Is It Okay To Be White? - Page 32 - Politics | PoFo

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Is It Okay To Be White?

1. Yes, It Is Okay To Be White.
2. No, It Is Not Okay To Be White.
3. Other
You people have withered culturally since the French won your independence for you. Honestly it is very simple.

Decky wrote:You people have withered culturally since the French won your independence for you. Honestly it is very simple.

Yeah, and your use of english has really withered since we took over your Empire for you. :p

Cheeky Nandos?

Might break my chicken-fast and get myself a cheeky nandos when I'm in Brum in a couple of months.

Although I guess if I get it myself it'll just be a nandos. :?:

Either way, win-win.
skinster wrote:Might break my chicken-fast and get myself a cheeky nandos when I'm in Brum in a couple of months.

Although I guess if I get it myself it'll just be a nandos. :?:

Either way, win-win.

One Degree wrote:No, you are a textbook liberal

See what I mean, I stated I was libertarian and you accuse me of being something I'm not. Text book conservative, it doesn't help that you're a hypocrite cause you think all libertarians act a certain way. Now who's accusing who of generalization?

One Degree wrote:You give yourself away when you talk about Blacks as if they are an abused animal that you need to protect as if they have no agency of their own.

So actually listening to their problems=they have no agency of their own?:eh:

One Degree wrote:Some of them are vicious, some of them are neighborhood saints.

Of course, doesn't change the fact society and the world don't see Blacks as individuals.

One Degree wrote: You see, they are not ‘Blacks’, they are people and you are demeaning them every time you lump them all together with such comments as “Blacks suffer more.”.

Just because you're color blind doesn't change society views. I call a spade a spade, Blacks suffer more, it's a fact. Worldwide they're hated, whose fault is it to make them hated?

One Degree wrote: Every time you tell poor Blacks racism is their cause of poverty, you reduce the numbers who succeed.

Really so is that any better than Blacks saying all whites are the reason they don't succeed? That a white person is stopping them from reading? See now you're thinking like a liberal.

One Degree wrote: Even if you believe it is true,

And it is.

One Degree wrote:what good does it do to provide such a crutch?

Why not ask whites what their crutch is in america: Blacks/non-whites keeping white shithole communities from being successful or getting jobs. Go to rural white areas, you won't believe how much word for word they're like Blacks.

One Degree wrote:You make yourself feel better by calling white people racist which does not do one damn bit of good for anyone.

I never said all whites were racist, I just stating the society is built upon it. And we as whites need to follow our own rhetoric and own up to our crimes. If only to stop Blacks from killing us and each other.

One Degree wrote:I have repeatedly asked liberals on this forum for concrete proposals or laws that need passed. Silence. How about you? Do you have any actual proposals or just worthless name calling?
What do you want done?

Ok, for one thing: police zero tolerance for shooting unarmed people who aren't a threat. End job discrimination based on race, end AA in schools. End incarceration people of drug use/dealing/possession. Removal of cops who have racist views, a crackdown on police unions. Agencies fighting corruption in the Justice System and police. Free association of business, lower gun laws that hurt Blacks.
By Rich
Pants-of-dog wrote:Yes. The Five Nations Confederacy by the people we now call the Iroquois.

:lol: I recommend "Black Robe", as a good popular introduction to the five nations implementation of social justice. The acute observer might notice some incy wincy little difference to a modern universities code of conduct. However the Iroquois are a progressive role model, given the high status of volk women. They show you don't need agrarian patriarchy for extreme racist nationalism, torture and war mongering.
Decky wrote:You people have withered culturally since the French won your independence for you. Honestly it is very simple.


Oh God, I wish I had not read your posts the first thing this morning. My old heart can’t stand laughing that much first thing. Surely there is a Monty Python skit on ‘cheeky nandos’ Somewhere.

Ok, for one thing: police zero tolerance for shooting unarmed people who aren't a threat. End job discrimination based on race, end AA in schools. End incarceration people of drug use/dealing/possession. Removal of cops who have racist views, a crackdown on police unions. Agencies fighting corruption in the Justice System and police. Free association of business, lower gun laws that hurt Blacks.

You are getting closer to being reasonable, but please notice none of your suggestions are what Blacks can change to make things better for themselves. You still place everything on ‘the system’. There are many good people locally working on the latter, but their efforts are undermined by liberal national media and the DNC only sensationalizing racism. It does not help young poor Blacks to concentrate on things they have no power to control. Their success lies in concentrating on things they can control.
Also, do not all of your suggestions apply to everyone? Why do you believe they should be treated as race issues. They can all be addressed as they apply to everyone.
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