Israeli troops kill dozens of Palestinians in protests as US embassy opens in Jerusalem – live updat - Page 34 - Politics | PoFo

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Oxymandias wrote:@Suntzu

Actually the birth rate in Palestine has been declining over the years, depression is off the charts, and infant morality rate is high. I don't know where any of you are getting this idea that Palestine has a high birth rate.

Traditionally an increased population is because of a high birth rate, but these stats are interesting. The population is rising at a fast rate, but the birth rate is slightly going down.

What's causing the population increase then?

Maybe it's the population replacement rate(births to deaths ratio) remaining in favour of births. +Immigration of cause.
colliric wrote:

Traditionally an increased population is because of a high birth rate, but these stats are interesting. The population is rising at a fast rate, but the birth rate is slightly going down.

What's causing the population increase then?

Maybe it's the population replacement rate(births to deaths ratio) remaining in favour of births. +Immigration of cause.

30.4 34/225 amongst the highest in the world. U.S. is 12.5.

>implying there’s is immigration to Gaza

I’m sorry, but that is just hilarious. No one from the outside world would think of getting into a literal concentration camp. There has been no one who has been migrating to Gaza and even then, people are unable to. It’s like saying “Concentration camps have low birth rates but their populations keep increasing... IT MUST BE IMMIGRANTS!”. Can’t you see how fucking stupid that has to be?

Furthermore, how can a concentration camp with a birth rate that’s significantly declining even catch up with the death rate of its population?


Good job Suntzu! Do you want a cookie? Seriously though, this has nothing to do with Palestine or Israel and seems to be your attempt at talking about some conspiracy bullshit like the Great Replacement or something. It has no relevance to this particular thread so good on you for being so “random”.
Suntzu wrote:Why are Muslims depending on a bunch of Jews for food, water, electricity and medical supplies?

Because they have no other choice. Egypt doesn't want to deal with Hamas either.

Although that has thawed a little: ... tah-562889
Israel suspends fuel deliveries to Gaza over arson attacks


Israel has tightened restrictions on its only cargo crossing with the Gaza Strip, after Palestinians carried out fresh attacks with incendiary balloons.

No fuel will enter through Kerem Shalom until Sunday, but food and medicine deliveries will still be permitted.

Israeli Defence Minister Avigdor Lieberman said it was responding to "continued terror attempts" by the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas.

Hamas, which dominates Gaza, warned Israel of "dangerous consequences".

On Saturday, the Israeli military carried out waves of air strikes across the coastal territory in response to some of the most intensive bombardments from Gaza since the 2014 war between Israel and Hamas.

Two Palestinians were killed and 14 others wounded in the Israeli strikes, while four Israelis were wounded when more than 200 rockets and mortars were fired towards southern Israel.

The violence subsided after Hamas and Islamic Jihad militants agreed to a ceasefire brokered by Egypt.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he was prepared to "increase the force of our attacks" if Palestinians did not stop launching kites and balloons carrying containers of burning fuel and explosive devices over the Gaza-Israel border.

The devices have sparked hundreds fires in southern Israel, burning more than 2,830 hectares (7,000 acres) of forest and farmland and causing hundreds of thousands of dollars of damage, officials say.

The arson attacks began during mass demonstrations along the border, at which thousands of Palestinians have expressed their support for the declared right of Palestinian refugees to return to their ancestral homes in what is now Israel and also demanded an end to the blockade of Gaza imposed by Israel and Egypt.

Gaza health officials say more than 130 Palestinians have been killed and 15,000 others injured by Israeli forces during the protests.

Human rights groups have accused Israeli troops of using excessive force. Israel has said they have only opened fire in self-defence or on people trying to infiltrate its territory under the cover of the protests.

On Monday, Israeli aircraft bombed two Hamas posts after incendiary balloons caused four fires in Israel.

Later, Mr Lieberman announced that Kerem Shalom would be closed for fuel deliveries and the distance which Gaza's fishermen would be allowed from the coast reduced from six nautical miles (12 km) to three.

It comes days after Israel suspended imports and exports through the crossing except for basic humanitarian supplies - fuel, food, some medical equipment and medicine, livestock, and animal feed - in order to put pressure on Hamas.

A Hamas spokesman called the closure a "crime against humanity".

"These vengeful measures reflect the degree of the oppression and the ugliness of the crime that Gaza is facing, that will have dangerous consequences for which the occupation will bear full responsibility," Fawzi Barhoum said.


The Israeli non-governmental organisation Gisha, which promotes freedom of movement for Palestinians, said the "shutting down of Gaza's main lifeline is an abhorrent act of illegal collective punishment against the two million residents of Gaza, most of whom are children".

Israel and Egypt imposed a land, sea and air blockade on Gaza when Hamas reinforced its power over the territory in 2007 by ousting its rivals, a year after winning legislative elections. The two countries say the blockade is for self-defence.

As usual, the lies of the Anti-Israel posters are exposed once again.
The closure does not include food and medical supplies.
The closure is a direct result of terrorists sending incendiary devices over the border that have burned down thousands of acres of agricultural land and nature reserves.
The Arabs in the queue should blame their fellow Arabs who are having fun sending balloons and kites with fire over the border. Such fun they are having !

So far the IDF has refused to shoot the pyromaniacs but pressure is building by the public to do just that.
skinster wrote:
Israelis make life in concentration-camp Gaza horrifying:

That gazapal re-tweet is fake news.
Just spouting lies to make people hateful.
"Death of two million Palestinians"?
"Concentration camp" ?
Just incitement

We are used to it by now but it would be better to use less-biased sources to post the Arab propaganda.
Ter, the facts speak for themselves and I've posted them plenty whenever zionists makes drive-by posts complaining about "haters", propaganda, killer-kites - :D that one is actually funny so keep it coming if you like - and Gaza not being a concentration camp. Gaza is a concentration camp. A prison camp if this term bothers you less. And I've proven repeatedly how that is. Prove me wrong. Prove Israel isn't an apartheid state. Prove it's not a colonial state. Prove it's not a settler-colonial state. Prove it's not ethnocentric. Prove it's not genocidal. Prove it's a democracy. On topic, prove Israel is not killing prison protesters from a distance who pose no threat whatsoever to the assassins. Prove Israel hasn't been shooting to death journalists and nurses on the grounds of the prison that is Gaza.

But you and those like you don't come back and argue your points, while supporting one of the strongest armies in the world, that imprisons 2 million people in Gaza, and militarily, brutally, occupies 4 million others in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, stealing all of their land, making their EVERY DAY lives hell, killing their children every 3 days, starving them, poisoning their water, giving them 2-4 hours of electricity per day, torturing their children, banning them from even leaving their dire conditions etc., what the hell do you expect when they resist? They have nothing left to live for. You would do the exact same in their position. Anyone would. Your boy who wrote The Iron Wall talks about that too.

Not that Palestinian resistance has much of an effect, it can't; it's a civilian population against one of the strongest armies in the world, living painfully under its boot.

I shall continue with updates of the dire situation in Gaza, that sociopaths like you, Ter, keep apologizing for. If you have any arguments, make them, you can start first by disproving Gaza is a concentration camp.

Suntzu wrote:Why are Muslims depending on a bunch of Jews for food, water, electricity and medical supplies?

Israel controls them. And it's not "Jews", it's zionists, plenty of Jews oppose Israel too. You should see what's going on with the younger Jews (I mean "haters" :D ) in the US right now, and even on Birthright. It's really heartwarming. 8)

Some good news:

Even worse news:
Israeli Conquest of Gaza Looms as IDF Told to Prepare to “Conquer” Gaza
skinster wrote: Prove it's not a settler-colonial state. Prove it's not ethnocentric. Prove it's not genocidal. Prove it's a democracy. On topic, prove Israel is not killing prison protesters from a distance who pose no threat whatsoever to the assassins. Prove Israel hasn't been shooting to death journalists and nurses on the grounds of the prison that is Gaza.

You are asking to prove negatives.
That will not work.

I demonstrated some of your lies, like your re-tweet from "gazapal" that says that no food, medicines are allowed to enter Gaza. I posted a BBC article demonstrating your lies.
You constantly fill pofo with your propaganda with lies and cliches but I think very few people care, the audience here is just a handful of people who have already made up their minds about the Arab problem.

skinster wrote:I shall continue with updates of the dire situation in Gaza, that sociopaths like you, Ter, keep apologizing for.

:D remind me where you got your degree in psychiatry ?
"The Monster's Are Due On Maple Street", Israeli news media remake: ... -1.6292767

... Flaming Kites, the latest paranoid xenophobic media-manipulation weapon.

...and yes Ter, the Pal media does it too, everyone knows that already.

Ter wrote:You are asking to prove negatives.
That will not work.

No I'm not, I proved how Gaza is a concentration camp, it's your turn to prove me wrong. Obviously you can't do that, I am aware.

I demonstrated some of your lies, like your re-tweet from "gazapal" that says that no food, medicines are allowed to enter Gaza. I posted a BBC article demonstrating your lies.

The BBC is zionist dog-shit and I refuse to debate your nonsense further until you can prove Gaza is not a concentration/prison camp. :)

:D remind me where you got your degree in psychiatry ?

I'm surprised you know big words like psychiatry when the word 'apologist' is lost on you. Pretending you aren't an apologist for a fascist state like Israel is really weird, given what I'm responding to right now, but okay. :lol:
skinster wrote:The BBC is zionist dog-shit

:lol: I believe they have been overly sympathetic to the Arabs.

skinster wrote:No I'm not, I proved how Gaza is a concentration camp

You have proved no such thing.
You use tainted words like "concentration camp", "apartheid" and "fascist" to portray Israel in a bad day light. It is typical for anti-zionists like you. Only people like you use these words, as much as you try to make them commonplace.

skinster wrote:I'm surprised you know big words like psychiatry

You have no idea about me but I am not surprised that for you, these are "big words" :D

skinster wrote:Pretending you aren't an apologist for a fascist state like Israel is really weird

Oh my, you really used a dictionary today !
Some people would say that the "resistance" you support are terrorists, so it all depends on one's point of view.
Your opinion is ever so boring, Ter. I said I'm aware you can't prove Gaza is a concentration camp, because that would be denying reality. And while your ilk is excellent at doing that, the facts speak for themselves, so much so that world leaders have called Gaza what I call it, including Tory scum like David Cameron.

Terrorism in Gaza, yesterday.
B’Tselem: Palestinian paramedic Razan al-Najjar was ‘deliberately and fatally shot’ by Israeli sniper
The Israeli human rights NGO B’Tselem today released a report about the killing of Palestinian paramedic Razan al-Najjar (20), who was fatally shot in the chest while nursing the wounded in Gaza on the 1st of June during the Great March of Return.

The report is directly contradicting the Israeli army claim that it was “just an accident”:

“Contrary to the many versions offered by the military, the facts of the case lead to only one conclusion. An investigation conducted by B’Tselem proves 20-year-old a-Najar was fatally shot by a member of the security forces who was aiming directly at her as she was standing about 25 meters away from the fence, despite the fact that she posed no danger to him or anyone else and was wearing a medical uniform”, B’Tselem write.

The report draws on several testimonies by colleague medics who were with Razan (also referred to as ‘Rozan a-Najar’). Here’s an excerpt of the testimony by paramedic Rami Abu Jazar, who tells what happened after the paramedic team was targeted with tear gas and had recovered from the choking effect:

“After we had moved away, we started feeling better and decided to go closer to the protesters. We stood about 10 meters away from them, which was about 25 meters away from the fence. There were no protesters near us. At around a quarter to six, we saw two soldiers get out of a military jeep, kneel and aim their guns at us, taking up a sniper stance. Rozan was standing to my right and Rasha was behind me. We were talking. Suddenly, they fired two live bullets at us. I looked at Rozan and saw her point to her back and then fall down. A second later, I fell too, because I had been hit above the left knee. I was later told that Rozan had been hit in the left side of the chest. Mahmoud was hit by shrapnel in the right hand and the pelvic area.”

B’Tselem lists the “many versions” the army offered of the event:

“The IDF Spokesperson tried to clear the military of responsibility for a-Najar’s death, initially saying that soldiers did not fire at the spot where she had been standing. Later, the military said a-Najar might have been killed by a ricochet, before finally accusing her of serving as a human shield for rioters.”

And it concludes with a devastating condemnation of the Israeli army, state and legal apparatus:

“The disavowal of responsibility for a-Najar’s killing by the IDF Spokesperson and other Israeli state officials should not be construed as an instance of the competent authorities informing the public of the facts. Far from it. They are simply part of the efforts made by the authorities responsible for this policy to mitigate the damage to Israel’s image by hiding and whitewashing the facts. Yet, propaganda and reality are two different things. In reality, Israel is indifferent to the killing of Palestinians. Otherwise, it would long ago have changed its open-fire policy and stopped shooting at unarmed protesters on the other side of the fence who pose no danger to anyone. Evidence of this criminal policy is found time and time again as the military persists in implementing it unchanged, enlisting its whitewashing apparatus to back it up, which almost always ensure no one will be held accountable for the killing of Palestinians even in outrageous circumstances such as a-Najar’s killing.”

This is the point where also Haaretz correspondent Asaf Ronel will have to eat his hat. He had opined that “it’s unlikely that a sniper deliberately killed Razan al-Najjar”.

B’Tselem is telling us that it is not “unlikely” at all, and furthermore, that she was “deliberately and fatally shot”. They are all but using the term “murder”. But that’s the obvious conclusion of it. And they are basically saying to us, that if Israel is left to its own devices on this, it will, once again, get away with murder. ... iberately/

skinster wrote:

I have heard of her before . In the interest of full disclosure , for what it's worth , Noura Erakat might even be considered a fellow comrade , as she is a member of the board of trustees , of the Institute for Policy Studies . So it's interesting , and impressive , that someone with such a strongly left-wing orientation is afforded such credibility from a major media outlet , and not simply such sources as RT , where I believe I saw her give an interview before . It was either that or Free Speech TV .
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