manipulation of human potentional through intentional degradation of DNA... in the future. Now it's possible to inject stupidity into people. You don't even have to breed them for a few generations; they can be made dumb and complaint in seconds with a needle.

FiveofSwords wrote:...If race is just a social construct and has no objective physical meaning, then there is no way a person could be wrong about some race...

This is a very muddled sentence.

Here is a less muddled sentence that you can steal if you want.

If race is a social construct, then treating it like it is real will cause major social damage.

Social constructs will always damage society, in the same way that micro-plastics will kill you if you consume too many.

Fake cannot sustain life. It can only maintain social classes (rich, useless people) until collapse.
Pants-of-dog wrote:No. That is not how it works.

Just because social constructs are subjective and intangible does not mean that all statements concerning social constructs can not be right or wrong.

For example, we can say that the right to free speech (a social construct) defines the price of pickles in Shangri-la, and this would be clearly wrong.

Or we could say that Black people in the USA deal with systemic racism. This is an example of a statement about a social construct that has been tested and shown to be true.

Yes. It is possible to say false things about social constructs. For example it would be false to say 'the price of pickles weighs 3 grams'. Also if you claim race is a social construct it would be false to claim you can identify race by any measurable physical properties. So yeah it is possible to say things about social.constructs that are false.

Your point?
FiveofSwords wrote:Yes. It is possible to say false things about social constructs. For example it would be false to say 'the price of pickles weighs 3 grams'.

Yes, I sad that.

Also if you claim race is a social construct it would be false to claim you can identify race by any measurable physical properties.


I even explained how this is incorrect in this thread, to you,

Either you misunderstood or you are lying now.
QatzelOk wrote:What do you mean, losers? They destroyed the genetic makeup of the entire African-American population of the Americas, these "loser" racist slave-owners and slave-breeders. As technology and knowledge changed since Roman times, the breeding of humans also evolved and became more intense.

It probably reached its zenith of "mad science" in the Americas in the 1600s-1700s, but we may see even worse manipulation of human potentional through intentional degradation of DNA... in the future. Now it's possible to inject stupidity into people. You don't even have to breed them for a few generations; they can be made dumb and complaint in seconds with a needle.

This is a very muddled sentence.

Here is a less muddled sentence that you can steal if you want.

If race is a social construct, then treating it like it is real will cause major social damage.

Social constructs will always damage society, in the same way that micro-plastics will kill you if you consume too many.

Fake cannot sustain life. It can only maintain social classes (rich, useless people) until collapse.

But the reverse is also true. If race is very real (which I believe it is) then acting like it is fake will also cause massive societal damage.

The thing is...I know that everyone knows that race is real. They just enjoy lying. This is by far the most dishonest culture in human history and that is a very serious problem itself.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Yes, I sad that.


I even explained how this is incorrect in this thread, to you,

Either you misunderstood or you are lying now.

No...there is a third choice which is that you are just wrong and your claims violate basic logic, which i simply noticed. A 'social construct' cannot be physically identified.

You could never actually 'see' my opinions about race. Because that exists in my head. But you could see my race, because that is a physical and empirical phenomenon.
FiveofSwords wrote:But the reverse is also true. If race is very real (which I believe it is) then acting like it is fake will also cause massive societal damage.

The thing is...I know that everyone knows that race is real. They just enjoy lying. This is by far the most dishonest culture in human history and that is a very serious problem itself.

Something becomes real when enough people believe it exists. Some things are real even if no one believes they exist, e.g. the Sun will exist even if no one believes it does. I believe the Gods are human fabrications, yet despite that, I can not deny their impact on our societies.

You believe races of people exist. You are not alone in this belief and, much like the belief in God has left its mark, your belief shared by many others now has real world implications.

Whiteness. European. Western. Christian. Protestant. The different subjective classifications used in history to serve its own end. They've been used to justify, to explain, an innate superiority of culture or civilization that has only really existed for a few hundred years. There was a time before they existed, when the varied people from the European peninsula had very little impact on the rest of the world. Now we live in the world that history has shaped for us. Our beliefs are not our own, they have been handed to us.

tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis
FiveofSwords wrote:No...there is a third choice which is that you are just wrong and your claims violate basic logic, which i simply noticed. A 'social construct' cannot be physically identified.

You could never actually 'see' my opinions about race. Because that exists in my head. But you could see my race, because that is a physical and empirical phenomenon.

If you can tell a US dollar bill from a Canadian loonie, you can tell the difference between two social constructs.

If you cannot, please allow me to use you for money exchange when I next visit the USA.
Pants-of-dog wrote:If you can tell a US dollar bill from a Canadian loonie, you can tell the difference between two social constructs.

If you cannot, please allow me to use you for money exchange when I next visit the USA.

The physical dollar itself is a physical thing and not a social construct. What value we assign to it is the construct, which is different to the thing itself. It is like you are confusing a word with the thing itself
Pants-of-dog wrote:And earlier than that, settlement began with settlers basically dying and being saved by the Indigenous, like Roanoke.

Roanoke was completely wiped out, though..?

Yeah, the first Thanksgiving was defined definitely by mutual aid. I also do not believe that this is legendary or anything.

I am proud to be descended from someone who was there.

This does not change the fact that Indigenous people and Black people were thought of as less than human and therefore could be exploited with impunity.

Not necessarily. Cotton Mather very famously wrote about blacks as intellectual equals of whites in the late 17th, early 18th century. It seems likely that others thought this, and while I am not an expert, I have always thought that the Valladolid debate would be proof of this, but really, the greatest proof of this was simply baptism.

People of all colors and races can be baptized and sacraments can be administered to them... Which means that any Christian who is serious has to recognize the sanctity of them as Christians, and even if he has misgivings about equality, he has to honor the basic standards set forth in the Bible... Which would mean that there may have been some degree of paternalism that could be practiced by Christians who were racist, but it is impossible to endorse a philosophy which treats them as subhumans.

I think I am not even necessarily denying what you are saying - racist attitudes towards one another in times where there are great scarcities that define existence are very normal. In-group preference is a survival trait, and it begins with the family, then proceeds to one's own town and community, then one's nation, then one's race, etc.

In some.speculative other past, maybe. In our past, racism, colonialism, and capitalism were all mutually supportive.

Well, the racism and colonialism predate Capitalism.

The biggest difference between us, I think, is that I want to move beyond normal, short-sighted discussions on racism and find a way for us to be edified by it and to extend an olive branch towards the people in history who were doing their best and acting in a very normal way, but also to those who may continue to harbor such sentiments...

You know, when you do not treat with charity and sympathy what even your enemy says, trying to love them even in their error, you are actually proceeding down a dark path...

The difference between a legitimate pacifist and problem solver and "Blue Tribe" good guy who is killing evil "Red Tribe" (and actually fostering hate, despair, violence), is that legitimate pacifists go above and beyond the norm and seek to solve differences with political opponents by looking for the good in them and emphasizing that over that which is wrong, and looking for ways to bring out their good more & more, so as to hope to reach a mutually affirming conclusion.
FiveofSwords wrote:confusing a word with the thing itself

Why would you think that?

The construct is not the 'thing itself'.

A dollar bill is real - you can hold it in your hand - but its value is fictive.

Similarly, a human being is real and race is a useful fiction.

A social construct exists because humans agree it exists, not because it exists in an objective reality.

Rocks and race ...

The rock as a physical object exists - we didn't invent rocks! But 'what is a rock' is a construct. We're the ones who say that this is a rock, and that's a pebble, and look there's a boulder. And we decide at what point something is a boulder and when it's a pebble.



How much do dollars cost?

The most expensive note is the $50 bill at 19 cents.
Last edited by ingliz on 13 May 2024 10:47, edited 4 times in total.
@QatzelOk wrote:

What do you mean, losers? They destroyed the genetic makeup of the entire African-American population of the Americas, these "loser" racist slave-owners and slave-breeders. As technology and knowledge changed since Roman times, the breeding of humans also evolved and became more intense.

It probably reached its zenith of "mad science" in the Americas in the 1600s-1700s, but we may see even worse manipulation of human potentional through intentional degradation of DNA... in the future. Now it's possible to inject stupidity into people. You don't even have to breed them for a few generations; they can be made dumb and complaint in seconds with a needle.

I do not agree with your assessment of the situation. They had to survive those slave ships. Full of crammed in people who got seasick and vomited, weren't allowed a clean potable water bath, and had to endure horrible conditions. Treated like chattel. Many just preferred to jump off the side of the ship when they were taken once a day up for fresh air and exercise. They would jump off and drown. The despair must have been palpable.

Once they got to shore and were washed down and fed for a few days and their teeth cleaned and they were oiled up and presentable they were taken to the auction block. Where the women were stripped down from the waist to display their breasts and could be seen as good breeding potential and sometimes just taken naked and had their vaginas inspected by a finger or a stick. I had to read these documents. I was horrified at the lack of respect and dignity they had to endure. And endure it they did. They were in survival mode. Total and absolute fear of losing their lives. An unknown land, and unknown futures. But they had hope for something better. That is what motivated them Q. No one can live in fear forever. People wrongly or rightly have to believe in something better. That is why religion is so ingrained in the African American community. That is what defines them. If the world is that ugly to you? And you want to survive it? You have to have faith. You have to have hope for a better world. If not in this one? The next one. The world beyond the slavery, the indignities of being raped by some horrible man or being told to have sex on command with some other slave that is also scared of being whipped or disciplined by torture for disobedience.

I found it appalling how that institution was implemented in the USA. But it was the law for many years in the colonies and in the US Southern slave code states of the USA. It was normalized.

It was the law in the Caribbean islands too for a long time.

Do you think it ruined them genetically Q? Why? What it did was pick the ones who survived disease, stress, bad working conditions, and every fucking horror known to humankind. And STILL, they persevered. I see it in the Yucatán peninsula all the time. Felipe Carrillo Puerto. A Mayan activist. Killed as a young man. But he accomplished a lot of change in his short life. I see his name everywhere here. On schools, streets, buildings of import, and parks. Everywhere. I read up on that man. Interesting man.

There are many stories of uprisings against the Spanish here who called themselves La Casta Divina or the Divine Caste. The people who rule due to the will of God. That is the kind of arrogance they had.

The slaves of the Americas were oppressed brutally. For a long time. Mothers could not keep their children and had their kids sold off as if they were prize calves at a fair. Husbands were sold off as if they had not had a wife for years and children, and when the master's property was threatened by the bank for unpaid bills? Sell off a slave or two and get up to speed on the payments. It did not concern them that the man had a family and children who he saw raised every day for decades on the same plantation. All of it was for nothing. He was just a way for the Master to get his money.

Judging the slaves as ruined genetically by forced breeding? They were surviving. How they did it? I think about what that would do to my spirit?What would it do to your spirit Q? Having all those things done to you? Could you have survived it and found a way to continue forward? Life is hard for people who had to endure injustice, oppression, and unfairness for centuries. It teaches you a lot of lessons about what being strong in this world is.

If you never were taught to read or write or were given time to get an education how does that feel like? What becomes your world? If you listen to the tapes of ex-slaves who were first recorded in the late 18th century? They talk about techniques they would use to make their burdens easier to bear. Such as some women who's job it was to haul big bails of cotton to the cotton mill. She said how she had bits of cloth she would gather and place on her lower back so the little bits of cotton that were sharp and could make you bleed was not able to make her back bleed at the end of the day. She was clever in how to make things go more smoothly by shifting her weight just so and being able to carry the load without it slipping off frequently. Those kinds of daily concerns were her world Q. The world of a slave.

So many people really do not understand what that social and economic condition was like for thousands upon thousands and millions upon millions of people. The ones doing the labor that was forced out of them. Yet here we sit today, people who identify with the institutions that implemented such horrors. Who thinks that all that history does not have a heavy weight to extract from the ones who had to witness and experience that psychologically? How could they act like free people with a great education and a great sense of the possibilities of life if all they have known has been cages, and prisons, and restriction and ignorance of knowledge beyond surviving another day? How can they be attached to their kids when they know the kids are going to be ripped from them and taken and nothing they can do about it? How can they think about being attracted to some person of the opposite sex and having sex from love and caring and not rape and terror?

You have to understand a human being's context in order to make sense of how they lived their lives, and what they did to survive it. In order to make sense of their inability to be what free people have the ability to be.

I find the African Americans remarkable. Resilient and very great in their ability to find a path to hope and to faith. They survived and persevered. Despite every obstacle in their way.

Sure, there were buffalo soldiers, even African Americans who fought on the Confederate side too. Why? The model they had for what being a 'decent' human was? Was the role of Masters, white people, and so on. Their original cultures were literally beat out of them and if they wanted to communicate they had to do it in English. Not in Mandinka, or Mende, or Bantu, or Lucumí, or Yoruba, etc. None of the African languages survived that horror. The African Americans had to be the most committed to the New Land of all ethnicities. It was either learn or DIE.

Assimilate or DIE. Accept Christianity and white cultures or DIE. They had no real community to preserve their ways from Africa, and they had the ability to make lasting emotional ties taken from them, torn from them like their ability to say yes or no to something like sex, or when to eat or when to do something that meant being truly independent from the Master and the institution of slavery, it was all taken from them. The family unit is the first society for everyone. If you are not allowed to have a family? How strong are your ties to any community at all? They made a community in their churches and in their own way. Despite the lack of power on every level to be able to have authority in their own homes. They had no rights Q. It was stripped from them like their clothing was on the auction block.

Yet the racists in this thread think that they were born that way eh? No. They were not born that way. They were being human. Adapt or perish. What has kept us alive as a species for thousands of years forging ahead and being able to live another day? It is a testament to what makes us such great living beings. We are earning our place here, and we are earning our right to call ourselves human. Despite the inhumanity, we display to each other.

You would think the racist mind would learn that the more you try to destroy your fellow human beings with inhuman actions and lack of real decency? You only define what being human is really about eh?

Q, I would never judge slaves and how they had to act in terrible conditions. You just have to be glad they survived. And now they do have a better world. But, it is far from done. A lot left to make a better world. A lot of work to be done still.
Last edited by Tainari88 on 13 May 2024 09:28, edited 1 time in total.
FiveofSwords wrote:You could never actually 'see' my opinions about race. Because that exists in my head. But you could see my race, because that is a physical and empirical phenomenon.

No. I can see certain physical phenotypes, which I turn mentally associate with a specific identity because I have been taught to do so. (the concept of race)

I can then mentally take that identity and assign it certain personalities, capabilities or put it into a hierarchy. (the concept of racism)

Ie: I see you have pale skin due to low melanin, a high nose, blue eyes, and blonde hair and have been told this means you are "white" and that "white" is good.
Fasces wrote:No. I can see certain physical phenotypes, which I turn mentally associate with a specific identity because I have been taught to do so. (the concept of race)

I can then mentally take that identity and assign it certain personalities, capabilities or put it into a hierarchy. (the concept of racism)

Ie: I see you have pale skin due to low melanin, a high nose, blue eyes, and blonde hair and have been told this means you are "white" and that "white" is good.

He does not see the bias in his own mind. Lack of ability to reflect on what it all means. It is interesting how they lie to themselves all the time eh?

Your logic is very good. As usual. :lol:
Tainari88 wrote:He does not see the bias in his own mind. Lack of ability to reflect on what it all means. It is interesting how they lie to themselves all the time eh?

He's no more biased and he seems a damn sight better informed than that idiot comedian you posted criticising the British involvement in India. Lefties are pathological liars and often stupid, but they're not that stupid. Lefties know full well that races exist, that there is a biological basis to race despite what they claim to the claim. In the same way lefties know full well what the difference between a man and a woman is.

So that comedian knew that Britain came to control the Indian sub content and he knows the people of the Indian sub continent are of different race to the British. What he seems totally ignorant of is that India is now a nation state and an identity. Many people from South Asia do not identify as Indian, hence we refer to them as South Asians not Indians. It is bigoted to refer to all south Asians as Indians, in the same way that it is bigoted to refer to all south Asians as Pakistanis or by an abbreviation of Pakistanis. To say someone is of south Asian race is meaningful statement based on underlying biological realities.

Take Pluto and Jupiter. There are real physical differences between the two entities. Yes you could say that labeling one as a planet and one as a dwarf planet is a social construction, yes the dividing line between the the two categories must have some level of arbitrarianess, but Pluto and Jupiter have real physical differences most notably mass, orbital radius and eccentricity. To say that planetness is a social construction is stupid.

Now is a naming scheme where a dwarf planet is not a planet stupid? Of course it is. Its an abuse of the English language. I expect a very different standard from STEM people than from poets in their use of language. But does that mean we should abandon Astronomy? No of course not any more than we should abandon racial science because some people have made some very dubious racial classifications.
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